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669806 No.669806 [Reply] [Original]

Watching Fight Club does not make you a Philosopher.
Purchasing a guitar does not make you a musician.
Reading Kafka does not make you a literati.
Going to college does not make you a scholar.
Owning a skateboard does not make you an athlete.
Owning a jersey does not mean you are on the team.
Having a full address book does not mean you have friends.
Knowing a large volume of facts does not mean you are intelligent.
Getting laid does not mean you have life experience.
You are not a more popular person for wearing designer clothes.
You are not an important, creative individual for refusing to do so.
You are not a charity case because you have suffered.
You are not stable or healthy because you have not.
Listening to Mozart and rejecting My Chemical Romance does not mean you are cultured.
Watching Quentin Tarantino and not Michael Bay does not mean you are cultured.
Painting a picture instead of playing a videogame does not mean you are cultured.
Reading the book before you see the movie does not mean you are cultured.
Going to Church does not make you Religious.
Not going to Church does not make you spiritual.
Having an opinion does not mean you cannot be wrong.
Being right does not mean anyone cares.
Reciting MadTV and Dane Cook does not mean you are funny.
Not finding these things funny does not mean you have a sense of humour.
Poor artists are not automatically better than successful ones.
Technically skilled artists are not automatically good ones.
No one is impressed that you're older, and no one thinks you wiser.

>> No.669809

Thanks, OP.

>> No.669810

you forgot one thing:

Having a tripcode does not make the shit you say more relevant.

>> No.669811

So, tripfag, what is your point?

>> No.669812

>Not going to Church does not make you spiritual.
I laughed. So true.

>> No.669816

I would expect to see this on some 13 year old girl's myspace page, right next to the pAstE This In yoUr ProFile if yOu HAte posERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!111!!

>> No.669817

This reads like something a 13 year old would write.

>> No.669820

Since when did watching Quentin Tarantino make you cultured?

>> No.669821

Connecting obvious dots does not make you enlightened.

>> No.669823

Well you hate everyone in the world OP, so you might as well kill yourself. See ya, good riddance. Also, reported.

P.S u mad

>> No.669824

>Being right does not mean anyone cares.

The list is bullshit.

>> No.669828

Saying what everyone already knows does not make you profound.

>> No.669829

>Not going to Church does not make you spiritual.

Well, I would certainly hope so.

>> No.669831
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Insecurities are particularly evident in this thread.

>> No.669834

Writing common knowledge maxims does not mean your a philosopher

>> No.669842

Well you just describe almost everyone in the world. what's so special about you?

Also the final one really annoyed me - older people generally are wise. you're probably about 13 years old... in a few years you will cringe at the thought of this thread. until then, stay wacky and edgy I guess^^

>> No.669843
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>Purchasing a guitar does not make you a musician.
Dear god, I see this all the time. Some people end up buying righteously awesome gear, only to give up and leave it lying around and collecting dust.
Oh, and is all this from a book?

>> No.669848

Getting older does not make you necessarily wiser. You can do a bad job for 60 years.

- Berholdt Brecht

>> No.669849


I did this, but I didn't buy an expensive guitar. Also, I've never said I was a musician. I'm honest.

>> No.669851

Albeit the last line is mainly troll bait, it still certainly has resonance as a paradigm of our times.
Case and point is the current government and businesses that are slowly degenerating society due to the cultural emphasis on capitalism. I don't see many senators or philosophers debating this fact, nor taking action against it.

>> No.669856


>> No.669858

>Case and point

I believe you mean ''Case in point'' my good man.

>> No.669864

Yeah, my bad =S

>> No.669869

>Case and point is the current government and businesses that are slowly degenerating society due to the cultural emphasis on capitalism. I don't see many senators or philosophers debating this fact, nor taking action against it.

Maybe because it isn't actually a fact, it's your opinion?

>> No.669875

My grandfather used to say that you're a grown up when you stop caring about how old people are and start listening to what they have to say anyway.

>> No.669885

I always listen to what old people have to say. Like it or not, they've seen it all before, and life just repeats itself anyway, so 99% of the time, they are right and you are wrong.

>> No.669888
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little man

>> No.669890
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>> No.669896

dumbest thing I read all day.

>> No.669904


>> No.669906


I was just in a diner today in Canada, and the old men that immigrated here in the 60s were talking about removing immigration from the Middle East. I'm calling bullshit on this.

>> No.669913

maybe it's the old people I've met then. even just random old people I've met at bus stops, always had something interesting to say. sometimes even gave great advice.

>> No.669918

Maybe you're gullible and stupid enough to listen to any random moron that managed to not die up to the average age of death in a developed nation where all sorts of care is readily available.
I want some life advice from a 100 year old Sherpa. There's a motherfucker who's seen shit go down... like rich white people when their grip slips.

>> No.669920

Just take this example:

Your grandfather is a nazi. According to your logic he is still to 99% right, even though he thinks you are an untermensch because you have to wear glasses and have black hair and brown eyes.
He also thinks that "niggermusic" should be forbidden (including everything with electronic guitars).

Other example, other extreme:

You grandfather is a hippy. He thinks its perfectly healthy to confront even the smallest children with sex (meaning its all right to do it in front of them). He is convinced that his pot habit and his frequent use of 'shrooms bring him closer to god.
Everybody who eats meat is a murderer as well.

>> No.669929

>someone has experiences that don't match up to yours
>call them gullible and stupid
Okay, done with you, don't have time for this :)

>> No.669947

Maybe you're too dumb to realize politics aren't something you should talk about with people, least of all older people, if you really want to learn something interesting from someone. Everyone has that one thing that they're really passionate about, but most people are too unimaginative to ask the older person what theirs is and don't learn anything other than what they want to to support their biased assumptions.

>> No.669949


>> No.669953

It was a maybe. I didn't say you are. Really it was just a shitty set-up for the shitty joke about a Sherpa.

>> No.669998

>hasn't realized old people knowingly and purposefully lie to young people

>> No.670022

awww come on, you guys know what I mean. I didn't explain myself well though I admit.

I just meant for stuff like problems everyone has to go through... deaths of friends and family, relationships, career problems/choices... and also stuff like hobbies (from music, to cooking, and of course, books)... that kind of thing. I always love to talk about that kind of stuff with old people, and most of the time their advice is sound, because they've lived it themselves.

wasn't talking about Nazis being right, or anything...

>> No.670028

>Reading Kafka does not make you a literati.
Funny. Kafka was the first thing I read which wasn't fantasy or science-fiction(As kid I thought only these genres would be intersting but it bored me at some moment so I stopped reading completly from 15 to 18) , it showed me that I'm the exact opposite of a literat.
Now(20 years old) I have read a ton of serious stuff but I'm still not nearly a literat.

>> No.670032

I can't wait until I'm old. I'm going to lie to kids, act crazy, and never get called out on it. It's gonna be sweet.

>> No.670036

>Watching Quentin Tarantino and not Michael Bay does not mean you are cultured.
Seriously you couldn't come up with a better fucking example than tarantino?

>> No.670048


>> No.670058

>Poor artists are not automatically better than successful ones.
>Technically skilled artists are not automatically good ones.
>No one is impressed that you're older, and no one thinks you wiser.

Sooooo true.

>Reciting MadTV and Dane Cook does not mean you are funny.

Actually I feel that makes you automatically not funny.

>> No.670064

>comparing Tarantino to Bay


Well we definitely know who isn't cultured..

>> No.670072


I can bet you donuts to dollars that a technically skilled artist is better than one that is not.

>> No.670078


prolly meant "film buff"

>> No.672193

Sure, a technically skilled artist might be better, but that doesn't make him any good.

>> No.672278

Um.... Why are you all bitching about Tarentino and not Bay?

>> No.672294

i like how you start off with the fight club line cause this all sounds like some bullshit tyler durden would say

>> No.672319

mind = blown

>> No.672326

I have no idea what you are tying to say here, I can't even determine if you are writing about your own insecurities or if you are tying to make a point.

>> No.672333

This thread has posts in it for some reason. Lots of posts

>> No.672345
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gb2 to being EdGy xD

>> No.672349

That picture is funny because I live in east coast USA

>> No.672541


Trolls are insecure

>> No.672544

Come on with that point bitch!

>> No.672597

I am what i am.
Haters gonna hate

>> No.672630

Trolling does not make you a troll.

>> No.672644

A tripfag that uses reaction images posts a Myspace copypasta onto /lit/, and /lit/ loses it.

>> No.672651

Disregarding conventions/social norms/culture does not make you a successful troll.

>> No.672654


It quite evidentally does broski.

>> No.672674

>You are not a more popular person for wearing designer clothes.
Son, why don't you sit down for a moment. I have something to tell you.

>> No.672679

Can we please change the Quentin Tarantino to an actual cultured director like Bergman or Kurosawa in this copypasta? It just completely ruins it.

>> No.672688 [DELETED] 
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>Implying pretension is the same thing as culture

>> No.672698 [DELETED] 

>Implying those directors are pretentious.

>> No.672700 [DELETED] 

>Implying Bergman is not a genius

>> No.672753

Please stop bumping this. Please.

>> No.673452
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>> No.673463

>Listening to Mozart and rejecting My Chemical Romance does not mean you are cultured.

Yes, it does.

>> No.673507

you made me fuckin lol

>> No.673509


Mozart is pop garbage. Anyone who is actually cultured knows this.

>> No.673532


What do you recommend?

>> No.673536

We men of culture listen to the works of Chopin whilst discussing literature and what is to be done with the proletariat over a fine glass of scotch.

>> No.673541

Well, fuck, then what am I?

>> No.673549



>> No.673559

Filling your Pokedex to the brim does not mean you have caught them all.

>> No.673569


Tchaikovsky for a good measure, but only if you like his ballets.
Bach if you're a Christfag.
Chopin for overall awesomeness.

>> No.673577

fuck Chopin you pleb

Bach and Monteverdi

>> No.673579

fellow britpal detected :3

>> No.673583


He's a fucking newfag at this. Give him Chopin. They'll be his training wheels.

>> No.673603


Already familiar with them all. Mozart is still good.

>> No.673640

you forgot schubert, albinoni and vivaldi (not four seasons bleh! but partitas for lute and mandolin)

bach is for christfags? fuck off i think he's the best.

>> No.673649

Mozart wasn't the pop music of his time. Folk musicians were.

Chopin is shitty chamber music. Try Debussy, Janacek, and Scriabin.

>> No.673712

>rich white people when their grip slips
you sit, have made this thread worthwhile, i like the way you think.

>> No.673715

haven't heard of the last two. i'll check 'em. danke

>> No.673725

Fuck off, Bach is as pop as it's gonna get

>> No.674034

Fuck you all, obviously what you should all listen is Saint-Saens Camille.

>> No.674535

>Knowing a large volume of facts does not mean you are intelligent
Actually, it does. Hate to be pedantic, but I think you meant "wise" or "creative" here.

>> No.675658
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>> No.675663


No, it doesn't. There's a reason the standard IQ test is not an essay asking you to describe every characteristic of the Babylonian empire.

>> No.675667

Agreed. Knowing a large quantity of facts makes your knowledgeable, but not necessarily intelligent. Intelligence is defined by one's ability to USE the knowledge they possess, usually in some problem-solving capacity.

>> No.675668

*YOU knowledgeable, not YOUR

...it's late.

>> No.675679

You can deny there's a causal relationship, but knowledge certainly correlates heavily with intelligence. Name any of the great thinkers, Einstein, Newton, Feynman, Bohrs, and you'll be hard pressed to find one that DOESN'T know a large volume of facts on their respected fields.

>> No.675685


Intelligence is very vague. And how it's distinguishable from wisdom, creativity, and knowledge is even more so. Any debate is moot; this is mainly a pointless semantics argument.

>> No.675689

>implying the IQ test has anything to do with intelligence
Lots of Nobel Prize winners in Mensa to back you up... oh wait...

>> No.675693

>Reciting MadTV and Dane Cook does not mean you are funny.

this is true even if you are MadTV or Dane Cook.

>> No.675705

Intelligence is the ability to store,recall, and apply knowledge. The value scale of intelligence is how rapidly or proficiently you can do so.
Knowledgeable is simply the ability to store and recall knowledge.
A slow person who can after thinking for 5 minutes a shitload of facts about the Byzantine Empire is knowledgeable.
A person who can rattle off those same facts at breakneck speed in an analysis of the Byzantine Empire's political philosophies and how those were reflected through the ages after its fall, and what remains today as a remnant, using it as a comparison or reference for insight into a current event, during a discussion in which it is relevant and pertinent, is intelligent.
See how that works? Education does not create intelligence. It's a very nice optimism, but it isn't true.

>> No.675726

From the APA:
>Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, [and] to overcome obstacles by taking thought. Although these individual differences can be substantial, they are never entirely consistent: a given person’s intellectual performance will vary on different occasions, in different domains, as judged by different criteria. Concepts of “intelligence” are attempts to clarify and organize this complex set of phenomena. Although considerable clarity has been achieved in some areas, no such conceptualization has yet answered all the important questions, and none commands universal assent. Indeed, when two dozen prominent theorists were recently asked to define intelligence, they gave two dozen, somewhat different, definitions.
>no such conceptualization has yet answered all the important questions, and none commands universal assent.
See how that works? I like how you made up your definition of intelligence and assumed that everyone else agreed. The question on wether "intelligence" comes purely from nature and what intelligence exactly is, has been debated by professionals for decades. I doubt you, a random 20-something on an anonymous imageboard, are able to give a definitive answer to either of those questions, any better than they are.

And if you assume you can, you are a faggot.

>> No.675742

I like how you assumed I made it up, when it came out of a fucking dictionary.
Then there's the fact that the relevance of what I had to say comes to bear upon every single one of those nebulous concepts stated there. " to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, [and] to overcome obstacles by taking thought." All of these things listed here would require A) an ability to store knowledge. B) an ability to recall it and C) the necessity of the first two in applying said knowledge.
Intelligence is a nebulous concept when you over-analyze it. Then you get back to the reality that you have clearly met people in your life you judged overall as being intelligent. And the reason you judged them so is because of all of those factors listed in your quote, and how they expressed it in the exact ways I stated.

>> No.675765

>when it came out of a fucking dictionary.
>implying dictionaries don't provide definitions for vague and ambiguous concepts
Protip: Dictionaries also have definitions for "art" and "postmodernism". That doesn't mean the definition they provide is the definitive one.
>would require A) an ability to store knowledge. B) an ability to recall it and C) the necessity of the first two in applying said knowledge.
So does creativity, talent, and experience, depending on how to define each. Your point is moot. Face it, this is a pointless semantics argument that you're trying, and failing, to debate.

Also, you're a faggot.

>> No.675769

Meant "you define" and not "to define", Too lazy to delete.

>> No.675774

I see your point, thinking about it, but what I cannot agree to is that education creates intelligence. It gives people knowledge. That it's some sort of natural ability given at birth doesn't quite seem plausible either, but I think it pretty much falls into a middle ground there. Some people have the ability to be intelligent, and some do not. Just the same way a tall person isn't necessarily going to be great at basketball, or someone with small hands is going to be a great jeweler. It's a matter of choices and aptitudes than some sort of nature-bestowed gift. But some people can get it, and some people can't, life experience has shown me that. My philosophy teacher can explain to me the subtleties of Hume all she wants, at some point I become confused or bothered by it, and then I make a choice to either shut it out or express apathy, or she's going to continue to struggle along with expressing it to me. Either way, I still have trouble understanding the subtleties of Hume's philosophies, while a girl sitting next to me grasped it instantly, tried to help the teacher explain it to me, and I still did not get it. I'm of barely above average IQ according to IQ tests. Pretty much agree with that. I do well in school regardless through hard work and study.
Biology seems like an obvious thing to fall back on here, to me. Some people may not be born "intelligent," but they have a biological possibility of being so.

>> No.675778

Not to mention the fact that I'm not intelligent is shown right here, in this debate, that you're clearly winning. This simply reaffirms what I'm saying. One of us is more intelligent than the other, this value exists, and it isn't a matter of knowledge, it's a matter of reasoning power.

>> No.675990

You guys are idiots.

>> No.676995
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