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/lit/ - Literature

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6681784 No.6681784 [Reply] [Original]

Is the fantasy genre a male power fantasy?
Why is it mostly a white man's genre?
What are its western roots?

>> No.6681788

Dude weed lmao

>> No.6681790

They've watched too much Naruto.

>> No.6681800
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>> No.6681803

cute memes

>> No.6681807
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>> No.6681811
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>> No.6681817
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>implying High Fantasy isn't completely Anglo
>implying you've traveled with Sir Gawain
>implying you've met Duessa and the Faerie Queene
>implying you aren't a knave and a Hebrew

>> No.6681824

not at all related.

>> No.6681836

no wonder nothing good comes from this board.

>> No.6681840
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>he doesn't think Beowulf, a story about a warrior who kills trolls before being slain by a dragon, has anything to do with the Fantasy genre

>> No.6681845
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>> No.6681846

>is a genre a power fantasy
this thread was doomed aborning.

>> No.6681848

It appeals to young boys like a young girl is drawn to romantic fairy tales. A mixture of social cobditioning and as they grow older biological insistences.

>> No.6681851

Nobody said that you retarded faggot but of course that is expecting too much of you to understand basic linguistics on a literature board.

>> No.6681857
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>Nobody said that

>not at all related.

What's that now? OP asked about the origins of the Fantasy genre and I linked him an informative essay about one of the foundational texts of not only Fantasy but of the entire English language. Yet you have the gall to insinuate that it is I who is not understanding basic linguistics?

>> No.6681878

Why? That's a legitimate question.
but why?
read some of, and downloaded for later.
Would it be fair to trace this back to the greeks and mythology on cosmological scales?

>> No.6681885
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x1200, Anglo Saxon Drinking Horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would it be fair to trace this back to the greeks and mythology on cosmological scales?

I don't think so because Beowulf is a distinctly Northern hero.

>> No.6681892

But wouldn't it have it's roots in Scandanavian lore, and in turn the greeks and romans?

>> No.6681894

was this a saxon dick

>> No.6681896
File: 57 KB, 827x827, Ursula Leguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dumb question, and we hate it, and we hate you for asking it.

Go read some Ursula Le Guin, then come back and apologise for not knowing that women write fantasy books too.

>> No.6681901

leguin is meh

>> No.6681902
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Beowulf is fascinating because it shifts seamlessly from historical accounts of actual battles to mythic elements such as Beowulf's tussle with Grendl. I think that it is a truly unique work and is evidence of a sophisticated Germanic culture that developed with minimal external influence.

>> No.6681907

No, not everything is Hellenic or Romance in origin.

Northern Europeans weren't just living in mud huts worshiping rocks for thousands of years: they had rich and varied cultures largely derived from a common Indo-European root.

>> No.6681910
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>Is the fantasy genre a male power fantasy?
no, it's a series of tropes and traditions followed by authors that generate certain expectations in the reader.
>Why is it mostly a white man's genre?
All genres are, including those cheap harlequin style romance novels. Industrial writing was pretty much reserved to men for the first centuries of the novel's life as a format.
>What are its western roots?
Early nordic and medieval european myths mostly.

>> No.6681912

Hush you.

I think you're categorically wrong, but it's more important that we drive out and ostracize people who ask such awful and broad questions as "Is X entire genre just X".

>> No.6681913

>but why?
Gender roles
>Would it be fair to trace this back to the greeks and mythology on cosmological scales?
Yes. Hesiod for example. Fantasy tends to be mostly a "conservatives" genre. It looks bad to days gone by "when men where men and women..." were objects, prizes or monsters.

>> No.6681914

I know there are some, but come now, if you havent noticed women pretty well represented in almost any other genre, and men underrepresented in romance, you're a dingus.

>> No.6681918
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>> No.6681923


>> No.6681931

And yet you probably wouldn't level the yin to this argument's yang: the accusation of Romance literature being just Wank-fodder for chicks.

Forgive me if you would, because that would make it all quite fair, but I am a jaded man, and have become very accustomed to punishing double standards with righteous and informative anger.

>> No.6681933

I'm praying for you.

>> No.6681934
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While posmo rejection of any possibility of chance and the general pro liberalism tendency it took is crap, we can still learn a bit from it. I don't get what part of my post was particularly postmodern, though.

>> No.6681937

I absolutely would, I'm an anti-feminist anti-sjw and am just genuinely interested what draws men like myself to a genre that more often than not maintains weak men as a hero figure.

>> No.6681940

Do something that works instead.

I take donations of English language encyclopaedias and 7.62×51 rifle cartridges.

Together, we can PUNISH IGNORANCE.

>> No.6681941

I really doubt this. As far as I can tell the only "genre" where women are maybe overrepresented is that high society distant description of a cultural context that americans call literary fiction. Most cheap romance novels are written by teams or two or three guys and given a single female name for marketing purposes.

>> No.6681942

God never fails.

>> No.6681946


>> No.6681950

Because all men are weak on the inside: a competent writer knows this, we're a race of Frodo's and Shinji Ikari's, not Conan's and Ivanhoe's.

The feat is made more marvellous by it having been performed by a mere mortal, with weaknesses and foibles.

That's why Frodo is the protagonist of LOTR and not Aragorn.

>> No.6681952

you sound like a very interesting anon, completely worth of all that attention you crave.

>> No.6681954
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>I don't get what part of my post was particularly postmodern, though.

I would say that it was probably the way you clinically deconstructed the entire genre with a disaffected tone.

>> No.6681958

This statement is technically correct no matter what your theological position may be, and as such I will not object.

>> No.6681959

Are you his mom or something?

>> No.6681961

>All X are like this
>based on my extensive experience with every single specimen of X

genres have been a thing for a few centuries, it's not post-modern to understand why they exist.
thanks anyway.

>> No.6681967
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I wish, I would be getting laid all night long instead of posting here.

>> No.6681978

Don't turn my shtick around and beat me with it, I don't like it.

What I mean is that real men experience fear and doubt and suffer, this is what makes them men, not gods who can accomplish tasks effortlessly.

Well written fantasy protagonists are not unstoppable juggernauts with the emotional sensitivity of a slab of basalt: they are human.

>> No.6681987

dont talk shit about my waifu.

>> No.6681995
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I don't like when you think things are a single way around. Everyone can relate with multiple types of things, I can feel for Shinji when wondering if there's a place for him while also feeling for Ippo when he has to stand up against his own health because he has to prove to himself his love for boxing. Luckily we're complex beings capable of contradictory ideas and feelings.

>> No.6682078
File: 176 KB, 800x457, Mugi-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not post-modern to understand why they exist

That's not what I said; I said it was your tone. The anime .png is also a hallmark of pomoism.


>> No.6682113
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>The anime .png is also a hallmark of pomoism.
we should really drop this shit of calling everything pomo and be truthful to ourselves recognizing it as our local variant. 4chan postmodernism or something like that.
Deleuze wouldn't had cared about smug anime traps, that's completely our thing. We shouldn't be ashamed of that.

>> No.6682149

Everything is a power fantasy in essence.

The real question here is, why are power fantasies assumed inherently bad?

>> No.6682170
File: 134 KB, 340x340, heheh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan postmodernism

Pomo is pomo; we aren't that special.

>We shouldn't be ashamed of that.

Who said anything about shame?

>> No.6682179
File: 193 KB, 509x650, l_hakase afuro_terumi 2boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, Foucault didn't have an opinion about reaction faces and Lyotard would had been perplexed at the concept of hikikomori. What /lit/ has veered away from any real root it could have had, it's its own thing.

>> No.6682189
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>> No.6682212
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I'd call it "dank-modernism"

missed your post, I'm sorry cutey. Don't go around creating icons, it's unhealthy.

>> No.6682219
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>> No.6682221

I was about to post this. Even if you don't identify with any characters, being a detached observer of events (the reader) is a power fantasy.