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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 563 KB, 836x1160, Dickens-at-the-Blacking-Warehouse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6699854 No.6699854 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever feel extremely isolate and lonely in your genius?

I honestly can't find anyone, in the thousands of people I've met, who thinks independently about life, history, and their position in the universe. They usually just parrot squawk stupid opinions/thoughts of others (or their professors).

Most people are lazy narcissistic and mindless hedonists--and selfish. Nobody is friends with anyone anymore. It's depressing.


>> No.6699858

>honestly can't find anyone, in the thousands of people I've met, who thinks independently about life, history, and their position in the universe. They usually just parrot squawk stupid opinions/thoughts of others (or their professors).

/lit/ does this, just with the thoughts of dead people. People on here seem to think philosophy is some just blind doctrine you follow.

>> No.6699860

Bach is overrated crap

>> No.6699863


>> No.6699864

Everyone has their own thoughts and independantly, no matter how smart or dumb, most just don't speak them openly.

>> No.6699865

>People on here seem to think philosophy is some just blind doctrine you follow.
That's been long established.

Other than ethics, cont. philosophy is a psuedo-science at best.

>> No.6699869

>Nobody is friends with anyone anymore.
What are you comparing now to? Do you know what life was like before you? People exaggerate the extent of social change.

>> No.6699873

Well. Your "thinking about life, history, and your position in the universe" is just a distraction from the finality of death. In other words, just as useless as anything the "plebs" do or think about.

>Nobody is friends with anyone anymore
trust me, plenty of people are friends. You are placing your situation on others.

Honestly, you posting that subpar recording of the most basic Bach work makes me believe you are a pseudo intellectual trying to validate himself and feel worth through their intelligence. Like it almost makes me think this is b8

>> No.6699876
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>Everyone has their own thoughts and independantly
Do you really believe that?

I'll tell you what is really going on in most people's heads

>"OK, so I have a couple of pleasurable favourite things I like to do, and my whole life revolves around facilitating the conditions to continue on doing those things. In conclusion I will get a job and do it unthinkingly, just so I can continue doing my "fav things".

It's pretty much that simple--rats doing tricks for cheese:


We are living in a gigantic skinner-box (that the rich and violent own and control).

>> No.6699881

>Do you guys ever feel extremely isolate and lonely
>in your genius?

Stop attributing your loneliness to personal greatness.

>> No.6699885

I really do believe that. Don't exaggerate stupidity. You only do it to make yourself feel better about yourself. The dumbest of people are still fairly intelligent.

>> No.6699887

your not a genius, I am a genius

>> No.6699889

this tbh

>> No.6699896

Ever see a gorilla/chimp do its assigned tasks (choosing numbers in a sequence impressively quick, etc)?

That's essentially what most people do in relation to social norms, social expecation, and being an obedient cog in the great machine.

This is why we don't have a single piece of media out there with elevated language--because the mass hordes don't want to think too much about what they're watching--they just want a typical plot tropes and explosions/gun shots.

Music has become a slave beat for drones to work to (if you've ever been forced to listen mainstream radio in your workplace, you know exactly what I'm talking about).

Most people are incredibly stupid, and indirectly masochistic.

>> No.6699902

Reminder that high culture is just more sophisticated escapism.

>> No.6699904

>This is why we don't have a single piece of media out there with elevated language

dude, it is obvious you are young. But just because you don't see the media doesn't mean it isn't out there

>> No.6699907

>high culture is just more sophisticated escapism.
Fair enough, but it makes us better people who aspire to greater ideals.

Imagine if there were more people out there capable of singing beautiful hymns, painting beautiful things, or the very least, appreciate people who can do those things.

Most people are about
>Muh beer
>Muh facebook
>Muh status symbol cock waving


>> No.6699909

Post a recent movie out there with shakespeare level diction.

>> No.6699910

This has to be bait. It takes a special kind of ignorance to believe the things you're saying.

>> No.6699911

>thinking Shakespeare is the pinnacle of literature
I bet any money you are still in high school.

>> No.6699912
File: 8 KB, 591x303, iq_bell_curve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempt to address what I'm saying--go ahead.

>> No.6699915

>believing IQ is an accurate measure of anything
This has to be bait.

>> No.6699916

Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion is actually pretty damn good too.

What now nigga?

>> No.6699917

I feel you are sincere so I will help you. In your head (elevated diction=late 15th century language) why is that? It makes no logical sense at all. And why did you choose movies as your media, and not literature?

>> No.6699920

>There is absolutely no correlation between IQ and intelligence

Nigga, this old chestnut? Listen, I know you do the 420 a lot and you hate standardized tests because your weed addled brain can't compute spacial recognition fast enough within the time frame, but that doesn't destroy the validity of IQ tests in culling the stupids from the smarty-pants.

>> No.6699922


>> No.6699924

Shaw's Pygmalion level diction then.

Perfectly modern english, as well as witty and clever.

>> No.6699929
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lol well played good sir.

>> No.6699964
File: 50 KB, 900x675, 5fW4QJe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well nigga, where is this elevated language media you said exists...?

>> No.6699965

Your obsession with the ugliness and faults of others is a sign of ugliness and bad taste in yourself.

Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.

>> No.6699982

Nigga I subscribe to American Art Collector magazine, I like pretty things.

I also try, in vain, to find good media out there.

But as of the last half year or so I've been struggling in vain to find good music/movies/people.

It's depressing.

>> No.6699988

Please tell me you aren't really like this. Listening to you talk is depressing. Fix your ways.

>> No.6699992

Change my ways? I like building things, writing poetry, singing and playing guitar, talking about the themes of books/movies/music. I also enjoy partaking in sports (even though I'm great at them or anything). I like riding my bike for long distances.

I work hard, an apprentice carpenter, and I like doing funny voices.

How am I not a delightful human being?

>> No.6700032


>> No.6700034

fuck off idiot

>> No.6700038


Thanks for the good laughs in this thread.

>> No.6700043

>I work hard, an apprentice carpenter, and I like doing funny voices.

You remind me of Elliot Rodger

>> No.6700049
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>Gets call out


>> No.6700053

I don't think I'm a genius, just more well-read, I guess. Very few people I talk to on any topic, literature, music, etc., knows anything aside from the most common things. It limits a lot of that conversation. I'm forced to do a sort of smalltalk, in regards to this stuff, which isn't really interesting or even fun for me. Whenever someone DOES know something about a topic, it's really refreshing to be honest.

I dunno, I don't think I'm any smarter than the next man, but people just don't seem to give things any thought.

>> No.6700054

>Most people are lazy narcissistic and mindless hedonists--and selfish. Nobody is friends with anyone anymore. It's depressing.

Grow up, kiddo. Read Studs Terkel for an insight into the thoughts of the "average" person. You're the only narcissist here.

>> No.6700059

I don't think I'm a genius or anything. I have always been smarter than most people. Introspective as well. I'm so used to be alone in thought that it's hardly anything new to adapt to.

>> No.6700061


>> No.6700065
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>> No.6700067
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>implying that that comic is true

>> No.6700092

this is bait right

>> No.6700095

Read some Schopenhauer, mate. Also, find websites where academic stuff is discussed, or go to philosophy cafes if they exist where you live, and just talk to people.

>> No.6700140


are you a fucking retard

>> No.6700151
File: 70 KB, 755x801, 1409697025393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6700202

this. sheeple love posting that image

>> No.6700208

It is difficult to know if one's delusions of grandeur actually amount to genius and it renders it a moot point. Generally, these men of great thought are often lonely by their nature. But it is in that loneliness that they can garner their great thought.

If anything defines a man's greatness, it is not himself but what others think of him or his creations.

Being well educated in the great thoughts of the past can save quite a bit of time in developing your own thought, but for me, it only gave the impression that every great thought within our world-view has already been thought.

Prove your genius to others by your contribution in writings and thought. Otherwise, jerk off to your own brilliance and we can enjoy literature.

>> No.6700225


IQ tests are culturally biased and outdated modes of attempting to reduce the concept of intelligence to how quickly a person can identify patterns and do mental math. They are wholly immaterial to anyone who believes intelligence is more than being the fastest walking calculator on the block.

>> No.6700231
File: 486 KB, 238x155, tumblr_inline_noxv9046I91qlbkes_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>an obedient cog in the great machine
>we don't have a single piece of media out there with elevated language
>Music has become a slave beat for drones

God, it's like I'm really back in freshman sociology

>> No.6700254

If you were really a genius you'd figure out that there is interesting stuff in everyone.

>> No.6700261

I just listen to Vaporwave and cry for several hours daily. Then I write passive aggressive screeds aimed at my ex-girlfriend who I broke up with because of her distaste for the films of Nicolas Winding Refn

>> No.6700267
File: 252 KB, 482x601, tumblr_mq03o0Arwf1sxdx2ko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6700288

I'll agree that each individual has their own unique take on life. Sure some of their lives are, in a sense, duller than most, but that doesn't mean that their life lacks some sort of quality that makes them totally worthless. It's quite easy to think of others as inconsequential, but the truth is that almost everyone is their own story. Don't think you're better than anyone else just cause you got muh philosophy and muh literature. There's a lot of intelligent people who are completely shit in other ways. True genius only shows itself through an obscure combination of qualities.

>> No.6700292

Dear God I hate this image. Most people's self awareness on public transportation is awful.

>> No.6700338
File: 59 KB, 640x493, 1433622594614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The post

>> No.6700442

Real shit.

>> No.6700457


>Do you guys ever feel extremely isolate and lonely in your genius?

I'm going to assume that this was a troll thread.

If not you need to get over yourself.

>> No.6700463
File: 96 KB, 500x401, drivel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refn is a hack. Drive is shit. Your girlfriend is more patrish than u

>> No.6700520
File: 127 KB, 500x729, 1433876996186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoah, so this is the power of the true patrician

>> No.6700529

I think this man is correct.

>> No.6700533
File: 71 KB, 751x900, louis-aragon-1897-1982-french-poet-everett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw both rich and violent
Living the literary lifestyle

>> No.6700550


>> No.6700570

I was with you until I made it to the Bach link. <sigh> I thought I had perhaps found another lonely genius in whom I might have found a bit of consolation, but -- alas! -- he is only a pretender. Now if you had posted Chopin...

>> No.6700598
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>> No.6700599

Completely same to be honest.

There are only one or maybe two people out of the hundreds I know that can really talk about anything in depth. Cooking, music, film, literature, hell, even video games, are all pretty normal things that most people interact with every single day of their lives, yet barely anybody has anything to say about any of it.

Which film directors do you enjoy the works of?
>I don't know.

What kind of music do you listen to?
>Whatever is on the radio.

What was the last book you read?
>I don't read. (Or YA)

What do you do in your free time?
>Hang out.(?)

Do you have any hobbies?
>Not really.

I just get so tired....

I had hoped when I started at uni a few years ago that the people there would be more interesting than the usual mass, as you needed a relatively high GPA to get in. Nope. Same boring, conversationally shallow people who's main conversation topics are "how wasted were you last night?" and "Who's coming to the nightclub on friday?". Nobody has any interests. Nobody reads. Nobody cares about music as long as it has a "sick bass beat" and the ones who actually listen to something outside radio can't talk about on even the most basic level. Nobody cares about films other than the current superhero blockbuster. I don't know what people interest themselves in. It feels like the passionate in-depth hobby is a myth for the most part.

I really want to know what these people do when they go home. I can't figure it out for the life of me.

>> No.6700624

Now I know there are smart people out there who are capable of conversation that isn't just small-talk. I have yet to find them.

The internet helps because people who feel the same way naturally flock to places like this. But in real life, I'm having a rough time even just talking to people and not being horribly bored on every level. At least people my own age.

>> No.6700633

You're almost there. You've learned that people have nothing but sickly love for themselves and have decided to love and care for yourself all the more because no one else can.

But you have to have the greatest contempt for yourself to go on further. A blinding contempt in which you no longer even care to think of yourself. And then everything will be done out of pure necessity and will be all the more freeing because of it.

>> No.6700635

You need a hug and so does OP. Feelings of being alone is what I usually go through when depressed. I'm not sure how else to fix it except with a help of friends (hug)(girlfriend might work even better). You can also become friends with those people that like to go out and drink but I never really felt like that was an option for me. I seriously don't like what they're doing.

>> No.6700636

You're probably just shit at communicating.
People would come to you if you were half-decent at expressing how great you are.
Maybe you're just a dull, boring, uninteresting spectator.

>> No.6700637

When I was younger. I don't know how old you are - I am assuming under 21 or so - but it gets easier. At least for me it did.


Possibly the most vapid comment on what I suppose is the most intellectual board on here. I suppose the foundations of logic and reason which paved the way for modern science and intellectualism mean nothing. If you think this, you are not only stupid, you are uneducated.

Someone need philosophy! Read up on some of Stuart Mill. In general, things are what you make them - a new car, house, relationships, prom, and life as a whole. it seems like most people here are just stuck and playing the victim of their 'woe is me' attitude.

Boom goes the dynomite!!!!

Probably this.

>> No.6700640


>> No.6700647

Yes, because if you started at uni "a few years ago" then you must be underage.

You are not STEM I can tell.

>> No.6700655

Woah! Some serious projecting is going on here!

>> No.6700663

>posting a link to Bach will surely underline my sentiments :---DD

>> No.6700677

How many people ITT agree with OP? Do you actually go out and seek people or is this more of a pepe thing?

>> No.6700679

>implying I read all your posts
also I'm not even in uni anymore

>> No.6700684

>Whoops he is spot on, better use my joker "Projecting" card and dodge his accusation with my worthless rhetoric

>> No.6700686

I try to talk to people all the time in the hope that they can carry a conversation. It always dies with the ball in their court. Most people I've talked to can't even answer the simple question of "What do you do in your free time?". That's not an exaggeration. Maybe they are too embarrassed to say that they watch television all day or browse facebook. But I would rather have them say something rather than nothing.

>expressing how great you are

I try to minimize all forms of public narcissistic behavior and keep a humble exterior as best I can. People here don't like people who exude and aura of "I'm better than you in some way". Jante-Law and all that.

And stop projecting.

>> No.6700690

I don't know what you are going for here.

>> No.6700692

yah no one is intellectual like satie :D

>> No.6700698

People are generally dumb. Just take a glance at the top rated films on IMDB.

And then consider suicide.

Most people don't like to be emotionally or intellectually challenged.

>> No.6700704

OP is just another edgy teenager who has probably read too much Nietzsche and watched American Psycho and subsequently thinks he's the king of the universe. Wait until he leaves college and is forced to communicate with other people and he will realize that the measure of a person's worth isn't how well-acquainted they are with the works of dead European philosophers. Anyone who considers themselves a genius can be safely dismissed from that extremely rare group of human beings.

>> No.6700709
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10/10 subversive post

>> No.6700719

Whether he is projecting or not.
>I try to talk to people all the time in the hope that they can carry a conversation. It always dies with the ball in their court.
You have full autism and you're uninteresting to talk to.

>> No.6700721

Except for your last sentence, goddammit you nailed it.

>> No.6700725

Of course you don't buddy

>> No.6700730

yeah everyones dumb except for me. you guys would probably know what im talking about, but unfortunately youre probably dumb too (compared to me at least)

>> No.6700733 [DELETED] 

Y-you too

>> No.6700739
File: 537 KB, 500x703, 83184968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right you know?

>> No.6700741

People are uninteresting to talk to.

>> No.6700745

>Which film directors do you enjoy the works of?
>What was the last book you read?
>Do you have any hobbies?

>What kind of music do you listen to?
>What do you do in your free time?

3/5, you have medium autism with fries

>> No.6700746

Guess you are not able to bring out the best out of people then.
Worry not, you can train your charisma.

>> No.6700749
File: 444 KB, 631x603, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant pic

>> No.6700750

There is nothing at all wrong with using any of those as conversation starters once introduced.

>> No.6700755

Nope, they're really not. You've just justified your lack of social skills by convincing yourself they're not worth having anyway. Must suck being actually autistic.

>> No.6700763

I talk to people all the time. Every single day. Most are boring.

Chalk it up to social skills all you want, but this is not a one-way street.

>> No.6700764


>> No.6700771

Valid response.

>> No.6700773

It's also best to ask them one after another without waiting for an answer

>> No.6700786

>most are boring

Again, it's likely that you are just incapable of appealing to people in a way that would make them want to share anything but superficial information with you. I'm not saying everyone is a laugh-a-minute or knows a ton of shit of something you would find interesting but considering there are 365 days in a year and many years in a person's life if it's safe to assume they have at least experiences things they remember over others and that they would relate to you were you not such an insufferable brat.

>> No.6700795

O! You trollzored me again!!! YOU LITTLE HOODWINKER!

>> No.6700796

This thread is making be depressed.

There are people who think all other people are dumb and then there are people who think the opposite is true, using words like autist.

People are generally dumb. Even us. But we are dumb on a different level. Everyone is dumb. Everyone calls everyone an idiot for thinking like they do.

The sheer fact that we are here on the literature board of a American-Chinese Anime forum and discussing....

>> No.6700804

Yea but a good portion participating in this thread have a mental illness which causes them to be argumentitive and contrary to anyone no matter what.

I would love to, for once, see someone agreeing with their opponent--reverse trolling lol.

>> No.6700805

The modern age solipsistic attitude creates solipsists of us all. It's basically reflexive solipsism.

>> No.6700806

This is how I can tell you have autism. You suck at communication and socializing in general. This is your problem. Learn how to talk to people then worry about what to talk about. The funny thing is by that time you won't care about the latter nearly as much as you do now. Sorry but no, you're uninteresting to talk to. And you have full fucking autism. Seek help.

>> No.6700807

I'm a charming guy. I really am.

The vast majority of people under the age of 35 have nothing to say.

>> No.6700811

>lol autist lern how to talk to people
>provide nothing of value whatsoever

At least help the poor guy out.

>> No.6700816

How would one counter that mindset? All evidence points towards the mass population being droolers.

>> No.6700817

Autism in the sense of circlejerking over their superior intelligence and using that as a justification for sucking at people. That is autism.

>> No.6700822

And yet in every interview he is able to bring out the best in people, something OP has no clue about.

No, three of those are wrong. Very wrong. Unless I misinterpret "introduced".

>> No.6700824

But have you considered the fact that people here might just actually be more intelligent than the average pedestrian and that every human interaction results in utter boredom for them?

It's so easy to call people wrong than to consider the possibility of them being right.

>> No.6700826

I think "introduced" was meant as the two people talking have shared their names in a social setting and now must engage in a dialogue about something related to the setting.

>> No.6700830

lol there is literally one person in this thread spamming autism in every post, it's crazy.


>> No.6700832

>tfw OP is actually one of those people
>I am one of those people for calling him out on it
>the cycle continues
>everybody is a pleb

>> No.6700833

A girl is sitting next to you in a cafe. You want to talk to her. You want it to be interesting on some capacity other than one-sided mental games.

What do you say?

>> No.6700834

Yeah, someone seems very insecure and keeps spouting the A-word instead of actually saying anything.

>> No.6700840
File: 114 KB, 863x1098, 54fc167376e2a8771f01[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the law of Jante?

>> No.6700843

Therein lies the tragedy of it.

>> No.6700846



>> No.6700850

>talking to females

This is why you're a pleb

>> No.6700857

>and that every human interaction results in utter boredom for them?
I may be biased here because I'm friends with a sociable professor but sorry, that is an oversimplification that will only hurt OP and apparently you because you bought into it. If all else fails, just troll the "pedestrians". There, fun interaction. Or just seek out people who are fun to be around like Stirner did and keep a distance from everyone else. This is such a no-brainer that I can only guess that people like OP don't actually want to change. They just want to feel smug.

In that case refer to my original post. Film directors and books are niche unless you know enough about the person to assume they would have an interesting answer. Asking someone if they have "any hobbies" is just poor form imo. So 2-3/5 on the autism scale.

>> No.6700875

If all evidence points towards people being mindless droolers, why are so many here adamant to prove that "you just gotta push the right buttons and they will open up for deep and interesting conversation".

Do many people even have it in them?

>> No.6700886

Because you still you desire self-actualization through other human beings and that makes you profoundly flawed.

>> No.6700894

How is discussing film directors any different from discussing what you drank last night? Both are a superficial exchange of signs, and in the latter there is more chance of both parties being able to read the same set of signs.

>> No.6700897

What do people talk about that isn't a niche?

Parties? Drinking? Facebook? Hanging out? Cars? Driving? Please tell me as I clearly do not know.

There isn't anything. There is no such thing as a generic topic that also sparks interest. People shouldn't be treated like children, but it seems a requirement.

>> No.6700899
File: 1.87 MB, 2000x2792, 6476358509_4f8c758a20_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet girl in summer of 2011
>We talk for 2 hours while she is working on a slow day at starbucks
>She wants me badly and madly
>I did and didn't sorta
>Fast forward to summer of 2015
>Bump into her again by accident at a bar, she's working as a barmaid now, scantly clad
>She looks familiar, and I ask her if she ever worked at starbucks, and she did and I remind her that we met a long time ago, and that I know her father is czech
>She is amazed
>I say something inappropriate on purpose
>She scolds me
>I apologize
>She gives me a double shot instead of a single when I order drinks, but acts aloof and hard to get
>Someone else enters the bar who I don't really like or want to see
>Leave immediately without saying good bye
>fastforward 2 weeks
>Can't get her out of my head
>Decide to try to catch her at work again
>Catch at the same place and same time, but she isn't working
>Make my way closer to her
>She is talking with another guy
>Instantly lose all attraction to her, never want to see her again
>Guy and his hot wife who are sitting beside me start talking to me
>Barmaid leaves the bar without me noticing at all
>Drunk guy is a decent enough fellow
>The band is playing really loud, and they're playing crummy songs
>The drunk guy starts rudely berating the band and calling them "gay"
>I realize I'm in the company of a dumb drunk
>Say good evening the drunkard and politely slip out of the place

These are "people". That is how real life goes...vulgar, boring, and without the least bit of inspiration in their soul.

It's all about MONEY and POWER.

>> No.6700904

If you boil it down like that then there is no non-superficial exchange of words between two people.

>> No.6700911

When will you people realize that you will never be intellectually stimulated by conversation with another person and withdraw into a life of seclusion and bitterness?

>> No.6700918
File: 1.99 MB, 1900x1796, 1405483630892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done and done--though it would be nice to live a epicurean bro-ship tier monastic style of life.

>> No.6700920

One step ahead of you bud

>> No.6700921

>>She is talking with another guy
>>Instantly lose all attraction to her, never want to see her again

Will you guys ever learn?

>> No.6700923

>not just becoming a daoist
You think you have climbed above others but you're all in the same place on the same treadmill, no difference whether you know you're on it or not. Your distractions from our fundamental reality are different than most, so you are lonely. Still, your games are the same, yet you are separated.

I can't feel any empathy for this because you do it to yourself. Maybe if you valued the journey to and from more than the destinations, the routine and maintenance more than what you do with the maintained things, replaced the personal with the outward you'd be fine. The birds never stop chirping outside my house, the grass doesn't stop going, yet apparently us humans have it figured out with our thinking when we still end up iin the same damn place and that deaf dumb blind barbarous nature is going to eat our husks of flesh and we are powerless to stop it.

You lot are just as depressing as the others, if I could feel depressed about that emo tier self lamenting of ego's anymore. Now it sounds just like the chirping of the birds.

>> No.6700924


>> No.6700925

>unironically being 14

>> No.6700930


Ya, you got it all figured out kiddo.

>> No.6700932

Conversing for the topic is equivalent to reading for the plot tbh

>> No.6700937

Calm down man. It's not about a list. It's about making smart assumptions from previous experiences and the person you're talking to. How much do you know? If you know nothing, don't ask about fucking film directors if you don't want to hear Tarantino/idunnolol 99% of the time. This is a no-brainer, you must surely agree.

And yes, in that regard most things are niche including your list. You just figure out from experience what people are into. Often just by looking at the guy and knowing what his major is or something.

>> No.6700939
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Forgot pic

>> No.6700942


>She is talking with another guy
>Instantly lose all attraction to her, never want to see her again

You're as vapid as the rest of them. You where right where you belonged.

>> No.6700945

>Borat of philosophy

>> No.6700949

Been there for years, but mostly because I'm terrified of people. Broken bones, disease, death -- these things are nothing to me. But even a few minutes spent in the suburbs and I can barely breathe. Is there anything more terrifying than suburban, middle class America? The only thing more frightening is trying to talk to well-adjusted teens and young adults, with their strange music, their sports, their drugs, their ugly clothes, their ugly tattoos, their ugly piercings. The average businessman might be worse, but I don't even want to think of that. I'll stick to solitude, thanks.

>> No.6700953

Keep chirping. I had a sandwich earlier and it was delicious, tens of thousands starved between now and then, I am glad to be in comfort.

>> No.6700954

What's your Major?
Cool. Why did you go for that?
>I don't know. Had to choose something.

>> No.6700960

I bet OP is that greasy nerd who makes small talk at the check-out line and then wonders why no one has anything interesting to say.

>> No.6700965


Now this is a lie. Majors are one of the few things almost everyone has something to say on, even if its just "Its apealing to me/will make me a lot of money."

>> No.6700969

I get what you are saying but that is just so incredibly hard to do when you are conversing with a piece of toast who can barely answer simple questions like "What do you like to do?", or even the followup to "Where are you from?"; "Did you like it there?". Yes, people need to be helped into opening up, but with no history there is nothing other than small bullshit which leads to patronizing.

I need to work on my charisma because either everybody is working as hard as they can to keep everything secret from me or 99% of people have nothing going on in their lives.

>> No.6700976

Would you pursue further dialogue if the person had a bullshit shallow reason for choosing which educational path to take?

>> No.6700982

>Cool. Why did you go for that?
You're immediately making yourself unpopular with that "cool" if you don't really mean it. Also why would they tell you if they don't like you?

>> No.6700992

Have you tried being edgy and skipping all of that boring stuff? Charismatic people do it all the time. Just don't forget to put on your "teehee I'm being edgy on purpose but we all know I'm the master socializer, we cool dawg" face. Schwarzenegger does this a lot.

>> No.6701013


By what parameter is a reason for a major 'bullshit?' Also, you where originally insinuating that people frequently have no reason at all even though in a capitalistic society one's major is one of the few things people will always give thought to, even if it is shallow.

>> No.6701023

I went full shut-in mode for some years and it was mostly terrible, but in the end I achieved a profound spiritual and intellectual enlightenment that rid me of all social anxiety and depression. I still have no friends now, but every moment is filled with joy and I can easily make conversation with just about anyone, something that used to be impossible.

A lot of people say that social anxiety is cured by exposure. Absolute nonsense. What's required is to unlock the power of your mind through self-reflection, in order to consciously rearrange your instinctive emotional responses. Talking to normal people becomes so much easier when you're truly at ease by your own means. That doesn't mean you'll be friends with them, because your personal hobbies can be best enjoyed alone, but you needn't feel lonely either because you are an enlightened man in a beautiful world and, in a sense, anyone can be your temporary friend if you can make good conversation and then happily go your own way at the end of it.

If you think you're such a genius, then learn to be happy on your own, and to appreciate any good-natured strangers you happen to meet, regardless of their interests, without needing their prolonged affection. You might find someone one day, with whom you'll share a genuine bond, but until then there's no reason to worry.

>> No.6701064
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>If you want people to take an interest in you, draw it out of them and don’t remain uninteresting sacred beings holding out your sacred humanity like a sacred robe and crying like beggars: “Respect our humanity, that is sacred!”

>Egoism, as Stirner uses it, is not opposed to love nor to thought; it is no enemy of the sweet life of love, nor of devotion and sacrifice; it is no enemy of intimate warmth, but it is also no enemy of critique, nor of socialism, nor, in short, of any actual interest. It doesn’t exclude any interest. It is directed against only disinterestedness and the uninteresting; not against love, but against sacred love, not against thought, but against sacred thought, not against socialists, but against sacred socialists, etc.

>The “exclusiveness” of the egoist, which some want to pass off as isolation, separation, loneliness, is on the contrary full participation in the interesting by—exclusion of the uninteresting.

>No one gives Stirner credit for his global intercourse and his union of egoists from the largest section of his book, “My Intercourse.”
*Ahem* Thank you Wolfi.

Now go on little ones, study the word of Saint Max and don't come back before you had intercourse.

>> No.6701152

I came to this thread because I wanted something to talk to, but it's clear op isn't very smart
You're alone in your empathy, and probably social retardation, more than you are your genius (what made you feel you even had the right to say that)
Even on this board the stupidity of people is apparent. Most aren't capable of independent thought, and none have any brilliance

I've never really read philosophy. I like phenomenology of spirit, but only because it allowed me to project my beliefs onto it. It's been years since of touched it so I can't even say if it's valid
I have Nietzscheian thoughts, but I couldn't read any of his whole books, and my ideas encompass a lot more in scope
I feel like I could beat anyone here in a philosophical debate, and I'd welcome one

>> No.6701215
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>Do you guys ever feel extremely isolate and lonely in your genius?

Like most people I feel extremely genius in my isolation and loneliness.

>> No.6701219

probably because you're an arrogant little child whose beliefs have never been challenged

>> No.6701232

I'm stuck between believing that I'm "better" than most people despite the fact that I haven't accomplished anything really great and believing that I'm rather normal despite the fact that I'm concidered a skillful intellectual by most people who know me.

Since believing wrongly that I'm normal, perhaps believing that I'm fucking awesome would be beneficial (fake it 'till you make it style)?

Wat do?

>> No.6701240

people always fail to see that when we look at our past we will see romanticized version of things that where consistent. Obviously a bad moment will remain a bad moment, but something long term from the past will always seem romantically amazing, thus why we see era's and the past as some sought of awesome adventure.

The truth OP is that people are naturally inherently selfish, they do almost everything to suit themselves, you think that people who help other people do it just because -- but the real reason is actually they do it because they would feel bad in themselves if they didn't.

It's not a bad thing the problem is when you start to question whats genuine in people? The actuality is though that everyone is genuine but we are genuine for being selfish and hypocritical at times, it's a human flaw when you cross primal nature with social barriers, language and convincing yourself. See the words trick us to believe otherwise, it's a really good example of how easy it is to manipulate ourselves and people.

>> No.6701334

>fake it 'till you make it
Yeah, you're normal.

>> No.6701359

>Using IQ and test scores as a measure of intelligence rather than real world success

The American public school system, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.6701360

is this thread satire?

>> No.6701390

I recommend reading every /lit/ thread as satire, it's the possibly only way to enjoy it.

>> No.6701417

Fuck, I forgot part of my sentence. My autism is showing.
>Since believing wrongly that I'm normal is worst than the opposite, [...]

I mean that thinking that one is the best in the world would give confidence, which is the key to being alpha and good at socializing. (isn't it?)

>> No.6701432

You remind me of my friend who paid some website $25 to get the results of an IQ test he took and it told him he was a genius.

>> No.6701470

there is no way to enjoy it since the quality is low. blame the sheer amount of plebs from the american backwoods. if you want an enjoyable thread move to another chan. the japs and the russians are better.

>> No.6701517


My God, get the fuck over yourself. I can't stand arrogant fuckards that literally think they are geniuses. LITERALLY. THEY DO.

wowow calm down thisissattireithastobe

>> No.6701535

What are you doing in your life?

>> No.6701544

>I can't stand arrogant fuckards that literally think they are geniuses. LITERALLY. THEY DO.
What if they are geniuses and you're just a jealous faggot hating them for your lack of accomplishment?

>> No.6701546

>im a genius
>people are narcissistic

>> No.6701552

I've noticed that people generally don't think things through.

>> No.6701565

>Spacial recognition is an accurate measure of intelligence
>there is one kind of intelligence

underage, reported

>> No.6701570

ITT: Misunderstood Genius Circle-jerk

>> No.6701577

This guy just posts here because he likes to remind everyone of the riveting discussions he has on other boards.

Thanks for the daily reminder, anon

>> No.6701728

Go to bed, Mikhael

>> No.6701735

You just need to go out more. Go to a bar and talk to people.

>> No.6701751

Yup, absolutely no continuity in the majority of people's (re)actions. It's all just self interested, in the moment, bullshit.

>> No.6701763

Not enough, and there's apparently no one on this site fit to challenge them

>> No.6701847

Im a narcisistic hedonist right here. But i got to this via making my own opinions. I have pretty much no friend that agrees with my view on things.

>> No.6701918
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>> No.6702098

>Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.


>> No.6702254

I laughed at every single post ITT.

>> No.6702767
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>mfw this thread

>> No.6702847
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>> No.6702854

i dated a girl who met that criteria. we dated for a year. happiest i've ever been in my life.

>> No.6702858

Why'd you break up?

>> No.6702864
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>> No.6702891
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>> No.6702906
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>rats doing tricks for cheese
reading this made me uncomfortable

>> No.6702938

distance. she lived in finland and i lived in texas. she just met cooler people than me and, well, yeah.

it fucked with me for a long time because i realized that i was worth leaving. had to reflect a lot and make changes and i still am.

dating is a nightmare though. i can't shake the standard she set. the few weeks we spent together, we would just lay in bed and talk about philosophy and stupid shit we thought, complete vulnerability. we connected on almost every level. but, shit happens.

it will be 4 years since she dumped me in august and it still fucks with me. i've dated hotter and 'cooler' girls than her, but none really matched her mystery and independence and that was what captivated me so much. fuck why am i typing this

>> No.6702952
File: 35 KB, 500x450, 1433961826939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there are actually various degrees of consciousness in humans?
Think it as a possibly realistic weak version of philosophical zombies, where some humans are more "basic" and "action-based" while others are more "intricate" and "thoughtful", due to different developments in their brain, provoked maybe by some kind of mutation or something.
Nothing that has necessarily to do with spatial intelligence or anything.

I don't consider myself a genius like OP, but I share some feelings with some anons in this thread.

>> No.6702960
File: 231 KB, 2000x1000, Can+confirm+am+mr+skeletal+and+mr+drunk+man+_6b15645e6a81d58d8ffb57fc2c3fc5db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you isolate yourself from society and reality the better, trust me, OP.

>> No.6702965

People go into zombie-mode on public transportation. It's like "read a fucking book or something for christ-sake".

>> No.6702966

Thanks for sharing. You're lucky to have found someone like that, even if it didn't last. I've never had a girlfriend (or any other sort of friend) with whom I've really connected like that. Sorry it didn't work out. At least you gained some pleasant memories from it.

>> No.6702968
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>> No.6702972
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that's just an average snowflake
i bet there's fancy ass 3d ones out there

>> No.6702973

You sound like a bitch-ass nerd holy shit what a fuckboy

>> No.6702979

What's the significance of the last black vignette?

>> No.6702981

What is a "fuckboy"? I hear a lot of urban black and latina girls use this word.

>> No.6702982

i don't think it's b8, I just think he's immature. I thought the same thing in middle school.

hate to bring leddit into this but there's a subreddit call r/iamverysmart dedicated to people like this.

>> No.6702984

die gay fag

>> No.6702985
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ded I guess

>> No.6702987

"A weak ass nigga who ain't about shit"

>> No.6702988

Two deep four me.

>> No.6703066

teach me how to socialize

>> No.6703188
File: 820 KB, 500x208, 1407895207042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought /lit/ was 20+ years on average, I now see that the average should be around 16-17

This is seriously babby's first existential crisis, you guys probably haven't lived even half of your lifes and you are here in a taiwanese 2d-sculpture internet tabloid to bitch about your 'intellect' and the loneliness you feel inside. You probably don't get your ass out of the computer or don't do any amount of hardwork to socialize out of the internet either (sports, local clubs about your interests, workout, etc...), people won't be super interesting up front, you have to know them and make them open to you.

Hell, even if they don't have an strong opinion about what some European Philosopher said, they still have thoughts about Loyalty, Ethics, Honor, Love, Freedom, etc... all interesting themes that many books write about, but why the fuck would most people say:

>Hey, I'm X and I belive that the moral deontology that Kant created on the Critique of Practical Reason is one of the most interesting works of human thought and it has really influenced my actions through very critical parts of my life. Plus, trying to apply rules about ethics/morality on ANY being able to possess rational thought is incredible!

in any context but if you bring it up trying to sound intellectual. If you work hard enough on meeting and knowing people, you will know their thoughts and values, not because they will say them, but because you will be able to 'notice' it in the way they behave.

Now that's only if you want to do something as 'autistical' as that, but my point is: people all around the world are interesting and 'deep' if you work hard enough to know them, but no one will be 'deep' if you only try to do small-talk and make a whole personality profile out of 5 mins of talking. As with all things in life, you gotta work your ass off to get results.

>> No.6703209

U serious?

>> No.6703220

I b

>> No.6703287

Not OP but you can't deny that the advent of the internet has changed society in many ways. Things haven't been the same now that we are a pop, meme and porn obssessed culture.

>> No.6703294



To OP who thinks he's a "delightful person": you sound like an insufferable cuntnugget. Maybe the reason why you have trouble talking to people is because they're turned off by how annoying you are?

>> No.6703317

>>The drunk guy starts rudely berating the band and calling them "gay"
This is the sign of a chill, fratty bro. Clearly you're NOT chill or fratty.

>> No.6703331

i don't get thisa picture. wittgenstein was a buckwild mystic who was obsessed with jesus and spent his life doing all manner of crazy shit to satisfy his philosophy (see him in ww1 for an example).

>> No.6703442

>What's your favourite meme?

>> No.6703553

how is that possible, I don't believe you.

>> No.6703572
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This abomination of a thread from last night is still going

>> No.6703591
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>tfw smart but lazy

>> No.6703601

most of usare that way

>> No.6703611

Most people are stupid, but driven.

>> No.6703829

The unfortunate truth is that humans like it or not, vary. Don't expect so much out of people. Sure they may have not read Ulysses or whathaveyou but don't let that deter you. People act for themselves because thats who they're looking out for, themselves.

If these people are as you say, parrots, challenge them. The harsh truth is a lot of people are complacent with their position in life and bring their opinions in tow. You have to get over yourself and your own narcissism, and roll with what life dolls out. The struggle is real but it can be beat.


>> No.6703842
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Let me fix that for you: most people are driven by spooks.

>> No.6703879


>> No.6703896

I think this is pretty accurate

>> No.6703928
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I'm isolated by my genius, which isn't to say genius in general, because at a greater stage if which, I'd find a way to not be so isolated

But I haven't met an intellectual equal. On this board especially, I feel isolated by my, I guess, intelligence, because here is a place that claims to have a culture of intelligence. If I post something deep it'll be ignored, or may kill threads
Recently, on an otherwise exceptional post, someone replied 'awful post' because I posted my picture and was obviously kind of arrogant

The only time I've actually been validated here was when I put Ulysses into context during a post
The minds of you people, and aspiring intellectuals in general, are one track. You lack some combination of the confidence and the mental foundation to form your own opinions, and deem credit where it hasn't been popularized. And my running parallel to establishment doesn't work in my favor, which I admit is some fault of mine

I'm isolated socially in this context, because I lack the confidence to be my own. I've never been a doer, and it's a desire to have a follower, or at least a partner, before the fact. People require for you to already be doing

A small example is my wanting to make a movie
>ask my friend if he wants to make a movie, he says no
>think an opening scene and tell him, and we're bouncing ideas off of eachother
Greatness, at least in my situation, is defined by the ability to be independent. Which I'm not

>> No.6703971

They should make him black because the man is African American now

>> No.6703976

It makes sense that a relatively true post ends up being something others here insult
People are too focused on social norms, without realizing things could be better

Many people are of the opinion that the status quo is the best possibility

I mentioned to my friend that I disliked the thought of eating the absolute lowest animals on the totem pole, mentioning that eagle, bear, and lion might be really good. He said they were probably disgusting, without realizing that they're the most commonly eaten because they are the cheapest to breed and maintain, he actually said that we eat the foods that we eat because they're the best tasting

Look at politics; at presidential speeches. There's no emotion, no character, no real change, no nothing
We need a Real leader

People let the mass think for themselves, I think most know that things could be better and we're suffering from a massive bystander effect

>> No.6703989

Capitol hill is in the background and he's in an office high rise
The guy is a CEO or something

>> No.6704018

just shut up and do things jesus christ you worthless child

>> No.6704023

I all but said that I'm going to

>> No.6704028

You're an asshole

>> No.6704039


dude, when was the last time you had your dick sucked? I'm serious, not patronizing.


>> No.6704040
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>> No.6704052

This was useful to me, thank you.

>> No.6704075

is this supposed to be meta modernism?

>> No.6704077

This guy just fucking cracks me up.

>> No.6704099
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>> No.6704163

When was the last time you had it sucked you virgin?

>> No.6704165

You're in the wrong place, not all places are that bad.

>> No.6704172


>> No.6704176
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>I'm just so much smarter than everyone else and I'm misunderstood, thats why I can't get along with anyone else

Shut the fuck up, people smarter than you have managed to live full and complete lives publicly and privately. Stop complaining and just be a better person.

>> No.6704182
File: 343 KB, 1279x1704, Glass isn&#039;t see-through.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about my ideas on glass?

Everyone I've tried to explain this to either says they don't understand or some stupid shit like "hurr the glass refracts the light".

I've had some decent responses on academic philosophy forums, but basically nothing from anyone else.

what do you guys think? Is glass/water/clear things see-through? Or does the depth of your visual field end at the objects surface like all other objects?

When you look in the mirror, are you actually looking at your own face, or behind you? If not, then wouldn't glass just be like a mirror, except instead of displaying light from in front of it, it displays light coming from behind?

An analogy would be, say you are driving your car, but instead of a windscreen, you have rigged up a lcd screen, and a camera connected to the t.v. on the outside of the screen (i.e. facing the road), which also aligns with your eyes, moving left and right so it takes in data from the outside world aligned with where your head is turned.

Now your friend one day asks to borrow your car. He gets in, but you haven't told him about the untra high def lcd screen displaying light taken in from the world outside the car, and your friend, not knowing it's a screen, says and thinks the 'windscreen' is see-through, and the objects he sees in it are the very same thing as objects befond the tv screen (out in the road in front of the car).

This is how glass (and mirrors) work. They aren't see-through, rather they display and image from light taken from the other side, and you mistake the image you see, for the actual objects existing beyond the glass. You never actually see your own face, in a mirror. Rather you just mmistake the image seen on the surface, for the direction of your visual field being magically portalled/reversed backwards, as if you can look at objects behind you even though your eyes are facing forwards.

I would be VERY interested to hear from people who either agree with me, or someone who disagrees and has an actual debate response why (as in, paragraphs).

I'm very keen to be proven wrong, because I feel claustraphobic now driving a car, or on the bus. Because I feel the depth of my visual field only extends to the inner surface of the windscreen, and esssentially theres a solid object blocking me from seeing the road in front (unlike a car with no windscreen). And I'm reminded everytime I roll my window halfway down, and look at my side mirror. The half of the side mirror that my window does not come in front (because it has been rolled down) never quite perfectly matches the half seen 'through' the mirror. I am reminded that I am only seeing one half of it, and mistaking a 2D image of the surface of my window for the continuing other half of the wing mirror. The join never quite matches, and the half in the mirror looks slightly different (tinted/slightly warped by the glass/

>> No.6704184

If all you're seeing in others is beer, facebook and cock waving, it means one of three things:

1. You live in a shit area and believe this is the whole world. This kind of thinking would be surprising of a genius, but i any kind, move.
2. You don't actually interact with people and use cardboard stereotypes to rationlize you loneliness.
3. You are yourself a superficial person that spends too much time on facebook.

I took the time to post this because there is a small likelihood you're genuine. If that's the case, get off 4chan for a while (because there is nothing more sad and ironic than complaining about other people's degeneracy on 4chan), and even from the internet, and take some time to reflect on your life. Good luck.

>> No.6704197
File: 373 KB, 2230x1004, Explaining the pencil in glass illusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another picture explaining the 'bent-pencil' illusion

it's not a continuous pencil youre seeing. rather the only part of the pencil you're looking at is the part aboe the lip of the glass, not behind any glass. The depth of your visual field ends at the outer surface of the glass, and you mistake the image (in this case, a penicl appearing to be disjointed multiple times) seen on that surface for the lower half of the pencil, noumenally existing below the lip.

Like I said please only respond if you completely understand the concept and either agree, or if you disagree please write extensively why in proper debate format.

>> No.6704201

Every time I see a post like this, I wonder where do you guys live.

Nearly everyone around me has interesting answers to most of these questions, if anything they'll be the ones to ask them.

>> No.6704208

You are all wrong really. Light particles can go through some kinds of solid matter. In this case, glass. So you are able to see the light of what is behind it.
I don't understand your argument on the whole thing being an illusion.

>> No.6704218

1. you are my favorite /lit/ poster. please know that I mean that sincerely
2. hurr durr glass refracts light

>> No.6704220

You might enjoy this.

>> No.6704222

What evidence ? Have you anything that's not cherry-picking or a reflection of you not trying hard enough ?

>> No.6704226

your ego is so big im surprised you dont capitalize every single letter

>> No.6704233

This is pretty good satire, and more subtle than 90% of what you could read in here. 8/10 i.f not 9/10

>> No.6704237

Exhanging is not listing things you like. If you want to interact with people you have to get them talking about something that's a core part of their life experience, which is a bit harder than "what hobbies do you have" since it requires to shun premade conversation procedures and actually paying attention to the person you're talking to.

I repeat, this is not easy, but pretending people are uninteresting because you can't do it is as smug as it is ignorant.

>> No.6704238

i am compelled to take a knee, as i have the grace to behold the eternal edgemaster king beyond the furthest realms of edge. truly, i shall as of today tip my helmet your way, m'lord.

>> No.6704240


>> No.6704241

I don't understand
Do you agree or disagree with me?
>I don't understand your argument on the whole thing being an illusion.

I explicitly told people like you to not respond. If you don't understand what I'm saying then on what basis do you have to say I'm "all wrong really"?

You sound like an idiot who is too stupid to understand, let alone add anything valuable to the debate. Stop posting, this isn't the thread for you.

>> No.6704243

What a pathetic thread. All these babies throwing judgements at everyone else.

>"most people are stupid/useless/vain"

Just because people don't appeal to you doesn't mean they're worthless.

I've come to the conclusion that no one exactly wants to be here. People are just born in this life and do what they are told because it's the easiest way to live. There is no other option than to "be a cog in the machine".

People do the best they can but how long until this mundane, random life dulls your mind? Most everyone just accepts the bad things and lives their life's silently, without really living at all.

Or at least, that's how I see it.

>> No.6704251

>You sound like an idiot who is too stupid to understand, let alone add anything valuable to the debate. Stop posting, this isn't the thread for you.
You must learn communication. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you're nuts or a troll.

>> No.6704252
File: 548 KB, 600x2896, 1433483209825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Non-musician pleb detected. I have never met a serious musician (or really anyone who listens to music with a critical ear) who doesn't respect the shit out of Bach. You don't even have to like listening to his music, but at least acknowledge that the contrapuntal mastery in just one of his fugues is more complex and profound than anything your faggot ass could even hope to create in your entire lifetime.

>> No.6704253

Have you tried being funny ? I mean, I know for a fact that I'm boring in conversations, and the primary reason for this is that I'm afraid of interaction. So instead of going out, taking risks by making jokes or trying to emphasize with my interlocutors as if they were real persons, I follow formal lines of conversations ("what do you like to do", "where are you from"...) like you described, which is most of times a transparent way to *not* have a conversation.

I agree with a lot of the advice itt, but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned silent interaction yet. You don't need to talk to interact, and with people you know well you don't need to talk to enjoy each others' company.

>> No.6704257

My god anon yes. I'm not a genius, but in the way everyone around me has barbed wire no-go zones in their thoughtscapes, how they are controlled by programming and rhetoric, if they even care about anything worthwhile, at that. I could only bear the first 50 replies to this thread until I nearly passed out with cucky, insecure and self-hating overload. People are not stupid really but they have allowed other things to have the reins of their sovereignty, and they enjoy using the last bits of their intelligence defending this position. It's worse.

>> No.6704266

why do you consider "glass refracts light" to be "stupid shit"? that's what you're seeing there. there is no such thing as "true surfaces" or whatever - what you're seeing is discrepancies due to how the light traveled to reach your eyes (either entirely through air, or through mostly air with glass/water for a little bit). here's a more thorough examination: http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~aty/explain/optics/refr.html

never stop posting these images on /lit/ though. I love you and I want to kiss you.

>> No.6704277

I often stare blankly in front of me when I'm solving math problem in my head in the subway.

It doesn't work while dealing with markov chains for some reasons.

>> No.6704284

>259 replies

What the fuck, /lit/?

>> No.6704290

>implying theres anything wrong with going zombie-mode

>> No.6704292

You are a pop, meme and porn obsessed individual. This is the usual mistake of taking you own predicament for the plight of a whole culture.

>> No.6704298
File: 9 KB, 263x416, Pencil in glass illusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you consider "glass refracts light" to be "stupid shit"?

Because that is not an adequate account of how visual perception works. Light is refracted by the glass, hits your retina which converts it into an electrical impulse which travels to the visual cortex, and then somehow, I'm back out of my head, looking at the objects in the world around me. Nobody, and this well accepted (i.e. see the "hard problem of consciousness") believes that there is an adequate account of how one visually perceives. So a simple glib answer like "glass refracts the light" is nowhere near an adequate account. Show me how "glass refracts the light" becomes me experiencing what appears to be a disjointed pencil in a cup in the world in front of my eyes/brain. Until you can do that, your explanation is nowhere near adequate, and is essentially meaningless. That you think it's an adequate explanation for a multi-millennial old problem (philosophy of perception, and the nature of reality) just goes to show how ignorant you really are.

Like I said, if you don't grasp the problem, or you don't have an understanding of the philosophical history behind it, don't respond. If you think "glass refracts the light" is an adequate account of the experience of illusions, then that's fine. I'm personally looking for something far more comprehensive.

>> No.6704305

"Changing the world" and "fighting the status quo" has become a media mantra. We're obsessed with change of progressive cause. Not to say we actually value change, but saying everyone openly wants things to stay the same is exaggeration at best.

>> No.6704312

I've felt the same way anon, but I may have an answer for why that is. I've always wanted to have more meaningful conversations with others, not just discussing what we've been up to in the past week.... Talking about subjects like how we've actually been feeling, what has been on our minds, and what kind of personal internal conflicts we've been facing that will lead down toward some path of well thought out discussion.

I have a friend whose like me and we've had these kind of talks but it took a lot of effort to get to them. For me, I found it very challenging to put all of my thoughts into words that escape my mouth... Sometimes there's so much you want to say you get lost and it ends up coming out in a completely wrong way.

Another reason how I've found it difficult to have myself have these discussions with others is that it leaves one (or me at least) feeling extremely vulnerable in a sense.

It's something about truly discussing what we believe our place in this universe is or their inner thoughts about life that exposes a person for who they really are, and sometimes people do not want to face the truth of themselves or give it away to another person. I've come to believe that most of mankind aren't mindless or hedonist, it's just that they don't want to expose the very deep and sometimes intimidating thoughts they have with other people.

It takes a lot of work and conversation as well as trust to get to the point of having a discussion like that. Sometimes I think if we as a society were all less self conscious and
judgemental we would be willing disclose this information more readily to each other.

>> No.6704314

It's confusing. You answered to two different people. Either you confused them for one person or you got mixed up in the orders.

>> No.6704319

In your pencil example, how do you think the pencil hold if it's not inside the glass ?

Also why do you assume the strange shape of the pencil is due to it being behind the glass and not in the glass ?

Also the way you use "noumenal" is sloppy. What you perceive is phenomenal, what you don't currently perceive but could perceive is still part of the phenomenal world. Unless you're using "noumenal" in a sense that's unusual you're making pretty big mistakes here.

>> No.6704322

OP was pretty good bait. Nothing but usual.

>> No.6704329

Seems to me you're sticking together two problems that have little to do with each other. Why focus on the pencil and the glass ? If your problem is how an experienced world can exist, it's a problem no matter wether you're looking at a square, a straight pencil, and a warped pencil. If you phrased yourself that awkwardly using badly picked example it's no wonder people would not understand what you're getting at.

>> No.6704332
File: 125 KB, 445x288, banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the refraction moves the straw you perceive a few millimeters to the right dude. this has nothing to do with the hard problem of consciousness. you must go fucking bananas whenever you see a mirror. god help you if you learn about corrective lenses.

I drew a picture to help you understand my explanation. It's a banana.

>> No.6704334

You're only seeing the glass, but you're effectively seeing through it

Yeah, I agree

>> No.6704398
File: 34 KB, 640x640, IMG_20150521_083837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few weeks ago I had this girl suck my dick

You can faintly see the recovering black eye that I gave her

Despite that theme, people are rarely willing to follow through with it to its logical end

>> No.6704407

>posting pics of girls you know on 4chan
Why do people do this?

>> No.6704416

I don't care about that slut anymore

>> No.6704419

That was a lie

>> No.6704426

>the refraction moves the straw you perceive a few millimeters to the right dude. this has nothing to do with the hard problem of consciousness

Yes it absolutely does. We are talking about visual perception here, visual perception of a pencil in a glass. "The refraction moves the straw you see millimetres to the right" is not an adequate account. Tell me, and this should be easy for you, how it is that the refraction does this?

The light waves move through the glass, the glass changes their direction slightly, and then X happens, and I am now seeing a disjointed straw. Explain X.

I also know about lenses, I wear glasses ffs. Honestly you're just an idiot who cant grasp something so resorts to calling the person insane or stupid. The depth of your visual field when wearing glasses is the length between your eyes and the inner surface of the lenses.

I'll give you 100 billion dollars if you give an adequate account of X. But I know you can't do it, nobody can. Which is why we're talking about the phenomenology of visual experience, not the science of how visual perception works.

>but you're effectively seeing through it

No. You're not. Anything existing beyond the surface of the glass facing your eyes is noumenal. Whether it even exists or not is unknowable, let alone thinking you can 'effectively' perceive the noumenal reality beyond the surface of the glass. Glass is a solid object. Like every other object, the depth of your visual field ends at the outer surface.

Your response is like saying, "yeah, you can only see the painting on the wall, but the painting is of what's outside the house, so you're effectively seeing through the wall looking at the (noumenal) world that (may or may not even) exists beyond outside it.

>> No.6704430

>wahh i have no friends because I think I'm smarter than everyone else and yet I've never published a goddamn damn thing that was worth a second look or second read

My lord. You fags are just insufferable. A gaggle of terrible writers and terribly boring people.

>> No.6704431

>You want it to be interesting

She doesn't. She wants it to be fun.

>> No.6704434

Most people can only talk about people, not subjects.

>> No.6704437

Fun is boring.

>> No.6704450

>A few weeks ago I had this girl suck my dick
>You can faintly see the recovering black eye that I gave her

Was that before or after you wrote that amazing movie script and couldn't record with shitty $100 camera and 1 person?

>> No.6704465

New to this discussion, haven't seen anything that quite matches this argument so here goes. I'm going ahead with the assumption that you're happy with the science behind refraction and why the light bends, but I think your TV analogy is flawed because:

1. We know that the photons pass through the glass, being distorted by refraction, but they are the same photons that entered the back of the glass
2. The photons, distorted but the same photons, carry the visual information to your eye which is interpreted by it

The only way the glass would be "displaying" reality that is behind it is if the glass generated new photons from its near surface in response to photons hitting its far surface, but this doesn't happen. This makes the glass distinct from a TV screen which generates new photons at that shorter distance from you.

>> No.6704469

Further to this, if your argument is that your visual field ends at a refractive surface then the depth of your visual field is no greater than the lens of your eye, or even the vitreous humour directly in front of your retinas. Sorry if that makes you more claustrophobic than before but at least you shouldn't feel any worse in a car.

>> No.6704492

I'm not going to argue over whether or not objective reality is real

It's more akin to the camera-monitor analogy, and yeah, when looking at a live camera you're effectively seeing what it depicts

And there is no X
The glass bends the light waves - and that's what you see

I'm trying to grasp some phenomenonal meaning out of this, but there really isn't any

I never actually wrote a script, and the goal wouldn't be to film it myself

Anyway I'm not lying, which is what you're getting at

>> No.6704498

Is everything beyond the inside lenses of your glasses "noumenal"? Are objects you perceive in a mirror "noumenal"?

"X happens" is the same thing that happens when you see anything. When I perceive a book to the right of another book it's because of where the light strikes the cornea. When I perceive a straw that has been refracted several centimeters to the right, I perceive it as being to the right of the unrefracted straw above it.

You are attempting to turn a very simple optics problem into a deep philosophical issue that it is decidedly not.

>> No.6704506

Since we're on the subject of vision, and I don't feel l like typing a novel
>our 3D vision looks, or will look, exactly like a very high definition tv image
>surface of our retinas are 2D
>the 'third dimension' in our vision is just a different shade/shape projected onto a 2D image
>there is no need for the baseless theory of our brain processing both images and making it 3D
>closing an eye doesn't make us see in any differently

>> No.6704508

They are actually tests to determine the subjects sense of modernity. Intelligence is just a buzzword.

>> No.6704512
File: 88 KB, 976x622, 1407533127926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too dumb too engage with cultured smart people
>tfw too can't relate to my working class peers and they're values and hobbies

>> No.6704527

I absolutely vouch this thought. In the periods of solitude is when you realize about the subjectivity of it all in a non conceptual manner but in personally meaningful and sensationally way. Only when you can ultimately judge yourself sincerely with a positive value whilst aware of opposing perspectives (defects and strengths) you can start to express whatever you want without any fear with anyone. At this point, your true personality is what you show to people, and people really, really respond to true personality, even when they might not agree or even know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.6704543

I think what OP's sort of saying is that there are consumers and producers in this world, and most are content to merely the former. How would you describe yourself, OP?

>> No.6704549

you can fake it by moving but if you have to hold still your depth perception is fucked with one eye

>> No.6704557

That's envy talking. Be your own breed of cultured, smart person.

>> No.6704563

And yet some of us try to improve on the daily, which is all a thread like this is about when it comes down to it. Don't forget to fuck off on your way out.

>> No.6704576

For anything to change we have to be honest as a default. It's what I've thought my whole life.

>> No.6704578

>carry the visual information to your eye which is interpreted by it

This is where you (unconsciously) but covertly sneak around the major issue - that is, how does visual perception work?

What does whether they are the exact same photons or not (a scientific question), have to do with the phenomenology of visually experiencing? (a philosophical question)

Saying "the eye interprets the photons" is nowhere near an adequate account of how one comes to experiencing a visual field, of (what seems to be) an external world.

And your comment about the lens of the eye, and the jelly in front of the retina shows you have a complete misunderstanding of even the basics around the SCIENCE of visual perception. Our eyes are not magic portals that we (as cartesian subjects) look through, our eyes are not 'open windows' to the world. Nobody looks 'out' or 'through' their eyes.

>when looking at a live camera you're effectively seeing what it depicts

Idiocy. If that is so, why travel to the Eiffel tower and look at it in person when one can just see it on their computer screen. It's the same thing right?

>And there is no X
>The glass bends the light waves - and that's what you see

OK I am going to finish my discussion with you here, because it's above your head. Simply asserting something is not the same thing as arguing for it. You'd get laughed out even a phil101 class with your idiotic "the glass bends the light waves - and that's what you see". I feel sorry for you if you truly believe that's all it takes to explain a 2 thousand year old philosophical problem. In short, you're in over your head kid.

>> No.6704592

>Is everything beyond the inside lenses of your glasses "noumenal"?


>Are objects you perceive in a mirror "noumenal"?

That you appear to see objects in a mirror is an illusion. The depth of your visual field ends at the surface of the mirror, and you mistake seeing the image displayed on the mirror, for the objects in the world around you. The mirror does not magically reverse your visual field, so that you can look at objects behind you while facing the other way. To see objects behind you, you have to actually turn your head. What's seen on a mirror is an image, a very detailed high def image, which you mistake as something which 'reverses your gaze' allowing you to see things behind you, or your own face etc.

>You are attempting to turn a very simple optics problem into a deep philosophical issue that it is decidedly not.

Actually philosophy of perception is literally a 2000 thousand plus year old problem. It's one of the major problems of ontology and metaphysics, informing epistemology. Have a read about the hard problem of consciousness. Don't reply to this post.

>> No.6704596

>>closing an eye doesn't make us see in any differently

people with one eye cannot see 3d movies

>> No.6704599

Not the guy you're replying to but it seems like you are 100% concerned with the process by which the brain perceives images, which doesn't seem to have fuck all to do with glass.

But you could just post a bunch more scribbles and tell us all we're idiots who would fail philosophy 101 because we can't draw using MS Paint.

>> No.6704605

literally everything you perceive is an illusion because it's been refracted by your cornea. oops I wasn't supposed to reply to this.

>> No.6704626

I think Jaden Smith solved the hard problem of consciousness https://twitter.com/officialjaden/status/329768040235413504

>> No.6704633

I gave up trying to find a friend who will talk with me about Kubrick's films, Dostoevsky's novels, or Beethoven's sonatas. When I feel the need to express my opinion or the effects of a certain piece of genius, I write in my journal which has served as the ear I once yearned for. Without the desire to talk about what interests you, it's easy to make friends and if your interest does not extend far beyond learning of the circumstances of individuals then people will love you merely for the opportunity you give them to talk of themselves.

I don't even know if I would be able to hold a conversation related to anything I am interested in because of the consistent suggestion of my sounding pretentious. Then again, I have never met anyone to accompany me when going in the depth of topics I find significant so it might be that I am capable of it. If you're in Thailand, we can meet and chat.

>> No.6704640


>> No.6704678

To transcend the mundane we must devote our minds to impersonal data. Knowledge. History. Only then can matters of mundanity such as these be disregarded successfully.

>> No.6704705
File: 91 KB, 240x240, beethoven14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the honor of writing the most complex fugue in the world actually goes to the superior composer, Beethoven

>> No.6704709

Could you post some links to those philosophy forum threads you mentioned earlier, please? I would love to have a look at them.

>> No.6704711

I don't think people actually care about me or my interests and they're merely asking to maintain formalities.

>> No.6704720

short story idea
so what if in the future the pretentious /lit/ user's dreams came true and now the creation of art is limited only to a select chosen few 'artists' and the common man is forced to support them and forbidden to create art
just came up with it r8

>> No.6704731

I meant to reply to the mirror guy.

>> No.6704741

The mindset of OP reminds me of the student in Crime and Punishment.

>> No.6704864

>Fun is boring

Precisely why you should live a solitary life of learning and understanding and not give a fuck about other people and there fun.

But wait... You still yearn for other people to talk to? Why is that? Because you want to engage with someone else in your existential commonality? What better way to do that than by revolting against the inherently mundane nature of life with... fun?

>> No.6705873

>if that's so, why travel to the Eiffel Tower in person
So are you saying I'm wrong?

If X is the hard problem of consciousness, then X exists with or without the glass distortion concept, so you talking about the glass at all is redundant

You're delusional