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/lit/ - Literature

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6710837 No.6710837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you realise this board had become totally insufferable?

>> No.6710841

When the christposters immigrated from /pol/

>> No.6710844

I think it's good.

>> No.6710849
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when the fedoras immigrated from /leftypol/

>> No.6710853

When wasn't it?

>> No.6710856

When I realized that it happens every summer.

>> No.6710860

when the perpetual battle of tumblr vs pol started

>> No.6710868

>don't have different opinions than me or you'll look like this
>implying lit hasn't always had a highly leftist/Marxist bent

>> No.6710876

This was an atheist board in 2012. The ironic Christposting started last year.

>> No.6710877

it was always shit

even 'good' or actual literature topics are just fucking reposts

>what do you guys think of neil gaiman
>what is your opinion on 100 years of solitude
>is judge holden the devil?

i dont know why i come here

>> No.6710884

/lit/ is apolitical. It was supposed to be about literature before you showed up a month ago.

>> No.6710893

You can't really separate politics from discussion of literature and philosophy.

>> No.6710901

Good literature and philosophy transcend politics

>> No.6710916

Politics is a game played by small minded men who lust after power for personal gain, and lie to the world about their motives.

Thankfully, most good books have little or nothing to do with politics.

On the other hand, you can Politicize anything, just as you might roll it in shit.

>> No.6710946

>and philosophy

this isn't the philosophy board though. literature you might have tangential discussions of politics at best. ie:

>what did communism look like during tolstoy's time? what was his exposure to the ideas and how does he react in his fiction?


>people still believe in marxism? lel

you can't sustain the argument anyway, even if this WAS the "literature and philosophy board." lots of things are "inseperable" from literature and philosophy, like for example that human beings write them. but you can't argue "biology is inseparable from literature and philosophy" and then create a purely biological thread here. there's a reason /sci/ exists, and also why /pol/ exists.

>> No.6710964

For me, I'm glad this board is being redpilled.

We need to stand together against the onslaught of feminism, cultural marxism, degeneracy, and liberalism.

We are witnessing the end times; the West is falling under the pressure of Jewish ideology and Islamic fundamentalism.

It's time we purge those elements both from the board and from the social body.

/pol/ has singlehandedly woken up this board from it's Marxist professors' brainwashing

>> No.6710976

Is this fresh pasta?

>> No.6710982

When I realized it's a board on 4chan.

>> No.6710986

You can make it so.
I'm glad the Christposters rid us of Maxists though.

>> No.6710993

They've gone to /leftypol/.

It's time we join forces with /r9k/ and /pol/ and take over that board too.

>> No.6710999

Which Christposters? There are Christposters like the Milibank people who are influenced by Marxism.

>> No.6711007

There's no fighting it man.

The west is a dying organism.

"Cultural marxism" is a delusion, a
non-ideology. and you're just one in a billion human souls screaming at the tide to turn back.

There is nothing for you but to embrace death, or resist and be struck down.

>> No.6711011

Please, lit is far from being a pol board. Fuck off back to tv.

>> No.6711015
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We're still here actually.

Waiting for you to go away.

In the end though, the winner is actually the loser.

>> No.6711020

/lit/ became a pioneer in frog theory and quality pepeposting though, which is way more that it seemed capable of considering /lit/ has always been a conservative, anti fun board. Now we have some of the most renowed experts on pepe and people are coming from all over 4chan, even the most remote parts, just to consult us on memelogy. I consider this a net improvement over the stale pseudliterary and pseudophilosophic (when not also /pol/ invaded) discussions we have over here.

>> No.6711021

How did it come to this?
How did 4chan go from "le anonymoose meme hackers" to a bunch of insecure, alienated white guys who fap to traps but claim they're straight?

>> No.6711022

Problem is leftists see it as a result of capitalism.

But it's the bolshevik Satanic Jews.

>> No.6711026

Because women are being brainwashed by cultural marxism to breed with non-whites and destroy the white race.

We've had enough

>> No.6711028

Those two categories are mutually inclusive tbh.

>> No.6711048
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>> No.6711246

>This was an atheist board in 2012. The ironic Christposting started last year.
/lit/ was never one and isn't now one person. There have always been a multitude of creeds and demographics expressed here. Recently some autist decided to shit up every thread where christianity was mentioned though.

>> No.6711255

that's not true. i have been posting on /lit/ since like 2010 and i have been a catholic since i was baptized as a child.

>> No.6711280

Couple of months back.

>> No.6711282
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Seeing plebs shit on F. Scott Fitzgerald and worshipping DFW makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.6711285


>> No.6711294

Because 4chan became recognized by popular culture and shits like stormfront invaded.

>> No.6711312

And you should

>> No.6711324

I don't like its contrarianism and elitism. I mean, you can like classic literature without being an asshole. And now that I type this out I'm not sure why I continue to come here.


>> No.6711328

just shitpost and learn to love the bomb op

>> No.6711339

How about this:

Atheists stop complaining about Christposters and making endless threads about them, the quality of Christian threads are better than the average /lit/ thread.

Christposters stop spamming fedora pictures when somebody voices an atheist-y sounding position

Oh, and spookposters can just fuck off.

>> No.6711348

is this really a thing on /lit/? the more popular books are not classics at all but more modern shit like pynchon and dfw.

>> No.6711355

Yeah mainly the pol people who post shit that either contradicts leftist viewpoints or promotes right wing shit.
i know that sounds like i want an echo chamber but the majority of those posts are low quality pol shit. And they werent very popular before, this board mainly espousing leftist, usually marxist political ideologies. Again nothing wrong with right wing posters just the current flock of them are cancerous.

>> No.6711373

Around the moment /pol/ was even beginning to be recognized and talked about on other boards.

I'd rather have /x/ fags

>> No.6711404

When the /r9k/, /pol/, and redditors accidentally clicked /lit/ instead of /jp/ or /mlp/ then decided its a mature environment for them.

>> No.6711423

The first time I came here.

>> No.6711425
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>> No.6711444


>> No.6711534


It really is a thing. There are some exceptions to it, of course. But, in general, this board tends to sneer at anything that's "entry level," which is a buzz word for something that's well-liked. Just look at how often "pleb" and "patrician" are thrown around, even if some of it is in jest.

>> No.6711566

Sadly, we've long since passed the stage where we can easily differentiate lighthearted jest from *serious* shitposting.

I blame Pomo, naturally.

>> No.6711573

4chan was always for insecure alienated white guys (if anything even more so in the past). If you don't like it there are plenty of normie-friendly websites out there where you can laugh at lonely "white boys."

>> No.6711604

I feel like this board went from muh classics and unironic marxism to nihilist hipster faggots that are the living embodiment of a Louis C.K. joke, 1:40: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3li_aZWt-r0

>> No.6711612

I love how people are actually retarded enough to believe shit like this. If you actually visited the real world once in a while instead of festering in your mothers basement, you'd face the reality that yours delusions are not actually real and that reality cannot be summed up in a single meme infograph. The cognitive dissonance is real. Stop trying to pin your own personal issues onto other people.

>> No.6711614

>referencing an 8board

>> No.6711742
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To be fair, I've tried to do my part.
In the off topic threads in which I posted the image seen here. The fags tended to bail. I noticed a small but distinct uptick in quality upon doing so. Just sayin'. It's a bit juvenile, but it kind of works.

>> No.6711749

When I started actually reading books again.

>> No.6711756

14 year olds turned into bitter, weird 22 year olds.

>> No.6711800

it didn't work dude. i'm shitposting like crazy right now. feels good though that i got you to shitpost my shitpost

>> No.6711802

That's fucking scary man

>> No.6711806

thought his shirt said 'wincest' for a moment

he looks like a basement ruling grand wizard

>> No.6711818

>being homophobic

c'mon man!

>> No.6711820

>contradicts leftist viewpoints
>i dont want my false ideologies challenged, i want to bask in my own filth with other mindless drones that follow the same baseless ideologies

>> No.6711823

It always was.

>> No.6711830

i'm not the guy you're responding to tbh.
but the majority of right wing posters coming here aren't really even right wing tbh
they are more like the exiles of old r9k tbh
i wouldn't mind buckley-tier right wing posters tbh
i'm kind of right wing myself tbh
we could shitpost against leftists together tbh

>> No.6711844

stopped reading here

If you rewrite your post I'll consider reading it

>> No.6711855

When it shifted to being right-wing.

>> No.6711859

rude tbh

>> No.6711865

shady af tbh

>> No.6711866

This whole website has gotten worse with the increased use of the word 'meme'

>> No.6711875
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>lime green guevara shirt
oh boy

>> No.6711878

autism tbh

>> No.6711882

my favorite movie
i've never seen so much slacker love as I do on /lit/

>> No.6711899

Modern literature is more about log-rolling than literature.

>> No.6712126

I've still never really understood the reasoning behind homophobia. Is it repressed sexual fears? Or is it the survival part of the human brain trying to prevent what it believes to be an attempted obstruction of our species?

>> No.6712136

>not realising there's a rabbit hole in the toilet of nandos

>> No.6712158
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>implying /leftypol/ isn't already mainly /pol/ shitposters

>> No.6712180
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>hearing somebody scream the same memes at you 500 times is an intellectual challenge

>> No.6712197

you would know

>> No.6712694

A little over a year ago. I stayed for Femi. I will leave by the end of summer.

It's been better.

Sauron! I should have known! Thanks for the poop-pill, anon

>> No.6712757

It was never any different. This site was founded by an autistic 14 year old who wanted to discuss anime and jerk off to loli. It's a miracle we're even using punctuation.

>> No.6713459

pls don't leave butterfly :(

>> No.6713475

It's more fun than ever.

>> No.6713504

John Green pls go

>> No.6713549

You all have yourselves to blame.

Memes and other thoughtless fluffal may be easy, but it scares the intelligent and insightful people away.

>> No.6713561

Why did you stay for a lad roleplaying a lass when you're a sapphist? It's not like he was a very good poster.

>> No.6713566

Don't you like fun?

>> No.6713570

It just resembles 4chan culture generally: memes that become increasingly annoying, and the angry rants of guys looking for outlets for their frustrations and insecurities.

>> No.6713576

actually things got better after feminister left.

>> No.6713581

Guess it's an enevitability as the crowd of users grows older...

>> No.6713585

/lit/ - A supposedly fun thing that I'll never do again

>> No.6713592

about 2 or 3 years ago

>> No.6713595

The great tripfag era AKA the golden age of /lit/ when newfags would get in unwinnable arguments with D&E every single day

>> No.6713618

>TFW this entire thread is christposters and assmad commies
>tfw they imagine themselves directly opposed
>tfw they are slowly, slowly coming closer and disintegrating the differences in their ideologies
>TFW its inevitable that christposters and Marx/commie posters combine in a truly Hegelian way
>Tfw Hegel was right

>> No.6713628

>christposters and assmad commies
Buy why do we have either on /lit/? We need a similar purge of purely religious threads as we had for purely political threads.

>> No.6713736

>as we had for purely political threads.

It would be nice if this ever actually happened.

Really wish we had a /phil/ board that we could direct theology and "political philosophy" to. I don't mind philosophy threads but I would sacrifice them in a heartbeat to get rid of the two biggest cancers of this board.

>> No.6713750

We need to create a meme to counteract them. They shit post fedora memes, but there isn't anything to purge them with.

>> No.6713831

>tfw chronic board hopper
>tfw eventually you get sick of every board as you realise its the same shit over and over again.

maybe its time to jump ship soon. Which board should I go to? I've got my on /asp/ at the moment. Or maybe Ill just quit 4chan again.

>> No.6713832

i've started shitposting on /ck/

>> No.6713862

I recently started going to /k/, it's gayer than /lit/ but also often funnier.

>> No.6713872

>stormfront invaded


>> No.6713873

When Sunhawk stopped posting.

>> No.6713875

This literally happened, they even had a project of spreading a fixed mantra about white genocide on places lime /pol/.

>> No.6713904
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When the night security-guard began to grace us with his intelligence

>> No.6713913
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>quit 4chan again
That makes no sense and would be a waste of time. If they wanted to spread the truth they should do it in a place that doesn't already enthusiastically back them.

>> No.6713916

you can quit things and come back to them latter buddy.

>> No.6713918

Then I've quit smoking dozens of times, friend.

>> No.6713965

like today, i'm out of here for real

>> No.6713976

The Stormnigger invasion is a fact. Also, no 4chan did not back them. They were considered huge faggots before they invaded.

>> No.6714024
