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/lit/ - Literature

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6681702 No.6681702 [Reply] [Original]

can anyone convince me to major in English Lit. I love books but I feel like if I decide to dedicate my life to something I want it to mean something. When I look at what the best writers have accomplished (basically nothing except making books that people like) and I look at what the best scientists have accomplished (basically built modern civilization) I just don't see why I should bother studying lit. I would probably enjoy doing english more than a science degree, and I'm sure I could get a job because I go to a good university, I just don't think that it's possible to do anything Lit-related that really matters. Please change my mind so I can justify doing what I actually want to do.

pic unrelated

>> No.6681711

Lose this idea of "doing something that matters".

>> No.6681720

You think writers didn't build modern civilization?

>> No.6681723

I concur.

You're like "should I write the next great american novel or invent cold fusion"?

But face it those aren't your options. You're probably just mediocre. (I can say that because I'm mediocre.)

>> No.6681730

the amount of people in any given generation that "does something that matters" in the grand scheme of things is probably less than one percent

do what makes you happy. if you can get a degree in something you enjoy without taking on debt, do it. you might not make a lot of money, but this life is yours to make whatever meaning you want to out of it.

>> No.6681739

>basically nothing except making books that people like
You know nothing.

>> No.6681748

I'm having the same problem OP. I'm gunna try to double major in a STEM field along with English, although, it'll probably take me an extra year of college.

My reasoning for wanting not only English is so I can use whatever job I end up doing from a STEM degree as experience to put into writing. I'm hoping this puts a little more originality in my work whereas if you're gunna be one of the other millions of writers who are only an english degree who probably had the same general english education for lit, they're content probably won't stand out as much.

>> No.6681755

Pynchon did it

>> No.6681760

I know that I'll probably accomplish nothing no matter what I do. I just think if I do decide to dedicate my life to one thing, I should dedicate to something that at least has a chance of not being a waste of time.

>> No.6681766

>implying time can be wasted

>> No.6681771


You need to live your life with no regrets. I don't care what you choose, you just need to live life with no regret. Regret will cause you to be grumpy down the road. Regret will also led to a mid life crisis of some sort too.

>> No.6681785

It sounds like science is really not where your heart is at. You should take >>6681711 's advice.

Are you willing to teach English Literature? If so, you should go ahead and get a Masters for that shit. Or a PhD.

If not, you won't get a job related to English Literature, unfortunately.

>> No.6681789

you're still missing the point. life isn't ever as simple as dedicating yourself to one thing, that's another societal meme. I know plenty of engineers and scientists that thought they would change the world and instead they're just living day to day doing a job like the rest of us.

point blank, if you want to major in english lit, do it, and not because some anon on /lit/ told you to, but because it is what you want to do.

>> No.6681795

>I know that I'll probably accomplish nothing no matter what I do.

You know what, maybe you're right. Keep up that attitude while you're at it.

>> No.6681805
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I guess youre probably right. I also realized that the people who really do do amazing things in science and shit probably only do those things because they genuinely enjoy what they do. If my heart isn't really in it I'll end up mediocre and unhappy. Thanks based /lit/!

>> No.6681809

Don't major in English lit. Bloom was right; they don't teach any high literature anymore. Have fun analyzing identity politics in novels written from 1990 onward

>> No.6681829

>implying time can be anything but wasted

>> No.6682217

I comajored finance and English cause I wanted to be rich

4 years out of school getting good 6 figures and I've read more than most ppl on this board

Patrician life

If I only did English if probably be homeless under a bridge somewhere

>> No.6682382

Have fun subordanating your life to society and studying the infrastructure of Bangladesh instead of fully devoting yourself to one of humanities greatest projects and flourishing as an artist

With that kind of outlook we didn't lose a PhD so its np

>> No.6682447

And yet, I still don't want to know you.

>> No.6682461

Major in what the fuck ever. Literally no one in the whole world cares about your bachelor's degree you fucking mongoloid. If it tickles your fancy, just do it. No one can get a job off the BA, so it doesn't matter where you major. Also you're 17 so get the fuck off this board. Fuckfaced inbred shit-licking cunt-sniffing twat.

>> No.6682465

you did not major in english lit and you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.6682470

you did not major in english lit and you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.6682474

the fact that you need convincing makes it sound like it would be a terrible idea for you

>> No.6682475

>can anyone convince me to major in English Lit.
DON'T DO IT. Seriously, don't throw away your life if you are mentally capable of studying a STEM subject.

>> No.6682480

you are definitely right about not needing an english degree. but what you're driving at is wrong, all good writers have read the same old books.

>> No.6682485
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>I look at what the best scientists have accomplished (basically built modern civilization)

>> No.6682488
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Don't kill your hobby by making it your job, just look at the miserable fags on this board.

>> No.6682510

can someone who has majored in english literature tell me what upper division courses are like? i'm curious as to what the senior seminar courses are like. i dropped history because i'm too lazy to do a huge research paper.

>> No.6683024

Nothing matters you cuck. Do what makes you happy, but realize you will be flipping burgers if you study English lit

>> No.6683242

English major here. Didn't end up flipping burgers. Found a decent job with benefits and a pay nice enough that I only need to work 20 hours a week. My job leaves me plenty of time to read and write both at work and outside of work.

But outside of necessities like rent and food I have no expenses. The library has got me covered.

If you want a car (I have a bike) or a big house and the typical nuclear family type situation you'll need to find a real job. If you don't care about that and just want to live life on your own terms then get whatever degree you want.

>> No.6683262


>> No.6683303

No. I sit in an office and print off reports that get filed away and never read. Most of the time I read.