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6715705 No.6715705 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate him and his books so much?

>> No.6715710


>> No.6715715
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i like the show because reasons, can't be bothered with the books tho

>> No.6715736


>> No.6715771
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>because reasons

>> No.6715916
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The books are actually really enjoyable. I started with the show, which I enjoy, so reading the books I get to read all these subplots and small characters that aren't in there, it's a massive world.

It's put me into a fantasy/sci-fi mood recently, so I'm also going to read pic related soon along with The Book of the New Sun. Anyone got any recs if I enjoy these?

>> No.6715930

/lit/ can't stand a living author who gets rich by writing something that's fun to read, because that's exactly what they wish to be but never will

>> No.6715965

>the more she drank the more she shat

>> No.6715973


>> No.6715979


>> No.6715983
File: 103 KB, 1015x389, GRRM Prose Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking it's because he said hit
Santa Claus has shit prose, deal with it.

>> No.6715990

I don't.

>> No.6716018

He's a shitty writer.

>> No.6716047

But he's made some good books.

>> No.6716080

/lit/ used to like A Song of Ice and Fire five years ago. It was only after the series got well known that the e/lit/ists started hating on the books.

>> No.6716092

It's not only the fact that it's popular, it's because it's shit. /lit/ stopped watching GoT and actually read the books and found that they are shit.
Go to /tv/ and you will find a lot of people complaining that the books as well as the tv show are shit.

>> No.6716096

Oh they're not that bad. They certainly aren't high literature, but they're entertaining enough.

>> No.6716105

You see that most /lit/eratis, even in a meme way, say that what is most important in books is prose (probably because they just passed their literature course).
And GRRM prose is shit.

>> No.6716107

I've had the displeasure of reading the last one or two and no, they're not even entertaining.

>> No.6716111 [DELETED] 

>pretending to be an oldfag
/lit/ is not one person and his books were never called great except by trolls and redditors. They're mediocre even by genre fiction standards

>> No.6716115

Prose certainly are important, but they are also only a part of what makes a piece of literature entertaining.

Well, we differ in opinions then. I was entertained with the last two. Why did you not only finish the second to last, but decide to read the entire last one if they didn't entertain you?

>> No.6716146

Because his work pales in comparison with the Kingdoms of Toranda by P.K.K. Rosenthal.

>> No.6716157


what books would you call outstanding by genre fiction standards?

>> No.6716175

/tv/ complaining that the books are shit is just as clueless as /lit/ complaining that the books are shit.

If you were to criticise the prose specifically, then you would have a point, although at times it's far better than this board pretends.

At the same time the books do a whole host of wonderful things, so trying to judge them as a whole is misleading.

>> No.6716182

>genre fiction
I've grown tired of /lit/ love of this term. It's been diluted to being next to meaningless on this board.

>> No.6716208

Do tell us about these "wonderful things" so we can laugh at you.

>> No.6716218

Everybody who read ASOIAF did it because of GoT. They realised it was shit. Not even the worldbuilding is good, is just a Dungeons & Dragons-tier generic cliche mixed with dark tropes and shit.

>> No.6716223
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>mfw GRRM's prose is still better than any of the posts in critique threads

>> No.6716226

Why would I want to do that if I'm going to be laughed at, especially by people who can't even comprehend simple stories?

>> No.6716231

If I'd be a writer I would call myself A.S.S. Shitty McRipoff.

>> No.6716234

And all of that is wrong, but nice try.

>> No.6716237

>Dungeons & Dragons tier
As a fa/tg/uy I have to say that ASoI&F is nothing like D&D, and only someone who has never played D&D and knows next to nothing about it would say they are similar.

>> No.6716244

I read it because of GoT and realized that its good. What now?

>> No.6716247 [DELETED] 

>Y-y-you're w-wrong

>> No.6716256

tell me why
so far I've seen dragons (generic fantasy), zombies (generic), stupid battles (X character decapitated Y character, the blood was spilled), people shitting (the grimdark part of the book), homosexuals fucking (the "realist" part of the book), special super weapons (valyirian steel, generic shit).
There's even more stupid crap.
D&D is generic fantasy, that's what the creator said. I'm not saying that most D&D stories are shit, but they are generic. ASOIAF happens to make it even worse.

>> No.6716264

I read it because of the tv show, yes, but the only thing I realised was shit was the tv show.

The worldbuilding is great (why are people so obsessed with 'worldbuilding'?), and only someone who's shiposting would compare those books to dungeons and dragons in any way.

>> No.6716277

>D&D is generic fantasy, that's what the creator said. I'm not saying that most D&D stories are shit, but they are generic. ASOIAF happens to make it even worse.
No, what I'm saying is you know next to nothing about D&D if you think setting/lore from ASoI&F and the fluff from D&D are at all similar. D&D, surprisingly, isn't what most people consider generic fantasy when they actually get to reading settings, particularly the shit that happens in Golarion. When space faring undead superweapons fighting godzilla become generic please tell me.

>> No.6716280

If that's what you have honestly got out of the series, you

A) have not read it

B) lack the most basic interpretative skills and attention


C) are shitpositing

>> No.6716285

In the 80s tbh.

>> No.6716314

>and only someone who's shiposting would compare those books to dungeons and dragons in any way.
It's fucking generic and you don't want to accept it. I would rather read Lord of the Rings which has better worldbuilding.
And I'm not obssesed with worldbuilding, it's because people said that ASOIAF has "excellent worldbuilding but the prose is not good".
>and the fluff from D&D are at all similar
It's the same shit.
>D&D, surprisingly, isn't what most people consider generic fantasy
According to whom, anons from /tg/?
Kek. It's generic, even the creator said it was generic, you should already know about it.
Dragons, weapons made from strange super metals, spells with generic names, characters from races with generic names, etc.
All the orc, elves, etc are generic. Now ASOIAF doesn't exactly has those (except dragons are le ebin valyirian steel), but it mixes them making "anti-cliches" which are still cliches.
>space faring godzilla
I wasn't talking about subsettings like Spelljammer, nig. You know what I mean . I've played D&D, got fun, but it's full of cliches and generic "something-brocktar" names. There's nothing wrong with that, but for a book I don't think so.
I'm sorry that all what you are doing is saying that I haven't read the books, I know nothing about literature or I'm a shitposter. You never posted about the points I made, so you are just a fanboy or a shitposter.

>> No.6716320

>You never posted about the points I made
You haven't made any points, only childish misrepresentations.

On the other hand you haven't properly addressed any of the above posts.

>> No.6716321

>Kek. It's generic, even the creator said it was generic, you should already know about it.
Yes, maybe shit like Greyhawk, but Forgotten Realms? Dragonlance? These are some of the standard D&D settings.

>All the orc, elves, etc are generic.
Read some of the adventure paths that delve into orcish culture in Forgotten Realms. It's batshit stupid.

Also when did shit like the Wheel become generic?

> wasn't talking about subsettings like Spelljammer, nig.
That isn't in spelljammer ya tard, that's in bog standard gloarion.

>I've played D&D, got fun, but it's full of cliches and generic "something-brocktar" names.
Really m8, because your knowledge is pretty lacking.

>> No.6716329

I like his A Song of Ice and Fire series.

They're good for fantasy. Better than Tolkien at least.

>> No.6716335

I have retard. What are you going to do now?
Keep replying me by saying "all what you posted is wrong lel, I don't need to say they are wrong because they are wrong":
>That isn't in spelljammer ya tard, that's in bog standard gloarion.
>LIKE Spelljamer
Holy shit can't you read properly?
There are few generic things in Spelljammer, that's why I mentioned it.

>> No.6716339

>There are few generic things in Spelljammer, that's why I mentioned it.
Yes, but Golarion is the STANDARD prescribed setting in 3.PF. You were saying that standard D&D is generic, I pointed towards a counter example. Golarion isn't a subsetting, it's what 3.PF has as its foot forward.

>> No.6716345

Like every drawn out fantasy series out there (all of them) it starts off pretty good and then turns to shit. Which is why we stopped reading fantasy. Right? RIGHT?

>> No.6716554

I just started reading the first book in the series and I'm really enjoying it. It's simple but compared to other shit I've been working on, it's like popcorn. I'm really excited to get to important plots that haven't been in the TV show.

>> No.6716629

>guys look I made a situation involving lots of generic cliches happening at once so it'snot generic anymore!

>> No.6716674

>/lit/ used to like A Song of Ice and Fire five years ago. It was only after the series got well known that the e/lit/ists started hating on the books.
The exact same person has been posting this for years and it's always been hilariously bullshit and wrong.

>> No.6716718

the first 3 books of asoiaf are excellent entertainment and decent storytelling. books 4 and 5 aren't bad to the core, but they're very bloated and slow paced.

like I said in another thread, he's not the American Tolkien, not even close, but he created quality low culture.

>> No.6716734
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If this series is so shit, then what are some good fantasy novels I can read to turn my plebian tastes around?

>> No.6716881

Good books don't always have good writing. Best of both worlds eh?

>> No.6716909

The Chronicles of Amber, The Jackelian Series, Malazan Book of the Fallen, The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant come to mind. However I am sure people will come and tell me these all are shit.

>> No.6718558

/lit/ hates all books that aren't about lonely men sitting at their window contemplating life.

>> No.6718580

Darkness That Comes Before, Black Company, Book of the New Sun (if you want the "gritty" sort of fantasy)
Also Gormenghast, not really fantasy but I enjoyed it a lot.

>Chronicles of Amber
My Afro-American compatriot.

>> No.6718585

a few months ago, i was here calling ASOIAF stuff escapist basement dweller bullshit.
i watched an episode of a agot hbo. was hooked. after season was over i decided to read the books. And i have to say, i was very impressed. Until he sewed the wolfs head on rob's neck and turned Jamie Lannister into a cripple.i was like what the fuck yo and tossed the book in exaggerated anger. then i returned and finished it the same night. that was the third book. ive read them all and liked them all.
I would trade in all the memory space in my brain reserved for the entirety of kafka's work which i force-read for the sake of its renown, just so i can retain word for word the entire clagane oberyn battle.

fuck what they say
asoiaf is gold

>> No.6718601

So, what you're saying is, you're an escapist basement dweller pleb?
Thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.6718611

The song of the escapist basement dweller

>> No.6718615

None of /lit/'s favorite books are about this.

Checkmate Christians.

>> No.6718626

Well, to be fair Notes from Underground is kinda about that, minus the window.

>> No.6718631


>> No.6718633

... Ortho Stice sticking at the window maybe?
Nah, I got nothing.

>> No.6718636

Yes, and?

>> No.6718643

I like him. /lit/ is just mad because in secret they're insecure hipsters who inanely talk about classics because they think it makes them cool.

>> No.6718654

There's literally nothing "cool" about classics. Cool people talk about Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey. (or, in fact, about the last soccer match or how much they drank last night)
We talk about classics because it makes us seem cultured and intellectual and vaguely Bildungsbürgertum.

>> No.6719111

Sometimes I think I'm the only person that read asoiaf after the series came out but had never watched a single episode of it.

>> No.6719200

Rothfuss pls, you still write like le supreme gentleman.

>> No.6719391

Come off it man, we both know you and I don't care about that definition of cool.

>> No.6719395

Then let's use another word instead, I just don't find "cool" very fitting.

>> No.6719419

that's some quality bait right there

>> No.6719428

The consensus is generally this:
>Average people are retarded (by /lit/ standards)
>The majority is average (statistically defined)
>Retarded people like retarded things
>Majority likes these books
>Ergo these books are retarded
Any questions?

>> No.6719462

You sayin' you're a hep-cat daddy-o?

Yowie Zowie Boom-Boom-POW, brother I'd hate to be a square today.

Do you dig me cousin?

Are we Copacetic?

>> No.6719474

/lit/ is one hell of a drug, apparently.

>> No.6719782

>like I said in another thread, he's not the American Tolkien, not even close, but he created quality low culture.
Who is the American Tolkien? Robert Jordan?

>> No.6719790

There's no American Tolkien

>> No.6719815

but wouldn't the american Tolkien create low culture and be obese?

>> No.6719830
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>> No.6719832

That's already what Martin is.

>> No.6719838

dat bad pussy tho

>> No.6720013

Actually, we don't hate him


>> No.6721274

>Why does /lit/ hate him and his books so much?

He's successful, they are not. Simply human envy.

>> No.6721294

Because he's fat.

>> No.6721297 [DELETED] 

that poll was not presented to /lit/

>You guys hate Justin because he's popular!
I know you're memeing but could you try to do it a little better

>> No.6721302

>>You guys hate Justin because he's popular!

But that's also true

>> No.6721382

/lit/ is crawling with self-ingratiating, elitist scum. Some are authors, the rest are pussies too afraid to write, so they self-identify as readers.

>> No.6721395

Bad and popular

>> No.6721407

Because like all other greedy fat fantasy writing cunts he is going to die before finishing his series

>> No.6721409
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>all these summerfags
I'm not even gonna bother continuing down the thread. It's too bad though because /lit/ used to generally be well-insulated from the summer infestations. Hopefully this means more people are starting to read again, even if they're reading shitty literature. Everyone has to start somewhere, maybe some of these kids will pick up a more stimulating book, actually appreciate it and thirst for more, and we'll get some better discussions by the end of summer.

>> No.6721411

I think he's great at creating characters and storylines. His writing ranges from pretty good to horrible.

His books are better than the TV show adaptation as well

>> No.6721450

i hate his books because i'm vegan and the part he focuses on the most is describing all that disgusting food.

>> No.6721716

But i don't hate him op. I'm not that big of an edgy prick.

>> No.6721727

They're shit books.
Fantasy novels in 2015 are garbage.
A guy typing a story about Flippy Flooby the dragon and his magic sword wizard pal Galactinoxxor-quack on an ultra modern Apple laptop somehow feels a little stupid.
It's really just terrible.

>> No.6721734

>Her cunt became the world.

>> No.6721775
File: 850 KB, 1000x1500, Twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up sword my name is George R. R. Martin but u can call me t3h DrAgON oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im really into fantasy books!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet imaginative ppl like me _… im 66 years old (im retarded 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 read harry potter by myself (im gross and weird if u dont like it deal w/it) its my favorite book!!! bcuz its SOOOO immersive and relatable!!!! I'm pretty great at writing of course but i want 2 meet more writer ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of replies!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein a fantasy book guy again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

swords and magic,

t3h DrAgOn oF d00m

>> No.6721853

so whats going to happen if he dies before he finishes the story? Whats going to happen to his fanbase?

>> No.6722686

it's not bait

>> No.6722731

he will become the next kafka

>> No.6722799

I trust /tg/

>> No.6722805

Gormenghast, Book of the New Sun

>> No.6722879
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because it's overwritten, edgy garbage with unreadable prose

>genre fiction

>> No.6722902

He's popular and entertaining. That ticks off most pseudo-intellectual 18-year-olds here.

>> No.6722907
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>> No.6725571

/lit/ didn't hate him until Game of Thrones became the biggest thing on tv and people actually started reading his books.

>> No.6725579

Fat people who consume sugary drinks are disgusting.

>> No.6725602

So many edgy pseudo intellectuals in this thread.

>> No.6725616

goddamnit fucking pynchon i 100% bought it. but honestly im not a fan of this passage even though i would eat shit daily to write half as well as him.

>> No.6725645


>> No.6725649

uh no

>> No.6725694

Uh, yeah. Even though I hated AFFC and ADWD, I'm still not going to pretend all his books are utter garbage now that the "normies" are enjoying them. There's plenty to say about them, sure, and there was plenty to say about them five years ago, but this wave of hate for the guy's work only ever started when the show began attracting people to read them. But when it comes to /lit/, you can't enjoy something the 'plebs' enjoy, good heavens, no!

>> No.6725826

Fevre Dream > ASOIAF
he managed to make a story about vampires not completely fucking stupid

>> No.6725947

thanks for that, will probably read it next.
I just read Vampire$. Pretty good.

>> No.6726597


>> No.6726634

I don't hate him. In fact, I quite enjoy his books, but they are just written so clumsily sometimes. I feel he focuses on uninteresting things in his descriptions which makes reading his books a bit tedious. When you stumble upon good parts, though, they're really good.
In other words, he's okay, but I know better fantasy authors that aren't nearly as popular as him.

>> No.6726915

Isn't it over already?

>> No.6727583
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Life's too short to read too much pulp fiction

>> No.6727603

This. So much this. We aren't immortal people...yet

>> No.6727615
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>Penguin versions of Chaucer and Langland

>> No.6727623

why not read both?

>> No.6727631

>You must at all times act like a little self improvement robot

You know who agrees with this? Timothy Ferris, author of the 4 hour work week and 24/7 cuck.

>> No.6727638

hu-hey there boys and ghouls, do YOU want to suck all the fun out of reading so you can have a knowledge of books that wont help you out anywhere in life and simply isolate yourself and draw you closer to suicide? WELL NOW YOU CAN BY FOLLOWING MY SWEET SWEET CHART

>> No.6727642


Leave George, your books are shite.

>> No.6727643

>posts this horseshit about saving time
>while posting on a tiwanese ass-spanking board

>> No.6727647

>only dumb things are fun


>> No.6727669

>implying GOT will help you in any way
If you're going to read for pleasure, at least make it something worth while…

>> No.6727676

Only dumb people are able to experience fun. This is why I'm superior. I'm euphoric. I analyse the world around me and create knowledge all the time. Everyone else deserves to be laughed at.

>> No.6727705

Typical dumb person. Not being able to enjoy something your immediate defence mechanism is 'those other people must not be genuinely enjoying it either, they must be faking it, because certainly they can't be genuinely enjoying something I fail to enjoy'.

>> No.6727710

Because most of /lit/ are posturing hipsters whose egos are as fragile as glass.

>> No.6727718

he is popular

>> No.6727736

>using the word hipster unironically

nice 2010 meme

>> No.6727737

Typical dumb person. Enjoying something is your immediate defence mechanism from reality 'my life so much better now that I can finally relax in this little personal utopia of mine'.

>> No.6727748

P. s. Btw did you not get the fact that I was joking? I even used words such as superior, euphoric and analyse...

>> No.6727763

I did, you were mocking people who enjoy something generally considered more 'hard' to read as if they do it to cultivate a sense of superiority rather than out of sheer enjoyment.

This is how plebs always act. They look at someone drinking wine and think "lol fucken tryhard trying to be classy, secretly he wants to drink mountain dew just like me".

>> No.6727769


Most of his short fiction is pretty good. Pick up the two "Dreamsongs" collections for a good sampling.

I also recommend a collaboration he did with two other authors, "Hunter's Run," which was also very good.

>> No.6727775

You sound like an insecure hipster tbh

>> No.6727781

what's a hipster?

>> No.6727782

I don't hate the guy, i just think he has been over hyped. his books are good, but they aren't great. he takes a too long to release his books and most of people saying his book is the best thing since sliced bread are the ones who wanted to jump on a pseudo intellectual bandwagon to those that just watch the show and most of the people saying its shit are the hipster kids trying to be different and non mainstream.

>> No.6727847
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life is too short to read philosophy and outdated texts

>> No.6727918


I remember before it was a TV show it was this awesome cult classic /lit/ always recommended as true patrician fantasy ... Basically it's too popular now and avid readers usually want to distinguish themselves from mainstream readers, so bringing up GRRM is a bad social move in that regard. In addition, /lit/ enjoys putting themselves above other people, so of course something widely read/watched sucks.

Imo, he's awesome. Admittedly his two last books have been ridiculously badly paced (the TV show that elegantly covered them both in about a single season Q.E.D-ed that excellently), but even writers are human.

>> No.6727981

What do you suggest doing instead?

>> No.6728001
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sex, science, and snowboarding

>> No.6728007

a fauxhemian

>> No.6728018

One day you'll grow out of sex and snowboarding, then what's left?

>not wanting to reach a state of euphoric bliss through a range of drug cocktails

>> No.6728028
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science, salsa, and shrek

>> No.6728124

jesus fuck, just how sheltered are you boy

>> No.6728135

And of course the mouth breathing retard that thinks a book can be good but have shitty writing is an attention whore namefag.

>> No.6728137

epic maymays friend please post more thank you and come again

>> No.6728139
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>> No.6728151

and of course this new guy desperately trying to fit it while cussing like a teenager thinking he is somehow posting anything of worth.

see you back in 3 months /lit/.

>> No.6728152

only an american wouldn't get that joke

Martin is for what it's worth the American Tolkien. The 'American Tolkien' wouldn't just write LOTR but be born in America, it'd be written like an American would write.

>> No.6728154

>an anon defending a name fag
So reddit is down I guess, huh?

>> No.6728234


how do you not fathom you just proved my point