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/lit/ - Literature

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6706232 No.6706232 [Reply] [Original]

>constant shitposting
>constant christposting
>constant memeposting
>constant DFWposting
>constant memetrilogyposting
>constant bookshelfposting
>constant ASOIAFposting

What the fuck is going on with this shit board. Literature is one of the most interesting topics in the entirety of the world, yet you all demean it to bullshit nonsense. When was the last time anyone on this board actually discussed the literary qualities of a book? Every time a book is brought up it's either dismissed as a meme or praised to be spectacular. You could spend hours reading this board, and have no further insight on literature at all. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? Step it up guys, how about people actually discuss themes, motifs, symbolism, prose, allegories, cadence, imagery, and syntax?

People need to use this board for something better than just shitposting. I believe in you /lit/, I really do. But I have to be the gadfly that awakens the horse. Wake up.

>> No.6706246

says the frog poster.

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible

>> No.6706248

>Step it up guys
You sound like my junior high gym teacher. I'll tell you what I told him: eat shit faggot, I have a note from my mom.

>> No.6706251

I know right? Nobody's even bothered to post in my very genuine literature related common enough to be relatable thread.


>> No.6706254

>constant memetrilogyposting
The Ulysses threads are why I come here.

>> No.6706268

summerfag please leave

>> No.6706289

>Ive been here for the last 2 months

>> No.6706292


The critique threads suck shit, too. 4chan only likes the IDEA of literature.

>> No.6706318
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>bookshelf threads are flourishing
>religion, politics, and philosophy threads are reported for being off-topic
We discuss what book covers look like more than the ideas that shape literature. How horrifying.

>> No.6706326

That's reddit, 4 chan likes the idea of the idea of literature

>> No.6706335

It's all the woman.

>> No.6706340

so go read books

>> No.6706416
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I feel you OP, but asking /lit/ to stop (or at least cut down) on shitposting is like telling a baby not to cry. 4chan was founded by shitposters, for shitposters. Good, thought provoking threads are the exception to the rule.

If you really want to discuss literature without dealing with an overwhelming majority of fedora-tier elitists, take an English Lit class or join a book club. Literally anything is better than asking 4chan to "wake up".

Uh, I mean, OP is a faggot. kekekekek. lel. memes

>> No.6706434

I discussed Calvino with a guy yesterday. The thread has about 13 replies but it was great conversation. It's hard for people all to relate to one book so its easier for a discussion to occur around 'christposting' or whatever. The real discussion is there, you just have to find the threads. The ones that are constantly bumped will probably be bad.

>> No.6706436
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>> No.6706440
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>> No.6706463

youre on 4chan, retard.

>> No.6706474

>constant memetrilogyposting
>Literature is one of the most interesting topics in the entirety of the world,
That's the thing, people post about meme trilogy because these three books are the most important works of literature(contemporary at least), and therefore they're found interesting.

>You could spend hours reading this board
Why would anyone do it to themselves though, as in, why not read literature instead

>> No.6706633

This shit is ridiculous, what kind of God would establish a backstory so easy to poke holes in and then punish those who do so?

>> No.6706679

I can't stop laughing at the idea of any author doing a Q&A on lit. who would survive?

>> No.6706700

a few months ago, i was here calling ASOIAF stuff escapist basement dweller bullshit.
i watched an episode of a agot hbo. was hooked. after season was over i decided to read the books. And i have to say, i was very impressed. Until he sewed the wolfs head on rob's neck and turned Jamie Lannister into a cripple.i was like what the fuck yo and tossed the book in exaggerated anger. then i returned and finished it the same night. that was the third book. ive read them all and liked them all.
I would trade in all the memory space in my brain reserved for the entirety of kafka's work which i force-read for the sake of its renown, just so i can retain word for word the entire clagane oberyn battle.

fuck what they say
asoiaf is gold

>> No.6706725

Get rid of the Marxism circlejerks here and things would be much better

>> No.6706755

Nothing is going to change. EVER. Why ? Because no one on this board reads, or does it seriously. All you're going to have here is 1st semester muh esoteric jokes.

>> No.6706786
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Not /lit/ topic.
Book or GTFO

>> No.6706789
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the problem is your on 4chan. Boy was that hard

>> No.6706812

On every board I go, people always say the same shit 'Why is this board going to shit'.

Pro tip: all of 4chan has always been shit.
We're all swimming in pure excrement, and there's no way out.

>> No.6706872


I used to be a frequenter of /mu/ and /tv/ and the trend was the same as it's going on here.

First it starts off as reasonably knowledgable discussion about the finer, more obscure works. Some pop shit seeps through, but we know how to talk about it decently and it gets its share of discussion as it deserves. But there are people who defend that pop shit and call us pretentious for daring to have a standard. Those people start to win out, memes start to invade because those people can't discuss anything other than memes. Usually it just devolves into people giving things ratings out of ten and leaving it at that.

Hip-hop is more favored than classical music in /mu/. Blockbuster action flicks are more favoured than classic/art films on /tv/. Now we have people here starting to favor Geroge R.R. Martin and shit on authors like Pynchon and Joyce because they dare to attempt to show the reader difficult but rewarding pleasures.

We make fun of The Hunger Games and John Green a lot, but I wouldn't be surprised if later they get unironically praised around here by readers who "just want a nice story."

>> No.6706894

Lurk more. Anyone praising Martin is a pleb and anyone bashing Pynchon/Joyce is a contrarian memester. Despite its many faults, /lit/ wastes no time shitting on plebs

>> No.6707063

>>constant shitposting
This is 4chan
>>constant christposting
Most christposting are replies to atheist reddit kids, who are angry about this board not being overrun to "RELIGION KILLS DOGMA IS INTOLERANCE MUH SECULARIST INTELLIGENCE" yet, though they're desperately trying to do so. They can't stand a little corner of the web to be contemptuous to their bullshit. Fortunately, even non theists /lit/erates are cool with the fact that religion in general and christianity in particular inspired some of the greates literary jewels in mankind history.
>>constant memeposting
There has to be some uniformity shared by all of us, otherwise this would be Omegle. Also SAYS THE FROG POSTER.
>>constant DFWposting
So? I haven't read anything by him but I'm cool with it. Ignoring a thread it's not a big deal.
>>constant memetrilogyposting
>>constant bookshelfposting
Is not as bad as before, and there's nothing wrong with it. They're beautiful.
>>constant ASOIAFposting
Terrible prose but entertaining story, at least on the first books. And it also gets people to read. Just the fact that someone is willing to read a thick book in these youtube days is something that should make readers happy. A kid might start with ASOIAF and then jump to something else with a bigger literary value.

5/10. This mongo made me type this long reply.

>> No.6707074

Christposting isn't even cancerous

If you aren't a christian existentialist
or a
Stirnean Egoist

You are an irredeemable plebian.

>> No.6707194

So that's it, huh? Meme Philosophy #1 or Meme Philosophy #2?

>> No.6707202

No, there's also a third option: being a butthurt whiner

>> No.6707302

I see you've decided to pick #1 and #3.

>> No.6707313

You inspired me.

>> No.6707480

C-can I still post Stirner, having actually studied him extensively?

>> No.6707495

What is DFWing?

>> No.6707530


>> No.6707683


A tightly knit school of fly-by-night shitposters who insist on the universal application of Deliberate Formalism.

>> No.6708437
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This board has been like this for a long time now.
Can you believe that there was at one point a /lit/ literary journal with collections of all the best original work posted here? The April Reader I think. Yeah it wasn't all that great, but hell even the attempt at something like that is such a far cry from the utter shit that goes on in this board today.
And just a heads up, trying to actually discuss a literary topic and not memeposting is likely to get you a ban. It happened to me and I thought I was living in bizarro world until I realized that his place is actually just garbage.
Look elsewhere for actual literary discussion, OP.
I only ever come here anymore to give some rare actual advice in critique threads now and again.