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/lit/ - Literature

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6686821 No.6686821 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished A Farewell to Arms this morning, what are your opinions on it? I thought it was good, I was entertained at times but a lot of it slogged on; the ending was pretty abrupt but I kind of liked it as it fitted with Hemingway's writing style and the whole "feel" I had when reading through.

>> No.6686827
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A fantastic novel, if it's the one I'm thinking of. My favorite part was when Alexandra dies, heartless cunt that she was. The Sun Also Rises is good, too.

>> No.6686835

Only Hemingway novel I've read, and it's made me not want to read any more from him. Are the rest of his books this awful?

>> No.6686838

It's the only one I've read but I think they're all similar, I'm getting The Old Man and the Sea soon which is apparently his best work and it's short so I'll probably post after I've read it.

>> No.6686866

I'm a huge fan of Hemingway. Farewell to Arms was my first of his and I consider it to be his weakest book.

Try The Sun Also Rises, For Whom The Bell Tolls, A Moveable Feast and, of course, The Old Man and The Sea. His short stories are really great too. They work much better with his style.

>> No.6686885

It's the only one I can't finish.
A bad entry point.

>> No.6686894

Thanks. I think I'll try again with For Whom the Bell Tolls.