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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.6720363

420 fight the archons of the demiurge errday

>> No.6720365
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>> No.6720369
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Satanic filth

>> No.6720372
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>> No.6720382



>> No.6720388
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What about Manichaeism? No one ever talks about it

>> No.6720401
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>> No.6720405

I have a few books on it. Its interesting to see the Zoarastrian symbolism

>> No.6721162
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The red book
The kybalion
Alister Crowleys work
Gionardo Bruno
Frances Yates
John Dee

>> No.6721183

Most fascinating really, I've read a lot of Thelema material and am getting started on the more general Western Mysteries and Kabbalah (hermetic and jewish). Any specific recommendations for it?

>> No.6721819
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Alchemical studies
by C. G. Jung
The origins of alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt
by Jack Lindsay
The Key to the True Quabbalah
by Franz Bardon
John Dee: the world of an Elizabethan magus
by Peter J. French
The Rosicrucian enlightenment
by Frances Amelia Yates
Hallucinogens and shamanism
by Michael J. Harner
Kabbalah; an introduction and illumination for the world today
by Charles Poncé
The Tantric mysticism of Tibet: A practical guide
by John Blofeld
The Pre-Socratics; a collection of critical essays
by Alexander P. D. Mourelatos
Yeats and the occult (Yeats studies series)
by G M Harper
The Letters of Marsilio Ficino: Volume 1
by Shepheard-Walwyn Ltd.

>> No.6722182

Corpus Hermetica obviously.
If you are interested in more modern mysticism/occultism, Crowley is kind of a must-read. But Crowley is not easy to understand, and it'll take a lot of time to see through his bullshit. Israel Regardie is a good one, solid information. From a practical standpoint, Bardons Initiation into Hermetics is quite good.

I would recommend reading Corpus Hermetica every now and then. It is amazing how influential it has been. And in my humble opinion, the single greatest text on spiritual matters.

How does /lit/ view this stuff? Do you practice and live it or just study out of interest?

>> No.6722214
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Nag Hammadi Library

>> No.6722618

One of the tripfags on /x/ maintains this massive Mega archive of occult books and shit.


>> No.6723012
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I'm pretty learned on the Merkabah, and other dualistic shenanigans, as well as trance/meditation theory


>> No.6723036

I think it's, at this point, caught up in its own esotericism, and it's hard to glean anything pragmatically useful

I think that with even basic physiology, we have a lot to learn regarding the mind-body connection and what we can consciously learn to do but looking toward holy texts as a context for this is, imo, archaic

>> No.6723052

Read Foucalt's Pendulum and find the books he quotes at the start of each chapter.
It's basically your go-to esoteric books.

>> No.6723095 [DELETED] 
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daily reminder that in order to understand Gurdjieff you need to actually read his "All and Everything" series as opposed to just reading books about him

>> No.6723108
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a reminder that in order to understand Gurdjieff you need to actually read his "All and Everything" series or at least "BTTHG" as opposed to just reading books about him

>> No.6723894
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Study it. I'm totally secular but I'm not a monist. There Mind can account for anything.

>> No.6726025
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Does anyone know what the point is in reading this?
This seems like a total waste of time.

>> No.6726045
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The Red Book?

Hard to say. I read it when I was going through some weird shit and found a lot of stuff in there that resonated with me.

you do you dude

>> No.6727697


>> No.6729340

Does anyone have advise on studying the Kabbalah?

>> No.6729391


be experienced in meditation and yoga first if you aren't already, even though its not related I think would put you in a better place to read it

smoking really good weed or hash before you read it might also help

>> No.6729411

are you seriously talking about the I ching right now bro? like, for real?

>> No.6729488

I've been meditating for half a decade but always thought yoga was bogus in terms of psychological payoffs, what do you recommend getting started with yoga?
Also I smoke hash every evening for pleasure so that's no issue

>> No.6729507

Not OP but why is that bad?

>> No.6729989

because I feel its just another bullshit form of divination

>> No.6730185

"The Illuminati have created the following movements in the course of history: Ancient Egyptian and Greek Mystery religions, Druidism, Mithraism, most versions of Gnosticism, Alchemy, Catharism (Albigensianism), the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism.

Illuminati teachings have appeared, albeit in distorted form, in Christianity, Kabbalah, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other religions. The religions furthest removed from Illumination are Islam, mainstream Judaism, and numerous Christian sects that have appeared since the Reformation.

All religions based on faith rather than knowledge are contrary to Illumination. All religions that do not teach reincarnation are contrary to Illumination. All religions that posit a benign creator of the earth are contrary to Illumination. All religions that place humanity in an automatically degraded state in relation to divine reality are contrary to Illumination. Men and women are not afflicted by "original sin". They are not guilty from the moment they are born as some religions would contend. They are not condemned by the sins of others (e.g. "Adam and Eve"). They are not subject to Christian predestination. They are not subject to Karma.

The essence of Illumination lies in the word "Becoming". Religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based on "Being". Those who understand the difference between being and becoming will start to see how Illumination offers a radically different worldview, one that is utterly breathtaking in the opportunities it offers to humanity.

But most people are not susceptible to the message of Illumination. The following words are by Nietzsche, but they could equally well be written by the Illuminati:

"The conditions under which one understands me and then necessarily understands - I know them all too well. One must be honest in intellectual matters to the point of harshness to so much as endure my seriousness, my passion. One must be accustomed to living on mountains - to seeing the wretched ephemeral chatter of politics and national egoism beneath one. One must have become indifferent, one must never ask whether truth is useful or a fatality…Strength which prefers questions for which no one today is sufficiently daring; courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. An experience out of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for the most distant things. A new conscience for truths which have hitherto remained dumb.""


>> No.6730201

Kriya Yoga is known as the Holy Grail of Yoga and the quickest way to achieve the greatest goals. Here is some free info about it (the techniques come in the second part) http://www.kriyayogainfo.net/Eng_Downloads1.html

Besides that I believe it is good to start out with basic Pranayama like the full Yogic breath, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalbhati and Asanas like Sun Salutations, Tibetan Rites, holding shoulder stand + forward bend + full spinal twist + cobra + corpse for a few minutes

>> No.6730361


this is one of best accessible writings.

>> No.6730719

What About Buddhism, Buddhist sects, Hinduism, and Jainism? Zoroastrianism?

>> No.6730756
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>The religions furthest removed from Illumination are Islam, mainstream Judaism, and numerous Christian sects that have appeared since the Reformation.

Holy shit, you can smell the putrid stench of Protestantism radiating off these words.

>> No.6730808

Modern and new age occultism ruined alchemy and related philosophies. Neo-pagan is just as bad.

>> No.6730934

So what's the best introductory book into the occult?

>> No.6731001

I don't think there is one. It isn't a topic you can get familiar with in a week. Practice is so important in occultism, as the knowledge doesn't really mean anything without experience. It takes years to understand, and there simply is no way to put it nicely in a book.

With that said, Aleister Crowleys Liber IV is quite famous. Crowley can be a bitch though, so maybe Carrolls Liber Null & Psychonaut. For some older stuff, Agrippas Books of Occult Philosophy. Before any of these though, I'd recommend getting familiar with meditation and yoga.

>> No.6731007
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Has anyone done serious research into Orphism?

>> No.6731021

What's a good starting point for meditation? I'll read Crowley's lectures on Yoga tonight

>> No.6731029


As with Illuminism, the goal of Jainism is to realize the soul's true nature (gnosis for Illuminism; siddha for Jainism). There's no Creator God. Nor is there any personalised God figure, and yet, as with Jainism, each Jiva can achieve moksha (enlightenment) and effectively become God.

>> No.6731171

A simple google search will be sufficient. Search for Buddhist meditation and you'll get plenty of very basic instructions and explanations.

By the way, 6 - 12 months of daily meditation and/or yoga is recommended before stepping into occultism, as you will probably have no meaningful results before being able concentrate properly. Also the psychological benefits of meditation are very helpful. A sane, clear and stable mind is quite important.

But whatever you choose to study, practice is what counts here. Noone likes armchair occultists.

>> No.6731720
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Pretty much what >>6731001 said. I would add Rodney Orpheus' book as a fairly solid introduction to Thelema. The first chapter focuses on yoga and meditation techniques, the second introduces a specific type of practice, and the third explains the philosophy behind that practice. This approach is repeated throughout the rest of the book.

>> No.6731966
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How does one practice occultism?

>> No.6733090

I know about the Yijing. Ask me anything.

>> No.6733118

Travel to remote areas and search obsessively until you find a sage to accept you as an apprentice. I found mine in Sudan.

>> No.6733177

aka I Ching

>> No.6733701

What's the point? What do you attain?

>> No.6733735
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You left out Shamanism OP, I am disappoint

>> No.6733767


Have you seen the Throne?

>> No.6733796
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I'd watch it

>> No.6733806

>tfw no trial by ordeal to mark passage into adulthood

>> No.6733811

Should I try to fuck this girl I'm meeting tonight?

>> No.6733881

Throw three coins simultaneously 6 times. Take notes on which one of the results you get for each throw: TTH, THH, TTT, HHH. Then come at me with them.

>> No.6733890




>> No.6733893

First throw is TTT and last throw is HHT, right? I have to check.

>> No.6733901


>> No.6733905

take this nonsense to /x/

>> No.6733953

Then it is favorable for you to consider that in order to shine your light onto that girl, it is best for you to do it gracefully. That is, to observe how you two go together, as if you were a humble firepit next to a large wall, seeking only to make it beautiful. The fire doesn't try to shine, it just shines. But the fire does not explode, it licks.

If you want to know more, search for Hexagram 22.

But I won't do divination, I was actually talking of questions about the Yijing itself.

>> No.6734010

Study out of interest. Mostly the literary beauty of some of the texts.