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6721629 No.6721629 [Reply] [Original]

Has /lit/ read schizophrenia: the autobiography?

>> No.6721651


>> No.6721655

PKD: the pleb's Thomas Pynchon

>> No.6721692
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1: he wasn't schizophrenic. he just did more methamphetamine than everyone else in SF combined from Jules Verne up to William Gibson. if you read enough of his work you pick up on the tweaker vibe.. the way he idolizes certain German words, for example.

2: he wasn't schizophrenic, he was a robot.

>> No.6721696

Interview in Virus#23
Cyberpunk Influences:

William Gibson: (back to the list) Alfred Bester, yeah. Bester I'll go for. [William Burroughs'] Naked Lunch, yes. Philip K. Dick, though, had almost no influence.

Tom Maddox: Right, you've really never much really read...

William Gibson: I never really read Dick because I read Pynchon. You don't need Dick if you've read Pynchon. I mean Dick was the guy who couldn't quite do it.

Tom Maddox: Ah, I think that's different, but you haven't read Dick, Bill (laughs).

>> No.6721700
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Pinecone: The hipster's PKD.

>> No.6721708

Wow Gibson said that? That is ice cold. If only he wrote well that would be badass

>> No.6721769


my thoughts exactly. he has the prose of a video game instruction manual.

>> No.6721911

Further proof that the Duck is the best in the recent memory.

>> No.6721952


>using "hipster" as a pejorative

You're in the same class of middling /r/books tier reader who ignorantly writes work off as "artsy crap".

You should go to /r/books.
You'd be a better fit there.

>> No.6722001

But /lit/ uses "hipster" as a pejorative.
Why dont you go to r/books?

>> No.6722008

Yep. was fucking great, strangely engaging for something this weird. While Three Stigmata is his best story imo, this was the most fun.

>> No.6722083

one of my favorite books ever

>> No.6722092

just got Ubik. hope it doesn't disappoint.

>> No.6722107

valis >>>>>>> ubik

ubik is fun pulp though
just don't expect anything too "literary" and keep your disbelief at the door

>> No.6722111

Well, I have already read Valis 1. But the bookstore didn't have valis 2 or 3

>> No.6724219
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This book is one of my favorites. I love complicated, claustrophobic messes of mental illness like this. The Castle comes to mind.

kek'd. what a fucking moron.

"I don't read author A because author B makes it so you don't have to read them."

"How would you know this if you haven't read author A?"

>implying /lit/ has any kind of high-tier taste whatsoever

this is a board for anime nerds who also kindof like reading books, dude.

>> No.6724620

The Divine invasion is really good

>> No.6725108

Gibson changed that glib Philip Dick quote on other occasions. One instance he said he never read Dick because he read Ballard, which I think is closer to what he meant.

>> No.6725121

Pynchon: the dickless man's Dick

>> No.6725138 [DELETED] 

I'd like to read a story with a protagonist who goes out and kills all the writers who keep writing stories about schizophrenic serial killers.
Anyone up for it?

Also: no, but it's on my reading list.

>> No.6725144

The Divine Invasion is garbage and The Owl in Daylight is incomplete.

>> No.6725151
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You don't need Gibson if you read Burroughs.

>> No.6725156 [DELETED] 

*schizophrenic protagonist

>> No.6725248

You don't need Burroughs if you read Joyce.

>> No.6725263

You don't need Harlan Ellison because he'll sue you if you quote any of his writings.

>> No.6725283


you don't need western literature if you read eastern philosophy

>> No.6725284

That's Woolf, not Burroughs.

>> No.6725301

valis, the divine invasion, and the transmigration, all good.

>> No.6725304

Harlan Ellison will sue you for implying that he's litigious.

>> No.6725398

scanner darkly messed with my brain

>> No.6725473

you don't need joyce if you're a drunk coprophile.

>> No.6725479
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go read Burroughs' Cities of the Red Night. your tiny brain will asplode.

>> No.6725801

That is not the exagesis.

>> No.6727140


>> No.6727673

anyone read flow my tears? what was up w/ that boring epilogue

>> No.6727969

Yeah. You wanna talk about it?


Dick never knew how to finish a book plot-wise, but I thought that one wasn't too bad an ending section.

>> No.6728122

How did you guys like Radio Free Albemuth?

>> No.6728233

the owl in daylight is more like valis 4, valis 3 is divine invasions, just fyi

>> No.6728239

literally Valis v0.5

>> No.6728273

yeah sure I want to talk about it. How did this book make you feel, when you read it? It had an extremely unique impact on me, compared to other books. I literally thought I was going insane, and it was unpleasant, in a very detailed way.

>> No.6729133


>> No.6729153

Well... I had to stop reading for a week or two because of an overal sense of dread on replay, combined with fake dream memories of seemingly random black incursions in German (I don't speak German)

>> No.6729545

yeah, I became acutely aware of random, irrelevant coincidences in my life. Just things like thinking of TMNT and a few minutes later hearing people talking about it, or reading a word in the book on the bus and looking up to see a street name that's the same word. Daily, multiple times a day, no idea what the fuck was going on, felt like I was going solipsistically crazy.

The worst was when I was almost done reading it, I met a friend at a bar while I was carrying the book, outside the bar at a fireplace. He was chatting up a girl before I got there, and when I sat down she asked to see the book I had. She looked at it for a second before handing it back to me, then pulling the same copy of the same book out of her bag. Fucking nuts. No idea if I had fake jumbled memories or something, or if it was just a coincidence or what not, but my head got fucked with quite a bit, and only when I was reading VALIS. Never really experienced anything similar before or since.

>> No.6730034

I wonder, would the repetition of motifs in the book work as a kind of partial hypnosis while giving the reverse impression, somewhat like how you wouldn't feel droplets on your skin before coming out of the water

>> No.6730059

I dunno, I'm a very secular minded person and haven't made any conclusions on it or anything. I haven't read it since, a little bit traumatized from the experience, though I probably should read it again. I have a feeling it'll be tame the next time I read it. This was a few years ago after all, and I was in bad shape at the time as it was shortly after I was dumped by my ex-fiancee.

>> No.6730073

He was literally a schizo.

>> No.6730076

You don't really need Gibson at all.

>> No.6730118

yeah it was pretty bad. i enjoyed the book overall though. i liked it about as much as anything ive read of his

>> No.6730132

I don't even remember the epilogue, but I recall enjoying the book quite a bit. Fun read.