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/lit/ - Literature

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6705064 No.6705064 [Reply] [Original]

Recently started reading Leviathan Wakes, as well as Terry Pratchetts 'the colour of magic'.

Sorry for shitty image quality, using old replacement phone.

>> No.6705082

>reddit: the bookshelf

>> No.6705089
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Not one classic on that shelf, not even one Greek classic on that shelf.


>> No.6705093

Classic recommendation?

I probably have never read a classic.

>> No.6705151


I'm just going to go on a hunch and assume you are from >>>/v/ or >>>/a/ or possibly >>>/co/

Either way, we have entire sticky dedicated for you here: http://4chanlit.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading

So feel free to find a classic that suits your interest. A lot of people will recommend the Greeks first, but if you are an anime fan, it won't hurt for you to maybe start with the Japanese or Chinese.

Either way, I recommend you lurk more, and read more. Enjoy the trek.

>> No.6705196
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If you have never read a classic start with something easy. Please don't buy Moby Dick tomorrow.

Steinbeck and Hemingway would be good places to start.

Pic is courtesy of the wiki please go there now

If you liked Old Mans War get Starship Troopers or The Forever War.

Also get Childhoods End before the SyFy channels shits it up.

>> No.6705232
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>> No.6705282
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I posted mine a few weeks ago but I'll post again because I like it when you guys tear me down.


>> No.6705289
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>> No.6705291
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Steaks are not chicken cutlets what is with these captchas

>> No.6705293

Nothing worth reading. Also, post your tits.

>> No.6705294
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>> No.6705295

This is better.

>> No.6705299
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Make me feel weak

>> No.6705308
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>> No.6705310

How's Pushkin? It's hard to enjoy poems in translation, isn't it?

>> No.6705316
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The favorites

>> No.6705322

Unfortunately, yes. Especially so with Pushkin, as I've heard he plays masterfully with the language. I'm incapable of learning more than one language at a time and im having enough issues trying to remember French idioms as I stumble through Beckett. Russian will come after German, anyway. Still, glad I read what I could, for now

>> No.6705323

How's Vollmann? I haven't read him, and he's not talked about much here, despite the comparisons to our favourite meme authors I keep hearing about.

>> No.6705330

Why is The Recognitions so cute, bros?

>> No.6705335

Vollmann the person seems kind of out there, and I've only read The Rifles, so can't say much about him, but the beginning (first 60 pages or so) of The Rifles I remember being absolutely beautiful. It reminded me of an arctic Blood Meridian of sorts. This a very deeply felt book, very desperate, but it starts to become weird/bad someway in the middle.

>> No.6705409

I think your shelf is pretty good.

>> No.6705483
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>Not Garnett

>> No.6705492

>infinite jest behind other books

how dare you

>> No.6705496

>implying Garnett is good for anything other than Pushkin

>> No.6705508

>nothing worth reading
>Mann, Beckett, Calvino, Bely, Bulgakov

You must be a master patrician

>> No.6705519

I love how you wrap your hardcovers in plastic and buy expensive signed copies and ostentatious folio copies and keep the spines pristine by not reading them.

>> No.6705534

I've been getting books as my birthday/Christmas gifts since I was 15. The spines of hardcovers don't break. I'm surprised you don't know this. Paperback spines also don't break unless you take a long time to read them or subject them to a lot of weather (my shitty ones I read at the beach). I don't mind that they're broken but no, I don't break my spines on purpose to make them appear weathered. A small, independent antiquarian bookstore an hour or so from my house sells their books with the covers on and I keep them on. I don't see the issue

>> No.6705812
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>> No.6705818
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>> No.6705821
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>> No.6705825
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>> No.6705833

OP where did you even get your name? Rocinante is the name of the protagonist's horse in Don Quixote, a seminal work of Spanish Renaissance literature

>> No.6705837
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>> No.6705844
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>> No.6705850
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>> No.6705855
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>> No.6705860
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>> No.6705866
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>> No.6705870
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>> No.6705876

Beautiful copy of Gulliver

>> No.6705880

Solid setup man. Looks tasteful

>> No.6705888
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1/1 even though there's more

>> No.6705892

Thank you. Favorite room in the house.