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/lit/ - Literature

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6681049 No.6681049 [Reply] [Original]

What do you call a person who reads more non-fiction than fiction?

>> No.6681055


>> No.6681073

grad students

>> No.6681081 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.66 MB, 1076x1105, 1434158866177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretentious cunts.

>> No.6681087

That looks like it is a delicious doughnut.

>> No.6681092

Fuck off! That pic fucks with me so bad.

>> No.6681095

>muh made up stories make me such an intellectual

Yeah like every bitch I ever talked to who can't even keep a conversation about current events in the world or even fucking knows what the Seleucid Empire is.

Guess who is the pretentious cunt here.

>> No.6681097


>>6681073 is also correct

>> No.6681110


How much do you mention the works of any novelist in conversation and how far does it even go than saying "yeah great book".

>> No.6681188
File: 90 KB, 393x381, why3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you don't talk about literature with anyone
>tfw you don't talk about music with anyone
>tfw you don't talk about movies with anyone

Just smile and nod, m8s

>> No.6681202

That's about the extent of the discussion on books here as well. What's your point?

>> No.6681222

someone who reads more nonfiction than fiction

>> No.6681233

>tfw no one to discuss Ulysses, Burzum, and Goodfellas with.

>> No.6681235


500 novels later you're not a richer human being.
You're still a judgemental piece of shit.

>> No.6681240

Someone who is going to be successful, if only they'd stop browsing /lit/.

>> No.6681251

Hey, I never said people who read more fiction were richer human beings. I read more non-fiction myself. I just said they're boring.

>> No.6681254

wow ur a fag

people who listen to metal past age 16 should be lined up and shot

>> No.6681266

You don't have a very high IQ, do you?

>> No.6681287

What the hell is wrong with non-fiction?

You can't tell me I'm the only one who enjoyed Storm of Steel.

>> No.6681291

i wouldn't know, but at least i have some fucking taste

metal is the music of manchildren and trampstamped sloots full of STDs and daddy issues. decent people cringe and shudder when they notice grown men with band tees and headphones blaring mind-numbing double bass wankery and endless jerk-off guitar solos, and with good reason.

>> No.6681300

>double bass
>guitar solos

Oh my.

>> No.6681304

/lit/ actually thinks they can understand the modern world by only reading things 500 years old. People here aren't too smart.

>> No.6681308

Go hang yourself you triggered cunt.

>> No.6681327

Do you know what a double bass is?

>> No.6681331

Trust me there are lots of plebs for that. Faggot.

>> No.6681345

i was talking of metal in general you monumental homo. i don't care what your favourite group of heavily make-up'd faggots particular thing is, it all needs to be purged.

>> No.6681347
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>> No.6681353

i'm sorry, but someone had to tell you.

>> No.6681359

Confirmed 17 and first day on /mu/

>> No.6681373
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I don't think /lit/ is much experienced with music, some people on here really seem tunnel visioned and not at all eclectic.

>> No.6681382

Genius, doctor, professor, Sebastian, intensely curious, knowledge-hungry, a bearer of distinct interests, autodidact, unimaginative, and/or a historian.

Idk, I think reading non-fiction is far more useful in terms of its impact on your overall wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, etc. etc.

>> No.6681386
File: 156 KB, 347x391, f483983f4e5e867df30228dc79e74559.347x391x1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking Goodfellas
Go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.

>> No.6681388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6681406
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You haven't felt my pain.

I basically wear KISS makeup everyday. I have to kill my neighbors' pets to show how \m/ I am. I write metal lyrics that would blow your mind, but they have to be yelled hoarsely to really get the feeling across. I bet you even wash your hair.

I'm going to write a song about this. I already have the riff in my head. Have fun being afraid of the dark. 666

>> No.6681413

>Dad has been happily married for over thirty years, had me, and has a large library of non-fiction including many books about trains (the marriage thing is offered as evidence of his lack of autism, although I've just set you all up for a bunch of jokes, you just have to tell them)
>dad has stated more than once that the last book-length work of fiction he read was "Charlotte's Web" in grade school

>properly understood, "literature" at least includes both fiction and non-fiction as meta-genres

>Personally enjoy both, but think about starting a thread devoted to non-fiction, art books, histories, etc
>see /lit's/ attitude toward non-fiction


Actually, though, philosophy and "theory" general as a genre, which /lit/ really enjoys (as the good left wing board that it is) interestingly bridges the gap between fiction and non-fiction in that it involves thought experiments yet to be carried out, speculation, etc, yet deals typically with The Real World.

Come to think of it, not that anybody cares, but dad is actually a published author in multiple genres - a how-to hobby guide, a brief history of a local transportation service, magazine articles about modelmaking, and a children's book (oh fug dad's autistic it all makes sense now). He even took a year and a half to write a mystery/thriller which I'm now remembering for the first time in years, no, I don't believe trains played a big role. That one didn't get published though, he has the manuscript in a box.

>> No.6681414

goodfellas is shit, but what can you expect from a guy who listens to BURZUM

even ulysses ... i'm not saying it's bad, just that it's in the same vein of stuff smug edgy 13 year olds would be obsessed with, assuming people around them would be impressed.


>> No.6681416
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I bet you like Kubrick too.

>> No.6681419

Do you still believe in the dichotomy between fiction and non-fiction ?

>> No.6681428
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>this thread

>> No.6681429
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Yeah and Nabokov. Get off of /lit/

>> No.6681432

The only Kubrick movie I've seen is Full Metal Jacket. I liked the first half.

>> No.6681434


>> No.6681446

>I liked the first half.
> liking the first, not the better, more patrician, second half

>> No.6681463
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The second half is retarded:

'Eh look at my helmet! There's a peace sign next to a 'born to kill' logo. Does thou sees it yet? The duality of man broooo! It's like so deep yo.'

>> No.6681482

And that's the best a Kibrick Gil can ever get.
That director is honestly entry level for the plebs to higher tier art. Much like how /lit/ considers Camus.

>> No.6681494
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The only one who is retarded is you, if that's what you got out of Full Metal Jacket.

>> No.6681509

lol, this faggot put an apostrophe on Finnegans Wake... stupid fucking pleb didn't know that Joyce intended it for the multiplicity of humanity. There is no "Finnegan."

>> No.6681513

it's obviously a joking remark about how a guy thinking for himself, however awkwardly, will be misunderstood, treated with suspicioun and put into his place because military structure (at that time at least) necessarily rejects the idea of 'academia', of contemplation of any sort and of more abstract concepts; the futility and tragic hilarity of a guy trying to be different in a place where you're supposed to be anything but.

you know, the things a character says in a movie are not always necessarily directly what the writer is trying to say, it can be more nuanced, sometimes it's actually the complete opposite.


>> No.6681519


>showing off your books on Facebook

Good god, might as well wear a fedora to demonstrate your superior intellect and taste.

>> No.6681525

Nice ad hominem, maybe you'd like to refute his actual argument?

>> No.6681529
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Get of your high horse it's pretty self evident what it's about by the end of it. Like most Kunrick films they end on a sort of explanatory note in dialogue usually or done other firm.
My point was that the rest of his films are shit, basically everything but his theme/message/point/whatever you choose to call it. It's extremely boring to watch if you've seen more than say 250 films already, very boring, unless you're new to those themes that you don't realise its crappy execution because you're sucked in. Like I said: entry tier.

>> No.6681539


>> No.6681542


They're just pretentious is all.

>hurr durr it's old therefore it's good

>> No.6681552

>assuming I fidnt a actually get that
>implying just because I make a crude joke out of it that I didn't see the director's intent
>educating me on the basics of storytelling
Thanks for posting mate. See you again.

>> No.6681565



There is nothing to refute here at all.. He's just a fucking dork.

>relative to the masses I am an intellectual nyyyyaaahhhhhh

Jesus Christ, just stop being 17 already.

>> No.6681567

it was an abysmal unfunny 'joke' that did nothing to explain why you thought the second half was bad.

>> No.6681568

Fuck wrong picture.

>> No.6681573


>> No.6681580

Not that guy but Burzum isn't good.

>> No.6681581

nothing to see.

>> No.6681593

>proudly stating you don't like Kubrick

Maximum velocity pleb

>> No.6681609
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>openly defending him
>being this ironic
You're really going all out, or just:
Watch some actual film.
Seriously what do you guys like about hm if it's not what I've already accused?

>> No.6681612
File: 95 KB, 500x377, really13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual film

Oh fucking please, film is the shittiest artistic medium on earth (yes, literally including video games). You couldn't name a properly patrician film if you tried.

Cue the butthurt baneposters from /tv/

>> No.6681615


>> No.6681619

You realise comparing them to video games that nobody is gonna take such open bait?

>> No.6681623

One of Scorseses weakest films. Even the wolf of meme street is better than goodfellas

At least post something cool like mean streets

>> No.6681631

/tv/ is one of the most perpetually assmad subforums on 4chan, and here's why: you see the exact same behavior in any group of people with a guilty conscience. Plebs are always the first to come running to defend their "tastes".

>> No.6681644

Which is supposed to be his strongest?
The two you mentioned plus Aviatar and that other one all seem like copy pastes of each other with minor differences.

>> No.6681649

Actually explain why Kubrick is bad.

>> No.6681650

Wait, are you the one who posted it?

>> No.6681657

What is "it"

>> No.6681664

No, I'd say it's far more spectral. Also, some fiction is far more accurate of a representation of life than non, though less factual; and vice-versa.

>> No.6681671

The bait to get them to defend their tastes.

>> No.6681676

It's not bait, it's a true statement, and that is more or less the reason no one debated it.

>> No.6681680

Okay. I like that answer. Non-fiction-reading status confirmed.

>> No.6681684

Okay that's enough outa you:

>> No.6681689

>damage control
>still hasn't even named a single good film

>> No.6681692


>> No.6681695

i hope none of you actually opened the image...

also reported

>> No.6681699
File: 61 KB, 518x284, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't compete with a Tarkovsky film. Well Kubrick at least.