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/lit/ - Literature

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6686027 No.6686027 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/. I don't really read very much, so my sister lent me some of her collection to start me off. What would you recommend reading first?

>The Great Gatsby
>Animal Farm
>The Awakening
>The Bell Jar
>Lord of the Flies
>For Whom the Bell Tolls
>I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
>Their Eyes Were Watching God
>and A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

Pic is only /lit/ related thing I have.

>> No.6686035

why the fuck does it matter what you read first. just pick one and read it and delete this worthless thread

>> No.6686053
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Because I don't read a lot and you guys do so I want to get into it with the best first impression possible with my limited collection.

>> No.6686078
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>> No.6686087

those books are mostly terrible.
Id go for For whom the bell tolls.

>> No.6686088

why does your first impression matter. just read the fucking books you stupid cunt

>> No.6686091
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What's wrong with them?

Calm down.

>> No.6686108

That's beautiful.

>> No.6686113
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>> No.6686122


Out of those I enjoyed Frankenstein and Animal Farm, Gatsby wasn't bad either.

>> No.6686123

read a two or three pages of each, pick the one that picked your interest the most, don't force yourself to read it, it's something people do for fun

>> No.6686127

Who is (are?) the artist(s)?

>> No.6686136

Animal farm, Frankenstien, for whom the bell tolls, and A tree grows in brooklyn are all quality books that have some relevance, all of them are what i would call painful to read though.
The great gatsby, the bell jar, and lord of the flies are all quite pointless.
i havent read the Awakening and dont know anything about it.
their eyes were watching god is utter drivel
and well, i guess I know why the caged bird sings is alright, but i cant say id ever recommend that anyone reads it. if you wanted to read it you would have come to that conclusion yourself.

there you go.

>> No.6686147
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Dude, fuck if I know. I just collect paintings, sculptures and architecture.

I mean, I like reading, I just haven't done much of it. Mostly stuff like Harry Potter and a few Newbery books like Number the Stars and Maniac Magee. Thought I'd try some classics.

Thanks for the input. What's wrong The Great Gatsby? Isn't it lauded and shit?

>> No.6686156

it is, but its about the pointlessness of life as a wealthy american. you may see why people think its special, but its garbage. lauding it is how people who are 60-70 today masturbate.

>> No.6686157

>Calm down.
i might if you'd stop making inane threads.

>> No.6686173
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Well I was going to start off with TGG because it looked like a small and easy read, but Animal Farm is pretty small, too, so I guess that''ll do.

What about Lord of the Flies? The concept seemed really interesting. Civilization thrown topsy turvy and without adults and teens doing whatever they want gets me going.

Report me, then. I'm not breaking any board rules. Your existence here is basically "I don't liek thing pls go."

>> No.6686180

well animal farm and lord of the flies are pretty much required reading if you want to consider yourself even vaguely educated. animal farm is good, but lord of the flies is pretty mundane.

>> No.6686181

If only being a retard was a bannable offence.
I don't like stupid threads that have no consequence or discussion value. Do you go on /ck/ and ask if you should drink your milk before your toast? Where do you get the idea to ask such a pointless question, I'm almost curious.

>> No.6686197
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>Not eating your toast first

Fucking faggot. Drink your milk last. You need something to wash down the bread, cunt.

Aight, cool, thanks.

Just cause I'm ignorant on it, why's Their Eyes Were Watching God "utter drivel"?

>> No.6686202

people only read it cause
>muh black american lit

>> No.6686206


>> No.6686214
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Confirmed pleb milk chugger.

Well, I don't know, stuff like that can be good. I know it's a movie, but I really liked 12 Years a Slave. Is Their Eyes just badly written?

>> No.6686219

its simplistic, mundane, childish.
it doesnt convey anything about unique about anyone's experience.

>> No.6686224

It's not. This is the same anon that thought gatsby is about muh wealth. He knows absolutely nothing, in case the use of the word "drivel" didn't tip you off.

>> No.6686232
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Well fuck, man. I don't want discussion to bog down to,

>"It's shit"
>"Lol no it's not fuck you."

>> No.6686243


I really enjoyed TGG back when I read it in HS. I can barely remember the exact plot but I still remember certain scenes. Lord of the Flies was enjoyable as well, if a bit contrived. The Hurston book would have been a lot better if it hadn't been written in phonetic dialect, eg "Mouth" is spelled as "Mouf" So annoying. I'd recommend starting with shorter Hemingway books, FWtBT is not really a favourite around here, but I liked it a lot. It just drags is some places and the dialogue is a bit hokey.

>> No.6686248

Nice bait,

now please go back to /b/ or /v/ or /mu/ or wherever you happened to come from.

>> No.6686252

im glad your universal taste in literature is so impeccable. obviously if its been called a classic its excellent. im sure you can flesh out a detailed review of the great gatsby that communicates its depth of insight and value.

>> No.6686265
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Well II'll be going to the library soon, is there a Hemingway book you'd recommend? Might pick up more George Orwell if I like the Animal Farm.

This is a civil thread. Post art and calm down, bros.

>> No.6686276

animal farm is a good intro orwell, his other books are considerably more interesting though.

>> No.6686280
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I keep hearing praise for 1984 but my sister said it was boring and she didn't like it.

>> No.6686284

the only one I read was Animal Farm and I did it when I was like 18. I was too young and inexperienced to really understand the book for what it was.

It's about communism and the message can apply to other areas of life so I guess I'd recommend it but 1984 is better.