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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 285x380, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6717162 No.6717162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Kafka the dankest writer of the 20th century? Think of all the literary memes this guy created.

Joyce tried too hard to create dank memes with word games, Kafka had the dankness embedded within his soul.

Truly a danker for the ages

>> No.6717215
File: 59 KB, 706x674, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717234

If Kafka heard you compliment him like this, you know what he'd say?


>> No.6717259


>> No.6717280
File: 49 KB, 252x224, none-more-black1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keine mehr schwarz

>> No.6717356
File: 151 KB, 424x318, 7190 - pointing smackdown smiling suit vince_mcmahon wwf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6717574


>> No.6717590
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>> No.6717595

You're assuming that memes are immortal, let me disprove that:

>Minds also age, start forgetting what they once knew, acquire less and less new knowledge, and soon are dead. Dead minds make no further contributions to culture, and whatever contributions they did make before they died will likely be soon forgotten. There are some exceptions, or "memes," with considerable longevity, but never are such memes the result or outcome of a single mind, though they may be attributed to a mind, as in "Newtonian mechanics," "Marxism," or "Freudian slip."

>Compared to the lifetime of culture, even these fecund and longer-lived memes are of extreme short range and duration. How many memes will truly be "immortal"?

Stephan Fuchs - "Beyond Agency", Sociological Theory, Vol. 19, No. 1 (2001).

>> No.6717687

Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt... wie ein Hund.

>> No.6718239
File: 162 KB, 422x460, kafkaesque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played.

>> No.6718757

dankness personified

>> No.6719293


Tiananmen dank man

>> No.6719322

So where does one begin with him?

Any good collection of his works out there?

>> No.6719327


>> No.6719356

You know what? FUCK YOU.

I spent all my time playing games and browsing /v/, but one day I realized I was wasting my life. The people on v, and my gamer friends are far from intellectuals. I wanted to become a learned person. So I decide to sell my gaming PC and use the money for college related stuff. I quit v and come to lit thinking people are nice and smart here. But no I get fuckers like you telling me I should go fucking google shit. God damn it I'm so fucking pissed off right now you don't HAVE A CLUE. I am gonna fucking blow I swear, motherfucker. Shit.

>> No.6719366

>not a combination of music, film, literature superior to all other art
are you even trying? fuck off to tumblr

>> No.6719454

I wish ironic memeposters would just fuck off.

Okay that was pretty good.

>> No.6719478

Pick up the Vintage published complete collections of his short stories and his novels - it's all of his published work to date. I started reading his work with The Metamorphosis - it's only 50 pages and you have a good mixture of his dry sense of humour, irony and tragedy.

anon, look, /lit/ has shitposters like most boards nowadays. it sucks but if you're from /v/ originally then surely you have thicker skin than this.

>> No.6719501


>> No.6720541


>> No.6720577
File: 164 KB, 1500x1348, Kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the wiki

>> No.6720590

Joyce was dank as fuck, you don't know what you're talking about.

Take this part of Ulysses for example:

If you see kay
Tell him he may
See you in tea
Tell him from me.

He'd fit right in on 4chan.

>> No.6720598


>> No.6720600

His diaries should be included as well, they are considered a great work of literature in their own right.

Same for Letter To My Father

>> No.6720613
File: 32 KB, 196x221, 1431158796356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6720623

What videogames would /lit/ play though?
I'm ironically playing Neptunia because the silly writing and easy gameplay makes it a very comfy experience for me.

>> No.6720630
File: 48 KB, 328x449, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy made some dank memes.

>> No.6720654
File: 70 KB, 209x276, nigguerre_quoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have le upboat

>> No.6720667


>> No.6720673

I really enjoyed The Wonderful 101

A lot of the pics on the wiki need to be updated.

>> No.6720679

I play games because of their plots, what /v/ abhors as "cinematic". My favourites though are The Elder Scrolls not because of the plots but the worldbuilding and written lore - Michael Kirkbride is a fucking love.

>> No.6720682

Funny, I took up playing mainstream games and now I'm a happier person.

Being a pleb is fun as hell.

>> No.6720696

summer etc etc

>> No.6720697

>I play games because of their plots
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like open world games.

I'd rather have a tight narrative, cheesy or otherwise, than a thousand empty fetch quests. RDR is one of the few open world game I really enjoyed.

>> No.6720701

Probably the Bioshock games, Mass Effect series, Red Dead Redemption or maybe games adapted from books like The Dark Eye, I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. As for Bioshock there was some proposal (though cancelled) to another sequel awhile back for a Kafka version called Bioshock Justice.

>> No.6720705

Plot-driven games aren't necessarily open world. I mentioned TES series but could also mention Mass Effect, KotOR, Indigo Prophecy, Still Life, etc.

Been on /lit/ maybe longer than you, "patrician" fag.

>> No.6720711

worthless rhetoric

>> No.6720717



>> No.6720721


>> No.6720722

Also the Deus Ex series.

>> No.6720750

Deus ex: HR is GOAT for me.

I heard they're making a sequel soon. I haven't played any games in the last three years nor have I kept up with any game related news.

Does it look like it's going to be good?

>> No.6720758

Kafka was like the realisator of Rubber.
A lazy piece of shit that used non-sense to create what's considered as classics while not having to worry about the storyline.

imo tbh

>> No.6720907

Deus Ex Humanity Divided is supposed to lead the way to the original Deus Ex. Adam Jensen returns.

>> No.6720942

>imo tbh

Opinion disregarded.

>> No.6720948

that scene in the trial where K is in the stuffy attic was pretty dank, same with the artists room.

>> No.6720962

>Michael Kirkbride is a fucking love
kek no

>> No.6720993

What's so wrong with him? I like the mythical prose he uses, even if it's too obscure at times.