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/lit/ - Literature

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668518 No.668518 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.668521

Ha, good joke OP.

>> No.668523

I'll call when you they make some.

>> No.668524

Ayn Rand.

>> No.668527


and I'm sure you're looking for some nice paki pussy too

>> No.668528

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

That's all I have to say about that.

But as a parallel question, what is /it/'s fascination with Russian authours?

>> No.668535
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>> No.668536

>But as a parallel question, what is /it/'s fascination with Russian authours?
Never noticed one. I like Russian books though. They're a bit weirder and just more interesting.

Mikhail Bulgakov
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Anton Chekhov
Nikolai Gogol
Whatever Whatevervich Pushkin
Daniil Kharms

Don't bother with Tolstoy - 'Life's short, and Tolstoy isn't'

>> No.668549

Anyone else ever read Shteyngart? I never see him mentioned here and I thought Absurdistan was halfway-decent.

>> No.668554

Gogol was a piss of shit

>> No.668555

/lit/ is under the impression that the more letters it takes to spell an author's name, the more important he may be.

>> No.668563

No, you are wrong. Gogol was fucking awesome. I will admit that his writing is dense as fuck though.

>> No.668564

>Don't bother with Tolstoy - 'Life's short, and Tolstoy isn't'

Have you even TRIED looking beyond W&P and AK? If that's really you're attitude then you're missing out on a load of great literature - The Cossacks, The Kreutzer Sonata, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Hadji Murad to name but a few.

>> No.668573

It's a shame people read his fiction but not his other stuff. His 'infectiousness' theory of aethestics may not be right but it was interesting.

>> No.668575

>Have you even TRIED looking beyond W&P and AK?
No, I haven't. No need to go capitalising words now, we're all friends here.
I'll look into some of his other stuff.

>> No.668577

The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a great story. Especially love the awkwardness of the card game during the funeral.

>> No.668595


Apologies. It just gets wearisome when people don't realise there is more to Tolstoy than just his two doorstoppers.


I've read a bit of his religious writings but, well, it's not to my taste.

>> No.668599

Mikhail Bulgakov - Master & Magherita is an essential read for anyone, great book.

Also, a personal favorite, Novel with Cocaine, by Ageyev. This is all I can recommend from my limited experience.

>> No.668609

I am only interested in Andrei Chikatilo

>> No.668618

99% of russian literature is depressive shit

I tried some Dostoevsky. C&P is okay but BK became my favourite book of all time actually.

>> No.668624

>Black monk
>Man in the case
>Heart of a dog
>Death ray
>Foundation pit
>School for fools
>Invitation to a beheading

I lol'd

>> No.668636

i A L R E a d Y r E A D t h I S o n H t t P : / / W w w . A N O n t a L k . S E / s E v E R a L D a Y s a G o

>> No.668640

You spent a lot of time not defending anything. But that's ok, I see a Russian authors name and I just move along. Same as we all did in this thread and lies about reading their works.

>> No.668643


I agree with you. I see a female author and I always move on as well.

The difference is that there do exist competent Russian writers.

>> No.668644

Pavel Tsatsouline - Power To The People
Good shit.

>> No.668653

If one has read any russian novel he becomes homosexual.

>> No.668658

Totally worth becoming homo, its a good book.

>> No.668672
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>good russian literature

>> No.668720

Victor Pelevin.

>> No.668767
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>> No.668821
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>> No.668857

Doesn't exist.

>> No.668859

Andrei Bely - Petersburg

According to Nabokov, one of the four greatest novels of the twentieth century. I might agree.

>> No.670277

Why do you feel need to suck Nabakav's cock?

>> No.670305

Nabokov also hated Don Quixote.

>> No.670313

Tolstoy hated Shakespeare

>> No.670323


Is that true, or are you trolling?

>> No.670334

It's true. Check Wikipedia for the facts

>> No.670343

hitler hated jews

>> No.670354

God hates Fags

>> No.670357

you're either a low calibre troll or a literary paraplegic

>> No.670359

Tolstoy wrote at least one essay on why Shakespeare was a hack and not a real artist.

>> No.670362


Read it. Then I read Orwell's response to it. Does this mean that Ayn Rand is unquestionable because it hast so far lasted the ages? I suppose we'll tell if it's still admired 100 years from now. My assumption is it will be forgotten.

>> No.670387

Ayn Rand is crap period.

>> No.670619



>> No.670640

Choose two.

>> No.670641

I'm reading Grossman's Life And Fate now. It's sublime.

>> No.670646


done...guide to good Russian literature

>> No.670656


>> No.671927

Why all this hate with no explains?

>> No.671943 [DELETED] 

>implying Brothers Karamazov isn't one of the best pieces of literature ever

>> No.671997

A Day in The Life of Ivan Desinovich


>> No.672299

Too many trolls in here. Russian literature is a real treasure.

>> No.673484

I choose a good russian

>> No.673494

welcome to /lit/

>> No.673538

_We_ by Yevgeny Zamyatin

>> No.673553

>Ayn Rand is unquestionable because it hast so far lasted the ages

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.673556

/lit/ normally has a hardon for Russian Literature.

Agreed. Nothing beats it.

Also, Mikhail Bulgakov, Heart of a Dog - Guffawed so heartily at the part where he decided he wanted to be called Polygraph Polygraphovich

>> No.673574

>too many troll in here

thats always implied. lol

>> No.673578

Read Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov. It's about a Russian hikikomori.

>> No.673582


The "ages" to this kid = 50 years.

>> No.673885
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could somebody please crop the dostoyevsky from this picture? also, crop "moscow to the end of the line" and put it into the proper picture

>> No.674069


>> No.674091


Just finished reading that earlier today, myself. Ever see the movie from 1970? I'm doing so right now.

>> No.674093

The Master and Margarita>>>>>>>>*