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/lit/ - Literature

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6689445 No.6689445 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know any metafiction books/authors besides John Barth or Breakfast of Champions.

Also, speaking of which, has anyone read Sophie's World by Josteinn Gaarder, and what did you think of it.

>> No.6690521


>> No.6690554

Double Bump

>> No.6690561

>7 minutes
/lit/ is a slow board, this thread will be here tomorrow and the day after that.

>> No.6690595

Don Quixote Part 2, but that was probably obvious. Also part 1 but to a lesser extent.

>> No.6690599

Flann O'Brien's At Swim Two Birds is the best metafiction there is

>> No.6690619

I thought Sophie's World was great but the author could have spared me from his opinions about feminism and the UN

>> No.6690647

At Swim-Two-Birds
Tristam Shandy
If on a winter's night a traveler

there's some magical realist book that came out this year that seems like it would fit in this category...with this library where things change in the history books and it changes reality. but I haven't read it and I don't remember what it was called, just that it sounded cool

>> No.6690680

was it Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie?

>> No.6690695

I haven't read that but that wasn't it. I love Rushdie though. I think it was a debut novel or a 2nd novel by some eastern European writer.

>> No.6691561

Don Quijote

>> No.6692313

If on a winter's night a traveller

it's shit

>> No.6692615


I suppose Paul Auster's New York Trilogy should be mentioned.

My opinion: Sophie's World is a lame 'little prince' tier book for adolescent girls who are too lazy to read the philosophers own works and/or the widely available textbooks on the subjects.

>> No.6692640

>has anyone read Sophie's World by Josteinn Gaarder

yes, a very long time ago. I remember liking it when I read it when I was like 12 or so. It's basically community college phil. 101: the book.

>> No.6692644

Try Kolsti Nguyen

>> No.6693112

I found/remembered it. it's called The Rabbit Back Literature Society. I haven't read it, it just looks cool. thanks for reading my post

>> No.6693125

Shut your fucking, plebeian mouth and never suggest that Calvino is anything less than God again, you contemptible scum.

Sophie's Workd is ok if you have zero experience with philosophy. It's a starting point and nothing more

>> No.6693206
File: 298 KB, 950x1465, lanark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lanark: A Life in Four Books
by Alasdair Gray

>> No.6693210

i've seen this every day for the past few days, so i must ask what's going on?

>> No.6693217

Borges and Nabokov

>> No.6693340
File: 1.15 MB, 648x1276, exit_level_litcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm guilty of having posted it twice, but it looks like other Anons have as well...

I took a random stab at pic related, came up with Lanark, and was pleasantly surprised.

The weirdly recursive structure (which I won't spoil) is particularly satisfying once it comes full circle, and you'll look at the illustrations completely differently once you've finished.
It's both funny and depressing, and for a recovering /r9k/-tier fuck-up like myself, weirdly personally revelatory.

>tfw the character you most strongly identify with is a suicidal Glaswegian NEET
It's a complicated Feel.

>> No.6693355
File: 185 KB, 736x1001, exit_level_litcorev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, wrong version of the chart

>> No.6693356

This is from 2012, crazy how much our opinions have changed since then. Stoner is like an entry level /lit/core now.