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/lit/ - Literature

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6707856 No.6707856[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>and this is anon's room
>he's majoring in Literature!

>> No.6707887
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>and this is anon's future
>he's majoring in Literature!

>> No.6707922
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>here's all the people who care to hear anon's ideas about the books he's read
>it'll be 5-10 years before anon realizes this guy doesn't speak english!

>> No.6707933

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6707998
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>anon why didn't you major in Engineering like your dad wanted you to?

>> No.6708012

It's a doge eat doge world, mama

>> No.6708021


Man Mom, you're such a bitch.

>> No.6708024

>tfw my dad is an engineer and he claims he wasted his life and he is paying for my English degree

>> No.6708032

>living vicariously through me

>> No.6708037

I wish I was a little rich bitch kid
I wish I could do what I wanted and not to make money
I wish I could be happy

>> No.6708052

Pretty soon all the "real" jobs are going to be automated so who cares.

>> No.6708061

My dad is a sucessful lawyer. He is always talking about how he wanted to be an actor and once he looked at me dead in the eyes and told me to never follow his steps.

It was weird.

>> No.6708067

I'd rather work in cafes for the rest of my life than be an engineer.

>> No.6708072
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>mfw I'm going to be in charge of planning that
>approximately 0.6% chance of my job being automated

>> No.6708073


what the fuck
is all of /lit/ a bunch of noveu riche and old money?
am i in the wrong hobby

>> No.6708076

Is it really that hard to get a professorship? I have good grades :(

>> No.6708086

it's about networking, m8.

how well do you suck a cock?

>> No.6708087

>implying reading has ever been the hobby of the poor

>> No.6708090

>noveu riche and old money
Nigga, ill be poor as fuck my whole life. Im comfortable now but in a year ill have to live for myself with my lame ass communications title. My parents money will get divided between their new husband/wife and my 23792874 sisters.

Sorry, i needed to let that out.

>> No.6708105

Same here bro.

>> No.6708106

>your english degree will never be valuable

>> No.6708108

Any of them good looking? 9/10 intellectual looking to marry into money.

>> No.6708116

I've been recruiting english majors all night for a dod project but it's literally the only time I know it's happened.

>> No.6708120

>he thinks you can be patrician if you're poor

>> No.6708125

All of us are 7/10 at best. Also, they wont be getting money either. Maybe a small house or two when they are 60.

>> No.6708127

Gotta work on something that adds to the collective value of your field and also suck some cock.

>> No.6708131

>tfw English major and French Lit major
>fluent in spanish
>proficient in several programming language
>unemployed for past several years

>> No.6708136

the hassles of life right

>> No.6708137

You can use it to go to law school.

Makes sense to, actually, since law is a shitload of reading, comprehension, and writing. The kiddos who do poorly in law school do so because they don't like to read, most of them.

inb4 >but law is so dry and boring!

Give it some time. You'll find out the entirety of literature is bullshit and move on to adult things.

>> No.6708141
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Rich families tend to educate their children better than poor people do, starting with reading at home, which raises the odds their children will actually like learning. I went to a private school but did a lot of activities with public school kids, and you can always tell the difference in their demeanor, attitude and speach. Rich kids are like another species; they're more organized, more socially aware, more eloquent in their everyday speach and overall more productive. It wasn't an elite private school either, just some hole in the wall in the South that was founded explicitly to get white kids out of integrated schools, but even the dumb ones read well above grade level compared to public school students.

Rich people are also more likely to be tall, good looking and have high IQs so this is probably the most Chad board on 4chan.

>> No.6708142

Hey I'm a 7.3 and I have a decent amount of money. I'm not gay (assuming you're a dong) but we can get platonically married and talk about books and get a house on the coast of Ireland if you want? Maybe kiss like once or twice but it's forced but also sweet

>> No.6708157


>tfw poor, 5'9, and extremely shy/agoraphobic

>> No.6708165


>law school
oh yeah because more debt for marginal increase in job prospects sounds good

>> No.6708167

>and also suck some cock.
To what extent?

>> No.6708175
File: 25 KB, 500x350, 10428518_747927565301797_6451904376904435614_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that book coming along?

The lutherans educate well and for cheap. My gradeschool peers were almost all lightyears ahead of our counterparts in public. It was like watching two different nations interact. Most of us ended up with personal issues though after schools were done.
>13 kids
>four suicide attempts
>only one kid without doing the whole family life
>six eating disorders
>three drug dealers, the dumb one is quoted in court "no sir i don't use the cocaine i just sell it"

I think like two people made it into something resembling success, one married into it.

>> No.6708176

Daily reminder that everyone should be happy that they are interested in literature (the patrician hobby) to some extent and that they aren't wasting their life watching The Bachelor or replaying Doom 3. I hate you cucks most of them time but hell, at least we ain't /mu/!

everyone congratulate themselves

>> No.6708185

Use citation in flattering ways. Ingratiate yourself where you hope to work. Try to get professorship endowment chairs when they come up using your positive effect on the field.

>> No.6708186

>marginal increase in job prospects

If that's the attitude you take into it, that's what you'll get out of it. All the fresh J.D's I know who aren't employed at a J.D.-necessary job simply didn't try to get one during 2L nor 3L.

>> No.6708190

>Got a STEM Degree but creative and inquisitive. Wanted a good job.
>Trying to make friends, I discover many people in STEM are so emotionally-blunted/isolated that they become cruel and aggressive
>Always loved books, wanna be a writer more than a credit to team
>Just want qt3.14 that can talk shit about Nabokov and likes art films and never talks about psychology or economics EVER

learn from my mistakes, /lit/

>> No.6708191

>im not gay
>maybe kissing once or twice

Get lost, faggot.


Ill call you once im 50 and loneliness is making me depressed.

>> No.6708200

>Rich people are also more likely to be tall, good looking and have high IQs so this is probably the most Chad board on 4chan.
Heh. Hehe. You guessed incorrectly.

>> No.6708204

>when they come up using your positive effect on the field.
What is the best kind of positive effect your work could have in an humanities fields? Originality? I feel as though I'm all technical skill without anything new to bring to the table.

>> No.6708214

If you have >95% percentile innate intelligence, solid social skills and are interested in at least one area of law, then law school is an excellent choice. If you're an overachieving fuckwad with an IQ of 110 who thinks yourself to be the hottest shit in intellectual history because you walted your way through some fucking joke of an undergraduate education, then law school will lead to debt. Law schools have been hyping up their scholarship game recently in an attempt to catch a few gems from the former category. For the past 20 years, it's largely been twathats from the. Latter group going to law school and complaining about their lack of success in the "real world"

>> No.6708221
File: 3.61 MB, 5675x3485, town hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about dropping Philosophy and Film and going into Architecture and City planning or Public Administration tbh lads.

>> No.6708224

Something is very strange here. It's like lutheran education is some time bomb that will bolster academic success but leave you crippled in early adulthood.

>> No.6708232


I do n't know what those mean
I have no idea what your second sentence means at all

>> No.6708236

>talk shit about Nabokov
I truly pray to God that no woman is enough of a filthy charlatan as to stoop to your level, Anon.

>> No.6708240


but I have bad social skills and don't know that much about law
most lawyers I meet are kinda slimy and very jewish

>> No.6708246

>Going to prestigious STEM college for neuroscience
>Always been interested in literature and writing, but now it's really standing out to me
>tfw you can't decide between the two
>tfw you think you've gone to the wrong college for arts and humanities so if I'd switch in the first place it might not even be worth it.

I just don't know what to do....

>> No.6708251


>> No.6708253

Research unanswered questions, investigate possible alternative perspectives on data, examine closely the parts of the field that still seem mystical or intriguing.

We were straight up tacks-under-the-cushion with one of our teachers. Baptism by fire for dealing with a cunt. One of our principals had an affair, confessed it to the pastor, still got asked to leave. A kid's mom threatened to kill me on our eighth grade trip. 35 on my ACT. And eleven of us got brightflight.

>> No.6708255

dont listen to law school lies

>> No.6708259

Man anon, you missed out.

You heard it here first, folks. Anon misses chance to score big money and a coastal home in Ireland with a Patrician 7.3

The offer still stands, regardless of gender. Platonic marriage and a life free of monetary worry: a life filled with travel, learning, late-night chess and laughter by the fireplace. The sole condition being that you must give me AT LEAST two tender kisses (2-8 seconds in length) over the course of our marriage. Let me know if anyone is interested

>> No.6708263

>tucker max
>on my /lit/
goddamnit anon

>> No.6708267

>tucker max

No offense, but you are stupid.

>> No.6708280


>> No.6708287

theres nothing mystical or intriguing about english

>> No.6708290

Then definitely do not go to law school.
If you're in murica, you have two options:

1. Go to undergrad at the best 4 year university that will accept you. (Maybe 2nd or 3rd if price tag is significantly lower). Once there, work on improving your social skills through either co-curricular programs or discussion based classes. You will hate it at first. It will be uncomfortable, maybe forever, but (unfortunately) your ability to communicate effectively in person will be the largest factor in whether or not you die a fuckin pleb or a god damn king. Study whatever you want. Drink. Have sex. Smoke weed. Get to know people. These people will get you jobs.

Option 2.
Go to trade school. Split your time between mastering a craft and ... improving your social skills. Anyone can hammer a fucking nail. Not everyone can convince some stupid pleb that he needs a new porch and that you're the man for the job.

Seriously. Social skills = money in today's world.

Money = time to work on your hobbies, perhaps writing.

>> No.6708291

He intentionally creates propaganda.

>> No.6708292

Can I cheat on you?

if so, fucking sold m8, you want my email or what?

>> No.6708299

pics or it didn't happen

>i can do things with words you've never seen before

>> No.6708301

This actually sounds promising, but im slow to make such decisions.

Also i such at chess.

>> No.6708304

Suck. I suck so much at chess i cant even properly write how much i suck.

>> No.6708306

chess.com name thread?

>> No.6708308

shhhh don't ruin my fantasy--in my dream, both she & I know Pale Fire is a masterpiece but it's like this weird intellectual femdom game and the sex afterwards is incredible

>> No.6708309

I don't know
i had friends back in highschool and was apparently funny( not in that i was being bullied way)
i used to go to the beach all the time ( florida)
people seemed to like talking to me/opening up but they also described me as "weird" or "different"
maybe I just have low self-esteem
Does the college experience really exist anon?

>> No.6708324

>your ability to communicate effectively in person will be the largest factor in whether or not you die a fuckin pleb or a god damn king.
>Social skills = money

this really, really depends upon what you do. you can be an nth-level asper or a world-class asshole and still pull down big money in finance or engineering. your CV can speak for itself, after a while.

>> No.6708326

>getting high, experimenting in the field, intra office politics, free time to get laid, keeping As but focusing on personal projects, making contributions in your little personal specialty.

No. But doesn't make it not worth doing, have to do it well.

>> No.6708329
File: 3.30 MB, 5403x3036, TuckerQuote1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Tucker Max is a big fat fucking ding dong. His entire career and fame is based off of, "haha, guys, I'm a burn out. Look at what a burn out I am. Fuck yeah."

Tucker Max bullshat his way through three years of boozing and learned dick-all about shit. Decided to cry publicly when no firm wanted to hire him.

No shit. Not only does he suck, he's PROUD to suck.

>> No.6708336

This is douchebaggery beyond words.

>> No.6708361

It exists for those who know how to take advantage of the opportunities available at a university, the big one being networking. I hate the d-bag business fucks who go around dropping buzzwords like they are some holy secret to life, but the whole "it's all about who you know" cliche is the closest thing to a true fact that exists in business education (which I'm not advocating, btw). Again, go to university to find a group of intelligent people who have similar interests as you, and with them as support, conquer the fucking world.

... And start working out so you can get laid from time to time. You don't have to be a douche about it, but you will have 100x the confidence.

>> No.6708377

>undergrad degree couldn't land me a job despite good grades and generally being a smart guy. wasted time after graduating trying to figure things out.

>now in grad school for career change and also realizing how powerful networking is

i wish i could go back in time and kick my own ass.

>> No.6708386

Amen. I learned too late that nobody cares if the friendless smart guy doesn't get a job after graduating.

>> No.6708390

No. That's almost never the case. nth-level asper's have a huge fucking roadblock called "middle-management" which generally consists of some prick who is only half competent in STEM but has the social skills to take advantage of the asper, whether he's straight of college or 60 years old. Above these assholes are two types of people: one, the faggot who inherited his position; two, the motherfucking jedi, who not only understands the STEM but also has God level social skills. This has been the standard model of business since at least the 80's. Silicon Valley is no different. People with social skills run the fucking show. Asper's are generally wage slaves.

>> No.6708401


counterpoint: John Carmack

>> No.6708405


>> No.6708408

counterpoint: all the not John Carmacks.

>> No.6708412


>> No.6708418

going to law school is an awful idea in 2015

being a lawyer sucks dick

you give awful advice, and actually for a lot of people lit doesnt get boring. and for nearly no one does law ever get interesting

>> No.6708431

Just came to remind you all that STEM is and forever will be the master race :^)

>> No.6708435

>go to middle of the pack law school on full ride
>study minimum to pass bar
>get bullshit job for "non-profit"

>> No.6708441

Go back to reddit faggot

>> No.6708446

>spend rest of your life earning a modest income, long hours incl commute, and doing mind numbing work

>> No.6708470

the day I feel that "the entirety of literature is bullshit" and that I'll "move on to adult things" is the day I've probably finally died inside completely

I get that there are sometimes more pressing & pragmatic problems in life, but the pursuit of culture--the impulse to understand different walks of life--is quite possibly the only pure thing in this world