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/lit/ - Literature

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6694167 No.6694167 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite trash fantasy novel?

>> No.6694171

memoirs of hadrian

>> No.6694177 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6694185


>> No.6694412

*tips fedorum*

>> No.6694447


Fuck off this fedora meme has ruined this website.

I remember a time when being some idiot right-winger or christian nutjob would get you laughed right out of any board.

I miss those days. 4chan is supposed to be the one place where I can go and be as pissed off as normalfags and their idiotic ideas as I want without any repercussions. Now we can't make fun of anything stupid without everyone just shouting it down with accusations of being a "fedora."

It's not funny and it's against the spirit of the website.

I sincerely hope anybody who takes this fedora shitposting seriously dies. The site would be better if they all did.

>> No.6694471


>> No.6694483

>muh oldfag golden days that never happened
>muh sanctuary where me and other atheist betas could to talk shit on alpha christians
kek go back to leftypol and quit trying to bring politics and religion into every thread on /lit/ you pathetic faggot

>> No.6694489

>it's against the spirit of the website

>armpit of the internet

>> No.6694495

>ruined this website
>the one place where I can go and be as pissed off as normalfags and their idiotic ideas as I want without any repercussions
>spirit of the website

>> No.6694496

The first Anita Blake book.

>> No.6694502

saved for copypasta purposes

>> No.6694505

Is this pasta?

>> No.6694517


>> No.6694543

It is now :^)

>> No.6694552

Why are atheists perpetually assblasted? I see hundreds of posts every day that offend my Christian sensibilities and think nothing of it.

>> No.6694569

Because, even as much as I hate it, the 'fedora' is one of the greatest internet insult-memes ever created. "Magic sky fairy" or "spaghetti monster" ain't shit anymore.

>> No.6694574

The reason the fedora meme is so popular is because it generally holds true.

>> No.6694611

this is the funniest thing ive seen on lit in months tbh

>> No.6694614

Epic satire on Dawkins.

>> No.6694618
