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6723644 No.6723644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often do "normal" people think about suicide?

>> No.6723654

I consider myself normal and I attempt it every other month

>you will always be a filthy normie

>> No.6723660

The glorification of depression and suicide isn't a laughing matter. Thinking about suicide is not fun nor should depression be perceived as making a person 'deep' or interesting.

I know OP is baiting but I just wanted to make that point.

>> No.6723662

I've never seriously tought about suicide.

>> No.6723663

Probably never.

>> No.6723665

"Oh yeah, that thing I won't do."

>> No.6723668

Normal people are the only ones who commit suicide.

>> No.6723683

that's not normal, pal

>> No.6723689

Thanks for trying man, it means a lot

>> No.6723693

what is normal

>> No.6723694

The only real philosophical problem is that of suicide. If you don't think about it regularly then you are an unenlightened plebeian.

>> No.6723714

>Think of suicide daily
>core reason for not doing it is because of the investment that my parents put into me, and the effect it would have on my living family

>> No.6723717
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>>core reason for not doing it is because of the investment that my parents put into me, and the effect it would have on my living family

>> No.6723720

probably almost never
why would a normal, well-adjusted person with a decent job, an SO, a solid emotional support group, and a well-rounded life think about suicide? 'normal' people are probably too busy to even stop to think about it.

>> No.6723729
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My negros.

>> No.6723733
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I-It could get better Anons
At least that's what i tell myself

>> No.6723739

>well-adjusted person with a decent job, an SO, a solid emotional support group, and a well-rounded life

Not yet in this day and age, friend.

>> No.6723742 [DELETED] 

I'm engaged and go to music festivals and am more or leas successful and I want to kill myself every day. You fuckers may as well end it.

>> No.6723744

I agree, but most of the interesting people I know are at least sad, often really depressed, anxious, nervous, manic. Then again, it might just be me seeking out my own kind because I'm unable to form meaningful connections with people who are not any of those things

>> No.6723755


I know that feeling bro.

I'm depressed. I took antidep but stopped 3 months ago because I didnt want to see the doctor again. Now I think how being dead would be easier, but I still wont to live. Also my mom clearly stated multiple times that if one of her sons would die she would probably go insane. So I'll just keep up.

And that's an advice to you all. Just find ONE thing you like in life and you're good.

>> No.6723758

Why would you ever suicide? I could never understand this.

>> No.6723761

Why would you continue on living?

>> No.6723775

About as often as /lit/ actually discusses literature.

>> No.6723778

I don't know any normal people, no idea.

>> No.6723779

I dont have friends.

>> No.6723785
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>> No.6723811

Because I was dead for an infinite amount of time before I born. Even if my life is bad, killing myself would indicate that I'm too dumb to appreciate the complexity and singularity of the phenomenon called life.

>> No.6723825

Yes I completely understand what you mean. There are many examples of great artists and writers who suffered from depression or other mental ilnesses. So much so that some people stupidly conclude that serious mental ilnesses are either a sign of a creative mind or that negative emotions are a good source of inspiration. Doing so glorifying depression, suicide, schizofrenia etc. While negative emotions can and have inspired great works of art, we shouldn't go looking for these negative emotions. The idea that great art and depression go hand in hand is perpetuated by fans and artists a like. I find this a huge problem because depression and othe mental illnesses are not fun and mostly work against the creative process. I think this is something that people who have dealt or are dealing with these problems can relate to.

I could go on but I don't feel like it. In conclusion: Depression and suicidal thoughts are not fucking fun and they don't make you a more deep or interesting person.

>> No.6723834

Most likely when some shallow, temporary and unfortunate circumstances rears its head into their lives. Unfortunate circumstances which are easy to control when you have the proper means of dealing with them under your cognitive toolbelt.

>> No.6723841

Basically you're afraid of the people who will call you dumb and ungrateful after you've killed yourself?
That's kinda silly.

>> No.6723849


>> No.6723853

well, corpses aren't interesting. but a survived almost-corpse might be.

>> No.6723885

I talked about how I feel about myself, and not about others feel about me. Why do you thought that I was talking about others, anon? Do you usually take people opinions so seriously?

>> No.6723890

An uninterresting person witg depresiob will be an uninteristing person with an especially miserable outlook on life. An interesting person will be interesting whether or not they are depressed or not. Do you think Van Gogh was a great painter because he was depressed and insane or because he was just a great painter? Wouldn't it have been better if he had a more optimistic view of life and had kept on painting instead of committing suicide at 37?

>> No.6723892
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>wow, you're such a selfish cunt for not wanting to live because your family wouldn't enjoy your suicide
>don't be a cunt to your parents mate, just live a hopeless existence for the next five decades or so, stop making people feel bad
>life is a precious gift why waste it!!?
>cheer up
>follow your bliss
>be yourself
>there is a perfect job and a perfect girl out there for everyone happiness is around the corner you just have to go out in the world and find it!!

>> No.6723923

>I attempt it every other month
Every month? How does that even work?

I mean, surely you'd have learned from your mistakes after the first couple attempts and then managed to get it right.

>> No.6723960

If yiu're depressed an truly feel this way, go to therapy or get antidepressants. I think you can probably relate when I say when I say that depression is like being in a dark room without windows but not even being able to imagine that there's light outside of the room. If you have a roof over your head, food and can affors a device with which you're able to acces the internet there's a good chance you can make your situation better. I'm not saying it's easy but it's certainly not impossible.

>> No.6724018

I'm not depressed myself at the moment, it's just the standard normie rhetoric against people who are that I've heard a lot. Absolutely useless platitudes and just world fallacies.

>> No.6724034

>killing myself would indicate that I'm too dumb to appreciate the complexity and singularity of the phenomenon called life
>killing myself would indicate
Indicate to whom? You'll already be dead. Of course your words show your concern for others' judgement. Don't try to save face here, m8.

>> No.6724050

You idiot, suicide is a widely explored theme in literature.

I had to click 4 pizzas for this reply.

>> No.6724091

So what's your point exactly? I never said that it was an unexplored theme.

The whole pizza-clicking thing is ridiculous though.

>> No.6724100

>I had to click 4 pizzas for this reply.
Made me kek so hard

>> No.6724108

What if I have mood swings, in which I think about suicide? Am I suicidal or just moody? When I'm not in a mood I'm just normal, or sometimes slightly manic. And no, pretty sure I'm not bipolar.

I also want to buy some literature on suicide. Is Hume's on suicide and Durkheim's on suicide a good starting point?

>> No.6724111

Normal people never think about suicide. Suicidal thoughts are almost a sure sign of abnormality, e.g. mental illness, social ostracism, etc.

Even so, a life not constantly contemplating suicide is a life not lived.

>> No.6724114

He's obviously not very good at it.

>> No.6724128

still, if i was that inept, i'd probably kill myself

>> No.6724163

Define 'suicide'

>> No.6724200

I'm pretty much normal by 4chan's standards and I've attempted it once and think about it most days.

>> No.6724313

I think everyone considers the option or thinks about it when they feel a considerable amount of pain, just as a way to make the pain stop, but most people don't seriously consider it.

I've attempted twice with prescription drugs, both times woke up in a hospital in a lot of pain and had to stay in a mental ward for a while. I go through rough periods when I am considering it constantly, to the point where I make preparations. I think about murder sometimes too, the reason I'm this way is definitely largely the fault of another person, who could have easily prevented it. Feels human as fuck, really. It's crazy thinking about how many people there are out there having similar thoughts to myself.

I'm alright right now though, getting my novels finished and such. Feels good.

>> No.6724325
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>I'm alright right now though, getting my novels finished and such. Feels good.

>> No.6724343

not very often

>> No.6724348

suicide seems like almost a natural impulse, but I've never tried it. I self-harmed throughout school and whatnot, but never felt compelled to end the damn thing. how would I ever get any reading or writing done?

>> No.6724453

As someone who attempted suicide, i can honnestly say that i wish i had suceeded sometimes. I am relatively happy, i'm living with a woman whom i love but even then i feel like like it's not worth it, that there's morte pain than joy in Life.

>> No.6724466

Normal people SAY that suicide isn't a normal thing to think about on the regular.
But what people think and what people say often differ greatly.

In the end, who knows???

>> No.6724497

Yet, the pizzas are the easiest by far. The pieces of meat are far trickier.

>> No.6724525
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>Epicurus pointed out that the fear of death is irrational because you can never actually experience death

Here I go taking things to logical extremes. Is it even logical to avoid death? Why do you avoid something that you can't even experience? Why would it even matter if I walked in front of a train right now?

>> No.6724549

Lots of "normal" people experience depression and many of these probably contemplate suicide often.

>> No.6724562

People aren't afraid of death itself, they're afraid to not Being able to experience life again.

>> No.6724570

It wouldn't matter to me but you risk suffering eternal damnation.

>> No.6724583

I'm not scared of death, I'm scared of the painful events that will lead to it.

>> No.6724592
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>life is suffering
>suicide is non existence
>non existence relieves suicide

Why even live bro's.

>> No.6724593

It seems a little immature to continue suffering in the off chance that something bad may happen afterwards. Surely the suffering is comparable if it's a consideration in the first place, right?

>> No.6724596

Im not afraid of death, Im afraid of dying.

>> No.6724597

relieves suffering*

>> No.6724609

depression isn't real and suicide is the best thing an individual can do

>> No.6724623

>I could never understand this.

No surprises there.

>> No.6724666

I've been seriously considering suicide again recently. Having survived about 4 suicide attempts, each with a different method, you get some perspective on it. Life starts to feel a little bit like a game, in that you lose your inhibition towards dangerous behavior. With each attempt the fear you have about the act reduces and it becomes easier to think about and do. I've got to thinking about that feeling when you break past your fear and start the act of ending your own life. Its a weird feeling, you can feel your body resisting but you push forward and overcome that resistance and arrive at a strange place. Its a surreal state really, you feel the pain as you cut into yourself but actually its not as bad as you thought it was and you discover that you have the will to carry the act out. The pain isn't so bad, its the fear of the pain beforehand.

Of course in retrospect, you realize those thoughts are alien and scary. I'm still sane enough to recognize that, at least for now.

>> No.6724701

Fuck people who think suicide is cowardly or weak. Fuck people who think it is selfish.

The most basic human right I think, the most primal and simple right that should come with being alive, is the choice to end that life. All you truly have is your self, and you should be able to do what ever you want with that self.

Suicide is only ever considered when pain outweighs the urge to live, when it outweighs the joys life can bring to a person. Humans only ever act in self-interest, therefore it is easy to assume that the only people who truly are suicidal, who believe that the pains of life aren't worth the joys, have either committed suicide or attempted it.

Anyone who says that suicide is weak or selfish has clearly never been at that level of discomfort with existing and has no idea what they are talking about, myself included.

It makes me really fucking mad.

>> No.6724711

american society is largely abnormal and strongly facilitates abnormalities such as suicidal ideation in the average, healthy human being. this question is the wrong question to ask.

>> No.6724714

You know how you stop watching a film when it's shit? Life is that way sometimes.

>> No.6724728

I don't feel like I'm avoiding death so much as clinging to life tbh. I like living.

>> No.6724734

Im normal. I never think about suicide. Im popular and good looking so there's that

>> No.6724746

I think most of your guys's problem is lonliness

>> No.6724762

>enjoy hanging from a tree being torn at by devils and birds with talons and razors in the afterlife

shoo shoo Satan, you can't have my soul.

Nobody can deny that smoking is cool and suicide is romantic, but you'll never get me to do either.

>> No.6724766

I smoke

it's the least cute thing I do, I think, and yet it goes over so well..

people are strange

>> No.6724778


Normal people repeat this too often that it's a clue that they also think on suicide a lot and they would like to really believe on those phrases.

I think most people has depressive thoughts, it's just they are more closed about them.

>> No.6724803
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i feel suicidal sometimes
but all pessimist rhetoric makes me want to live out of spite just to prove their gay theories wrong

i just wish I wasn't so ugly thats all

>> No.6724850
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it's cool to be ugly bro