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6698028 No.6698028 [Reply] [Original]

>My feel (pic related) when I can't sit at a table adjacent to a mirror and facing it whilst trying to read because I just end up staring at my face.

>> No.6698034

Every time I look in a mirror I double-take because I'm so fucking handsome.

>> No.6698046
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finally, I've been waiting for this


what's your favorite book, my arrogant friends?

>> No.6698048

Books are pre-industrial mirrors.

>> No.6698063

deep as a mirror you are

>> No.6698067

Beautiful Losers by Cohen. And yours?

>> No.6698072

confessions of a mask

i see myself in omi

>> No.6698174
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When I look at the mirror I think I need a shave.
After I shave and I look I think I need a haircut.
After the haircut I look and see me.

>> No.6698191

a haiku, by anon

oh, if looks could kill;
how mirrors would be deadly!
one would die again

>> No.6698209

If mirrors could be avoided
Then it's better to have them mushed
As nothing is more degrading than an unarranged detour
To not to want to see one's own face is enough to let fall before me the very floor

>> No.6698221


>> No.6698227

It sounds better.

>> No.6698245
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tbh I don't see why people are so offended by arrogance in others. I think its hilarious. I love to be around arrogant/ narcissistic people, the more arrogant the better, if only to laugh at how one person can be so deluded. it's simple enough steering the interaction, you just have to cater everything them. It's so stupidly simple and entertaining, you guys are literally godsent

>> No.6698269

I blanch under the accusing stare, "are you getting this? are you understanding? is it helping?" I want someone to read to, to hear my voice, to be soothed and mesmerised by it. Not myself, egoed and critical, knowing too much as I read the mirror and not the book.

>> No.6698272

>arrogance always without exception comes with delusion
You see? This is why I'm arrogant and you aren't.

>> No.6698285

nigga the definition of arrogance is more or less undue or unreal self-esteem, based on nothing but your own estimations

>> No.6698299

i'm better than you

>> No.6698310

Neon. It means an exaggeration of one's own worth. And if a person is heads above the rest why not feel to be that and more? It's simply an appreciation of the self. Nigger.

>> No.6698312


keep saying it friend, never stop saying it

>> No.6698330

I have no problem with people recognising and professing their superiority over others, provided that's it's real and not exaggerated (i.e. arrogance)

>> No.6698341

I see now. You're just prejudiced. Can't handle somebody other than meek beta faggots as they don't make you feel insecure because you are after all an intelligent person capable of seeing spooks and the worthlessness of it all?

>> No.6698361

hey bitch, see >>6698247 to understand everything I've just said

>> No.6698377
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lol this thread was literally born out of the narcissism thread?

/lit/ is helpless against this kind of intelligence baiting.

>> No.6698378

See >>6696297 for my perspective towards you which I tried to ingrain subtly as to not hurt I suspect already low ego, biatch.

>> No.6698394
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Because 75% of these bookworms are haunted or shall I say spooked with low self confidence and how does an insecure person defend itself? Lashing out against the aggressor that threatens to annihilate the last shred of self-asteem.

>> No.6698401

shall we say that you won this round, pal?

>> No.6698409

we don't care what your ass teems with

>> No.6698412

Sure, it's right after all. But you must admit to not copping out by "catering" to me. Reason -- if you can see the truth or not -- is on my side, buddy.

>> No.6698422

the narcissist wins every round, mein freund. it is of our nature, even if outwardly it would appear we lost. we have won. wir haben gewonnen, mi amigo.

>> No.6698501
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gayboys its as simple as this. Skill/talent/greatness whatever you want to call it, of itself, not even effaced with modesty, is generally met with ascencion and deference by others. Skill etc coupled with arrogance is sometimes accepted but always begrudgingly and oftener resented, occasionally rejected. Be arrogant for all I fucking care, its the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. You are inviting failure to yourself, and I will always be there to see it, and I will never not be entertained by it


>> No.6698518

ich bin besser als dich.

>> No.6698525

I always look in mirrors when I pass them. I don't think it has anything to do with admiring myself, more trying to remember my face to better define and insert myself; I'm very nervous and wish to know how I may appear.

>> No.6698550

Really you have an innate fascination with reflection qua reflection and movement along with the novelty of the fact of some correspondence. The phenomena of the mirror may have nothing to do with appearance. The scientific capacity to reflect light in the peculiar ways that a mirror in fact reflects light or the natural instinctual apparatus that monitors movement along with a childish capacity for novelty qua the fact of modes of cognition has little to do with what 'appearances' usually refers to.

>> No.6698564

"I'm better as yourself"? Does this capture the translation correctly?

>> No.6698573


>> No.6698867


>> No.6698877

als is than

>> No.6698909

>a guy without a shave or a haircut

>> No.6699771

This. I lived with somebody who was this deluded and it was hilarious to observe and hear his view on life. His girlfriend was exactly the same, and after she'd gone away on holiday one time she had to re-assure him with "Don't worry, I didn't see anybody as good looking as you". Another time he got upset because he didn't get voted as the best looking person in our year. When watching films and TV, they would constantly be judging the actors appearances instead of simply letting yourself be absorbed by the medium. The delusion was so bad before he went to university that he got depressed because people weren't giving him as much attention as he believed he deserved.