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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 238 KB, 800x315, öfüron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6692632 No.6692632 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have one of those threads.

>> No.6692693
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>> No.6692708

oh god Im seeing phallus's again

>> No.6692718
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>> No.6692737

>inb4 corn

>> No.6692750


>> No.6692754

...but these guys are pretty good

>> No.6692761


>what i read:
>>moby dick

>what i expected:
>>epic whale battle

>what i got:
>>charts, diagrams, anatomy, lectures

>> No.6692764

Ha ha so true, someone should make this one.

>> No.6692775

>some of the other bands already played the songs we're gonna play
>we're gonna play them anyway

blue shirt guy taking the piss

>> No.6692825
File: 285 KB, 1008x415, The loser Thomas Bernhard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I've made.

>> No.6692864

Hey this isn't cringe at all

>> No.6692984 [SPOILER] 
File: 326 KB, 1638x660, 1434395014017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished it. Expected it to be 2edgy4me, based on what I've read about Conrad, but I really liked it.

Pretty racist against the Africans though, although that might just be part of Marlow's character

>> No.6692994

>Melville's literary OCD

>> No.6693029
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>> No.6693035
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better than expected

>> No.6693049
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To explain: I usually just pick up a book without reading about it, so I expected great things out of this

>> No.6693055

thus spoke zarathustra is a terribly written book

even borges thought it was cringe worthy and overwritten

>> No.6693079


If you haven't read Anna Karenina, I strongly advise it. But it's probably in your list anyway

>> No.6693080
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in before shitstorm

>> No.6693090


I don't like Nietzsche's grandiloquent prose but I don't think someone who used to write everything like it was an encyclopedia entry is a great authority figure

>> No.6693102
File: 45 KB, 626x307, dawkins the philosopher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually read The God Delusion when I was 13 or 14. At the time, it probably had a good effect on me and made me question other sacred cows, but now I laugh at how ignorant of philosophy it is.

>> No.6693111

post the template pleazzze

>> No.6693113
File: 1.55 MB, 1092x748, vapare nige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck have you misused an image of our national hero Nigel Paul Farage? Our leader is a Christian man.

>> No.6693142
File: 1016 KB, 1707x775, sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not what I expected

>> No.6693150

/r/ing pic of him and Enoch in the same style. I just want to look at it again...

>> No.6693172
File: 3.32 MB, 1544x1080, enoch was right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6693174

I assume it's because Dawkins, like Farage, is comically British

>> No.6693192

Same about me.

>> No.6693196

I assume it's because Hitchens, like Farage, had a reasonable distaste for Islam.

>> No.6693204

Bernhard is great, did you read him in english?

>> No.6693223
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>> No.6693295
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Incredibly fun book

>> No.6693324
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>> No.6693325
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>> No.6693343
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>> No.6693347

please no, corn father

>> No.6693351
File: 318 KB, 802x301, Narcissus and Goldmund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one I've ever done.

>> No.6693373
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>> No.6693381

>immigrants are to blame for everything, including capitalist economic crisis
>reasonable distaste for Islam

>> No.6693385

please no, corn father

>> No.6693392

How is that an accurate description of Hitchen's position? Of course Farage is xenophobic, and that sucks, but he's right about Islam.

>> No.6693397

I was talking about Farage. As euphoric as they are, the New Atheists don't blame Islam for everything

>> No.6693404

Neither does Farage. Look, I don't even like the guy, aI was merely pointing out that one particular similarity between those two people as apossible explaination for Farage being in that pic.

>> No.6693411
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>> No.6693422
File: 514 KB, 520x678, worried laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of my former professors is trying to get me into Hegel
>"you have to do it in stages. Only read Hegel himself at the last stage if you want to understand him."

>> No.6693445

You should read it concomitantly actually, some companions might differ in interpretations so it's better to have the text in hand to draw your conclusions.

>> No.6693453


>> No.6693454


pls no, corn father.

>> No.6693481

Have you read Reason And Revolution? He recommended that as a primer

>> No.6693502

>Reason And Revolution

No, I'm using mostly Hyppolite's 'Genesis and Structure' for the PoS, and 'The Idea of Hegel's Science of Logic' for the same.

>> No.6693510
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If you haven't yourself a pinecone, I recommend it

>> No.6693529
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>> No.6693537


What you expected is what you got...

>> No.6693557

Corn wasn't introduced in Europe until the Columbian Exchange in the 15th century, though, was it?

>> No.6693567

>Pretty racist against the Africans though
you didn't get it.it's all criticism of white man's imperialistic ambitions from back then

>> No.6693577

Holy shit, that's right! We have been lied to all our life, by none other than the great cesar himself. seriously, if it is mentioned in a text from 50 BC, it should be clear: it was europeans who brought corn to the new world.

>> No.6693578
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It isn't a criticism of imperialism, it's a criticism of the depravity of human nature.

>> No.6693579

Hobbes is a rule-of-law liberal, not a totalitarian. Please at least have the decency to at least shitpost about books you've actually read.

>> No.6693590

>Hobbes is a liberal
>totalitarianism can't be legal

>> No.6693592
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Just finished it.

>> No.6693599

Different anon here, this criticism is, however, one that essentially refutes racism: the horror is the realization that savagery isn't a negro thing, it is a human thing.

>> No.6693607

>corn in pretty much any european language = grains
Most of us use an equivalent of the word "maize" when talking about what americans call "corn".

>> No.6693612

>I'm honestly ignorant.

First time he's told the truth on the subject in a long time.

>> No.6693622

But what about the fact that there are no "normal" Africans?

>> No.6693623
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>> No.6693630

>a /pol/lack actually reading the Frankfurt School

Yeah, I doubt it

>> No.6693638

Now think about what you just meant when you said 'normal'. That's right, you're being racist.

>> No.6693650
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-intolerance-of-ambiguity-is-the-mark-of-an-authoritarian-personality-theodor-adorno-323117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when /po/lacks actually read Adorno
Not bad, made it to the second chapter. I mean, you didn't realize that they don't actually vilify Odysseus, but it's as much as you can ask for, really.

>> No.6693655
File: 128 KB, 1618x655, 11352466_784947581626282_38771772_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6693665


>Not bad, made it to the second chapter

Why didn't you continue on reading?

>> No.6693671

Not me, the /pol/lack.

>> No.6693677
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>> No.6693703

Modern SJWs (if you can even still call them cultural marxists) are a living insult to the Frankfurt School.

They are certainly descendents of people like Adorno's line of thinking, but they are the kid who squanders his family's fortune.

>> No.6693711

>Modern SJWs (if you can even still call them cultural marxists) are a living insult to the Frankfurt School.
>They are certainly descendents of people like Adorno's line of thinking
Not really, they actually owe more to Adorno's archnemesis, Heidegger, and of course his french fanboys.

>> No.6693718

If you want to claim that everything is a construct that can be remade, you should know in advance that massive retardation will ensue.

>hey, you know those things that have been working for us since the advent of vertebrates? Let's pretend it's all lies!

>> No.6693726

>If you want to claim that everything is a construct that can be remade
That was never a claim of the Frankfurt School. Get back to your containment board, we are prejudiced towards illiterates.

>> No.6693729

Adorno and his band of merry men made a lot of interesting and arguably valid observations about contemporary society, how it became what it is, why we like the things we like and worship the worldy things we worship.

Somehow that quality of work degraded over time as if it were correlated to the IQ of the people who carried the torch each generation after he died.

>> No.6693748

Do you not know what critical theory is?

>interesting and arguably valid observations about contemporary society
Like in "the authoritarian personality"?

Funny thing, Adorno was so eager to strike back at his German persecutors that he pretty much mirrored their racial classification with a personality classification.

>> No.6693762

Anon who posted >>6693711 here, you are more or less correct, but the people who took the torch didn't turn into SJWs, following Habermas, they became the tamest left-liberals imaginable. It wasn't a gradual degradation, either, more like an immediate betrayal as soon as Adorno was dead.

Academic SJWs in the US called themselves critical theorist because that was the name under which french postmodernism gort popularized in the US. Not saying that there aren't people like Nancy Fraser who will combine those different current into something slightly smarter, if still full of pomo nonsense.

>> No.6693775

>Do you not know what critical theory is?
I do, Horkheimer explains it quite well in his essay "Traditional and Critical Theory", which you should read sometime. It's available online, just google it and then tell me if it contains any talk about everything being just a social construct.

>> No.6693780

Critical theory involves critiquing and changing the underlying assumptions of society.

It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.6693786

I'm using Fukuyama :^)

>> No.6693810

That doesn't mean that everything is a construct. The original Frankfurt School were orthodox marxists in many regards, and one of those is, guess what, materialism, which in this case means that the 'social constructs' (they wouldn't have used that silly phrase)mask something that is concrete and real, the reproductive and exploitative relationship of (civilized) man and nature, including human nature. Furthermlre, they were also Freudians, meaning that they made even more assumptions about human nature than your average marxist. If you want to blame them for people like Butler (do people like you even know who that is?), you need to get your head examined.

>> No.6693829

>That doesn't mean that everything is a construct.
Depends on whom you asked I guess.

Looking at how people are saying gender and race are constructs, I believe it's safe to say that everything about society is considered a social construct by now.

>> No.6693846
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>> No.6693853

>Looking at how people are saying gender and race are constructs, I believe it's safe to say that everything about society is considered a social construct by now.
The appropriate question would be, what do those people have to do with the Frankfurt School? And the answer is, fuck all. If anything, the completely schizophrenic attitude that differences between people are simultaneously valuable and non-existent should be critiqued as the late-capitalistic ideology it is. Adorno is, unfortunately dead, but at least in that regard, if none other, Zizek is a worthy heir. Just listen to him talk about tolerance and multiculturalism, that is proper critical theory.

Also, of course society consists of things you could call social constructs, just like individual humans consist of biological constructs.

>> No.6693860
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, super golden lel 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahaha that tweet is real

>> No.6693863

>nothin personnell kid

Accurate. God, Camus is such a little shit

>> No.6693864

please no, corn father

>> No.6693870 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1737x1219, thingsfallapart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6693873

>what do those people have to do with the Frankfurt School?
It's the result of critical theory.

>> No.6693875
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>> No.6693878

/mu/ memes? In my /lit/?
I like it.

>> No.6693888

It really isn't. Foucault is much more important to those people, and so is, wrap your reactionary mind around this, Heidegger. I mean, you sure can keep claiming stuff like that, but it's time to back this up, which means you'll have to read more Adorno than you'd normally want to. Failing to do so, you can also just stop making clqims.

>> No.6693904
File: 170 KB, 1008x425, Out of the Dark sucked and David Weber is a masturbatory chicken-hawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here was gonna read it anyway but this gets laughs from /tg/.

>> No.6693921

I was talking about the Frankfurt school, not just Adorno.

>> No.6693982

>you're the REAL racist

"Normal" as in "not cannibals or mute savages".

>> No.6693989

>critiquing and changing the underlying assumptions of society
>everything, absolutely EVERYTHING is a social construct

I'm not seeing it

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6694474

Yeah well, won't be able to do this with Horkheimer or Marcuse, either.
That's a very arbitrary, western standards of nlrmalness. Also, seriously, those people live in the Heart of Darkness, it's not their race that makes them this way, it's the place & culture, as demonstrated by the fact thatwhites end up tje same after prolonged exposure.

>> No.6694501

he's 100% right.

>> No.6694629

please no, corn father

>> No.6695016

hehehe not bad.

>> No.6695039

Please no, corn father

>> No.6695044
File: 180 KB, 1008x581, what i read what i expected what i got the dharma bums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still liked it though.

>> No.6695105

I'm reading Infinite Jest, so I don't really see the point here.

>> No.6695111

>this argument again
please no, corn father

>> No.6695137

Fucking kek.

>> No.6695149
File: 134 KB, 1006x1230, Stoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not disappoint. Just overwhelmed.

>> No.6695210
File: 32 KB, 904x352, things will.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moby-dick is like 700 pages and you expected a whale battle to act as its primary substance?
>that expectation

>> No.6695250

What did you expect?

>> No.6695334

'please no, corn father'

>> No.6695347
File: 220 KB, 1236x487, 634578658758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6695376

>please no, corn father

>> No.6695386

this is hilarious

>> No.6695395

fuggin Goldmund can't go 10 pages without hooking up with a girl

>> No.6695433

'please no, corn father'

>> No.6695476

please no, corn father

>> No.6695551


>> No.6695560

>everything, absolutely EVERYTHING
Are you an autist?

>> No.6695577
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>> No.6695589

That picture of the Serfs/farmers is VERY accurate of a character/chapter in Anna Karanina

>> No.6695609
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>> No.6695617
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>> No.6695630

please no, corn father

>> No.6695700


hobbes is liberal on his ideas about the individual as just that: base but automatic. those liberal ideas are what he builds his ideas about the necessity of an all powerful ruler to a functioning society.

>> No.6695706

This was exactly the claim leveled against the Frankfurt School, e.g. here: >>6693718

>> No.6695709

Yup, confirmed autism.

>> No.6695712

That post literally said that, what's the matter wih you? Is being able to read autism?

>> No.6695715

I prefer Dawkins's later work. Dear Muslima is a standout.

>> No.6695724

There's no arguing with facts.

How did Caesar hear about this supposedly New World plant? Lol b/c there's nothing New World about it!

>> No.6695733

When someone says "I told him everything", do you assume this was an infinitely long conversation?

>> No.6695738
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw Dawkins actually wrote this just a couple years ago

>> No.6695742

See little wrong with it, unless you're so stupid you don't see him being sarcastic.

>> No.6695743

Oh alright, it was all a metaphor. Then let's see if it still makes once we remove the ambiguity
>If you want to critique and change the underlying assumptions of society, you should know in advance that massive retardation will ensue.
No one in their right mind would put it this way, because it makes you sound like the retard you are.

>> No.6695745

lmao this substantially indistinguishable from "shut up bitch be thankful we let you drive"

Dawkins is a human turd

>> No.6695749

Are you retarded? As a criticism of the elevator female, he's being 100% sincere.

>> No.6695752

Oh wow you are everything wrong with western feminism. And I say this as someone who can't stand Dawkns.

>> No.6695755

>it was all a metaphor
It wasn't a metaphor, I was using the word "everything" correctly.

>it makes you sound like the retard you are
When you undermine the very basis of human society, you should know that much retardation will come of it.

>> No.6695761

oh yeah well you are everything wrong with, uh, eastern feminism. take that motherfucker

>> No.6695775
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-culture-is-only-true-when-implicitly-critical-and-the-mind-which-forgets-this-revenges-itself-in-theodor-adorno-323119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you undermine the very basis of human society
Questioning and changing something amounts to undermining it? I will never understand how people with such a primitive view of culture and civilization can style themselves its defenders.

>> No.6695791


So according to you, he's being ironic in his criticism, and the piece is actually a letter of support to Skep*chick, in which he's sarcastically posing as one of her critics? Because that's completely wrong, you bible-thumping moron. Go rape some 2nd graders in your clergy robes and fuck off this adults only forum.

>> No.6695796
File: 360 KB, 1267x496, brothers K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6695808

So BK is a rough CaP?

>> No.6695809

It's CaP in funny and less edgy.

>> No.6695811

>I'm too retarded to understand whatt sarcasm is
He is being ironic in his support of Skepchikc. How can you be so retarded?

>> No.6695818

>Questioning and changing something amounts to undermining it?
It's "criticizing" more than "questioning", but yes, absolutely.

If you want to say "men are as much mothers as women" for instance (a typical result of the Frankfurt school of thought), you're undermining the gender role of motherhood as it has existed for an immense amount of animals since the dawn of vertebrates.

>> No.6695830

>It's "criticizing" more than "questioning", but yes, absolutely.
In other words, you have no idea how culture works.
>If you want to say "men are as much mothers as women" for instance (a typical result of the Frankfurt school of thought)
>a typical result of the Frankfurt school of thought
Good, now we're going places. I challenge you to find anything within the massive opus of the Frankfurt School that even remotely implies such a thing.
>you're undermining the gender role of motherhood as it has existed for an immense amount of animals since the dawn of vertebrates.
And also, you should take a long, serious look at nature before you base the human ideal of motherhood on an appeal to general vertebrate nature, as one thing's for sure: many species' females meet this to a considerably lesser degree than a human male would. The animal kingdom is full of mothers who will eat or abandon their young, or let them be killed by a new male mate.

>> No.6695837

please no, corn farmer

>> No.6695838


if that were a question on the SAT you'd be out of luck partner

why don't you take this to /pol/

they, like you, love to debate ideas of which their knowledge of wouldn't dare reach beyond the confines of a wikipedia page.

>> No.6695872


>> No.6695881

>In other words, you have no idea how culture works.
You just don't like the connotation of the word "undermine".

>I challenge you to find anything within the massive opus of the Frankfurt School that even remotely implies such a thing.
Critical theory.

>The animal kingdom is full of mothers who will eat or abandon their young
Which is why I said "for an immense amount of animals" instead of "for all animals".
Look at primates for glimpse at motherhood before modern humans.

>> No.6695884

Lol, please tell me what you think the problem is.

>> No.6695886

>, it's not their race
No one is saying it is the fucking race, but just that they are all black and also cannibals.

>> No.6695891

you used amount when you should have used number

>> No.6695894

They're synonyms for countable nouns.

>> No.6695895

>You just don't like the connotation of the word "undermine".
Indeed, as it misses the point completely.
>Critical theory.
Okay, wow. I have had this kind of conversation quite a lot, but yours is the most stupid response to that challenge I have ever got. Some people will just shut up, presumably either desperately looking for stuff that isn't there, and some people will even try to throw quotes my way, whchafter a massive amount of mental gymnastics might not not imply what they believe they imply. But not you, you're taking the king's road of just throwing the name of the Frankfurt School's method my way. Genius. Bravo.
>Look at primates for glimpse at motherhood before modern humans.
Dude, you don't want to base human gender roles on primates, either. What happens in an average group of chimps pretty much beats anything evil critical theorist boogeymen could make of human society.

>> No.6695899

So? How is that racist?

>> No.6695904

>Indeed, as it misses the point completely.
You're arguing over a word because it hurts your feelings.
Stop it.

>Okay, wow. I have had this kind of conversation quite a lot, but yours is the most stupid response to that challenge I have ever got. Some people will just shut up, presumably either desperately looking for stuff that isn't there, and some people will even try to throw quotes my way, whchafter a massive amount of mental gymnastics might not not imply what they believe they imply. But not you, you're taking the king's road of just throwing the name of the Frankfurt School's method my way. Genius. Bravo.
All those words and not a thing to say.
Critical theory aims to look critically at all aspects and assumptions of society, this includes basic things like motherhood.

>you don't want to base human gender roles on primates
You certainly do.
To an extent of course.

>> No.6695907

I'm not saying that it is.

>> No.6695914

>You're arguing over a word because it hurts your feelings.
No, I'm arguing over a word because it doesn't apply.
>Critical theory aims to look critically at all aspects and assumptions of society,
Yes, look critically. You don't seem to understand what critique is.
>this includes basic things like motherhood.
It indeed might, and there are actually passages that deal with family, marriage etc. But what you don't get is that looking critically at motherhood in modern society doesn't mean you want to abolish it. It means looking at the relation in which it stands to societal domination, both as an agent or medium of, and a potential source of resistance against such domination. Which is a thing you would know if you ad the ability to read e.g. Adorno's Minima Moralia, which I hereby recommend you at least try your hands on before you shitpost about things you don't know.
>You certainly do.
>To an extent of course.
In other words, you want the things you like, and not those you dislike. Congratulations, looking at primates can't deliver an ideal of human society either of us would want, you have disproven your own claim. Now can you do this with the rest of your claims, too?

>> No.6695916

Then what are we disagreeing about?

>> No.6695921

I'm not going to continue this autismal debate with you.

Critical theory aims to look critically at everything in society, and change whatever is 'enslaving'.

This includes basic things like motherhood, as well as physiological things like gender and race.

>> No.6695929

>and change whatever is 'enslaving'.
Is there anything wrong or destructive about this?
>This includes basic things like motherhood, as well as physiological things like gender and race.
If those were used as a basis of enslavement, wouldn't it be appropriate to try and change this? What you don't seem to get is that this doesn't imply that race, gender, or motherhood are as such enslaving, just that you identify the traces of the general enslavement of man (they use domination, not enslavement, but whatever floats your boat) in the way these things play a role in society, and subsequently criticize that.

>> No.6695936

>If those were used as a basis of enslavement, wouldn't it be appropriate to try and change this?

When differences cause enslavement, you don't try to erase the differences (through sex-change operations or race mixing), you try to erase the enslavement.

Pretending that gender and racial differences aren't real is the ass-backwards way of doing this.

>> No.6695944

>When differences cause enslavement
What a nonsensical way of thinking about ths, it's not differences that cause enslavement, it's people doing the enslavement.
>you don't try to erase the differences (through sex-change operations or race mixing), you try to erase the enslavement.
Indeed. And I don't think anyone ever proclaimed those things as methods against enslavement, least of all the Frankfurt School.
>Pretending that gender and racial differences aren't real is the ass-backwards way of doing this.
It is no way of doing this at all, but it also has fuck all to do with critical theory.

Also, notice how you're contradicting yourself in your description of your ideological enemy: they can hardly simultaneously believe that gender and racial differences aren't real, and that mixing and sex-changes should eliminate those differences. Jesus, at least get your nonsense straight.

>> No.6695958

>What a nonsensical way of thinking about ths, it's not differences that cause enslavement, it's people doing the enslavement.
That's exactly my point.

>least of all the Frankfurt School
Their train of thought directly led to this though.

>> No.6695974

>That's exactly my point.
And that is what the Frankfurt School does, they critique the ideology by which the enslavement is justified.
>Their train of thought directly led to this though.
To what, to people believing in blank slate theories, which are older than the Frannkfurt School, and a thing they criticized?
Or to people wanting to erase difference through race-mixing and sex changes, which isn't even an actual position of anyone?
And in either case, how are they responsible? You think you have understood them, clearly without having touched any of their books, explain to me how this is supposed to work.

>> No.6695988

People from the Frankfurt school like Adorno were hugely influential in the leftist movements that worked so hard on things like gay rights and gender roles, leading to the ridiculous trans and racial bullshit we're seeing today.

>> No.6695998

>People from the Frankfurt school like Adorno were hugely influential in the leftist movements that worked so hard on things like gay rights and gender roles, leading to the ridiculous trans and racial bullshit we're seeing today.
Can you point out what exact shape this influence took? No? Has anyone who does these horrible, horrible things ever even quoted Adorno or Horkheimer, or Marcuse? Then why are you claiming it? By now it is obvious that your entire knowledge of the Frankfurt School comes not even from Wikipedia, but from /pol/ infographics.

Here's a suggestion: blame Foucault instead. That would make several orders of magnitude more sense. He's not a jew, so that's probably a downside to you, but on the bright side, he was gay and died of aids.

>> No.6696000

>Can you point out what exact shape this influence took?
The New Left.

>> No.6696004

Buzzwords seem to be your prefered debating device. How did Adorno's views inform the New Left's views on gender or racial relations?
Again, Foucault, and arguably Fanon (he's black, scary!!) should be the people you get mad at.

>> No.6696007
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>> No.6696025

>How did Adorno's views inform the New Left's views on gender or racial relations?
Again, I have been talking about the Frankfurt school in general this whole time.

>> No.6696036

Okay, then how did Marcuse or Horkheimer inform the New Left's views on race and gender?
Or are you refering to the rather obscure rest of the Frankfurt School, do you base your assertions on years of scholarship of the works of Leo Löwenthal or Siegfried Kracauer?

>> No.6696037

>no true Frankfurt schooler

>> No.6696046

rub your fingers near your balls and then smell them
do it now

>> No.6696049

You do realize that the Frankfurt School is an actual group of people, not an abstract intellectual movement that includes anyone you dislike, right?
I know, reading anything longer than antisemitic infographs makes your head hurt, but here, read the wikipedia article, and then tell me which of those fuckers is responsible for trannies and race-mixing.

>> No.6696053

smells like balls

>> No.6696056

Wooops, forgot link, how are you supposed to find it? Sorry, here you go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School

>> No.6696061

please no, corn father

>> No.6696066

What is this epical mem about?

>> No.6696097

SJWs don't resemble Heideggerians at all. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6696104

Holy shit, this smackdown is brilliant

>> No.6696105

I am, of course, talking about the substantial influence Heidegger has had on french postmodernist thought, from Sartre to Derrida.

>> No.6696121
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hardly functional autists among us

>> No.6696129

what's the yams?

>> No.6696149

And the Frankfurt school has had a massive influence on the New Left.

>> No.6696153

Nobody is denying this. They were not the only influence, though. You still haven't been able to point out how any of the things you dislike about both the New Left and contemporay SJWs can be traced back to the Frankfurt School. How about you do some reading, and come back when you have something substantial to say?

>> No.6696155

please no, corn father

>> No.6696166

>Nobody is denying this.
Wait, then what's this all about: >>6696004

>They were not the only influence, though.
What does that have to do with anything?

Also, the New Left was founded by one of the prominent names from the Frankfurt school.

>> No.6696183

Okay, does the following sentence contain a contradiction?
>the New Left was massively influenced by the Frankfurt School, but their views on race and gender had different sources.
That is what I'm trying to tell you you all the time, you're as thick as a brick wall. None of those posts denied the importance of the Frankfurt School to 60s/70s students. But do you think it's a coincidence that few people on the left still cite them?
>Also, the New Left was founded by one of the prominent names from the Frankfurt school
The New Left was not an actual organization, and Marcuse didn't found it. He's just called the father of the New Left because he was so important to them.

>> No.6696194

Why would their views on race and gender have different sources?
You can directly trace the source on their views of race and gender to the basic principle behind critical theory.

>The New Left was not an actual organization, and Marcuse didn't found it. He's just called the father of the New Left because he was so important to them.
I didn't say it was an organization, and you have autism.

>> No.6696198

please no, corn father

>> No.6696201

You've just been memed, friend.

>> No.6696203

>Why would their views on race and gender have different sources?
Because feminism and the civil rights movement actually already existed back then, without the Frankfurt School being particularly involved in either.
>You can directly trace the source on their views of race and gender to the basic principle behind critical theory
Then do this, I'm waiting.
>I didn't say it was an organization, and you have autism.
You said it was founded by Marcuse. This is nonsense, Marcuse never founded anthing.

>> No.6696211

>Then do this, I'm waiting.
Critical theory: "criticize and change basic assumptions about society that enslave".
This includes race and gender.

Critical theory basically says everything about society is a construct that can be molded as one sees fit.

>This is nonsense, Marcuse never founded anthing.
Ok, how abouve he 'fathered' the New Left?
You autist.

>> No.6696214

>how abouve
how about*

>> No.6696230

>criticize and change basic assumptions about society that enslave
alright. not a very good characterization, but fine.
>This includes race and gender
Oh really? No one back then, neither feminists, nor the civil rights movement, nor marxists believed that being black or a woman was in itself a condition of domination. If anything it's exclusion based on race or gender that constitutes domination, and are yyou denying this? That's not marxis, that's garden variety common sense.
>Critical theory basically says everything about society is a construct
What would a construct be, anyway? Does it mean that society is artificial? Of course it fucking is, societies don't grow on trees.
>that can be molded as one sees fit.
That absolutely does not follow. Actually, that's a view the Frankfurt School would have associated with fascism, triumph of the will and all, you know? (well, you don't know, but what can I do?)
>Ok, how abouve he 'fathered' the New Left?
Well that's still sort of weird, as he didn't really do anything other than theorize, while it was the students who organized. That being said, he's different from the rest of the Frankfurt School to the extent that he didn't reject his role as a leading intellectual, while people like Adorno and Horkheimer basically told the students to fuck off.

>> No.6696239

>Does it mean that society is artificial?

>that society is artificial? Of course it fucking is, societies don't grow on trees.
That's the kind of thinking the Frankfurt school leads to, yes.
However, in reality some of the basics (like motherhood, gender, races, ...) are biological.

>That absolutely does not follow.
But you just said yourself society is artificial, why would it not be moldable?

>he's different from the rest of the Frankfurt School
No true Frankfurt schooler.

>> No.6696251

>However, in reality some of the basics (like motherhood, gender, races, ...) are biological.
The basis of literally everything that is artificial is partially non-artificial, this goes without saying.
>But you just said yourself society is artificial, why would it not be moldable?
Given the differences between, say, stone age tribes, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, and modern day Wisconsin, of course there are a great number of shapes society can take, but that doesn't make it an arbitrary decision of individual will.
>No true Frankfurt schooler.
I never said he wasn't a true Frankfurt Scholar, (schooler is not a word m8), just that there was this difference from his pals. Which still doesn't make him responsible for the cultural impact of MLK or Simone de Beauvoir.

>> No.6696255

Can someone pls explain this maymay? I stopped using /lit/ last year and I'm too neo-newfag to get it

>> No.6696262

>schooler is not a word m8

>> No.6696280

I normally would assume that the person I'm talking to knows this and is just being colloquial, but in this case all bets are off.

>> No.6696299

My basic point is that the Frankfurt school says society is a construct, leading to the modern retardation that gender and race are also constructs; be it directly or as convergent evolution.

Of course society and culture are "created", and many variations exist, but there is still a biological basis, and there's no reason to completely stomp out Western culture and radically alter the genetic stock of Western Europe.

>> No.6696332

>My basic point is that the Frankfurt school says society is a construct
Jesus Christ, this is not a new idea, people have been perfectly aware of this for ages. The particular new thing about critical theory is the critical attitude towards your own society. Now note something: This means Marx invented critical theory, not the Frankfurt School.
> leading to the modern retardation that gender and race are also constructs
If anything, this has its roots in some assumptions of classical liberalism. "All men are created equal" wasn't put were it stands by jewish marxists, you know? (This is not a rethorical question anymore, do you realize that?)
>but there is still a biological basis Of course, no serious marxist has ever denied the exstence of human nature.
>and there's no reason to completely stomp out Western culture and radically alter the genetic stock of Western Europe.
Marxist theory, has some very good explanations why such things are happening, and they don't involve marxist plotting. Immigration is a result of global capitalism, and if you want to know why culture is going to shit, maybe you should read the chapter on cultuere industry in Dialectics of Enlightenment.

>> No.6696371

You keep starting these autismal point-by-point debates.

I have said my peace.

Frankfurt school had a major influence on today's leftists, directly contributing to today's "race and gender are social constructs" retardation.

>> No.6696378
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>> No.6696386

>You keep starting these autismal point-by-point debates.
It says quite a lot about your intellectual capacities that you think this is a bad thing.
>Frankfurt school had a major influence on today's leftists, directly contributing to today's "race and gender are social constructs" retardation.
This is still blatantly wrong on both counts. Today's leftists haven't read anything by the Frankfurt School, and neither have people like Judith Butler, who basically invented the meme of gender being a social construct.

>> No.6696391

>It says quite a lot about your intellectual capacities that you think this is a bad thing.
Having massive point-by-point arguments on 4chan is a pretty bad thing, trust me.

>This is still blatantly wrong on both counts.
If you say so.

>> No.6696414

>Having massive point-by-point arguments on 4chan is a pretty bad thing, trust me.
Unless you run into retards who refuse even acknowledge what you say, it's pretty much alright, at least on /lit/. Maybe you should haul your ass back to /pol/ or /r9k/, or /b/?
>If you say so.
Since I base my claims on actual knowledge of both the philosophy of the Frankfurt School and of today's academic left, yeah, I'm pretty confident that I'm making more sense than whatever rumbles around in your brain when you hear the word "construct". Which, again, isn't even a Frankfurt School concept.

>> No.6696421

So according to you, the Frankfurt school's influence on the New Left was a dead end, and the whole "gender and race are social constructs" thing comes from elsewhere entirely?

>> No.6696437

>claims discussions on /lit/ are alright
>keeps ad-homming my intelligence and telling me to "go back 2 /pol/, /b/, ..."

>> No.6696448

This type of dialogue is not constructive

I expect better out of you in the future

>> No.6696449

please no, corn father

>> No.6696453

Pretty much, yeah. For one the Frankfurt School is way too impractical and critical of mass culture for lasting appeal to student activists.

>> No.6696454

Even though critical theory directly leads to exactly that kind of thought process?

>> No.6696456

Oh well, your behaviour warrants that, as you are ill-informed and unwilling to learn.

>> No.6696458

>Even though critical theory directly leads to exactly that kind of thought process?
That's the point, it doesn't ffs. Repeating your claim that it does doesn't change this.

>> No.6696461

>you make me post like an asshole


>> No.6696463

No, you make me talk to you like you'd talk to someone who is confidently ignorant. This isn't asshole behaviour, it is perfectly appropriate.

>> No.6696466

>it doesn't
But it directly aims to critique and change all aspects of society whenever enslavement is perceived.
This includes gender and race.

>> No.6696468

>telling someone they're unintelligent, illiterate, and anti-semitic is not asshole behavior

>> No.6696469

Social Justice is fully in line with critical theory and is its logical succession.

>I don't like social justice

That's because you're blinded by your own privilege.

>> No.6696471

It aims to critique society with the aim of denouncing, and thus in the long run ending domination. How the fuck does this imply that race and gender are to be removed?

>> No.6696472

Not if they act unintelligent, illiterate, and antisemitic, no.
lol,nice try.

>> No.6696479

>thus in the long run ending domination
In other words, seek social justice.

This kind of thinking causes people to find enslavement and domination in everything.

"I'm a man who identifies as a female but people give me strange looks so they're oppressing me."

>Not if they act unintelligent, illiterate, and antisemitic, no.
See, you apparently don't know how to write adverbs in English, but I'm not going to call you unintelligent and illiterate.
Because I'm not an asshole, and I certainly don't blame others for my asshole-ish behavior.

>> No.6696480

I'm going to have to side with him

You're arguments boil down to "I can't articulate my own points so I'll just name drop, also get off muh board. Cheggm8 :D"

>> No.6696482

please no, corn father

>> No.6696483

I hope you do realize "Critical Theory" is nothing but a tool, one that can be used to promote reactionary / right-wing ideas, too bad the right can't produce a single thinker of any worth to do this.

A nazi who gets shot by a Luger is still a dead nazi.

>> No.6696486

I do realize that, just like I realize that the New Left took critical theory and ran with it for the fulfillment of their leftist agenda.

>> No.6696489

Hahahaha holy shit, why are you even on this board man?

>> No.6696492


>what was he right about?
>hey, Im being a naive positivist with no problematic relation to the world or the language in which I express it and no one can stop me !

>> No.6696503

>In other words, seek social justice
It's called communism, not social justice.
>This kind of thinking causes people to find enslavement and domination in everything
What kind of thinking, the kind that is against domination? How does this even work?
>If I'm against something, I find it everywhere.
Could this be projection? Do you see SJWs everywhere because they're constantly on your mind?
>"I'm a man who identifies as a female but people give me strange looks so they're oppressing me."
You don't have to be a marxist to be a tranny and not want to be discriminated for that.
Dude, I have spend hours explaining what the frankfurt school did and what it didn't. Also, he didn't ask me questions, he made false claims. He is clearly unwilling to even read anything by the people he blames for everything.

>> No.6696505

The answer to the debate running through this thread is relatively simple.

There are those who took Critical Theory and saw its logical end as Social Justice and there are those who view that interpretation as a tool to fuel capitalism for even longer through divide and conquer.

There is no point in arguing over what the original founders of the Frankfurt School meant (I mean in the context of this thread, not in general) because people arrived at different conclusions! I despise Gen X identity politics, BUT I can understand how and why they misinterpreted what the Frankfurt School was about.

Furthermore most of them I've intereacted with aren't terribly bright, they are dogmaticists of the lowest order.

>> No.6696518

There you go again with your massive point-by-point arguments.

Frankfurt school => New Left => SJW bullcrap



Like I said in the beginning, even if the Frankfurt school didn't actively pursue an SJW endgame, I believe they should have known what their endeavours to overthrow Western culture could lead to.

>inb4 massive discussion about the word "overthrow"

>> No.6696525

The thing is, SJW aren't trying to overthrow western culture.

They want it to remain just the same, creating a more inclusive capitalism instead of completely erasing it, and while I'm not well versed in most thinkers of the Frankfurt School, I can tell you Adorno, Horkheimer and Benjamin wouldn't be pro-anything that creates more capitalism.

>> No.6696541

Lol, then I guess we have different definitions of what it means to overthrow a culture.

>> No.6696566

>There you go again with your massive point-by-point arguments
Okay, you have to decide now, am I being too accurate, or too insulting? Or is it both? I only now realize, i want it to be both.
What you're doing by now is the equivalent of sticking your fingers into your ears and going LAAALAAALAAA.
Which doesn't change the fact that the topic clearly goes over your head, as evidenced by you repeating your premise over and over again, as if that made it true.

>> No.6696579

Did you have a point other than "why won't you say I'm right!"?

>> No.6696580

So you're saying SJWs are misinterpreting Adorno (protip: they'd have to read him in order to do tjat, which they don't), but this is at the same time completely irrelevant to the question of wether or not Adorno is to blame for them? Makes perfect sense.

>> No.6696582

But that poster didn't say a word about Adorno.

>> No.6696583

please no, corn father

>> No.6696585

You don't have to say anything. Not even admit that you know fuck all about critical theory. All I want you to do is shut up and read a book.

>> No.6696592

Lots of neo-nazis probably have no clue who Nietsche was, doesn't keep them from adhering to some of his concepts through nazism.

>> No.6696595

>you know fuck all about critical theory
If you say so.

>> No.6696599

Has adorno stopped being representative of the Frankfurt school? I think not.
Oh well, blaming Nietzsche for the Nazis is just as retarded, he hated nationalists and antisemites.

>> No.6696601

No what I'm saying is they got a second hand interpretation of critical theory (they read no first hand works) and through a distorted understanding formed these conclusions.

>> No.6696602

>Has adorno stopped being representative of the Frankfurt school? I think not.
Oh boy.

>> No.6696635

It's pretty obvious from your refusal to even consider any account of it that goes beyond
>everything is constructs i do what i want lol
Oh well, this may be true in some cases, but I don't think the Frankfurt School has had that much of a lasting impact in academia, either.

>> No.6696637

>why do you refuse to say i'm right??!!!?

>> No.6696642

People who use positivist as an epithet have brain damage from drinking the postmodern critical theory coolaid.

>> No.6696650

Again, all I'm asking you is to read a book. As you seem to be interested enough in critical theory to make unsubstantiated claims about its tenets for hours on end, I might recommend either Minima Moralia or Dialecticts of Enlightenment.

>> No.6696654

You have no clue what I've been saying this whole thread, and indeed in my very first post.

>> No.6696659

Oh well, then read past the second chapter?

>> No.6696660
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>Has adorno stopped being representative of the Frankfurt school? I think not.
>Adorno is representative of Benjamin

>> No.6696669

Now Benjamin clearly is no true Frankfurt Scholar, he was never even part of the institute, and also died before critical theory had reached maturity.

>> No.6696678

/lit/ - literally autism

>> No.6696688

In fact, he had nothing to do with it. Most of his major works(like The Work of Art...) have no discourse consciousness whatsoever, embracing the enlightenment and so on. That's one
thing I really love about them, although I don't really disagree with critical theory.

>> No.6696689

Which includes rejecting any scientific and empirical evidence concerning human behaviour as "positivist therefore wrong" .

"hey look newborn baby boys maintain eye contact on average significantly less than newborn baby girls. Also look at this boys hav a lot more testosterone than girls which is linked in a lot of ways to aggression. It seems pretty likely on the basis of empirical evidence that on average there are biologically predisposed differences in behaviour between men and women and that these average differences would affect men and women's preferred choice of work, in addition to cultural influences"

Critical theoretic response
"fuck off you biological essentialist. Don't you know that all positivism about human society is wrong , you Nazi shitlord?"

>> No.6696698

>"fuck off you biological essentialist. Don't you know that all positivism about human society is wrong , you Nazi shitlord?"
Which critical theorist are you quoting?

>> No.6696714

>Which critical theorist are you quoting?

The ones who flood the halls of academia

>> No.6696723

That's how I understood it as well.

The idea is to change the underlying assumptions of society, and for instance "mothers are more motherly" is one of these 'assumptions' according to their logic.

>> No.6696743

The halls of academia are flooded with strawmen?

>> No.6696755
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>it's time to back this up.

The rejection of positivism (which includes any use of empirical evidence or hypothesis testing against data to fin out about reality) is what has lead to leftists rejecting things like the biological differences between men and women and instead making emotional arguments claims that everything is a social construct.

>> No.6696756


Actually I was referring to Comte's positivism ans his naive views on the "three stages" of knowledge.

>> No.6696761

>critical theory is bad because critical theorists say "thing I don't agree with"
>people who say "thing I don't agree with" are critical theorists per definition

nice circular argument

>> No.6696768

Ho-lee fucking shit.

Why would a "school of thought" reject empirical evidence and hypothesis testing?

How is this in any way an intellectual pursuit?

I feel like I'm just starting to scratch the surface of leftist idiocy.

>> No.6696781

I'm not quoting, I'm paraphrasing a typical leftwing academic response to being confronted with biological evidence pertinent to feminism.

>> No.6696783

Calm down, it's an over-simplified infographic. Being critical of the positivst method, as defined by Comte, is not the same as actively rejecting all empirical evidence.

>> No.6696788

First of all, that's not a text from a Frankfurt School author, and generally a very bad source as no author is identifyable. For all we know, this could be a screenshot of a text you just wrote.
But yes, in the realm of sociology, the Frankfurt School is anti-positivistic, which is to say, they deny the possibility of a sociology operating purely on the principles of the natural sciences. The reason for that is largely the absence of a neutral point of view on any social phenomenon, not the association of science with instrumental reason.

>> No.6696794

So the Frankfurt school does acknowledge empirical things like sexual dimorphism (motherhood, superior male strength, ...) as a valid reason for certain aspects of society?

>> No.6696795

>Being critical of the positivst method, as defined by Comte, is not the same as actively rejecting all empirical evidence.
Even if that was the intent back in the 50s, the end result IS a slew of left wing academics today rejecting empirical evidence about things to do with society.

as per >>6696689

Also saying that it's over-simplified is quite a cheap, facile charge.

>> No.6696797

>feminism assumes there are no natural differences between men and women
I'm not actually old enough to say this, but man, fucking millenials.

>> No.6696804

I don't know if they ever claimed anything about human biology, but as the proper freudians they were, they obviously believed in differences between men and women.

>> No.6696806

Per their own definition

One autist on /lit/ (you) does not out gun the whole movement with your denial.

Keep trying the no true Scotsman though

>> No.6696807

Everything that we can talk about is a social construct.

We do not, and will never, have access to reality in itself (go read Kant ffs). But we do never construct something out of thin air, which means that there's some basic materials behind everything we say that we can't talk about without... talking about it and thus dying it with social constructs.

And all that it means is that we should always try to have a problematic relation on what we call reality.

It's not because feminists on reddit are stupid that saying the opposite of their claims is clever.

>> No.6696813

>the end result IS a slew of left wing academics today rejecting empirical evidence about things to do with society
Quick, answer without thinking, who is being read more in current academia, Foucault or Marcuse?

>> No.6696815

>We do not, and will never, have access to reality in itself
Except the biological reality of sexual dimorphism for example, right?

I mean, we do have a pretty good handle on stuff like that.

>> No.6696816

please no, corn father!

>> No.6696818

please no, corn father

>> No.6696819

Marcuse as he is jewish.

>> No.6696821

>First of all, that's not a text from a Frankfurt School author, and generally a very bad source as no author is identifyable. For all we know, this could be a screenshot of a text you just wrote.

That's irrelevant because anyone who is familiar with the Frankfurt school's ideas and is intellectually honest would admit that it is correct.
But here is the source

>the Frankfurt School is anti-positivistic, which is to say, they deny the possibility of a sociology operating purely on the principles of the natural sciences.

Wrong. They resist any explanation for a social outcome that relies on scientific empirical evidence (usually biology is what is relevant).

a rational person accepts that cultural forces play a role in determining most social outcomes AND that measured and empirically investigated biological predispositions also have an effect on some social outcomes.

But the part of the above sentence after the "AND" is positivism which is something the Frankfurt school does its best to resist on ideological grounds.

>> No.6696825

It's a /lit/ take on those dumb chain letter style memes with Nabokov based on the fact that he called Faulkner's prose "corncobby" saying it was boring and provincial.

>> No.6696827

That's not what I said, but it is true for a large section of contemporary feminists.

And even when they don't outright contradict biological or other empirical evidence, they try their best to ignore it and move the debate away from it and downplay it.

>> No.6696829

These are practical differences that we should take into consideration when establishing the categories in which we are going to think the world and act in it. But it's nonetheless a speech act.

As Hume would say "As an agent, I am quite satisfied in the point. But as a philosopher..."

>> No.6696832

I don't know.

Would you be happier if I blamed Foucault as well as the frenkfurt school? Because I already do.

Both of those entities are intellectual cancers who have damaged humanity and continue to do so.

>> No.6696835

>They resist any explanation for a social outcome that relies on scientific empirical evidence (usually biology is what is relevant)
There's a good reason for this, as I said: the impossibility of a neutral perspective. You can use science in sociology, but you can't rely on it, because you're part of the society you're investigating, and your results have societal consequences.
>But the part of the above sentence after the "AND" is positivism
It only is positivism without the AND and the first part.

>> No.6696838

They are no intellectual cancers dumbfuck, they were exploring some radical hypothesis. They knew that they were going too far sometimes but they did not claim to have discovered the ultimate truth about human knowledge.

>> No.6696841

And now ask yourself, do contemporary feminists read Adorno, Horkheimer, or Marcuse? Exactly, they don't.
Ok look, the point is, Foucault is a staple of the current humanities, while reading Marcuse only happens on the fringes.
And Foucault's influence is literally sufficient to explain all of the things you're complaining about. You're barking up the wrong tree, is all.

>> No.6696855

>And now ask yourself, do contemporary feminists read Adorno, Horkheimer, or Marcuse?

Not on reddit or facebook, that's for sure. But you seem to be taking quite easy ennemies here. There might be some decent feminists thinkers and writers out there that we have not yet heard about.

>> No.6696860

You've talked about social constructs in quite a different context from how it was used in >>6696755

I'm sorry, your post is learned but not relevant.

When contemporary left wing academics and those influenced by them say that for example "race is a social construct" what they are doing is trying to spread the impression that there are no significant biological differences between different races, so that it would make just as much sense for aboriginies and Icelanders to be grouped together as an ethnic group as it would for Gauls and Celts. The motivation being that people might stop looking for very inconvenient biological evidence that likely will be found (and already has to some degree) that certain groups of people have allele distributions that cause them to have higher average IQ than others.

>> No.6696866

Nancy Fraser is the only contemporary feminist I can think of who is somewhat influenced by Adorno. Other than that, they must all be obscure as fuck.

>> No.6696880

>The motivation being that people might stop looking for very inconvenient biological evidence that likely will be found (and already has to some degree) that certain groups of people have allele distributions that cause them to have higher average IQ than others.
Why would leftists have a problem with people having different IQs?

>> No.6696884
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>> No.6696927

Intelligence is not as inheritable in humans as you probably think it is

>> No.6696958

Freud = Fraud

>> No.6696968

There is quite a leap from acknowledging a degree of sexual dimorphism(which practically everybody do) to recognising it as a valid reason for anything. The fact alone that there is a difference between the sexes does not mean that conventions relating to gender can not be arbitary.

>> No.6696981


>> No.6696995

Who told that retard that all philosophy is a footnote to Plato

>> No.6696996

The fact that Greek in Plato's time had no word for "passive voice" made the Euthyphro so convoluted. I read it at the end of 2014, and it took a long time for me to reconstruct the arguments.

>> No.6697007

Alfred North Whitehead.

>> No.6697009

contemporary feminists meaning people who post comments on jezebel and xojane and tumblr have not.
The writers for contemporary feminist articles are quite likely to have read summaries of their ideas (as I have) while they were doing their arts and humanities degrees.
The college lecturers who influenced those jezebel editors and their readerbase are likely to have.
The "big name" academic feminists who carry on the critical theoretic tradition are very likely to have and they are the ones who in turn inspired all those college lecturers to be critical theoretic and anti-positivist, and subsequently in all those students etc.
So you do not need to have directly read those guys for those guys to have affected your behaviour and mindset.

>You can use science in sociology, but you can't rely on it, because you're part of the society you're investigating, and your results have societal consequences.

1. the societal consequences that might happen after releasing a research paper don't retrospectively make that research paper wrong. You can claim that the research might change society after it is released so that the research is no longer valid, but that claim can be examined on a case by case basis. For many research papers that claim would not be true. For example if you find that newborn baby girls maintain eyecontact for longer on average than newborn baby boys, releasing the paper isn't going to change that.
>because you're part of the society you're investigating,
Again the claim that this is relevent needs to be examined on a case by case basis depending on the thing being investigated and the method, because patently some of the time it's insignificant. So you can't just throw out everything that counts as "positivist" on these grounds, which is what contemporary lefties almost always want to do.

For example in the example above, if you time how long a newborn baby makes eye contact for , that's a pretty robust, unambiguous thing that you're measuring, especially if you have more than one observer with a stop watch.

>It only is positivism without the AND and the first part.
Well the the typical leftwing discourse is opposed to any biological explanations so even if you claim that the Frankfurt school are more reasonable and rational, the people that their ideas have resulted in are not.
Furthermore I believe you're wrong to say that positivism necessarily must concede no cultural role in societal outcomes. Rather it is positivist to allow any explanations that are based on empirical evidence or scientific method (most often coming from human biology).

>> No.6697010

Dat king of crops.
Also palm wine.

>> No.6697012

And that's pretty correct.

>> No.6697017

the mainstream concensus based on the evidence is that a large part of it is genetic (twin studies), a small part of it is environment unless that environment is extreme (adoption studies), and a big part seems to be just random neuron development in utero or early infanthood, which maybe environment or genetic in some way but seems to sort of act like a random number generator.

>> No.6697030

please no, corn father

>> No.6697048

I'm new to the discussion but I will throw in my heavyweight opinion.

The two fellows arguing...you're both right to a degree. The pollack arguing about frankfurt school etc. is correct in that it influenced the current hysteria of the left. The one sticking up for the frankfurt school is correct in that it is very likely that 99% of the plebeian population has not read any direct works from that school.

The vast majority of people are stupid and their compass is still a direct result of our entire evolution...aka if you don't agree and fit in with what everyone else is saying, then you will be ousted from the tribe and likely not survive to have offspring. This resulted in a literal shitstorm of circumstances that have led to how easy it is to manipulate society on a whole. People need to fit in.

Jezebel et al only exist because of the profit motive. These insane ideas are only percolating through society because the corporations receive ad revenue. Oh and because divide and conquer is a real thing and pretty standard practice for the overseers of a society. Think of how much progress could be made if we weren't all focused on all these insane issues. We might actually elect proper representatives of government, we might actually band together and boycott a company that sells harmful product etc etc.

I really hope you guys realize this.

>> No.6697145

please no, corn father

>> No.6697372

I think you are mistaken about the genealogy of contemporary anti-positivism. Adorno really is only a footnote to those people, I happen to know this first hand.

It isn't Marx => Nietzsche => Freud => Adorno

It is Nietzsche => Heidegger => Sartre => Foucault

Note also how Nietzsche is the one common denominator: now that guy really absolutely is to blame for any kind of relativism you'll encounter in the humanities.

>> No.6697537

>Sartre => Foucault


>Note also how Nietzsche is the one common denominator: now that guy really absolutely is to blame for any kind of relativism you'll encounter in the humanities.

Why not Protagoras then ? Nietzsche is far from being the first to explore the possibilities of relativism and we even have to say that he took great care in doing so.

>> No.6697633

Lrn2dialectics m8
Foucault retains Sartre's leftist spin on Heidegger, but does away with the thing that was always fishy about him, the humanism.
>Why not Protagoras then
Because no department except philosophy knows who that is.

>> No.6697735
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>mfw opening that link
>the best you could come up with was a presentation by a contemporary arts guy
>not even a professor
>just some dude
I know this thread is dead, I just wanted to tell you how sad you make me.

>> No.6698078


>That's irrelevant because anyone who is familiar with the Frankfurt school's ideas and is intellectually honest would admit that it is correct.

Nice appeal to authority tho m8

>> No.6698124

>>That's irrelevant because anyone who is familiar with the Frankfurt school's ideas and is intellectually honest would admit that it is correct.
I wouldn't say that's true, at the very least it misconstrues the reasoning behing Frankfurt anti-positivism.
And seriously, this is a literature board, using a fucking powerpoint presentation should be beneath you.