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6695473 No.6695473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>thanks for taking me out to dinner anon, what are you going to order?
>probably a cheeseburger
>a cheeseburger, really?
>you'd let cows get raped, tortured, and killed just so you could have a meal?
>uhm.. well...
>aren't you a philosophy student too? shouldn't you have learned how unethical it is to exploit animals for food?
>well... you see... uhm... about that...

>> No.6695501

man is the animal

>> No.6695503

>He exploiting the bitch for sex by buying her food.


>> No.6695508
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>well... you see... uhm... about that...

Its not the cow that's getting raped.

>> No.6695524
File: 30 KB, 126x144, 8Q3RTLW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6695532

>green capitalism

Not even once

>> No.6695536

I think it would be better if we ate less meat but avoiding it altogether because of "muh feelings" is pretty dumb. Brazil's rainforests were raped to grow soybeans to provide protein for vegetarians. We're probably all going to starve anyway.

>> No.6695539

I don't think all that soy is for the miniscule percentage of vegetarians. It gets used in animal food too.

>> No.6695563

>Implying that heterotrophic omnivorous and carnivorous vertebrates haven't dominated the planet for hundreds of millions of years
>Implying that meat isn't an incredibly good source of nutrition
>Implying it doesn't taste better than heroin feels

Vegetarianism and veganism are fine, but it's retarded to pretend that people who aren't like that are inherently immoral.

>> No.6695576

the answer is always

>"implying there is such thing as ethical consumerism under capitalism"

even if you are not a commi, learn this line. It will save you in many similar situations.

>> No.6695646

Rape and murder turn me on, do a cheeseburger is the ultimate expression of my sexuality and my estuechon against weak ass vegans.

>> No.6695651

We will almost certainly starve. We are well on track for the world's average surface temperature being 4-8 degrees hotter by the end of the century.

>> No.6695669

>muh global warmen
