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/lit/ - Literature

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670595 No.670595 [Reply] [Original]

Was /lit/ ever good? I remember in the beginning it was full of ambitious young minds, ready to share their ideals and opinions on the world.
But now it just feels like a bunch of young, arrogant, ignorant.. teenagers.

Will /lit/ ever return?

>> No.670599

This is 4chan, what do you think?

/lit/ is filled with young, arrogant teenagers who think that their taste is superior to everyone else's and old, embittered writers who never made it and therefore see fit to trash on everyone else's writing.

>> No.670600

/lit/ was never good. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.

>> No.670606

>ambitious young minds
>arrogant, ignorant teenagers

Same thing, if you ask me.

>> No.670609

At one point it was worth coming to to have a meanigful conversation with fellow anons who actually read...

>> No.670614


It's been the exact same from day 1, you fucking fag.

>> No.670616
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I was there. Right back in the beginning. I saw the rise, I watched the fall and do you know what, son, /lit/ was awesome.

>> No.670618 [DELETED] 

Good sir, you're implying that the only users of /lit/ are teenagers (despite 4chan restricted to people 18 and over), and is similar to /b/.

>> No.670620


I meant that it's been infiltrated by them.
There's still a lot of good men willing to stay behind.

>> No.670624


I miss the early days, when you could spot a troll by the picture of Ayn Rand they posted.

>> No.670634
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Those were the days..

>> No.670638

the first 4 days were fucking amazing.

>> No.670652

Yeah, such good times, all those years ago. Oh no, wait. It was like 3 months ago, and it's the same as it always was.

/lit/ is just the same as every other board on 4chan... they all have good and bad points (apart from a few boards like /b/, which have none).

>> No.670703



>> No.670724

The day Salinger died was the beginning of the end.

>> No.670740

Very fucking agreed.

>> No.670751


Old, embittered people on 4chan?

No, it's just the young faggots part.

"I am so e/lit/ist; Ayn Rand is such such; lolol Kurt Vonnegut!"

>> No.670754

/lit/ is one of the better boards but at the end of the day this is 4chan.

>> No.670766

I remember back in the good ol' days, when you could scroll down an entire page and there'd be nothing but GRRM and Ayn Rand threads.

>> No.670785

Don't you mean "party time"?
Yeah, Catch THAT in the fucking Rye.

>> No.670830


Also, I would add that /lit/ has its good days and its bad days. If you have a little faith, and post the kind of content you want to read, you're probably well on your way to improving the number of "good days" that we have.

>> No.670844

/lit/ was never good
I've been here day 1

>> No.670858

>/lit/ is shit but I come here every day
Not too smart are you?

>> No.671091

I remember non-stop Ayn Rand threads and threads that consisted of "Have you heard of Book of Leaves?!?!?!"

They weren't troll threads back then.

>> No.671116

I saw the best minds of my /lit destroyed by memes and pics of starving hysterical naked camwhores, dragging themselves through the rest of the boards during a raid looking for some "angry thread" (or "rage thread," whatever).

Pretentious hipsters burning for the ancient Internet connection to the starry server in the machinery of 4chan, Moot's poverty and debts and hollow-eyed and high sat up posting pictures of his cat in the supernatural darkness of PCs across the tops of cities contemplating Boxxy,

>> No.671126

The first few minutes were decent.

>> No.671127

Srsl, OP. At some point there would be some srsl educated/funny threads of "we summarize the best novels in history with one swear..." but when they b& Ayn Rand, the whole board went to shit.

Now it's only R.R. Martin and that kind of subliterature.

>> No.671131

You know what were the good days? When /lit/ discovered Joyce's love letters.

>> No.671162

We have plenty of interesting people around here if you just look for them. Most trollthreads seem to inexplicably turn to some sort of interesting discussion, even. /lit/'s pretty cool, man.

>> No.671175

For fucks sake. I was here on the first day, as, I assume, were most people on this board. It was FILLED with Ayn Rand spam and /b/tards (hence Moot's rule). It was even shittier than it was right now, more teenagers and more trolls. If anything /lit/'s at its prime right now.

>> No.671209

Yeah but between all the trolls and shit there were actual people trying to discuss literature.

>> No.671223


For fuck's sake, if you don't like fantasy hide the threads.

>> No.671233

Does Historian still post here. What about Isabelle Huppert

>> No.671266

What about 'cum' guy?

>> No.671851

i was here in the early days of /lit/'s existence



>> No.673146

I was here before the creation of /lit/. Therefore your argument is invalid.

>> No.673160

You mean like, two months ago? fuck off

>> No.673172

/lit/'s as good as it ever was.

>> No.673173

All it is now is butthurt atheists vs. butthurt theists, and people who think you're uncultured scum for enjoying modern literature.

>> No.673180 [DELETED] 

Whereas now it's just people discussion literature, and hardly any trolls. Oh no!

>> No.673184

Whereas now it's just people discussing literature, and there are hardly any trolls. Oh no!

>> No.673201

I was here before the river and the trees..the first raindrop and the first acorn. I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from the Outside.

I win.

>> No.673221
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>> No.673226

/mu/ was the death of /lit/