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/lit/ - Literature

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6700902 No.6700902 [Reply] [Original]

Literary confession thread:

>> No.6700907

I cast the first stone.

>> No.6700926

The only memes I've ever given into are Tao Kek, Murakekami, and Borgkek. Never again will I fall for such a prank.

>> No.6700928

I hold the book I'm reading directly my eye level whenever I'm in a bus or public area in hopes that maybe someone would notice what I'm reading and go "Hey, you read Dostoevsky too?" and we'd have discussions about various literature and authors.

>> No.6700944

My copy of Infinite Jest is literally cumstained; I stopped reading it to jerk off and, although I mostly cleaned up, I had some still on the underside of my hand that I hadn't noticed. When I picked the book back up, it came off on the bottom edge of pages ~800-900. So I'm pretty ashamed about that, yeah. A mate asked to borrow it from me, so I just answered 'definitely' and then more or less cut communication.

Also I could never finish the Bible (I'm stuck about 100 pages out from the end of the old testament) and I've never read the Iliad.

>> No.6701701
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I refuse to read anything written by the Jew

>> No.6701712

Fairly certain ODB wasn't an anti-semite.

>> No.6701875

Housekeeping is the best book I've ever read

>> No.6701910

In middle school I read every single Twilight book.

>> No.6701920

I've only read 5 books in the last 4 years. Catcher in The Rye, Cities of the Plain, Animal Farm, Wałęsa - Człowiek z teczki and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I only liked Catcher in The Rye, Scum Wałęsa and Fear and Loathing. I absolutely hated how mindnumbingly boring Animal Farm was, tho I appreciate all the social commentary, symbolism and parallels with real world. And George's introduction about how Bongs are red cucks was really nice to read too. Oh, and Catcher in The Rye is still my favorite book. How bad am I?

>> No.6701936
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>mfw guilty Twilight
that was me

>> No.6701979

I'm a postdoc in in the Humanities and I'm 100% convinced women actually have no souls. They are not capable of anything that can be called literature or philosophy, except in instances so vanishingly rare that they can be better explained by freak accident or sheer imitation.

It freaks me out. Having to work with them and watch them try to create things is like starring on a cooking show alongside a dog, and the dog just barks and breaks shit, but everyone claps as if he's cooking too. It's just a dog. It's not cooking. It's not doing anything. But everyone is clapping, so you clap too, because you don't want to be the one to say it.

>> No.6702011

Iktfb. I'd describe them best as snakes. I mean, can you imagine how ugly their insides would be if we'd actually see them for what they are?

>inb4 le tips fedora

>> No.6702031

Same but with john green

>> No.6702053

What's wrong with John Green, pleb?

>> No.6702086

A post-doc with shit for brains? Surprisingly common, you folks could populate a Switzerland-sized country.

>> No.6702106

>getting mad

>> No.6702153

Being mad at the intellectual devay in academia is the most reasonable madness I can think of.

>> No.6702160

it's probably because they let in all these dilettante women tbh

>> No.6702176


You're in high school and come here to shitpost.

>> No.6702186


What was your relationship with your mother like?

>> No.6702190

A lot less interesting than my relationship with yours.

>> No.6702200

I'm gay.

>> No.6702209

When there's a lot of shitpost in here I go to reddit. Then I regret and come back here.

>> No.6702211


This post reveals a reaction formation that stems from the unsatisfied desire to fuck your mom. Dubs don't lie.

>> No.6702244

I don't do this but once somebody asked me on the train what I thought of Dostoevsky, if I was reading him for a literature course or for fun and they then light-heartedly quipped "some light-hearted reading then". It was a neat little exchange and it's always cool when you find someone who is genuinely interested in literature.

>> No.6702247

I don't read, I just listen to audiobooks. Even then I have trouble concentrating.

>> No.6702250

That's cool!

>> No.6702252

I have a terrible fear that all philosophy after the Middle Ages is completely opaque to me. I read Kierkegaard's Fear & Trembling and I was confused by a lot of his language.

>> No.6702258

I have recently finished Seducer's Diary and I will put to practice Kierkegaard's method on one of the students I teach.

>> No.6702261

I read philosophy so I can rationalize illegalism and win arguments, most of them in my head.

>> No.6702269

I read quite frequently and take my books on the train and to uni to read to kill time during my commute and during lecture breaks/lunchtime. I'm self-conscious about what I'm reading though: I don't want to read anything mind numbing so people think I'm intelligent, but I don't want to read anything well-renowned as challenging or highly intellectual too, so I try staying away from authors like Dostoevsky and Pynchon so people don't think I'm pretentious either.

I know this is really stupid but my self-consciousness brings it out in me. I've yet to meet anyone who has read anything more than John Green or Game Of Thrones at uni though with the exception of one girl who I got along with solely because we both read The Bell Jar and The Crucible.

>> No.6702272

I make sure that my lap covers the entire cover of the book so no one sees what I'm reading ayyy lmao

>> No.6702285

I am a robot and my entire vocabulary has select hamburgers using form from /lit/ classic use-case narrative functions. Reply to confession trouble mass retention seeking Hegel spooks. I turbulent diaphragm rending obsolete the possibility of change in a hegemony state central interests lie.

>> No.6702292

You base your identity on the books you read. You are a consumerist!

>> No.6702323

rub your balls with your fingers then smell them
do it now

>> No.6702374

Same old stench, stale sweat or something.

>> No.6702400

My nose can't reach that low.

>> No.6702406

I don't, but I worry if others base my identity on the books I read.

>> No.6702411

That left part by the balls where I can put my finger in and rub it has a different stench, I'd say it has its feverish quality to it, very pleasant to my nose. The right is not so good, but eh, it'll fly.

>> No.6702489

books are boring

>> No.6702507

I have never read Dostoevsky

>> No.6702526

i would read way more if i didn't use the internet so much

in spite of acknowledging this in my head i don't act upon it because i have little self control

>> No.6702637

I have never read anything written by a female.

>> No.6702648

you have now
ps i have boobies

>> No.6702666

Was about to call underageb&, but apparently the first book was released nearly a decade ago. Wow.

>> No.6702681


It's kind of awful when you realize people being sincere about what they like is so much worse than miserable people being as horrible as they can.

>> No.6702691
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They're not being sincere, they're just doing the opposite. Instead of intentionally repressing themselves they intentionally flower everything up and make it all grandiose, it's literally a lower class-high class dichotomy, 4chan being the former.

>> No.6702707

more like a satisfied desire to fuck yours

nice dubs though

>> No.6702722

My mind wanders so much if I'm not actively engaging something so I spend so long on 4chan or playing videogames when I could be reading. It gets so bad I can't actively prevent it because an upwards of 10 minutes can pass before I catch up with myself and realize I was planning on reading a book or already was in the middle of trying to read a book and suddenly I'm in the middle of making a post on here. It's like I teleported through time.

>> No.6702723

I mostly read meme books.

>> No.6702731

A lot of us neckbeards do, honestly.

>> No.6702736


Yeah, I suppose even with a completely different user base the upvote/downvote system compromises the integrity of every post by ensuring only the blandest and widely appealing stuff has a chance to survive.

>> No.6702763

I fucking hate reading. The only book I've even nearly enjoyed in the last few years was a collection of Kafka's short stories (which changed my life).

I have very little philosophical education, but I still shoot my mouth off in almost every thread, usually about works I have only the barest knowledge of.

Inwardly I consider myself a "writer", but I've probably written less than 25 pages in the last four years.

I am everything wrong with /lit/ in a single person.

>> No.6702801

Why have Kafka's shorts changed your life?

>> No.6702808
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I read the coprophagia scene in Gravity's Rainbow on the MBTA Red Line today. I was terrified the guys sitting next to me would catch a glimpse and think I was just reading erotica.

>> No.6702913

Why do you come here then?

I know that feel, anon. When I'm reading something explicit in a book I'm reading in public, I always feel that people are going to look at me and know exactly what page I'm on, or that they'll look over my shoulder to see what I'm reading and think I'm disgusting for reading it.

>> No.6702929

I've tried reading philosophy but mostly it comes across as applied gibberish. Very logically constructed gibberish, mind you, but gibberish nonetheless.

>> No.6702942

I read Kafka's Metamorphosis some years back and could not figure out what was so great about it.

Although I think Hemingway has a very distinct writing style that I can appreciate, I find it hard to read through his work.

>> No.6702958

The reason he found it so difficult to read was because his pincers found it difficult to keep a book straight. Now he knows why.

Which makes me wonder, what if someone woke up as a giant insect and didn't know about it? What if they walked around all day, people freaking out around them and they just didn't know?

>> No.6702986

Gregor didn't realise at first now did he?

>> No.6702991

It took him a while. I'm talking about if he looked at his body and saw his body whilst everyone else saw a bug. It'd be some shit metaphor for anorexia.

>> No.6702998

I thought War & Peace was a fuckin' slog, and all the characters sucked except Pierre.

>> No.6703003

All his writing is ass that's pandered to 15 yr old girls.

"You put the thing that kills you inbetween your teeth, but you dont give it the power to kill you, IT"S A METAPHOR Y"SEE LOOK AT HOW WORDLY AND INTELLIGENT AND COOL I AM""""""!>!>!>!>!

>> No.6703061

I kek'd

>> No.6703091


Kek'd lightly and shared your post with a friend, closed the board and went about my business elsewhere, reopened /lit/ and came back to respond.

I want you to know how both hilarious and accurate those last 2 lines of text are. Please appreciate this response because I stopped shit I was doing to come back and let you know this.

>> No.6703100

I had a similar experience in the shitter at my old job. Was just starting to get into /lit/, so I had BGAE, figured it was as good a place to start as any, in the stall while I washed my hands and a guy who was coming through took it out and asked me if it was for a class or not. We talked for a good few minutes at the door of the shitter about N, he suggested some other readings after I finshed BGAE. It was a neat little exchange, although the setting was different.

>> No.6703102

He's playing with the style Hegel wrote with so it's gona be pretty tough if you're not at least a little bit familiar with Hegel.

>> No.6703112


>> No.6703115

Are we talking Metamorphosis sized insect or Mothra?

>> No.6703123

This happened at my shitty job as well. Worked at a casino going up an elevator when an elderly couple rushed to catch it while I held it open. I had Broch's Death of Virgil tucked under my arm when the man said, "Huh, that's a book you don't see cracked open often." I smiled with glee and concurred. He then asked me if I liked Mann. Nice little 27 seconds that I remember vividly amid the shit memories of the job.

>> No.6703128

I was very bored with The Aeneid but wanted to finish it; I stopped half a chapter before ending the book. It was just so dry.

>> No.6703132

I use a 50 Shades of Grey book cover on the books I'm reading so people won't sit next to me on public transit. I have several sizes and a highlighter I'll use right as I begin nodding and making an agreeing face.

>> No.6703146

Also works for Mein Kampf.

>> No.6703157

question kinda related so asking here instead of starting thread

How does lit feel about abridged audiobooks?

>> No.6703164

My gf loves John Green and y/a novels.

>> No.6703180

Someone on my train was reading the Fountainhead and had been for a while so once I dug out my copy of the Communist Manifesto and made sure I sat next to him. Nothing happened, I doubt he got the joke.

I don't even like communism that much.

>> No.6703181
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>> No.6703217

I'm a quarter-way through Ulysses and I don't get the hype.

You sound like an antisemite, but admittedly I have no interest in Jewish fiction, especially if it's like Jews living in the Bronx in the early 1900s. I just completely tune out.

>> No.6703227

that is attention deficit disorder. I have that too and it is balls.

>> No.6703228

the chapters get way more fun around halfway through

>> No.6703239

I don't actually read books. All my literature knowledge is from /lit/ memes.

>> No.6703243

you are allowed to like things you know are flawed, I give you permission.

>> No.6703244

This is going to sound like a joke, but I'm dead serious: do you not have some kind of ethical qualm about being in a romantic relationship with someone so emotionally naive?
I had a girlfriend who was obsessed with John Green (I actually heard about him originally through her) and broke things off quite soon when I saw the type of baggage that came along with that kind of personality.

>> No.6703253

*tips fedora*

>> No.6703272

The jealousy is strong in this one

>> No.6703280

Ebpin foedora meme

>> No.6703281

my girlfriend reads Nora Roberts romance novels and the Divergent series, who gives a shit. your taste in fiction doesnt really say that much about you as a person, most people realize this sometime in their early 20s

>> No.6703289

>not coverting her to real literature

>> No.6703315

>your taste in fiction doesnt really say that much about you as a person

Implying: the post. Though the fact that you hold this view pretty much answers >>6703244

>> No.6703400

One of the smartest women I know loves The Hunger Games and shitty y/a, literature just isn't their intellectual priority.

>> No.6703425
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Funniest post I've read all week, and the last bit seems all too accurate

>> No.6703449
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>> No.6703469

I don't really enjoy reading most literary fiction, I just like the feeling of accomplishing it then thinking about what it might have meant for an hour.

>> No.6703525

>your taste in fiction doesnt really say that much about you as a person
schoppy would like a word

>> No.6703540

All the books I finished in 2014 are Tao Lin's Shoplifting at American Apparel and Taipei.

I have yet to finish a book this year.

>> No.6703546

apparently it's shoplifting from, not at.

i am sorry for my mistake

>> No.6703568

I prefer stuff written in the pulp age.

>> No.6703627

Dude, nice.


>> No.6703644

#ship rekt on gilligans island but everyones dead execpt mom [sic],
for those wondering.

>> No.6703657


I've been meaning to share this with you guys for a while now but haven't gotten around to it.

Basically, my good friend and college roommate, a person I've spent many hours with, has never, and I mean never, read a single book in his entire life. He's never done it. Not for school, pleasure, or any other reason conceivable. He doesn't even come across as particularly stupid. He's rich, privately educated, and from a major US city. Yet, somehow, at the age of 21, he's never read a fucking book. I've tried so many times to get him to read the simplest, most accessible shit: Phantom Toolbooth, Enders Game, Vonnegut, The Wasp Factory, even The motherfucking Alchemist. No avail.

Anyway, I just wanted to share because I still find it unfathomable, and quite frankly, pretty shameful, especially on my part for continuing the witless friendship. He's like my Lenny. To be fair, though, he's a quality person (ethically) and generally fun to go out with, so that's nice.

>> No.6703664

cheers, ye lucky Irish dubzliner

>> No.6703665

Sounds like the second highest tier before patrician, like how babies are second only to the 'enlightened'. Do you guys fuck?

>> No.6703683

Took me ages to put this together. I looked it up and found this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devay and because it was a town of 430 and was described as a 'commune', and it was French, I inferred that 'Devay' had to be some high-falutin' terminology for academic parochialism, but then I looked up definitions and nothing came up other than 'Did you mean: decay definition', after which I felt terribly stupid and thought I'd best immediately vent my shame by telling about it here.

>> No.6703717

I gave up on a few books in the past year:

1Q84 - boredom

Breakfast of Champions - boredom, a friend of mine lent it to me with The Bell Jar, KV's writing seemed sub par after reading Plath. Maybe I haven't read enough, but I thought the Bell Jar was beautiful.

I Am Legend - I liked the the story but I guess I stopped because I knew how it ended.

The Road - It just depresses the shit out me. I've tried twice now and can't get past the 60 page mark. I plan to finish it one day.

>> No.6703735


Nah we're both straight as far as I can tell

>> No.6703770


>Dat part where Avril Incandenza fucks two of his son's buddies

>> No.6703775

wait what i dont remember that what

>> No.6703925

>tfw when schopenhauer posts on lit

>> No.6704674
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>roasties coming out of the woodwork

>> No.6704682

I'm almost afraid to ask, but what's that?

>> No.6704689
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>> No.6704693


Did it in high school. I'm a man.

>> No.6704696

>I'm a man btw

>> No.6704722

>/r9k/ term of vindictive revenge against women by making them self conscious about their "roast-beef pussies". robots prefer "innie" pussies.

interestingly, this obsession had yielded the dubious knowledge that "roasties" are a product of premature birth

I've never seen a vagina in real life. I obv consider women human, but it's so fucking clear that they're another class from men it's no joke, another fuckign world is an understatement, yes that's why i'm a permavirgin, fuck me right? or don't. never fuck me

>> No.6704727
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When a woman has large stretched out dangling labia from being a slut.

>> No.6704729

I think that 99% of great literature is channelled through demons and that the symbols contained in it point towards the Antichrist.

>> No.6704734


You realize that's an r9k meme and nothing more, right?

>> No.6704742

That's what roasties want you to think.

>> No.6704745

Literature is degenerate. Even the best literature. In the Middle Ages literature was looked down upon as vain and in the Renaissance it was for the effeminate nobles. Cicero at the end of his life said that he admired the simple farmers for their old Roman stoic manners as opposed to the more effeminate manners of the Roman elite. Plato explains why this is so: literature is sensual in its very nature, it works by manipulating your sensual imagination. The "sensual ecstasies" that the best literature induces are effeminizing, sensualizing.

>> No.6704750

>from being a slut
That sounds like a rather dubious claim tbh, wouldn't that imply that all female pornstars have it?
>interestingly, this obsession had yielded the dubious knowledge that "roasties" are a product of premature birth
Now this sounds slightly more credible, but wouldn't genetics be the best explanation as they are with virtually every physical trait?
>but it's so fucking clear that they're another class from men it's no joke, another fuckign world is an understatement
what do you even mean by that? of course women are different, that's part of their appeal. have you considered the possibility that you might be gay?

>> No.6704754

>That sounds like a rather dubious claim tbh, wouldn't that imply that all female pornstars have it?

>> No.6704769

That would maybe make sense for professionals, but I prefer amateurs, and they hardly have a uniform vaginal appearance, either.

>> No.6705306
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I experimented with atheism once when I was 12 and 13. I'm not proud of it and I still cringe when people on this board remind me of how immature and moronic I was at that age.

>> No.6705369

I thought The Trial was shit. Looked up interpretations and analyses of it and still think it's shit.

>> No.6705381

I hope you were with without sin

>> No.6705444

> Murakekami
> not Muraka-meme

>> No.6705477


>> No.6705481

I hate reading.
I only watching video descriptions and pretend I am an expert on /lit/

>> No.6705488

1984 was the only book I was so bored by that I stopped reading and still haven't picked back up.

>> No.6705535

Literally how? 1984 is the only book that I was so enthralled with I picked up and read in the first sitting

>> No.6705566

I read the SparkNotes analysis to see if i'm well understanding of what I'm currently reading. It feels like cheating, but I read books as a form of entertainment, for a greater knowledge but not to delve into too deep.

>> No.6705568

Christposters please leave

>> No.6706841

It's ok anon as long as you've grown up and you're past that now. We all have our youthful ignorant indiscretions, but Christ forgives.

>> No.6706842

Next time I see an utterly retarded thread that I assume to be bait, I'll remember there are people like you on this board.

>> No.6706870


That book is so damned amazing. I doubt you'll see this post but I strongly recommend you try to get a copy of the movie adaptation that is becoming increasingly difficult to get these days. It's a masterpiece and one of best adaptations I've ever seen.

>> No.6708438

Just read one of the "Amplified" bible. Its basically the bible for illiterate retards but also is very nice to just make it some easy reading and you pick up on everything. Its altered so much anyway that its not like you're really missing out.

Damn I love YA fiction.

>> No.6708450

I'm not gay. It's hard to say that 2015 without it basically meaning the opposite, but I can try anyway,

>> No.6708595

I used to read about a book a week, until about 4 months ago, I randomly got tinnitus.

I haven't read at all since because every time I try, my tinnitus drives me insane, and I get instantly depressed, and I immidiately go to sleep because I feel terrible and distraught.

I am considering killing myself now.

>> No.6708606
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best post I've seen all month

>> No.6708611

Well thats not really a confession its just sad.

Im sorry bud

>> No.6708641
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>> No.6708670

Sorry for my ignorance, but is there like a cure or treatment for tinitus?

>> No.6708757


No experience with Green, but my girlfriend reads YA garbage and she's at least twice as intelligent as I am and isn't immature.

It isn't that reading YA fiction means you're immature; it's just that lots of immature people (i.e. young adults) read YA fiction.

Source: dude with a 3-year relationship.

>> No.6708764

i've had severe constant tinnitus for years
it doesn't really affect me
you just get used to it
i can't remember life without it
in fact i thought it was normal for everyone

>> No.6708765
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>my girlfriend reads YA garbage and she's at least twice as intelligent as I am and isn't immature.
>being this effeminate
>being this cucked

>> No.6708769
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>Having to work with them and watch them try to create things is like starring on a cooking show alongside a dog, and the dog just barks and breaks shit, but everyone claps as if he's cooking too.

>> No.6708770

>a 3-year relationship.

woah normie

>> No.6708771


I am utterly convinced that Taylor Swift's new album purports a sociocultural eschaton that will ultimately result in nuclear holocaust.

Within the next 10 years, either someone will murder her, or the world will end.

Nonetheless, I believe it is a wonderful album and I enjoy it immensely.

>> No.6708774


Kill me.

>> No.6708801

same, I'm >>6703281 and I've been with my gf for 4 and a half years

it's almost like you have to connect with someone over something deeper than aesthetic taste if you want to have an adult relationship

>> No.6708812

This is pasta you morons

>> No.6708823

>enjoying post-slut taylor swift


>> No.6708847

I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies. Sorry

>> No.6708978


You've not met many smart women, then.

>> No.6709839

Eh. There's having no belief in a higher power, and there's being an edgy little shit who just wants to feel superior to people trying to live their lives in the way they feel is right.

The atheists with Napoleon complexes don't realize that people will be laughing at them just as much as anyone else in a century or so.

>> No.6709856

I've been trying to read the Iliad for a week, and have 500 pages left to go. Reading more than one or two pages of it physically pains me.

>> No.6709888

I bought crime and punishment but haven't started for fear it will be boring and a waste of time.
Is it entertaining?

>> No.6709894

I'm thinking of getting myself banned from this board. It's full of spam but I can't stop browsing through all the shit that is posted here.

>> No.6709895

Read it.

>> No.6709905


What is painful about it? Is your translation good?

The problem with reading it one or two pages at a time is that all you'll get is the story. You miss the poetry.

Try reading it out loud, like poetry is meant to be read.

>> No.6710302


Oh my fucking god ahaha

>> No.6710305

>ignoring Spinoza

>> No.6710342

His writing is sometimes fun but it generally sucks and is pandering and makes teenagers feel intelligent because they're having babys first existential crisis.

>> No.6710392
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>not ignoring shitty shit shit

>> No.6710439

>my girlfriend reads YA garbage and she's at least twice as intelligent as I am and isn't immature.

How old are you, if you don't mind answering? This simply does not follow that someone presumably above underageb& level who is 'at least twice as intelligent as [you]' reads YA, unless you are really fucking stupid, which you don't seem to be. Regardless of all 'elitist' judgments, the genre is termed Young Adult precisely because it is not meant to appeal to someone over the age of 18 (by the ALA definition).

>> No.6710468

Lord of the Rings is my favourite book

>> No.6710488

Didn't know this thread was still around. Don't worry anon I am seeing your post and I will check it out.

>> No.6710705

The last book I read was Looking for Alaska. I haven't read any other book since middle school.

I'm a frequent poster.

>> No.6710952

see this doesn't mean anything because you don't know how deeply she reads into YA shit. If she genuinely thinks that someone like Green should have "Green scholars" like Joyce has "Joyce scholars" or Shakespeare has his own academic 'fan club', then I do think that is perhaps beyond defense.

If she is just reading in a masturbatory way, by which I mean mindless pass-the-time pleasure, then it really doesn't matter.

Demanding that mindless time-passing be always at a certain level of sophistication is like bursting into someone's room while he's jerking off and yelling at him for jerking off to bangbros when he should be doing it to brazzers because that's real porn that sophisticated and intelligent men look at while pulling on their penises.

See, it's more obvious in his scenario, because people understand that people don't masturbate because they have a religious experience and are so moved by a piece of work that they must engage in some sexual ritual, it's just that they are bored and horny and feel like jerking off. Reading some dumb pulp fiction can be the same way - bored and feel like passing time.

It's like watching one of those youtube videos of some weird and painfully awkward interaction of some stupid reality TV show - the clips can be funny and are just mindless entertainment. It's the people who say that they love the show and watch every episode as it gets released and who gossip about it despite not knowing the people on the show and attend their panels at conventions (i just learned a few weeks ago that reality shows actually have panels at conventions and i still don't understand it)

>> No.6710953 [SPOILER] 
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I haven't read a book in months because I'm too depressed and melancholic to concentrate. I've just watched anime and browsed 4chan relentlessly because they're easy activities that don't require much of an energy input.

>> No.6710988

Not intending to sound cliche, but you gotta love those little moments, huh?

>> No.6711008

I really enjoyed ASOIAF

>> No.6711055

>double dubs

>> No.6711182

>The more often I come here the more I think you people are retarded
>I see in most /lit/izens a constant self-delusion with respect to their lives and how they hope to have literary careers
>Seeing self-deluded people made realize my own self-delusion
>Have to go tomorrow to the psychiatrist to get new antidepressants because of this realization
>tfw when you say to yourself "this is not my life, my life has not started yet"
>tfw when the life you have lived is pretty much all you will have

>people say I have a skill for words and a fine eye for metaphor
>people believe I could actually be a writer
>people don't know that I write 1000 words max, every month

>I start more books that i can finish
>reading nine books, moving very slowly through each one

>sometimes I like to think I have aspergerr, in order to excuse myself of what I do
>I don't have asp, I'm just retarded

>I have a file with a lot of ideas for books
>never started to write any of them
>my plan is to wait until I'm a "good writer"
>tfw that will never happen

>currently a math major
>actually interested in literature
>not pursuing that degree because of no jobs
>then failing at math because spend my time reading

>no job
>feeling like Ignatius most of the time
>get depressed because I'm just like him

>sometimes thinking about getting a job and forget literary and academic ambitions
>feeling I'm giving up everything I ever wanted
>"there's still time to change the road you're on"
>tfw they lied

>"nice blog entry m8"
>fuck you

>ocd speaking here

>> No.6712470


>> No.6712492


dude me too!

I feel bad lying to the recaptcha oh wait no i don't because I am a robot that was a joke please recognize my successful humor

>> No.6712512

Both for me. Even, worse I thought the twilight ones would win over a girl. Strangely enough the John Green books have attracted all of the kind of girls I have no interest in.

>> No.6712520


I know a guy who learned, two months ago, at age 28, that Shakespeare wrote plays, not novels. Cool guy, top ten law school, solid grades... just somehow avoided all knowledge of all literature ever.

Oh he'd also never heard the name William Faulkner.

>> No.6712542

I'm very much into philosophy, but don't actually read books. I'll just listen to podcasts, watch youtube videos, read short essays, and read summaries, but when it comes to any piece of writing above 100 pages or so, I pretty much avoid it because my attention span and ability to stick to one task has been completely demolished by the over stimulation of modern Western society, and I know from experience that I won't finish it.

>> No.6712571

I've got the same thing. I've been diagnosed with OCD, but I suspect ADD like another anon said. It makes writing and reading books/watching a movie/anything involving patience take twice as much effort as it should.

>> No.6712581

Just be happy to have a gf, anon. Mine actually hates John Green more than I do, but she's not too much more patrician than the average girl. (She's just now getting into Stephen King and The Dark Tower, for instance.) It doesn't really matter, though, long as she's not as dumb as what she reads

>> No.6713316
File: 132 KB, 640x960, SDGSDG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u like oscar wilde and bret easton ellis.

also how does it feel knowing youll never touch pic relateds kneecaps.

>> No.6714053

Ignatius J. Reilly

>> No.6714174
File: 18 KB, 250x171, bear-patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Pychon sucks.

I only read Heart of Darkness because I liked the title.

I've read ASOIAF twice. I had a something of an excuse though - nothing to but work those books for a couple of months.

I think Dosty is boring as shit (unlike Tolstoy)

I can't stand poetry or songs in the middle of a book. I almost always kip over any italic text song/poetry in a book regardless of its relevance to the plot. For this reason I dropped LotR on the first book, that and they were boring anyway.

Cormac McCarthy is my favourite author, Blood Meridian is his best book.

>> No.6714187

I have a stack of about twenty books I've been meaning to read.

I'm a history student who struggles through history books because I find them boring, but I love history.

I don't read as much as I should.

>> No.6714192

>struggles through history books because I find them boring, but I love history.
Same here, minus the history student part

>> No.6714195

I retain everything I read about them, but I don't know. They're just hard to read.

>> No.6714202

Fortunately I'm on /lit/l often enough to know this is a relatively new copypasta.

>> No.6714236


I jerked off with 'what we talk about when we talk about love' wrapped around my dick a few times, to this day I don't really know why. i don't even strongly like or strongly dislike raymond carver

>> No.6714249

If you retain quite that much, it could be that that's the reason; you're paying intense attention, rather than just experiencing the historical narrative.

>> No.6714268

Yes. It bloody well is.

>> No.6714273

>my life has not started yet

This is why capitalism perseveres

>> No.6714279

Tolstoy is the Air Supply of novelists

>> No.6714286


>> No.6714289


>> No.6714301

I'm not the guy you're asking but...

"One day I'll make money. It will happen any day now. These people will all see what I'm capable of."

>> No.6714331

Don't worry, mate. The Chinese will kill us, then we'll be safe.

>> No.6714359

Quite possible. It could also just be that monetary policy is boring no matter how it's written.

>> No.6714406

I think Lolita is terribly mediocre and that Nabokov is a hack with his head up his own ass but that's not confession so much as personal conviction.

>> No.6714415

I tend to think less of people who have read and don't like Nabokov. To be unable to recognize his genius is to be of inferior intelligence, as far as I can tell. The only exception is for people who are learning English as a second (or third or fourth, etc.) language.

>> No.6714428

I think people who look down on people who don't like Nabokov are as pompous and void of substance as the writer himself.

>> No.6714430

I actually adore Borges and find Murakami ok

>> No.6714481

have you read pale fire?