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/lit/ - Literature

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6698247 No.6698247 [Reply] [Original]

I am smarter than you, and you are probably smarter than most.

I've read Heidegger, Nietzsche, Freud, Lacan, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Butler and Plato

I read Gravity's Rainbow in six days

I've read 3,000+ books and series, not counting novellas and scripts

Where does one go from here?

>> No.6698258
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>> No.6698257

If total literature consumption measures intelligence, I'm much smarter than you are :)
3000 is bored housewife-tier

>> No.6698260

Unless you utilise this 'knowledge' of yours, you are literally no better than the average /v/irgin

>> No.6698265


>> No.6698267

Categorization complete: OP prefers to theorize rather than to do.

>> No.6698277

What a lazy faggot.

>> No.6698282

> I've read Heidegger, Nietzsche, Freud, Lacan, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault, Butler and Plato

maybe by reading some philosophers that aren't complete shit

>> No.6698286

Okay, OP. Does N=NP?

>> No.6698287

I am hornier than you, and you are probably hornier than most

I've jerked it to Rand, O'Connor (Sinead, Flannery, and Sandy Day), LeGuin, Tolkien's retarded son, Neil Young's dead baby, Lindbergh's missing baby, Zelda Fitz, hentai, and a bunch of random dudes on the bus

I jacked off on Thomas Pynchon for six days

I've jacked off 30+ times today and had my finger in my ass during all of it, not counting the times with my ball clamps and lava lube

Where does one go from here?

>> No.6698304

I study STEM field



>> No.6698306

Well, you could read some contemporary writing: Jean Luc-Nancy and Bernard Stiegler come to mind. Also pretty weird to read so many left thinkers but no marxists, you could read some of those. Happy to recommend if you need help finding direction. Also, Hegel is obvious (how did you understand any of this without Hegel or Kant??)

>> No.6698309

I am more shallow than you, and you are probably more shallow than most.

I've dismissed others over resource consumption, physical traits, mental traits, experience, and ideology

I ate a Mcdouble in 6 seconds

I've had 3,000 unsubstantiated and indefensible thoughts, not counting moral universalism

Where does one go from here?

>> No.6698316

>claims to be smarter than others
>asks others where to go

>> No.6698317

STEM is just a bunch of equations and shit. You ever read something a STEM student wrote? They barely know how to communicate. Lmao.

>> No.6698325

Culture is a sewer. If you realize that other people's thoughts are trash, what need have you of communications?

just posting this hypocritically fyi, trying to clean up the trash that is your thought

>> No.6698327

Your description is literally the opposite of impressive. The philosophers you mentioned are babby's first

>> No.6698332

So you can convince them to have sex with you, moron.

>> No.6698339

we can't all be so lucky as to take a vow of silence in some monastary. For most, the communication game must be played, and if the game must be played, it is worth gaining skill in the game.

>> No.6698343

The vagina is a sewer. If you realize that other people's mucous membranes are trash, what need have you of communications?

just posting this hypocritically fyi, trying to clean up the trash that is your thought

>> No.6698346
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>> No.6698352

So you can convince them to have ovulations for you, moron.

>> No.6698360

reread them, you will notice more each time

>> No.6698393

And other people are well versed in Star Wars trivia

>> No.6698453

The fact that you equate having read any given amount at any given speed is what really speaks to your intelligence.

>> No.6698461
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Is this you?

>> No.6698472

>books in the garage
gets me everytime

>> No.6698516

Hey don't respond to this shit without saging it. It prolongs the life of the thread and makes /lit/ even worse than it already is

>> No.6698574

Why? This is a funny thread and I get a good chuckle out of it.
If you have a problem with humor, get off 4chan. I'm having fun here.

>> No.6698577

>where does on go from here?

if you're so smart, you shouldn't need to ask a bunch of your inferiors what to do, faggot

>> No.6698582


>> No.6698606
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>riding the post-modernist spook so hard
Wow. Really wow.

>> No.6698615

Talk about cringeworthy

>> No.6698619

Jesus kek

>> No.6698646 [DELETED] 


I am shittier than you, and you are probably shittier than most.

I've shat all over an entire library, wiping my ass with the pages of its books, including Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Proust, Joyce, Melville, and many more.

I've covered Hawthorne, Poe, Whitman, Twain, Faulkner with diarrhea.

I made sure that Infinite Jest couldn't be picked up without oozing filth and spilling it everywhere. That's right, I turned DFW's monumental work into a massive shit-laden sponge.

I've drenched so many others in liquid feces. All of the Russians. All of the French. All of the Germans - in particular, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. All of them were blasted by my faucet-like bowel movements.

Where does one go from here?

>> No.6699730

>it worked

>> No.6699742

>he actually spent time reading dank postmodern "philosophy"
not so smart after all

>> No.6699754

>I jacked off on Thomas Pynchon
Who hasn't done this?

>> No.6699758

I'm smarter than you and every author you listed
Dank is usually a positive expression

>> No.6699769
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>people bragging about their entertainment consumption

>> No.6699772

It's now used sarcastically.

>> No.6699775



>> No.6699777


>> No.6699778

>I read Gravity's Rainbow in six days
Um, is this supposed to be impressive or something?

>> No.6699779

>I am smarter than you, and you are probably smarter than most.
And yet we are both still failures.

>> No.6699789

You sound more autistic than intelligent.

>> No.6699839

>lambo in the living room

>> No.6699846


>I am smarter than you
>Hasn't read Schopenhauer

HAH! Pleb.

>> No.6699888

>implying amount of reading matters

>> No.6699987

Fake & gay?

>> No.6700003
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Kill it with fire

>> No.6700011

I hope they're both supposed to be cunts and that we are not supposed to root for the down to earth valley girl here.

>> No.6700072

>Where does one go from here?
You create. What concepts, percepts, worlds, etc.. have you created so far?

>> No.6700080

>Simpleton's come in all shapes I suppose
But yeah, fake.

>> No.6700084

Have any of those people actually read anything, or did they actually keep that entire conversation by googling '[philosopher] deep quotes' and/or skimming wikipedia?

>> No.6700086

Elementary school, where you learn punctuation.

>> No.6700089

I don't know, maybe you could start by leaving this cesspool? Fuck there are like two of these threads floating around, where the fuck are the mods

>> No.6700102

>3000 is bored housewife-tier
I imagine being a housewife is pretty much the ideal literary lifestyle.
You don't even have to worry about anything and can just spend your time reading.

>> No.6700105

>You don't even have to worry about anything

>> No.6700110

>cooking and cleaning for two is something hard in modern day
Until you have children you can just read and relax.

>> No.6700115

>housewives who aren't also mothers


>> No.6700117

That's true I guess.

>> No.6700142

If I'm a single NEET am I a houseman?

>> No.6700156
File: 17 KB, 367x388, OVhukLz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am smarter than you
>I've read Lacan, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault
mfw you are nothing more than a prententious cunt
mfw Lacan doesnt know what a complex number is
mfw Derridas response in Le Monde is perhaps the funniest,butthurt text I have ever read
mfw you are not baiting and you are serious

>> No.6700159

>Derridas response in Le Monde

>> No.6700162

Sokal and Bricmont arent serious,if I remember correctly.
Daily reminder that Derrida is modern day Hegel.
I am wrong, at least Hegel will be remembered for his nonsense, Derrida will slide into oblivion where he is supposed to be.

>> No.6700200

Thanks. Derrida replied pretty well given the space and context. It's not a very good sample of Derrida though because of these limitations. I recommend reading "Signature Event Context".

I have a feeling our "Hegel" is Heidegger, just like Deleuze was saying "Hegel is our Plato". Derrida, Foucault, Lacan are all post-Heideggerians to a degree (roughly in the order listed).
I'm not sure where Deleuze fits though since I'm not so familiar with him. He's likely the most aggressive anti-Hegelian, but this might have defined and slowed him down too much. He also offers some critiques of Heidegger but I'm not so sure that they really distance him that much from Heidi.

>> No.6700282
File: 477 KB, 560x500, oh anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw anon misread the whole phallus = √-1 thing

you don't know what a matheme is.

>> No.6700298

>I'm smart

something doesnt quite add up

>> No.6700305

Go back, reread Deleuze and Nietzsche, and ask yourself why you're shitposting.