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671990 No.671990 [Reply] [Original]

Is Don Quixote really as important as everybody says it is? It's not like there was never satire or prose before it was first published.

>> No.672016

It's pretty good reading, so just DO IT FAGGOT

>> No.672021

That wasn't the question. It's an okay book, but is it really worth all the accolades?

>> No.672023

the first anti-novel, viciously funny, but just make sure you get the

PENGUIN translation

>> No.672027

Pretty much

>> No.672094

>>672023 anti-novel
The hell does that mean?

>> No.672098

It's actually just an essay.


>> No.672109

it makes fun of the shitty knight-errant pulp literature of the times, and also the church's locking down on such foolery. fiction that IS fiction, instead of some fantasized hermetic world of the author passed of for 'real' or 'psychologically veritable' or even just plain 'plausible'. the figures are consciously manipulated and are never built up to be more than they are: never 'human', always provisional

>> No.672129

feel the need to point out that since books were not yet printed on cheap wood pulp paper, there was no "pulp" fiction in those days.

>> No.672435


i kind of feel bad for you when you have to do that.

oh well.

>> No.672457


I've been told to get the Grossman one. Which is better, and why?

>> No.672472

All the cool cats tell me Grossman's the best, but I haven't read it so I don't know what to think