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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 300x150, 300px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6721938 No.6721938 [Reply] [Original]

How can one country be so devoid of talent?

>> No.6721940

u farken wot m8

>> No.6721947
File: 32 KB, 618x309, nzflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things could be worse, bro.

>> No.6721955

Australia is marketing test ground/science project for more powerful countries business interest.
Whole country full of mannequins.
It's no good.

>> No.6721964

because of the certificate of disability in the upper left corner

>> No.6721966

God save the queen m8

>> No.6721967

>inb4 mentions of patrick white and robert hughes followed by a bunch of other average authors that anon want to pretend are in the same league as those two but aren't

literally every single aus thread

>> No.6721970

Maybe if you cunts mastered the literature of the antipodes, particularly the historical and anthropological literature, you'd look less like dumb fucks.

>> No.6721976

had u seen Snakes on a Plaen before you do the post mate?
Think again before checking yourself to step because you have to step correct.

>> No.6721977

>implying the glorious Queen from the House of Hanover has anything to do with the degenerated subhuman islandfrenchies she rules over.

>> No.6721988

Australia is the most anti-intellectual part of the Anglosphere.

>> No.6722012

in america most good music is made by niggers despite them being a small % of the population while white circumcised fuccbois are in flavour of the month bands called something like the mountain goats with whiny forgettable songs

>> No.6722015

>in america most good music is made by niggers
top lol

>> No.6722018
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>good music

>> No.6722023

>in america most good music is made by niggers
At some point it's just plain shitposting.

>> No.6722028

He does have a point, african american musicians were essential in the development of popular music, from Rock and Roll to House music. Truth is, without minorities, american music would have been irrelevant.

>> No.6722037

He doesn't have a point, european american musicians were essential in the development of popular music, from Rock and Roll to House music. Truth is, without white people, american music would have been irrelevant.

>> No.6722038

But you would have a lot less dead whites. Here in the UK white people have historically done most of their good music. Why don't white americans?

>> No.6722051

Samuel L Jackson's thriller Snakes on a Palen is got black guy on the lead role so no racism plz

>> No.6722061

He really doesn't. White musicians were also essential, which is what led Bob Dylan to call it musical race mixing. The majority of good musicians in the US are white simply on account of population.

>> No.6722065

>Bob Dylan
>Saying a bunch of lyrics

>> No.6722069

What a good opinion you have there

>> No.6722078
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>> No.6722079

You don't need to tell me

>> No.6722154

How can a poster on 4chan be so full of misguided opinions?

>> No.6722167

Disgusting. Why can't people be pretty like in books?

>> No.6722171

But nigger music sucks...

>> No.6722184

>le wrong generation
>epic racism

Today's black music is just as vibrant and groundbreaking as ever


>> No.6722192

put the memes down

>> No.6722196

>plastic soul man, plastic soul
Paul McCartney came up with the title "Rubber Soul" after he overheard an American nig say these words upon seeing the Rolling Stones perform. Most of The Beatles early songs were covers of American nig music and basically your statement is completely false. Rock 'n Roll came out of the American south from white hillbilly music and black blues.

>> No.6722200

>130 million views

you're looking at the future

>> No.6722203

trap music is the past and it's not groundbreaking anymore

>> No.6722204
File: 27 KB, 292x234, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to anything after Wagner

>> No.6722208

yes whatever the new vaporwaves is that has 2,000 views on youtube is surely relevant

i listen to wavves, no age, cloud nothings, japandroids, times new viking, vivian girls... not the music, the sound of their names when i say them to you cuz im so cool

>> No.6722209
File: 12 KB, 907x136, burgerfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia has only been civilised for two hundred years m8, what do you expect, a rich literary tradition?

We are an anti-intellectual country by and large but there is plenty of intellectual talent here, the smart folk just stay as far away from the yobbos as possible.

>> No.6722215

Also, mainlanders don't speak English very well as they all come from China.

>> No.6722219

Because Australia is a very new country in comparison to the rest of Western civilisation. Also our population is drastically small compared to another relatively new country, USA, which is similar to why Canada doesn't have that much literature, even though their population is still larger than Australia.

There's probably lots of papers written about this topic. Educate yourselves instead of postulating with memes

>> No.6722221

The one thing 4chan has taught me about aussies is that those aussies who aren't cunts are at least cunt-enablers. Everytime a cunt does something cuntish they just shrug and go, oh you know, cunts will be cunts. This would actually ake for a decent literary setting, but for that they'd have to be aware of what they're doing, and then they'd probably stop enabling the cunts.

>> No.6722223

>one off
kill me pls

>> No.6722225

>turning a blind eye to idiots is exclusive to Australians

>> No.6722232

>what do you expect, a rich literary tradition?
No m8, just maybe one novel or film anybody's heard of besides Schindler's List and Mad Max.

>> No.6722234

Never said that, it's just rather pervasive.

>> No.6722235

But I will add that Australia tends to be more inclined to sports and such before Arts and literature.

But to generalise all Australians as beer swilling bogans is the same as generalising all Americans as gun-toting hillbillies and the English as a bunch of ugly posh arrogant turds

>> No.6722237

Someone clearly has not seen aussieposting in /int/ and /pol/

>> No.6722238

staya dumb prisoner genes lmao

>> No.6722239

cunts. and cunt enablers.

>> No.6722241

The book thief, there you go. Plenty people have heard about that

>> No.6722245

Just admit how shit you are.

>> No.6722247

My guess is that OP just couldn't handle the bantz

>> No.6722250

Most white Australians came long after the convict settlement. I'm only a second generation Australian myself.

>> No.6722254


>the smart folk just stay as far away from the yobbos as possible.

I'd rather spend a night drinking with a pack of shameless yobbos than a gaggle of preening passive aggressive yuppies. They're always so fucking dull.

>> No.6722256

>I would rather hang out with this stereotype rather than that stereotype

You sound like a well-informed individual.

>> No.6722259

Like I said, the smart folk stay away from the yobbos. Run along Bazza

>> No.6722265


>and he responds with passive aggression

You sound like one of those stereotypes.

>> No.6722266

>But you would have a lot less dead whites.
You mean fewer, and no we wouldn't.

>> No.6722272

>Responds with another form of stereotype

Goodness me

>> No.6722277

Oh crime statistics aren't real because they don't further the narrative?

>> No.6722282

>cuntish aussie banter ensues
Keep it up, you're performatively answering OP's question. But maybe the rest of the world just doesn't get it, why produce a work of art when your life already is one devastating commentary on the human condition?

>> No.6722283

>Truth is, without minorities, american music would have been irrelevant.
Such a nonsense "common sense" narrative statement.

>> No.6722286

Are you some sort of scholar bro u sound smart...

>> No.6722288

stop being ironic you little pussy, i could beat you in a fight

i bet you're one of those cunts who says that everything that isn't marxism is an ideology

>> No.6722292

Instead of books, I read Australians. I'm on a whole different plane of existence.

>> No.6722294

I could beat your virgin ass in a fight anyway you pansy cunt.

Come down here and say it to my face you pasty nerd.

>> No.6722297 [DELETED] 


Typical anemic yuppie.

Reading about poor little peasants and wayward figures in his books but unwilling to consort with anyone outside of his own station in real life.

>> No.6722301

i'm gonna kick your ass!

>> No.6722302
File: 111 KB, 2000x1000, Canadian_Red_Ensign_1957-1965.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds exactly like Canada tbh m8.

>> No.6722305
File: 39 KB, 636x357, 51714_16x9_636_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian here, this cunt, Gerald Murnane, he's one of the sickest cunts he'll fucking deck you m8.

In all seriousness he is one of my favourite writers and probably among the best alive.

>> No.6722306

I thought the only canadians who are cunts aren't even anglo?

>> No.6722307


>> No.6722314

ITT: American superiority complex

Why does everything have to be so dramatic with you, America?

>> No.6722322

>Murnane is an avid follower of horse racing, which often serves as a metaphor in his work

fucking ozzies and their gambling problems

>> No.6722324

Brit inferiority complex.

>> No.6722328

Stop fucking up the world, America.

>> No.6722368

> Robert Hughes
> Patrick White
> Markus Zusak
> Tim Winton

Sure, it isn't as though Australia is America or Germany or a country which has ever truly had a widespread literary flowering - but to say it is devoid of talented writers is pretty silly

>> No.6722385

but hes right. Im Australian and we're so talentless its sad.

>> No.6722397
File: 71 KB, 548x680, btbymvgceaa7z2-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect from a country that would elect this man and his government?

>> No.6722401

shitposting is an art form that the aussies have mastered.

>> No.6722413

no it isnt

>> No.6722414


>> No.6722420

Living in Australia is career poison. Thats why all the talented Australians go overseas

>> No.6722422
File: 15 KB, 480x387, what the fuck bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The list of documents is fascinating.
>3-4000 words about naked females
>Gerard Windsor's first fuck
>Female masturbation
>About music, farting, etc.

>> No.6722471

Go read cloudstreet and then come back here and post that.

>> No.6722477

But also the youngest...

Give us some time to grow a bit more, and hopefully soon we'll see some prominent minds emerge from this curdles sea of shit.

>> No.6722480
File: 18 KB, 400x422, 1418676155167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tim winton

>> No.6722485

Bad genetic stock. They're the descendants of criminals.

>> No.6722496

>wants to prove Australia has talent
>posts a book by the Australian DFW

>> No.6722517

so are african americans and theyre intel-
oh wait

>> No.6722522

I'm gonna shit all over you, mate. You watch your fucking pimply back next time you're walking down the mall to KF fucking C on a Saturday night, cos I'll be there to right smash your head in so hard your cunt-gazing eyes'll fall out. Watch it, cunt.

>> No.6722562

You don't even know what happened or what you're talking about, you misinformed shitposter. I swear to god I'll deck you one day.

>> No.6722570


nailed this entire thread tbh

>> No.6722576

>patrick white and robert hughes

>> No.6722590

fuck you faggot

>> No.6722598



>> No.6722606

This. Robert Hughes is literally a pedophile


>> No.6722640
File: 43 KB, 562x600, clivejames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on lit who haven't

>> No.6722648
File: 33 KB, 260x320, Peter Singer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.

>> No.6722670

Australia has some of the world's foremost academics in philosophy of mind. Lots of innovative research in genetics too. To say that it is devoid of an intellectual atmosphere is uneducated.

Strictly dealing with literature, sure there's not much but there's 20 million people there and it's only been colonised for a couple of centuries.

>> No.6722794

>muh philosophy of mind
>muh innovative research in genetics

>> No.6722797

Cultural Amnesia is GOAT

(even though it sucks the dick of pre-WW1 Vienna a bit too much)

>> No.6722803

>le we should kill babies up to age three but not eat meat man

top lel

>> No.6722804

That was the other Robert Hughes from that show Hey Dad you gimp.

>> No.6722810


This is about the level of criticism he gets, no one ever tackles his actual arguments though.

>> No.6722818

I always wonder what his thoughts are on using the dead babies for nourishment.

>> No.6722834

>In a 2001 review of Midas Dekkers' Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, Singer argues that sexual activities between humans and animals that result in harm to the animal should remain illegal, but that "sex with animals does not always involve cruelty" and that "mutually satisfying activities" of a sexual nature may sometimes occur between humans and animals

>> No.6722849

>implying you've never wanked off your dog

>> No.6722862

Even Australia's top intellectuals are shitposters.

>> No.6722999

I'm still not seeing any arguments here, although you could certainly think of something. Which is quite a typical behaviour of Singer-bashers. Instead of using your ability of rational thought, all you do is point your finger at these 'ridiculous ideas' and adhere to feelings of disgust.

Did you ever read more of him than just a snippet of some interviews? He's a lot more rigorous in his reasoning than a lot of contemporary philosophers.

>> No.6723170

>Hasn't read cloudstreet

Nice b8 m8

>> No.6724877
File: 16 KB, 645x773, 1406964151362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just walked past singer on my lunch break at uni but was too afraid to talk to him
It probably wouldn't matter anyway, he'd just think I'm some autistic idiot.

>> No.6725035

>tfw I like wavves and cloud nothings and I can't tell if you're mocking them

>> No.6725041


Sorry, he inb4'd you can't make this post

>> No.6725071


I-its because of piracy! That's all! Once we block the internet, everyone will want to watch our shitty movies and read our shitty books!

Not listen to our music though, no one likes that, especially not live music in bars, that's why everyone prefers to be shunned to the streets after spending a few good hours getting plastered with no entertainment, so all their unexpended drunked up energy instead goes towards punching random strangers to death for no reason.

>> No.6725076

>this whole thread
>straya apologists
>no explanation why NZ has The Bone People

>mfw no f

>> No.6725107

>I only read writers who I've been told are ok to like

>> No.6726003
File: 46 KB, 470x706, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Greg Egan?

>> No.6726005

>genre fiction

>> No.6726038

American music IS irrelevant, popular music is a joke that makes YA look engaging.

>> No.6726056

Please sir, we are a simple board. I only ask that you respect the few rules we have.

It's rules that save us from the madness

>> No.6726057


>> No.6726099

But it has me. I'm talent.

>> No.6726337

From what I gathered he's a pretty nice guy, anon.

>> No.6726780

>tfw Australians are just retarded Brits

>> No.6726854

Tales of the Otori is a a fun fantasy series.

Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Book Thief, Paul Jennings kids books.

Yeah okay Australia doesn't have much.

But you have to understand, Australia is an anti-intellectual, Conservative as fuck country that hates talent, innovation, science and the arts thus hemorrhages anybody with any bit of creative skill to Europe and the US.

I don't think I'm that wrong in saying that not only is Australia by far the most anti-intellectual Anglo country, it's probably up there with the most anti-intellectual western countries in general.

Australians pride themselves on anti-intellectualism.

>> No.6726867

This tbh. Most people here just watch mine numbing TV programs like Big Brother and The Voice

>> No.6726902


There's a standard that says something like 40% or whatever of free-to-air TV has to be Australian made, so they just pump out cheap bullshit reality shows to meet the quota rather than take a risk on something with any artistic or intellectual merit. So it's not entirely the consumer's fault, it's systematically encouraged too.
Which in turn prevents the people going into media from honing their craft, so anything that does get produced always has a very distinct amateur quality about it compared to media from other countries. But more often, they get no such chance to produce anything and remain forever stuck in donkey roles on reality TV, our equivalent of LA waiters. Or they fuck off overseas where there are actually jobs and learning opportunities and get too big to ever think about bringing any of that talent back home.

It's a pretty toxic cycle.

>> No.6726933

this. no wonder Australian tv is fucking garbage

>> No.6726936

I had no idea about that quota. That's bad, shit

>> No.6726986

I spent a few years in Europe living in different countries and when I came back to Australia I noticed almost immediately how much a cultural backwater and cultural wasteland Australia is, how stupid the news media is (basically a mash up of the worst of US news media along with the worst of British Tabloids) and the complete disconnect from the rest of the world Australians really have.
Australia in many ways is basically paradise on earth, high wages, good weather, low crime, low poverty, alright welfare, strong preforming economy etc etc but despite all this the political attitude of Australians seems to be of the opinion that Australia is on the brink of becoming Greece 2.0 so you are not allowed to change anything, you must keep pumping money into dying industries, you must stop anything from changing (which includes new industries) you must stop the cultural marxist intellectuals (literally something i've read from The Herald Sun)

Australians have no fucking idea what the rest of the world is actually like, they don't know what real poverty is, they don't know what real economic hard times are actually like (I was in Europe in 2008-2010) so the attitude of Australians and the idea that Australia is basically on the brink is just bizarre.

Now it gets so bad that they vote in Abbott, this is where shit goes actually bad, he pretty much embodies every bad aspect of Australia, rife anti-intellectualism, massive shilling for mining, extreme racism, extreme sexism, economically clueless. I'm not kidding when I say Abbott is pretty much Australian Berlusconi.
The sad thing is, Australians eat that shit up and even when they don't they are completely politically apathetic about it.
When Gillard and Rudd were in power, non-stop crazy hyperbole, but Abbott does something on a weekly basis that is "What the fuck are you thinking?" and most Australians are "Meh" and he will win the next election.
Australians are idiots, no wonder there is no good /lit/

>> No.6727003

>Abbott is pretty much Australian Berlusconi.
Except he doesn't pull hot girls.

Seriously though I got to get out of this country. My family, who are post war immigrants, are all slowly starting to move back so I'll probably go too eventually.

>> No.6727097

>Except he doesn't pull hot girls.

It's pretty clear he wants to fuck his daughters.

>> No.6727099

Australia has fewer population than North Korea and is little more than 100 years old, I dunno what kind of wonderful legacy you people were expecting.