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6711930 No.6711930[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Relatives 'forgive' Charleston shooter

How could anyone fail to be disgusted by this insincere, self-satisfying hatred of the spirit?

These people only have the luxury of their self-satisfying "forgiveness" because of a legal system that will kill the shooter anyway whatever their words.

What drives these corrupt people to engage in such an egotistical morality play? Do they think that by debasing themselves they can take pleasure in the shaming of the rest of society?

Yes I am mad.

>> No.6711939
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>> No.6711942

This is moral philosophy, you fool.

>> No.6711943

#1 literally who?

#2 literally who gives a shit

#3 U mad

>> No.6711947
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Not /lit/. Book or GTFO

>> No.6711949

>These people only have the luxury of their self-satisfying "forgiveness" because of a legal system that will kill the shooter anyway whatever their words.
That's why their forgiveness matters, faggot

>> No.6711951

>ethics isn't /lit/

Better ban all those Nietzsche threads then.

>> No.6711955

It matters because it is irrelevant?

The criminal is already technically dead. This forgiveness is self-aggrandisement and an attempt to shame those who don't bow to this absurd code.

>> No.6711962


Have you ever thought that perhaps some people freely forgive simply because they are genuinely better than you?

>> No.6711967

What does that even mean?

>> No.6711977

It's baffling how he makes this a rule and fails to enforce it. I've seen several politics threads hit the bump limit and eventually 404 within the past few weeks.

>> No.6711986

>thread prune when?

>> No.6711989

Nothing wrong with killing niggers. His only fault is he didn't gun down more.

>> No.6711992

>it doesn't matter, but i'm still going to post a dumbass bait thread about it and pretend i'm talking about philosophy

>> No.6711993

It's not a complicated idea.

>> No.6711995


That their forgiveness is sincere.

>> No.6711997

This is about philosophy you tards.

>> No.6711999

The shooter is the embodiment of the übermensch, he is existential angst personified in one defiant ray. For that, I thank him.

>> No.6712003

>watching/reading the news
There's your problem

>> No.6712007

Forgiveness is just the release of anger and resentment. Surely it is better to live without resentment, and I think the best life would be one without anger as well.

>> No.6712015

>man kills nine
>family of victims try to find a way to continue living
>me, a philospher enlightened by my own intelligence: people like you make me sick

>> No.6712017

>it's a hidden Nietzsche thread

>> No.6712042

If they were truly forgiving, why would they feel the need to post about it online?

>> No.6712051

maybe because reporters were going to them and asking about it you fucking dumbass

>> No.6712055

But OP's point is that they aren't truly forgiving.

>> No.6712061

I wasn't talking about the relatives, I misread the OP and thought it was about the people who've been posting about this online "forgiving" Roof.

In any case, talking to the media after losing a loved one is abominable.

>> No.6712063

You're literally retarded. /lit/ would be for discussing moral philosophy, not bitching about muh racism.

>> No.6712066

there's no reason to believe this other than narcissism (I would never do this therefore it's unlikely that someone would do this). OP's skepticism about their motives isn't based on any evidence about the personalities of these individuals since OP clearly doesn't know them and thus has no authority on that matter.

>> No.6712085

>In any case, talking to the media after losing a loved one is abominable.

What wrong with that? I'd consider that pretty morally neutral. It's not like they were asking for money or anything.

>> No.6712088

why are you calling them abominable and not the media asking for their comment? it's not like these people were sitting around waiting for their moms to get shot at church so they'd have a chance to drop a press release furthering their race's agenda.

>> No.6712102
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>hello, it's me a great philosopher
>ITT: try to convince me that mass murder is ethically worse than talking to a journalist
>mfw you can't

>> No.6712110

>It's not like they were asking for money or anything

The media was looking for their soundbites and the relatives played along. The purpose of the soundbites, quotes, etc. is to manipulate the emotions of the readers/viewers, to make money at any ethical cost*. This same process is used to create hysteria, which is exactly what perpetuates the mindset of young people like Roof.

*in addition to making money, giving interviews to the press and televised news also affirms the authority of the press. "This is all a part of the process. Step 2 in mourning is giving a part of your grieving to the media to edit into the narrative of the national super-ego."

>and not the media asking for their comment?

Of course I blame the media, but it takes two to tango. The relatives are not passive subjects.

>> No.6712113

Note how you had to pull the "ethically worse" bit out of thin air for your post to hold weight.

>> No.6712116

I am not entirely sure what you are trying to say.
>Altruism is egoism
Aristotle said something that amounts to this: you love because you enjoy loving.
Why would that make all love disgusting?
>Forgiveness doesn't equal a pardon
You might as well be "forgiving" Obama for the genocide of unborn children, if you're on the right, or for collaterally damaging brown people in Yemen and Pakistan, if you're on the left. It just won't be televised. You could "forgive a whore" like this Jesus dude from Tiberian Judea. Eva Kor made the news by formally forgiving the nazis. Does she mean the people who got executed in Nuremberg or those who just went on unscratched? How is this relevant? How do you tell if she enjoys formally forgiving people who have killed her family or merely attempts make a point? When Gandhi was preaching forgivance to the Hindu refugees from Pakistan it got him shot. Did he enjoy it? And Tolstoy thought forgivance could have removed all violence from the world since tormentors would balk at their own monstrosity which wouldn't find any new justifications. Has Tolstoy been high all the time he was writing an essay like this? How the fuck do you tell?
>What drives these corrupt people to engage in such an egotistical morality play? Do they think that by debasing themselves they can take pleasure in the shaming of the rest of society?
It is very hard to me to decipher these two sentences. Could you paraphrase whatever you were trying to convey? Perhaps I have missed something in the news?

>> No.6712123

OP take your racist shit somewhere else

>> No.6712124

note how you keep repeating that you're trying to have a discussion about ethics without making any kind of substantial point

>> No.6712132

How is it racist? The post is about the social meaning of "forgiveness."

>> No.6712139

Look, I agree with you. But maybe the process of mourning is not the easiest time for you to act on your principles. It's the vulturous media (and moreso the vulturous public who want the soundbites) who are to blame.

>> No.6712143


Do you have any evidence that the family was paid?

>> No.6712147

>he said, jerking off into his fedora

>> No.6712186


OP is just some immature assmad faggot.

He doesn't understand how easy, almost inevitable, it is to hate someone. How the hate controls you.

People who have noting to do with you are moving your emotions. You have, by definition, lost control of yourself.

Look at OP he is victim to his "disgust" of people who he knows not and who don't know him.

The question is:
Do you want to be OP or do you want to live in peace?

>> No.6712204
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It's because they're Christians. It's something atheists can't understand, they can only comprehend excusing.

>> No.6712221

Which philosophical text or philosopher does OP mention? Oh, it's just his own thoughts and sophomoric musings about the news story of the day? Doesn't sound /lit/ to me.

>> No.6712235

>philosophical conversation must deference to some other philosophical authority

College indoctrinated you well.

>> No.6712240

By the looks of it it is a troll's version of nietzsche idea of forgiving. He says it's derived from debt. You are always indebted to the dude with the biggest stick. And when he is forgiving you he's merely getting high on being such a nice person.

>> No.6712246

Not even close to lit

This has no basis in any canonical text

>> No.6712252

Hurr all politics is philosophy therefore all politics should come here

Seriously fuck off /pol/ im sorry your board sucks

>> No.6712257

>a troll

Why is it a troll exactly? Because the case involves race and you're stupid so anything involving race is necessarily "/pol/"?

>> No.6712258

NOT /LIT/ mods please remove this cunty facebook post

>> No.6712265

jfc, the "not /lit/" posts have to be like one dude.

>> No.6712267

I'll make this really simple:

Anything not involving literature does not belong here. OP's post is political. This isn't difficult to discern. This isn't a debate. It isn't even close to the gray area. It's /pol/

>> No.6712276

>OP's post is political.

What are the politics of OP's post?

>> No.6712282
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Are we being raided? I fucking hate board culture

>> No.6712287

If it's on /lit/ - Literature it needs to be.

Nope. This shit is obviously not /lit/ related. Really wish we had some god damned mods to clean up this place.

>> No.6712293

Are you even a regular /lit/ poster? Honestly, there is nothing particularly political about the OP other than the fact that the "relatives" in question are related to a mass shooter whose motives were "political." But the discussion is not about the mass shooter, and...fuck it. You're too retarded.

>> No.6712295

This. Back to stormfront OP

>> No.6712302

Wow, /lit/ is horrible in the summer. The replies ITT are making me miss the MRAs. All of this unwarranted back to pol horseshit. See you in the fall.

>> No.6712315

"Hatred does not cease by hatred. Hatred only ceases by love. This is an Ancient Law." - the Buddha

>> No.6712338

which relatives?

>> No.6712373

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.