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6704955 No.6704955 [Reply] [Original]

Do people in general think Phillip K. Dick is a contemporary/contemporarier philosopher like Sarte or Rand?
Does /lit/ think PKD is a philosopher?

I mean, he did write a million word book of his philosophical ideas.

>> No.6704960

>I mean, he did write a million word book of his philosophical ideas.
What's it called?

>> No.6704965

>Sarte or Rand

>> No.6704971

The Exegesis of Phillip K. Dick.

>> No.6705026


>> No.6705035

People view >>6704971 as they view Poe's Eureka: A Prose Poem. That is, mostly not at all, and if they do, as a curiosity.

>> No.6705040

>he could have called it The Exegesis of Dick
You had one job, Horselover.

>> No.6705087

"Define philosopher"
But if you're going to call Sarte or Rand one, then sure, by all means, love the dick we all.

>> No.6705090

By philosopher, I mean, by whatever you think philosopher means.
And I know /lit/ doesn't like Rand or even Sarte that much, but they are still considered philosopher by most people.

>> No.6705557

The Exegisis isn't philosophical, Dick drew from the spiritual/religious elements of everything he touched far more than he did the philosophical underpinnings of for instance Plotinus, whom he namedrops often. Writing about weird ahit doesn't make you a philosopher. I'm not saying he wasn't a visionary or a prophet, but he definitely wasn't a philosopher.