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6681124 No.6681124 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most patrician denomination of christianity?

i figured i would try to give it a fair look since i realize i've been close minded about it all my life. my only experiences with it have been as a child (when it's easy to instantly dismiss because of the mainstream view of it), and in college where the christian groups were, at best, extremely melodramatic. so for me it's never even been a slightly interesting or worthwhile thing to think about. "oh yeah, i forgot that's a thing people actually believe, haha" <-- me for the most part.

>> No.6681131


>> No.6681133

Don't let /lit/ trick you into its reactionary bullshit. It's just a fad. Religion is a meme at this point.

>> No.6681134

>what is the most patrician denomination of christianity?

You read the bible by itself and let it reveal itself to you. Then you'll know what to do next.

>> No.6681135

Pretty sure Catholicism managed to be literally patrician at some point in its early history.

Though in all fairness it was due to the support of the emperors, and the empire is a demagogue's enterprise at first.

>> No.6681140

>just a fad
>for 2000 years
kek I love your comments fedora you always make the funnest posts in the thread.

>> No.6681143

I'm talking in the context of /lit/.

>> No.6681149
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Jehovah's Witness

>> No.6681153

The neo-reactionary movement isn't 2000 years old, kid.

>> No.6681161

Literally a cult

>> No.6681163
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Christianity is retarded, but the Church has produced some great stuff.

>> No.6681167

>implying christians are neo reactionaries
nice glass house you're living in atheist edgelord.


>> No.6681184

My house is, in fact, not entirely made of glass.

Checkmate, kiddo.

>> No.6681208

Either Catholicism or Orthodoxy.

>> No.6681219

I mean, if you don't want extreme dogma, I recommend Liberal Quakerism. They tend not to proselytize, and have sound morals.

>> No.6681223

how does /lit/ feel about episcopalianism

>> No.6681228

Probably Greek orthodox because they read it in the original form when it was committed to writing

>> No.6681250

It is obviously Catholicism Op. Anything else else is literally heresy.
The Catholic Church has 2000 years of history and wisdom behind it. It was literally started by Jesus Christ Himself.
Where else can you regularly go and witness His sacrifice? Where else can you go and receive Him incarnate into your body? Nowhere but Catholic Mass. That is the simple truth.

>> No.6681261

I'm a catholic myself but Eastern Orthodox performs the ceremony of the eucharist and Our Church was started by Paul. But it is the most patrician religion if I do say so.

>> No.6681264

If you insist on believing in spirituality, why not just develop your own personal concept of the matter? Why submit to some particular manifold or iteration of it?

>> No.6681267


pick one and only one

>> No.6681286
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>> No.6681288

Because that would be satanism anon

>> No.6681294

no its not

>> No.6681302

That's true about the Orthodox, but Our Church was definitely started by Our Lord. He was the first and highest priest, and ordained His apostles as such to spread the Gospel.

>> No.6681309

Black liberation theology

>> No.6681310
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>Religion is a meme at this point.

>implying that's bad

>> No.6681326

Religion always survives as a meme you retard. Don't use words you don't understand.

>> No.6681329
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I'd like to discuss this further since on every thread that touches religious themes, someone posts that this is big reactionary bullshit that /lit/ is making. About the question of OP: just read The Bible and wikipedia articles of each one of the Christianity groups and make your own opinion.

What's with all the dislike of this new Christian posters of /lit/. I haven't seen that much shitpost about it and generally the threads about Christianity are pretty civil and interesting, I would say that even if there are some people that become religious out of joking here, it's their decision. Even if it was a big collective meme, it's not that bad, people are reading a very interesting book (The Bible) that many writers get inspiration from. It's helpful to understand the themes of so many books that it's not a waste of time. I get that you might dislike reactionary people for political reasons, but I have yet to watch threads on /lit/ that flood the front page about reactionary thinkers and shitposts.

Seriously, what's wrong about '/lit/'s reactionary bullshit and fad'?

>> No.6681350

What's wrong with a cult? All religions are cults, cult isn't necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.6681356

I am converting to christianity(I think so, I still have many doubts). I come from a catholic environment but I will never accept the supremacy of the church over the believer, I believe that all believers are ministers, I want to be married by a layman. I dont know what denomination I might belong to, I would enjoy to find fellow christians who experience christianity the same way, I dont want to join a catholic church eventough I feel at ease with some catholic friends and I dont consider them the antichrist or anything. I think that the most "patrician"(that is elitism and therefore antichristian) is any reunion of true believers who love one another unconditionally.

>> No.6681361

Catholic too, and i really admire Orthodox rites. Really nice stuff.

>> No.6681369

I've noticed vocal atheists are surprisingly judgmental and intolerant in threads pertaining to christianity. It leads me to suspect they are either trolling or not worth arguing with.

Most of the atheists I know irl are really just christians who hate God.

>> No.6681372
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It's obvious that people flock to it for purely aesthetic reasons, as do most people with dogmas and ideologies. Maybe there are some good things that come out of it, but I find these Christian posters rather irritating. You can't have much of a conversation with them without having them freaking out and saying you need Jesus.

But it's not like this fad has much significance. God is dead. His corpse is only being disposed of. Religion is going to slowly die unless some extreme event comes along and revives it. Perhaps a very large war or the destruction of human knowledge.

>> No.6681384

I highly doubt that religion (in some form) will ever go away, it will only evolve

>> No.6681385

JW don't believe Jesus was God and therefore are not Christian.
Also their bible changes every year by the will of a mysterious group of people in Brooklyn

>> No.6681395

True, because humans need something to believe in. It's a psychological need. But whatever form religion takes in the future, it will not involve anything supernatural.

>> No.6681397

most of the atheists I know(also christians) are actually apathetic
I converted to christianity because of ethical reasons and I think that any sincere conversion to christianity is caused by three motives, the lower of them being aesthetical and the intermediate ethical, I dont think religion can die because it is part of human nature and western humanistic atheism or even nihilism is basically a religion without the supernatural stuff(there is supernatural free christianity also if you care to search for it, and nihilism is basically the radical negation of supernaturalism which paradoxically is a supernatural posture itself)

>> No.6681400

How do you have to be Christian to believe in the trinity? The Trinity is a theory.

“To us there is but one God, the Father.”—1 Corinthians 8:6, King James Version

“My Father is greater than I [Jesus].”—John 14:28. *

“I [Jesus] ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God.”—John 20:17.

“To us there is but one God, the Father.”—1 Corinthians 8:6.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—1 Peter 1:3.

“These things saith the Amen [Jesus], . . . the beginning of the creation of God.”—Revelation 3:14. *

>> No.6681401

It's my need of trascendence (did I write well?) which has brought me to christianity and brings me over and over again. But there's absolutely no point in arguing, really. I won't change your mind nor you'll change mine.

>> No.6681410

>It's my need of trascendence
I will give you this small piece of advice, dont pursuit religious visions or experiences, that is vanity and a sin, not different from hedonism. I am sorry if I am judging you incorrectly.

>> No.6681412

Religion is going to die? When? It's thriving and has never been bigger. India has 1 billion Hindus, There are over 2 billion Christians and 1.5 billion Muslims. These are just the major religions.

>> No.6681424

>It's obvious that people flock to it for purely aesthetic reasons
citation needed. Are you one of those people who thinks he understand everything about a person's dogma from one anonymous post on an image board?
>You can't have much of a conversation with them without having them freaking out and saying you need Jesus.
No true Christian would try to force his faith on you.

Religion has always existed in one form or another. It's kind of naive to think we live in the last days of a 2000 year old institution. There are over 2 billion christians in the world.

>> No.6681426

>Religion is going to die?

Yes, although as subsequent posts put it more accurately, it will evolve. What is really going on is the death of metaphysics and the supernatural.

>> No.6681431

Most patrician: Catholicism
Runner up for most patrician: Lutheranism
Most pleb: Baptism
Runner up for most pleb: Wesboro

>> No.6681436


>plebbest religion of all

>> No.6681442

I used to be a Catholic myself. I know how good it feels to argue for something seemingly so pure and true.

>No true Christian would try to force his faith on you.
I didn't imply force, but they recommend reading the Bible and whatnot, which I have.

>> No.6681449

>death of metaphysics and the supernatural.
Well that's interesting, I'm curious as to what that might be as far as religion goes.

>> No.6681474
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This is true, but I guess that it might have to do with their own insecurities.

I have also noticed that people here belive that everyone has the same values and thoughts, so if they see that a big group has a position that questions the security of their ideology, they feel insecure and rely on denial. They might view /lit/ as the most 'intelligent' posters on 4chan, and they are part of it, so if they see that this group is being transformed with ideas that they associate with stupidness (Religion, right-wing ideas, etc...) they start to shitpost.

>It's obvious that people flock to it for purely aesthetic reasons, as do most people with dogmas and ideologies.
Even if they like it for the aesthetic, that's not something inherently wrong. It is true that Christianity requires faith, but the aesthetic part of learning about the religion will help them to educate themselves about it. Maybe some will stop following christianity, while others will go deeper into it. But like I said, following any '-ism' purely for aesthetics as an introduction isn't inherently bad.

>I find these Christian posters rather irritating. You can't have much of a conversation with them without having them freaking out and saying you need Jesus.
Some will tell you 'go read The Bible' or maybe some theological work, others give actual arguments based on texts and writers if you bring an actual topic to the thread, but, like in most things (don't forget you are in 4chan) people will answer with low-effort answers. It's your duty to make the distinction too, you can't expect high quality posts always.

>Religion is going to slowly die unless some extreme event comes along and revives it. Perhaps a very large war or the destruction of human knowledge.
That might be true, but the affirmation made before this is highly debatable. God's existance is a very hard topic to discuss, and it's my opinion that one has the right and duty to decide from onself the question of the existance of God (in any way, shape or form that you think). I wouldn't feel like an authority to say 'God is dead', unless I write a book about it, which I haven't of course.

I'm not Christian by the way.

>> No.6681475

>I didn't imply force, but they recommend reading the Bible and whatnot, which I have.
Well pedants and idiots exist among every creed. I think new sincerity will bring about a new acceptance of religion. Many people my age and younger seem to be showing a renewed interest in the Church, not necessarily catholic, now that the harmful stigma is accepted as the fiction that it is.

>> No.6681483

I'm going out for a while. I will answer all replies to this if you want to discuss further, just give me some minutes.

>> No.6681492
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>cult isn't necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.6681498
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>religious revival is just a manifestation of the non-edginess of new sincerity

Oh shit.

>> No.6681532


Catholic bros ;) Me too

>> No.6681712

Unitarian pls
John 17:21
That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

Also >implying scripture alone

>> No.6681898

>Also their bible changes every year by the will of a mysterious group of people in Brooklyn

There bible hasn't changed at all, from what I heard they just got a new cover and a couple of maps of biblical times. The mysterious group isn't a mystery and people know who they are,

>implying a cult could have peaceful followers world wide
>implying what they do isn't based on the scriptures

Also they believe Jesus was god's son not God himself

>John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

>> No.6681932

Catholicism with Eastern Orthodoxy a close second.

>> No.6681949

Satanism? Gnosticism?

They're all cults.

Greek, Armenian? Russian, Syrian, Coptic?



>> No.6681962


are you a mod?

>> No.6681971

I'd run a tighter ship than this (Slightly. I'm still an anarchist)

>> No.6681975



>> No.6681976

Why don't you post more panti shots, butters?

>> No.6681998

Why don't you suck my fucking you little faggot?

>> No.6682000
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>> No.6682001

>death of metaphysics and the supernatural

People will always see monsters in shadows and angels in light. Even as we speak, the Vatican is trying to determine what to make of the reports that villagers in Bosnia have seen Marian apparitions. The "death of the supernatural" is a liberal bourgeois fantasy.

>> No.6682011

Aren't most (all?) of those churches in communion with each other and sit under the umbrella of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

>> No.6682015

I think you already know why.

>> No.6682024

Historically they hate each other for one thing or another. Probably better relations nowadays. But they they differ as much or as little as any of the other denominations.

>> No.6682048

Just read the gospel of Thomas and follow the teachings of Yeshua.

>> No.6682064

If it helps you feel less creeped out I didn't find them erotic as much as intimate in a familiar way, as if we didn't really care about that stuff. I'm not posting mine, though, so I get that this is a one sided thing.

>> No.6682067

You're posting in 4chan a friday night, you know no one out there even cares about seeing you, dressed or naked. If you're gonna die alone you might as well have a small ego boost knowing that anons around the world desire you.

>> No.6682090

What is the 3rd motive? I'm with you on the ethical line of thinking; that is my biggest draw to Catholicism.

>> No.6682120
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>he doesn't know that cult comes from cultus which is the perfect passive participle of the latin verb colo i.e to cultivate (land) or worship a divinity

The negative connotation is a rather modern development; moreover, in academics I've noticed a distinct disdain for using the term as a pejorative because it a. inaccurate and b. meaningless.

>> No.6682124
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>> No.6682158

Arianism, if you don't mind Augustine and his pack of crazies calling you a heretic.

>> No.6682166

So they're basically just copy-pasting what got the Cathars burned at the stake?

>> No.6682223


>> No.6682232
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>> No.6682238

Helicopterism, a small Christian sect that states that Jesus didn't die on the cross, but was picked up by a helicopter in the nick of time. All the other stories about Jesus are obvious forgeries, created by Satan

>> No.6682268
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Yes. He was a time traveler searching for the real Jesus and got mixed up in some gang of street preachers when he and them were rounded up by the Romans and were sentenced to death. He pressed rescue button and the project chiefs sent the helicopter.

>> No.6682424

Lapsed Anglican here. Beginning my walk with Christ anew. Catholic moral teaching appeals to me greatly but I'm overwhelmingly convinced by the kind of fideism I find in Pascal and Kiekegarrd, which I know the Roman Catholic church considers to be heretical. Any guidance from my fellow Christposters?

>> No.6682493

Have you ever been to Medjugorje? It's a very fascinating place.

>> No.6682504

Kierkegaard isn't a fideist and he is "approved" by the church.

>> No.6682518

I remember that episode, it was a good one.

>> No.6682524

>Top tier
Orthodoxy, Ethiopian coptics

>High Tier
Anglican, Roman Catholicism

>Mid Tier
Lutheran, Episcopalian

>Low tier
Baptist, Methodist, Unitarian, Non Denominational

>Shit Tier
Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, Other cults.

>> No.6682534

>protestants anywhere but shit tier

>> No.6682538

>protestants on the same tier as cults

I don't think so tim.

>> No.6682553

non-denominational is the true tier, everything else is tare tier, apostate. take your man-made institutions away from christ

>> No.6682559

>placing Orthodoxy in the top tier.
Yes. I like you. The Russians really knew how to do Christianity.

>> No.6682588
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>we don't need no organization, we just love jeebus
>who needs his teachings

Literally heretical.

>> No.6682601

>prosperity gospel

why shouldn't they be on the same tier as cults?

>> No.6682628

>all protestants are megachurches who preach prosperity gospel

That's a silly assumption you mongoloid.

>> No.6682813

>but I have yet to watch threads on /lit/ that flood the front page about reactionary thinkers and shitposts.

Holy shit there are a lot of these christposters and a lot of christposting. Literally where have u been?


Literally so patrician that the plebs wiped them out

>> No.6682917

Methodists are. pretty cool and they're totally anti-elitist. my pastor is just a normal guy who likes to talk about God. I've gotten a beer with him before. it was surreal coming from catholicism.

>> No.6683841

Wait, episode of what?

>> No.6683852
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All you need is the book. There's scripture to support that too I believe.