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/lit/ - Literature

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672196 No.672196 [Reply] [Original]

What's lit reading ATM?

>> No.672207
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>> No.672209

I just finished Mohsin Hamid's "The Reluctant Fundamentalist," which wasn't bad, and Jack Vance's "Lyonesse: Suldrun's Garden," which was a sort of epic shaggy dog story that I grew to loathe as I slogged my way through.

About to start "The Catastrophist."

>> No.672212

I'm about to start Lolita, and then I'm going to read We The Living.

>> No.672221

Blindness, by Jose Saramago

>> No.672222

I downloaded the audiobook of this, and after the first disk it wad some bullshit about the modern woman. Total bummer.

>> No.672229 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to get through Atlas Shrugged right now, on the insistence of a friend. The characters are terrible.

>> No.672237

I'm trying to get through Atlas Shrugged right now, at the insistence of a friend. The characters are terrible.

>> No.672241

The Color of Magic by Pratchett and just finished Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is a interesting contrast..

>> No.672250

All the Pretty Horses, Cormac Mccarthy. it's a decent at least semi-literary adventure story so far.

>> No.672252


Your a wad of bullshit.

>> No.672253
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Same, except it's the Vintage edition. Also, pic related.

>> No.672255

Desert Islands and other Texts by Gilles Deleuze. His essays about other writers (bergson, nietzsche) and structuralism leave me flat. His more political writings (interviews about Anti-oedipus, prisons and prisoners) and the aesthetic essays are fantastic.

>> No.672280


good book. obviously.

>> No.672287
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Manga Shakespeare!~



>> No.672289
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I'm reading that! Great book.

>> No.672301

Op here

Dude, youre cool. I seriously can't say how awesome this photograph is to me.

>> No.672317

whats it aboot?

>> No.672329

It's a collection of short stories about what happens after the Galactic Empire falls. It focuses on the Foundation, a small, weak planet whose mission is to found the Second Galactic Empire against all odds, using science.

>> No.672332

Sounds alright. Do the short stories link up?

>> No.672347
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Brothers Karamazov (finally)

>> No.672355

maldoror - lautreamont

>> No.672358

Reading Julian May's Pliocene Exile, after finally finishing her Galactic Milieu series. I really liked the latter, but the former seems like it might be generic pulp sci-fi.

>> No.672365

The part about the child chasing the bus or the part about the hermaphrodite are worth it on their own.

>> No.672366

just finished the part with the hermaphrodite, now I have no idea what's going on haha

>> No.672370

Yea the stories are in chronological order, and sometimes two consecutive stories will have the same character but at a different age. There's a lot of continuity, you can see how the situation evolves.

>> No.672374

lol yeah it's best to give up on trying to know what's going on. The ideas are coherent, but it's not like a coherent story. The biggest piece of fuckery to me was the part where the incense burner from the church came alive...i think..

>> No.672385

sounds pretty good, might have to check it out one day

rules say i cannot mention what i am reading

>> No.672409

Great book OP, just finished Foundation's Edge a month ago. Now reading Altered Carbon.

>> No.672434

i would fuck every single male character in that book. even leo, who is a whiny bitch.

>> No.672440
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The Rising, after somebody recommended it here. It sucks so far, but maybe I'm expecting too much

>> No.672443

The Road to Serfdom

>> No.672461
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The Bell Jar.
It's pretty good. I can relate to it.

>> No.672491
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I'm going to get through as much of the Aubrey-Maturin series as possible this summer. I'm partially through the fourth book.

>> No.672511
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>> No.672512

Spoiler, you kill yourself in the end.

>> No.672527

Spoiler: I haven't even gotten to the asylum yet.

>> No.672545
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Just finished Coin Locker Babies. That was a really good, gritty read, although it had me going "wat" a couple times. The writing and phrasing, and the mental imagery it called up, was amazing.

Now starting on Dragons of the Dwarven Depths, the first in the newest Dragonlance trilogy. I hope it's better than the War of Souls set, because that shit was lame, plot-wise.

>> No.672546
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Philosophical Investigations - Ludwig Wittgenstein

>> No.672549
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>> No.672550
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I'd never read Vonnegut before (I'm 23, and an avid reader. Somehow missed it all). I read Slaughter-House Five and loved it, so I figured I'd read this short story collection.

Also finishing up Y: The Last Man. I strongly recommend to any comic/graphic novel fan. It's great.

>> No.672554

"Return of the Crimson Guard" by Ian Esslemont. It is srt in the Malazan world. Overall it is pretty decent aside from one GLARING inaccuracy.

>> No.672555
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I picked it up the other day.

>> No.672560

Repetition - Kierkegaard

>> No.672569
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'I, Robot' made me yawn a lot. Is Foundation really that good? I know where to get a cheap boxset if that's the case.

>> No.672574


Not really. It's just a lot of world building with a few neat ideas and no good characters. Pretty meh, imo.

>> No.672577

it's obligatory SF reading, but you also have to consider WHEN it was written.
once that fact settles you'll be mindblown by it.

>> No.672579

Nothing :C.

Need to get a new book. Just finished Gateway by Frederik Pohl. It was pretty cool, except towards the end it basically became gay orgies in space. Probably going to have a look at the rest of the Scifi Masterworks series and I always have /lit/'s scifi reading guide.

>> No.672586


Long Live Cadderly

>> No.672589
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>> No.672632

sure is sci-fi in here

>> No.672635

I'm reading Huckleberry Finn.

It's pretty good, but there sure are some pointless joke scenes and a shitload of perfectly useless dialogue.

>> No.672639

Just spent the last six hours reading Kafka on the Shore. One of the absolute best books I've ever read.

>> No.672643

Op here.

>> No.672658
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>> No.672660

sci-fi saturday

>> No.672667

>Just spent the last six hours reading Kafka on the Shore. One of the absolute best books I've ever read.
Yeah. Brilliant book. Better than Norwegian Wood

Is there going to be a 4th person with Foundation?

>> No.672775
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Shit's getting international.

>> No.672783
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Unfortunately I don't have my copy of foundation anymore!

>> No.672789
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Hell Screen is excellent.

>> No.672792


>> No.672838

Pyramid by Terry Pratchett, bought a box of Pratchett books for £20 in a car boot sale. pretty much all of them. I am sorted for a while.

>> No.672989
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haters gonna hate

>> No.673000
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A Feast For Crows.

Finished the previous one in three days or so.

Taking this one slowly...I swear!

>> No.673037

do yourself a favour and stop wasting your time....
I've read a lot of Asimov's Robot books and I might want to read more by him. A lot of people her have mentioned Foundation, but now that you're saying that it takes place after the fall of a galactic empire, what is/are the prequels(s) to Foundation?
I don't really want to read in a chronlogically mixed-up order...
oh yes, hell screen was also my favourite in this collection which I had to return to the library, unfortunately.
yep, one can never have enough pratchet at home...

>> No.673087
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>one can never have enough pratchet at home...

>> No.673107
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I don't usually go in for epic fantasy, but it was highly recommended so I'm giving it a try.

It's pretty good.

>> No.673140
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>> No.673159
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You guys talk about it a lot, so I thought I'd give it a try.

>> No.673177
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Reading the shit out of Russia right now.

>> No.673190

how are those Dresden books? I've heard a lot about them, but haven't read any yet.

>> No.673198


I have no idea, to be honest. I've only read the first chapter so far, but it seems like a decent pulp novel.

>> No.673223


Butcher really hits his stride around the middle of book two.

>> No.673235
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>> No.673236

Strange eyebrows, girl.

>> No.673238
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Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman.

>> No.673239

And gets increasingly over-the-top as it goes on. Depending on how cynical you are, it's either balls to the walls awesome, or obvious fan pandering.
I plan on rereading the series, if that gives you an indication as to my side.

>> No.673243

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.673266

in your /lit/ reading your lit
while browsing /lit/

Jolly good times.

>> No.673267

i think i see a face underneath all that makeup. not sure.

>> No.673272

somebody please photoshop her jaw so that it's not all sticking out on her left side

bugs the shit out of me

>> No.673286

that was a hell of a triples.

>> No.673314



>> No.673364
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Len Deighton: The Ipcress File

>> No.673370
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So. Fucking. Cash.

>> No.673372
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He tries to imitate Adams' writing style, but tends to overdo it by a lot. It's an alright book, but doesn't even come close to the original five.

>> No.673373

A Storm of Swords - George R. R. Martin

>> No.673375

Heretics of Dune

>> No.673379

Have you got to the hardcore drug-induced porn scenes yet?

>> No.673381
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Nice pick Op, read that

>> No.673385
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nothing like starting your summer off with a "little" Pynchon

>> No.673387

Agreed. Also, didn't like what he did with Ford Prefect, seemed largely untrue to his character in the previous 5. Still very enjoyable though.

>> No.673482

Op here again. I luv u guise. This is why lit is great.

>> No.673503
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Just got to The Dead, which I had read separately before, so I know it's cash. Not sure I liked the Sisters, especially the ending.

Was going to lend it to me dad before he went off on vacation, and start A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, but I forgot it at a bro's house.

>> No.673505
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I'm almost done. After this I intend to finish 2666 once and for all.

>> No.673544
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Still reading Outlaws of the Marsh.

900+ pages into it, about 1500 to go. It is awesome, but I'm going to need a break SOON.

>> No.673617
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I'm shallow, sue me.

>> No.673620
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>> No.673621
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Then I'll read CS Lewis with my girlfriend

>> No.673628


Recommended: José Donoso

>> No.673643
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Gibson's pre-Neuromancer short stories; pretty good stuff. As a fan of Golden Age SF, I particularly liked The Gernsback Continuum.

>> No.673696
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>faggot buys hardcovers

Peter Carey is worth it, though.

>> No.673730
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inb4 faggot using a bookmark

I normally don't, but the Dune chapters aren't numbered...

>> No.673742
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>What's the matter faggot? trying to keep your place?
Is that honestly how you think people would react?

>> No.673743
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>> No.673751

I often poke fun of readers who aren't able to remember where they stopped, so yes.

Also this is 4chan.

>> No.673754


Wow, you're an asshole.

>> No.673761


Great fucking tale.

>> No.673763


>> No.673772

It was a bit slow from the very beginning, but by chapter three, I'm pretty engrossed.

>> No.673774

Awesome, under appreciated book.

Shit. This thread reminds me that my library books are overdue. But I don't want to go because my smell will allow me to fit in.

>> No.673776


Don't read it like a thriller, read it as a second read, not as your main book, a chapter before sleep, It's like a myth, an over the top fairy tale. I read it like over a whole summer and it was fantastic.

>> No.674205

Love this thread. Lit at it's finenest

>> No.674296

Hey- Does anyone have another copy of this that they could take a picture of with allt he other photos?

It'll be like looking down a neverending hall of mirrors oif we keep it up!

>> No.674335

op here,
i was thinking about going over to barnes and noble to get another copy and close the cycle. yeah, ima go do that
brb /lit/

>> No.674360
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ohai there

>> No.674363
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I'm currently reading this.

Liking it a lot so far

>> No.674379
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>> No.674381
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The City and the City.

Well written and very original. First book by Miéville I've read, and I'm impressed. Will definitely consider reading some of his steampunk.

>> No.674382
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Third time.

>> No.674399

Does the book read like a thesaurus threw up on it? His books look interesting but that seems like a common complaint with him....

>> No.674409

Hah, I suppose I can see what you're getting at. Still, I think his syntax throughout is a breath of fresh air to a lot of stuff I've read; his dialogue is often very realistic in the way it's presented also.

>> No.674413

read perdido street station next. i loved that. am reading the city after i finish foundation (OP herelol)

>> No.674423
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Lol, it's weird how I always end up buying multiple copies of the same book. Anyways, keepin tha dream alive

>> No.674424
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>> No.674452

Yeah, that's the one I had planned. Cheers for the recommendation OP. City and the City is really trippy, hope you enjoy.

>> No.674485

Finally getting around to The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.674487
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>> No.674512

Anastasia by Peter Kurth

>> No.674519
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>> No.674548
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>> No.674569
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Next is either Les Miserables, War and Peace, Dune, A Confederacy of Dunces, Ender's Game, Brave New World, Crime and Punishment, A Wrinkle in Time, The Red Badge of Courage, Rainbow's End, or Fahrenheit 451.

Why, yes, I am a newfag. Personally, I'm leaning towards Les Miserables.

>> No.674571
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>> No.674578

Trying Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. Got about a third of the way into it when i was like 13 but never finished it, and just found a copy

>> No.674607
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I'm a /sci/fag, obviously.

>> No.674613

bump bump bump.

>> No.674618

There's 100-some posts... I'm sure the vast majority of /lit/ has already posted.

>> No.674621
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Great story.

>> No.674627


I'm not telling you because I'm reviewing the book I'm reading and any mention would be giving the game away...

>> No.674649
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you piece of shit

>> No.674687

How is it? I started it when I was in school, but always had stuff coming up. The beginning seemed a bit dry and pedestrian - nothing that really blew my mind like his other writings.
Does it get better?

>> No.674724
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About to finish this.

>> No.674740
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Stranger in a Strange Land.

3/4ths the way through.

Started pretty good, but turned to shit faster than a Taco Bell Burrito.

>> No.674753 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 315x475, 41MBJEAFFXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trash it and read this instead.

>> No.674759

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. It's good...but I've definitely read better. Slightly of disappointed so far, but not pissed off or anything.

>> No.674760


Seriously, I have heard so many good things about this book.

Such a giant disappointment.

>> No.674814
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The Motherfucking T-Rex.

>> No.674821

It's really good.
That guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.674831

how is it?

>> No.674854
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This and I'm almost done with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

>> No.674997

About a million fucking student essays that I have to mark, and they're all shit.

>> No.675186

The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts Complete in One Volume by Marvin Meyer

>> No.675202

The Painted Veil by Somerset Maugham (personal)
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (English class)

Quality stuff. Dostoevsky named his first daughter Sofya.

I bought We the Living (and Anthem) yesterday. I'm looking forward to it.

That book's alright. I remember not enjoying it too much in middle school, but I remember liking the ideas.

Oliver Sacks is a great man.

>> No.675206

Beloved by Toni Morrison.

Not sure what to make of it, I just finished the 7th chapter.

>> No.675207

Posts on four chan.

>> No.675209

Urrrgh... That movie...

>> No.675212

>talking about The Painted Veil.

>> No.675247

who the fuck asked you for your opinion
as if anyone gives a shit

>> No.675254

cool tripfag

>> No.675781

as if anyone gives a fuck about your opinion of our opinions. gtfo.

>> No.675786
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Just finished Life of Pi. Looking at Norwegian wood next. Man, life of Pi was a good book.

>> No.675826

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish.

>> No.675862

Hate to break it to you, but none of the Dune books ever come close to the quality of the first one. I wasted a lot of time learning this. If I were you I'd save your time and go read about sandworms on Wikipedia or something to satisfy your curiosity.

>> No.675869
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Bitches got nothing on my trilogy!

>> No.675877

Just finished Use of Weapons, probably my least favorite Culture novel so far. Starting Against a Dark Background now.

>> No.675893

Just bought Dead Souls, worth reading?

>> No.676019

Just finished American Psycho and I don't know what I think yet.

>> No.676022

I'm reading it now - 4 chapters in. Gogol is hilarious.

>> No.677428

it's incomplete tho kind of a let down

>> No.677437

The Age of Reason.
And then more Warhammer 40k fluff.
Waiting until I can find the hidden stash of Camus in this house.

>> No.677451

I'm a few hundred pages into The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It's definitely worth reading if you like history and can set aside some time.

>> No.677585
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finished >>673364 , also finished. Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History --Thomas Barfield.

Now going back to _Rabbit, Run_, John Updike, Short Stories of Paul Bowles, McCollough: Truman, and Christianity: The first 3000 years.

I probably won't finish the short stories or the book about christi-inanity.

>> No.677596

Just finished The Nausea (Sartre) and starting Naked Lunch