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670649 No.670649 [Reply] [Original]

New Kate Beaton.

How does /lit/ view pairings? e.g. Holmes and Watson

I personally find most of them inevitable.
Holmes and Watson have a bromance going already; all the reader did was escalate that (pervertedly). Which I'm okay with most the time, unless it's pure smut. Some interesting storyline to go along with it is all I ask.

And this is, of course, not limited to homopairings.
It's just what was on the comic description.
So don't flame me please.

>> No.670659


>> No.670662

I appreciate the sentiment?

>> No.670675

No prob.
But seriously.
I've never read any Sherlock Holmes, so I have no opinion.

>> No.670676
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Come on /lit/!
An original thread!

Jump on it, fellows!

>> No.670686

Well, I've known since like the sixth grade that Remus Lupin and Sirius Black of Harry Potter are gay for each other, so...yeah never read Sherlock Holmes either.

>> No.670697

And I haven't read Harry Potter.

I guess that makes us even then.
;_; Nobody reads Sherlock?

>> No.670709

I like House. And from what I've heard it has some similarities. Although the House/Wilson pairing is tempting, although unlikely... ;_;

>> No.670715

i think pairings say something about the duality of men, sir.

>> No.670721


>> No.670734

Yeah, there are lots of similarities between House and Holmes.

Name (kinda)
Drug addiction (Holmes is addicted to a drug. Cocaine, I believe)
Music (Holmes plays the violin)
Being unorthodox

Bromance is among the list.
I think that House is FAR less logical than Holmes.
Not to mention, far more cynical as well.

>> No.670745


Also, House and Holmes' apartment numbers are the same in the first few seasons.

>> No.670747

Haha, you think that was intentional?

>> No.670756

It was. So was Wilson's name (it's similar to Watson, sort of).
I remember reading some interview a while ago with the creator of the show and he said that he used Sherlock Holmes as direct inspiration for the show.

>> No.670769

How is it unintentional?

>> No.670774

This thread is gay both literally and figuratively

>> No.670777

House has gained a little respect from me now.
Anybody know any other books like Sherlock Holmes?

And I don't mean mystery; I mean the style.
In retrospect, this is a ridiculous request but attempting anyway.

>> No.670784

Tryy the Japanese comic Detective Conan

>> No.670796

Wilson doesn't play as much of a role as Watson, come to think of it. Also, most of the stories, save a few, are all from Watson point of view.

In House, I would change it to moar Wilson.

>> No.670827

I have tried.
It's just that I don't like it when they drag on the main issue like that. [you know what I'm talkin' 'bout].

Short stories are fine, but not when you leave unresolved issues in the dust.

>> No.671842

There's another thread on here about Sam and Frodo. But as to pairings, as OP says, they're probably inevitable.

Any sexuality is just the age we live in. Watson married and Holmes, although drawn to That Woman, probably frequented prostitutes.

Poirot and Hastings appear together but Hastings married. Phileas Fogg and Passepartout went around the world but Fogg married. David and Jonathon: David committed murder for a woman. The Hardy Boys: hmmm. But even this is not sexual, I'm sure.

Peter Wimsey has his Harriet. Col. Brandon in Sense and Sensibility is attracted to Edward Ferrars and both end marrying sisters. Oh, Heavens, I can't think of other pairs right now but they're there.

Pairings occur because only dialogue advances the story. An explosion, a time warp, a mutant crayfish absorbing a minor character: exciting events but background leading to the reactions and interactions of the characters. How to express those interactions? Dialogue.

And think about it: if a character pair doesn't exist, an author has to invent a secondary character for every interaction. What a chore. And what a bore.

>> No.672595

Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin are an awesome example of the form, especially since they're drastically different from one another and start their relationship by duelling.

>> No.673152
File: 826 KB, 1024x768, SamDeanManip7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supernatural: Sam and Dean.
Totally plausible.

>> No.673192

People who insist that non-canon pairings MUST HAVE HAPPENED BECAUSE THEY'RE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER make me want to knife them. No exceptions.

>> No.673203

u mad.
What pairings do you find acceptable then?

>> No.673217


Ones that actually happen/at least have some evidence to support them.

>> No.673220

I could see Holmes/Watson and Black/Lupin easily. I'm just as fine with Holmes being asexual though.

Pairings are nice, but not necessary. I'm just fine with them being super close bromances as well. Like Biff and Jesus in Moore's Lamb. Making Jesus fuck Biff is a bit ridiculous since that's not his bag, but the bromance is awesome.

>> No.673229

Like what.

>> No.673261

lol. sherlock holmes shipping? is u serious