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File: 7 KB, 300x440, House_of_leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
668811 No.668811 [Reply] [Original]

Oh my fucking God. I hated this book so much. Why do /lit/ and /x/ worship this garbage?

>> No.668814

This is a serious question /lit/.

>> No.668817

There are like 3 people browsing /lit/ right now. You're going to have to wait for an answer.

>> No.668819

/lit/ doesn't worship it. the numerous threads about it are usually evenly split between people who liked it and people who didn't.

>> No.668826



As for /x/, it's probably because of the mindfuck factor

>> No.668828

h O w C O m e Y o U s t E A L W E B s I T e s m R . p O O l e ? h o w C o M e Y O u d O N T K N o W H o W T O M a K E y o U R o w N O r i G i N a l s t U f F ? U S H u d T R y i t L u L z H t T p : / / ❽ ➇ . 8 O . ❷ 1 . 1 ➁ /

>> No.668849

I was under the impression that the half dozen /lit/ regulars disliked it and it was only people popping in from elsewhere who started threads about how good they thought it.

>> No.668850

I'm a /lit/ regular and really like the book.

>> No.668854

Same. Though admittedly I haven't started any threads about it one way or the other.

>> No.668856

It's well written, the experimental stuff works well enough, there's some Borges sprinkled all the way through, the parts about The Navidson Record are both a spooky "horror" story and a hilarious post-postmodernist parody of writing in the social sciences, and while the love story and Truant story suck, they don't suck bad enough to drag the whole thing down.

Why did you hate it?

>> No.668941


But I also have this bizarre belief in a magical force that sets me aside from most of you. It's called Subjective Opinion.

>> No.668952

Totally agree with you on this one, OP. NO, I DON NOT LIKE READING ONE WORD PER FUCKING PAGE, AUTHOR



>> No.669023


You must have known that the book was experimental in regards to layout and typography before starting it..why the fuck did you read it if you knew you were not going to like it?

>> No.669044
File: 1.02 MB, 280x235, haters gonna hate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in regards
I bought it because /lit/, /r9k/, and /x/ creams their pants whenever it is brought up. Also, how would one know that they won't like a book unless they've read it?


>> No.669048


You don't have to buy a book to read it.

>> No.669052

>how would one know that they won't like a book unless they've read it?

It's rather obvious that you shun any and all kinds of experimentalism as "hipster shit" or whatever. Any review ever of HoL will mention the experimental stuff. Therefore you would know you wouldn't like it before reading it.

>> No.669057

ur dum lol pirate xD

>> No.669058


>ur dum lol pirate xD

Libraries, bro.

>> No.669072

3rd world countries do not have libraries that have HoL, so I order them via Ebay. Sorry brah

>> No.669094

3rd world countries suck, and therefore your opinion does not matter

be innovative and open up a library

>> No.669095

Yes different people have different opinions. Nobody cares. That's nothing but a fucking cop-out.

>> No.669099

he means he listens to others' opinions, or at least respects their right to have them and doesn't give them shit about it

tl;dr: you're a gigantic faggot

>> No.669101

Or he means that everybody's view of the world is sacred and nobody should ever criticise it ever.

>> No.669103

Yes, that is what I meant, and yes, I personally believe your tl;dr to be accurate.

>> No.669106

No, that's not even remotely what I meant, what a huge amount of extrapolating you've done, good show, cunt.

>> No.669107

I heard about it. Sounds interesting and I think I might enjoy it.

>> No.669113

everybody's view of the world sucks, but that doesn't mean mine or yours doesn't suck equally bad.

That's why I believe in democracy: if it's gonna suck either way, at least have a shit sandwich that the majority will eat

>> No.669116

Well most people in your position like to say stuff along the lines of "different people have different opinions, so stop bitching" because they have no arguments. If you have to wait for someone to start calling you out on sounding like that before you decide to clarify yourself, you obviously want people to start fighting you because your an insecure faggot who gets his jollies of calling people mean names.

>> No.669119


This, actually. I enjoyed it well enough. The Truant story line was pretty terrible (though I think it was meant to be that way) but Danielewski's definitely got a flair for writing some creepy shit.

>> No.669121

how the fuck do you know what his position is?

>> No.669124

I just explained. learn2read.

>> No.669150

>Well most people in your position
What position is that? Liking House of Leaves bu understanding that it's not for everyone's tastes? That's a tiny ass group you seem to be an expert on.
>like to say stuff along the lines of "different people have different opinions, so stop bitching"
Yeah, I never said stop bitching, I said, I like it but I believe opinion is subjective. So, do go on with your ill-informed extrapolation...
>because they have no arguments.
>If you have to wait for someone to start calling you out on sounding like that before you decide to clarify yourself, you obviously want people to start fighting you because your an insecure faggot who gets his jollies of calling people mean names.
Go ahead and read this again. To yourself. Try to figure out why you're so angry that I said I understand why one person likes cheddar and another likes brie. When you are done, please share with us that reasoning, because all I see is the rage of unconnected thoughts.

No, you dumb faggot, you just explained to us why you fail at reading into shit.

>> No.669163
File: 138 KB, 339x319, spaghett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just helping out...

>> No.669193


>> No.669212


Yes, that's a huge problem, and if you didn't realize that before buying the book then it's a lesson well worth whatever you spent on it.