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6694208 No.6694208 [Reply] [Original]

>book's title is the protagonist's name

>> No.6694410

>Book's title has the format "__ and __"

>> No.6694416

> The ______'s Daughter

>> No.6694418
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>novel is about a struggling author

>> No.6694436
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>one (short) word title

>> No.6694442


>> No.6694445

>what is the odyssey

>> No.6694449

>what is the great gatsby

>> No.6694455

>The _____

>> No.6694458

An epic.

>> No.6694470

i dont get this what is happening what wha

>> No.6694484

>The book's title is from Shakespeare

>> No.6694485


>Julius Caesar
>Don Quixote

>> No.6694487


>Brave New World

>> No.6694493

truly ebin

>> No.6694506

I fucking hate this place.

>> No.6694519


Roll Credits

>> No.6694524

i mean, i dont get what the point of this thread is.

>> No.6694542

Calm down, Eric!

>> No.6694556

okay bruh let's not pretend "The Sound and the Fury" is anything less than stellar as a book title

>> No.6694579

Doesn't matter good books actually transcend their names.


>> No.6694601

bruv, let's just say you're a pleb and call it a day

>> No.6694626

Moby Dick

>> No.6694679

>The title is biblical

>> No.6694693

I'm writing a book called "Phobos," but there's already a shit sci fi book with the same name. Should I find a new name?

>> No.6694694

>book has title

>> No.6694697


>> No.6694699
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>book's title is the name of the fictional town it's set in

>> No.6694701

>the book has the word "book" in the title

>> No.6694715

see u upped my black vernacular w/ chav english, well played

>> No.6694800
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>the author is a different gender than the protagonist

>> No.6694815

So what?

>> No.6694828

Excerpt from the hypothetical book in question:
Infinite Jest walked into the lazy salon six shooter already out of the holster. Infinite Jest scanned the faces of the patrons: he didn't see anything he didn't like and he didn't see anything he did like either and thats just the reason Infinite Jest had to start a ruckus...

>> No.6694835

>no one will see what i did there
>crys self to sleep

>> No.6694853

HS kids will mock your readerbase, mate.

>> No.6694939

>Richard III
>Madame Bovary

>War and Peace
>Crime and Punishment
>War and War
>The Sound and The Fury


>The Sound and The Fury, again

>> No.6694954

six of the first seven aren't books
lol jokez on you anoon

>> No.6694962

>The Trial
>The Castle


>> No.6694966

>book's name is not an inaudible grunt

>> No.6694978


Yeah, I love that too.

>> No.6694981

>from Shake my spear.
>Infinite Jest

>> No.6695499
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all trash

>> No.6695516

>dante's inferno
lmao alighieri confirmed for hack

>> No.6695542

He said an epic, anon, and he was correct.

>> No.6695574


Who is this semen demon?

>> No.6695591

Mingus McSexbad

>> No.6695608

>putting dune in that list

Its like a dog turd among roses.

>> No.6695682

Pathos of Fear.

>> No.6695699

Not even memeing but would 'The Death of Sisyphus' be a good title.

Also titles with an 'Or:' subtitle are great.

>> No.6695726

the "or" implies an "alternate title"

different from subtitle in many snobby ways

>> No.6695730

You know what I mean you memelord.

For real though thanks for clarifying the difference.

>> No.6695732

Anything with Sisyphus in the title is automatically god-tier

>> No.6695794
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>good book

Did we read the first 6 pages if the same book?

Fuck princes and eggs and shit

>> No.6695864

It's called the divine comedy you fucking plen

>> No.6695879
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>book's title is a hendiadys

>> No.6696447

Name it Deimos instead.

>> No.6696719


>> No.6696749
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The protagonist name's Odyzeus you moron!

>> No.6697457
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>book's title is only a letter

>> No.6697527

It's entirely acceptable if the name itself has some deeper non-pretentious meaning.

>> No.6697535

It's actually a letter and a period

>> No.6697547

> Pale Fire
> not goat name

>> No.6697570


Candide should be on the protagonist's name is the title list.

>> No.6697594
File: 12 KB, 220x216, I seriously don't know what the fuck is going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> book's title is part of the last sentence of the book
> book's title forms the last words of the book