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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 990x600, GRRM+JGreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6697299 No.6697299 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these is most to blame for the demise of American literature, and for the general corruption of Western literature?

>> No.6697314
File: 13 KB, 273x365, John_Logie_Baird00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6697316

None of them. Relax with the grandiose statements.

>> No.6697332

Pynchon. FUCK Pynchon.

>> No.6697339

There has always been cheap books available to read, including popular ones. The question is, which ones will stand the test of time?

The only reason we don't think books from before our time were bad is because the bad books didn't last. Just like most books today won't.

>> No.6697343

wahh people like things that I don't like literature is le dead : (

Fucking baby.

>> No.6697356

None of them, but game of thrones guy is much more cancerous. At least people know that John Green writes for teenagers

>> No.6697357

Green. Got is shit, but Martin never claimed to be a literary figure. Green is actually poisoning people's minds with the muh misogynistic Aristotle and Plato le dead white men shit. He needs to be stopped

>> No.6697363

You, anon. If you had made the next great true American novel that shook the present and movilized the future things would be different. But I guess you prefered to play with your weiner watching fake sex on your computer.

>> No.6697370
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your attempt to fit in with the /lit/ taste i.e the flavour of the month meme-correlated hive mind is showing there pal

>> No.6697379


No author is to blame for any perceived decline of American letters; if you must blame someone, blame the critics and academicians. And blame the politicians for them. And blame capitalism for them.

>> No.6697386

The answer is obviously Ayn Rand.
Pulp and YA posing as nothing but what they are, this isn't dangerous. Pseudo-depth kills people.

>> No.6697389

Neither because you're overracting

>> No.6697412

He gave people a choice, and, naturally, people chose the "easy" route. He is no more to blame than the consumers themselves.
How do you explain this: >>6697143
But we live in an ever-developing technological state. Literature is susceptible to even the most blatant viruses of modern society, viruses that could never have taken hold in times past. As it stands, literature as a whole is the most fragile it has ever been.
What are you trying to prove? So I may not be able to change it, but does that mean I must ignore the currant state literature is in.

>> No.6697439

nice frog pic

>> No.6697469

Uhh... what? 'Cancerous' and 'Cancer' have been around as pejoratives for ages, nor are they explicitly linked with /lit/.

>> No.6697494

Carcinogenic is so much more the mellifluous word though.

>> No.6697542

he's right though

>> No.6697556

American literature

>> No.6697558

Why is John Green so fucking smug? what does he know that I don't?

>> No.6697605
File: 26 KB, 626x193, yetanotherncancercomic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6697625

How to make millions of dollars out of making overweight emo girls feel good about themselves while reading about average sized, socially well-adjusted middle class teenage girls.

>> No.6697654

How is he possibly right that using the word 'cancerous' represents trying to fit in with /lit/'s monthly meme cycle? It's like claiming greentext is a recent /lit/ meme.

>> No.6697676
File: 74 KB, 484x600, Smug_JGreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jgw when YA money
>jgw #1 bestseller
>jgw #1 smart writer