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File: 46 KB, 277x416, name of the wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6708183 No.6708183 [Reply] [Original]

So, I finally got around to sitting down and reading this. It's actually pretty damn good.

>> No.6708208

Any book with the word "wind" or "leaves" in the title is shit tbh

>> No.6708241

Well have you read it?

>> No.6708265

I gave up halfway through the second book.

You have a supposedly incredibly capable character that proves himself utterly incapable and entirely reliant on luck. Bad things keep happening because he overlooks details and reaches incorrect conclusions, and then good things happen because why not. It's basically harry potter 2.0


I also recently started reading house of leaves and it seems really really bad.

>> No.6708273

That's kind of the point, he's a living legend in the world. Would be pointless if his life wasn't storied.

>> No.6708346


My point is that a 'living legend' that accomplishes everything through blind luck is not exciting or interesting.

The author attempts to draw people into the story by hinting at awesome feats that the main character has accomplished but he then is constantly backpedaling trying to reinforce the idea that peasants retelling stories will exaggerate details.

And again, the most important fact is that it doesn't feel like he is accomplishing things through his own wit and skill. And it can't even be attributed to a team effort because he is still ever the loner stumbling through everything almost exclusively on his own.

Even in the present setting of the story when the main character battles several of the demon spider things it is told in a way to suggest that he is extremely lucky to have escaped with his life. The author is trying to make his character believable but overcompensating at an insane level.

>> No.6708746

Yes and it's one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever read.

>> No.6708749

>guaranteed replies

>> No.6708759

While at the same time telling you of his amazing mad csgo skills and amazing talent.

>> No.6708762

it'd be better if what happens in three books happened in one book

>> No.6708814
File: 456 KB, 1050x505, BrettPV-DemonCycleUK-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I enjoyed it to begin with too but a few chapters in it was pretty clear that it was a neckbeard who had self inserted himself into a fantasy book and imagining himself as this infallible hero. Read pic related instead.

>> No.6708822

I read the first two books before the third came out and literally cannot remember a single thing about them.

>> No.6708828

There is a lot I don't like about Name of the Wind and its sequel, Kvothe's Summer Vacation, but they really are my favourite books published in the last decade or so.

They need to be Gordon Lish'ed fucking HARD, though. Just set Gordon Lish on them and let him go to fucking town.

>> No.6708834

Can you remember things about other recent books?

>> No.6708839


I read about two books a week or so. Some don't leave an impact, most do. For whatever reason, I cannot bring to mind anything about those two books, but can quote passages from others.

I must have enjoyed them, or I wouldn't have read them. Weird, maybe I'll revisit them after re-reading the original Dune trilogy, which was next on my list.

>> No.6708858

man, it ain't right what happened to based fiddle wizard

>> No.6710075

The name of the wind is better than any of the demoncycle (painted man being the best). Rothfuss just fucked it up with his sequel.

>> No.6710335
File: 101 KB, 210x195, 1381381116313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This book is complete trash. Rothfuss is a big baby who tries to pretend like his bad writing is a plot point and that he understands metaphor - he doesnt. Plotting is bad, pace is abysmal, characterization is nonexistent outside a train wreck vehicle for self-aggrandizing arrogance. Rothfuss chases trope-inversion and feminism brownie points while literally failing to do either thing. Just purely awful.

>> No.6710366
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The main thing kvothe is after Is money

>> No.6710370


It's hard to pick a WORST part of these books (denna, felurian, adem, gypsies) but the constant discussion of how many silver talents Kvothe doesn't have and how many pots of ink and shirts he needs to buy might be the worst.

>> No.6710380

I have to say though it was pretty entertaining in that way where you go see an action movie like 300 purely for the blood and gore. Gotta say though favorite character hands down is Elodin I love crazy wizards.

>> No.6710391

It's the narrative that appeals to SJWs, most of them have Patreons and rely on pathos baiting.

>> No.6710399


It's a tie between that and Denna for me, I think. There was a lot of time wasted on money, but the Denna parts just made me angry at how stupid the characters were.

>> No.6710409


Yeah I agree I have a thjng for crazy wizards since Fizban. Also I thought the mythopoetic aspect was interesting, just badly handled.

>> No.6710774

So how do these books compare to Sanderson's Mistborn books? The Mistborn ones are pretty much the only fantasy I've read that's been published in the last two decades. Just finished them a few months ago and I did enjoy them for the most part.

>> No.6710879

Sanderson is generally considered to have worse prose (read: the prose is plain and transparent) but better plots and magic.

>> No.6710902

Ah ok. The prose was serviceable but definitely his weakest point, so that figures.

I've just heard retarded shit about how Kvothe is some mary sue or something. Whatever, I'll probably grab the audiobook.

>> No.6710989

Denna is annoying and her character is not believable. The adem are bullshit. Matriarch warrior society that speaks using only gestures. Idiotic.

Felurian was sweet though. As was the presentation of the fae realm in general.

It is basically a slightly more gritty harry potter overall. But hey i enjoy the books quite a bit. Rothfuss is a bit of a fag with all his sjw stuff, but still way better than 95% of all other fantast writers out there.

Maester lorren is either chandrian or amyr i think

>> No.6711014


Yeah I think I mostly get annoyed that I bought the hype. I agree, faeriland was presented pretty well. Chandrian are cool too. Too bad Rothfuss has no desire to talk about any of his interesting ideas.

I have such a fucking love/hate with fantasy. I can't stop reading it but I'm infuriated by 98% of it. At least Borges and LeGuin and Marquez and Wolfe are there to help.

>> No.6711094

Denna fucking ruins every scene she is in. I guess that is sort of her point.

>> No.6711114
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>> No.6711203

have you read Leaves of Grass?

>> No.6711205
File: 29 KB, 250x432, 250px-patrothfussgnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my problem with Rothfuss. His plot/pacing is bad and his fans shriek "that's the point!". His characterization is weak and inconsistent and people shriek "that's the point!" His prose is embarassing and purple and people shriek "that's the point lol Kvothe is DRAMATIC".

All these elements of unreliability are fine if your unreliability results in a good story. But this doesnt. He wrote a bad story and is trying to use its very badness as a selling point like look I've created the ultimate inversion it's SUPPOSED to be bad do you get it I'm a genius.

Fuck offffff.

>> No.6711211

>has sex for the first time with a nypho fae goddess
>is a pro


>> No.6711233

the saving the two girls from the fake Ruh troupe was such an obnoxious sjw wish fulfillment self insert

>> No.6711592

What kind of monster doesn't like The Wind in the Willows?

>> No.6711607

Elie Wiesel

>> No.6712389

Leesha Paper is a bigger mary sue than anything in NotW. But Renna Tanner, holla at that chick.

>> No.6712395

Denna is my best friend from highschool. I wanted to kill myself.

>> No.6712406
File: 49 KB, 337x500, bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly don't remember most fantasy i read except for really giant stuff (tolkien, gene wolfe, moorcock). in terms of mid-list fantasy, i remember enjoying bakker more than rothfuss.

>> No.6713648


>> No.6714154


I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying I don't believe you.

>> No.6714395

Shadow of the Wind, Wind in the Willows, Leaves of Grass all not shit.

>> No.6714497


>thinks the Adem are bullshit
>liked the Felurian part

You w0t m8

The Adem make perfect sense. Have you never met anyone with aspergers or a mild form of high-functioning autism? They are very much like that. They rarely make eye-contact with you and speak with their hands a lot.

>> No.6714526


I don't understand how people come to the conclusion that he was a pro. He was simply taught how to have sex by a nymph for several months or years (what with the wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey of the fae realm). Of course he is going to have some skill after all that, most people are after being with Felurian, but almost everyone is eventually drained of their life-force her. He wasn't killed by Felurian because he unconsciously learned her name, thereby having power over her.

>> No.6715298


>the Denna parts

Oh jesus fuck no.

I got SO sick of her.

At least the money made sense: he was dirt poor and every scrap he earned he treasured. The Denna bits just kill me with how sappy and overdramatic they are.

Honestly I'd have told her to fuck off long ago.

>> No.6715315

Literally the first time he fucked her, the first time he ever had sex, he was so good he made her cum her brains out and want to take him back to faerie land as her little fuckpet.

>> No.6715327


I hated how much time he wasted in the fae. Motherfucker, you don't get a vacation from the plot!

>> No.6715334


The first book is great.
The second book drops the ball.