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6681009 No.6681009 [Reply] [Original]

>spent the last 5 years trying to become more mature, make peace with the establishment and making myself believe there's a natural balance in the way things are
>edgy teen feelings about how I don't fit, how I dislike mainstream politics and media and how I think everyone is stupid are coming back with a vengeance

I need to refine this sentiment or I'll start sounding like a dumb 17 year old again because that's when I dropped this entire enterprise.

What should I read that is relevant to this worldview? A friend recommended Adorno's Culture Industry, is it good?

>> No.6681024

Adorno's thesis is basically that everyone is a brain dead retard.

>make peace with the establishment

Might as well cut your balls off, don't be a cuck

>> No.6681037


>> No.6681038

Read operaismo.
Join the union.

>> No.6681047

bump, I'm interested in this as well.

>> No.6681064

>Might as well cut your balls off, don't be a cuck

Don't worry m8, I'm done with this shit.

>> No.6681109

I've gone through that cycle to, it's brought on by reading.

Read to much Marx and Baukunin now I'm calling DNR boat people sea pigs and telling social justice warriors they didn't read their Marx very well

Not fun

>> No.6681156

Reading without praxis is like fucking without genitals.

>> No.6681171

Lol. The internet superego makes you faggots uncomfortable about having "edgy" opinions and you all cave in like the [buzzword incoming] sheep you are.

Here's what you really ought to be coming to terms with: you're weak, impotent, and powerless. Reading a bunch of Marxism isn't going to do anything but make your powerlessness more annoying.

Also, your "friend" didn't recommend Adorno, you read it on the internet.

>> No.6681203

Having unfavorable views can have lasting effects in your work place and relationships

I don't care about being edgy but if your not a dumb ass you obviously watch what you say around certain people.

>> No.6681213

I'm pretty sure there is a huge fetish potential to this.

>> No.6681229

So "making myself believe there's a natural balance in the way things are" is now "watching what you say around certain people"? You're all over the place. Nevermind the fact that you associate anti-establishment values with being "a dumb 17 year old" and "peace with the establishment" with maturity.

Think more historically, faggot. How far back does this idea of being comfortable with consumerism and corporatism go, exactly? 50 years?

>> No.6681485

>Here's what you really ought to be coming to terms with: you're weak, impotent, and powerless. Reading a bunch of Marxism isn't going to do anything but make your powerlessness more annoying.

I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make

>> No.6681503

It's pretty straightforward, bro.

>> No.6681517
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>make peace with the establishment

>> No.6681521


Its like your balls are trying to tell you something but your social programming does not want to listen.

>> No.6681526

Ironically age is one of the only limitations stirner acknowledges.

>> No.6681534

Ironically, you didn't get the ebin maymay.

>> No.6681536

That's not ironic. That's nothing. That's nothing at all.

>> No.6681546

Have you considered the very recent and distinctly Postmodern, primarily Internet-age concept of "the Edgy" does not stand in an absolute dichotomy with the mature? Tempting as it may sometimes be, one shouldn't confuse what the Internet says with absolute wisdom. We are all only young men here, though I'd wager most of us are quite intelligent. Sometimes the mature consists of the breakaway or even the aloofly intellectual. Although the masses are often quite right, they often are not. One should always strive for the mature thing, sure enough, but what the average adult does is often immature in the extreme. As the other anon said, part of maturity is not allowing the Internet superego - or any superego, for that matter - to become so influential in your thoughts as to dictate them. And of course the Internet superego isn't exactly the soundest one out there!

>> No.6681634

>edgy teen feelings about how I don't fit, how I dislike mainstream politics and media and how I think everyone is stupid are coming back with a vengeance

Having these feelings as a result of experience in the world is different than trying to make yourself feel them in order to be "edgy".

It's likely that your character as a teenager was to some extent the result of admiring emulation of the sort of person you're becoming now. Congratulations.

>> No.6681653




>> No.6681668

Marx and Engels

>> No.6681772

what's lacanian about that

>> No.6681841

Being this edgy about society is a problem that more or less has to do with speaking when you should be acting. Do something about it slick

>> No.6681861

>What should I read that is relevant to this worldview?
I can't tell you what you should read either I force you or I ignore your demands

Life is hard

>> No.6681864

It's ironic, you fail this time naysayer.

>> No.6681865


Oh really? The patron saint of /lit/ Max Stirner would say the same thing.

>> No.6681866

>spent the last 5 years trying to become more mature, make peace with the establishment and making myself believe there's a natural balance in the way things are
Sounds like you have't matured much since your early twenties/late teens. It really took you 5 years to overcome such adolescent angst?
Don't try to mature! That is so counterintuitive! Just do more things and put yourself in more new and/or difficult situations!

Maybe you're so awkward because you spend too much time reading edgy anarchism.
You can't spell "Good socialist skills" without "Good social skills." Keep that in mind.

>> No.6681893

>feelings about how I don't fit, how I dislike mainstream politics and media and how I think everyone is stupid are coming back with a vengeance
>adolescent angst
Please Anon.


>> No.6681917


Everything in that list, except the dissatisfaction with mainstream politics, I would consider facets of (often adolescent) angst.

>> No.6681999
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Well OP, and here are my 2 cents.

Being edgy doesn't necesarily mean: 'I don't fit [with society], how I dislike mainstream politics and media and how I think everyone is stupid' As far as how I view it, being edgy means to have an opinion on subjects of social importance, such as religion, politics or economy, that's purely based on an acid criticism and trying to be contrary, generally these opinions and ideas are regurgitated from someone else and the Edgy person only dominates the superficial part of them. An Edgy guy wouldn't develop their ideologies to the point of putting them in a debate, because to him they are absolute truths and they don't have a sound base of arguments in favour of them. Generally there is the feeling of thinking that they are an special snowflake in the world.

Take for example any edgy type of guy on the Internet, let's say that he is Atheist. He will defend 'his' form Atheism out of pure ignorance to feel superior and contrary to the established. Would he answer with strong arguments against the defense of Aquinas of the existance of God as the 'prima causa'? I don't think so, he would, regurgitate the ideas of someone else. Being Edgy in part means that one wants to be an special snowflake, but lacks the will to not be a subject of other's ideas, you just accept them because they give meaning to your life. Plus, he isn't balanced about what he thinks, you can dislike a position, but you also need to understand the different POV's that exist and not give a tantrum or feel a superiority complex against others, if you understood a subject which you feel you have an strong opinion about, you shouldn't be emotionally surprised about others thoughts.

If you are a mature person, you will develop your own ideas about morality, politics or social justice, but, even if they are alike with someone else's (let's say you are inspired by a writer), yours should be unique to you because you dwelved on the subjects for enough time to realize that you agree and disagree on certain topics with the person that wrote them. It would be extremely hard that you meet another person that has the same thoughts on everything as you do. Uniqueness isn't something you thrived, but something that you realized. If you are mature and you are an Atheist, you wouldn't say things like: 'I hate God and Christianity, they made society stagnate for 1000 years. You should feel bad about this!', instead something like: 'I found very unlikely the existance of God for this reasons ... Although I don't have the same opinion as you, I respect religion and what they did'

Yes OP, you can think that media and politicians are wrong, if you have an strong, mature and well thought opinion without being a 17 yo edgy boy. Maturity doesn't relate with status-quo either, maturity means that you got over the phase in your life when you thought you where the only person that exists in this world, and that you needed to fight (and win) with everyone about everything.

>> No.6682012

Not really an awkward guy, these things come out when you drunk and talking to people.

I live on the east coast and visited a friend on the west recently. We were at a bar he was wearing a Mexico poncho and I made a joke about cultural appropriation and he got super upset and said I was right.

His friend then asked why he was so upset from what I said and he explained white privilege in great length I moved some bar seats down

>> No.6682019

Wow I've had a few. Clarification "when your drunk"

My friend wasn't wearing a poncho, some random dude was that my joke was directed towards

>> No.6682133

This is a 10/10 post.
I would like to read more of your writings/opinions on things, anon.

>> No.6682156

You know that despite the fact that this faggot took too long to say nothing, the length of the post alone will prompt /lit/ to praise it, as usual.

>> No.6682173

You know that despite the fact that this faggot took one sentence to say nothing, the quality of this post alone will prompt /lit/ to hate it, as usual.

>> No.6682193
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>Be 18
>Constant feelings of alienation and anxiety
>Unable to reconcile my megalomania with the extreme mediocrity of public school
>Can't find any meaning in contemporary society
>tfw unable to find validation for my angst because teenagers are exposed to feel this way

Rousseau helps ebb the ennui if you're looking for suggestions. Bataille, weirdly enough, makes me feel strangely optimistic as well.

>> No.6682207

>>spent the last 5 years trying to become more mature, make peace with the establishment

You're the biggest fool in the world.

>> No.6682220

Forget all these dumb collectivists recs
What you need is a good dose of individualism. Read Stirner

>> No.6682309

How did I say nothing, my points are crystal clear in the post. If you think I wrote nothing, then show me.

>> No.6682335

Shut up, dummy.

>> No.6682350

You just hit 25, congrats your brain has fnished growing. Tough it out though the next 3-5 years and its plain sailing. Your dendrites are being pruned heavily causing severance between ideas, in essence your brain is sorting the good from the bad, the stuff that isn't needed from the stuff it is programmed to keep hold of. From a /lit perspective you can now start to understand philosophy, logic and reason as it is meant to be, your empathy, now a front brain process not the sloppy thing of before means you can finally "put yourself in anothers position" mentally and emotionally and all this goes towards enjoying what you read on a new level.

>> No.6682355


A good life comes with confrontations with our ineptitudes. The man without ineptitudes has not yet been born. Do not claim to be that man.

>> No.6682361

How do you still have edgy anti-establishment sentiments in your mid-twenties? I'm 26 and it's been 2-3 years since I realized pragmatism is the only way to get through life or get anything done.

>> No.6682362

growing up sucks so much, why can't we be capable of managing millenniums of societal evolution from the get go? why can't physical evolution finally catch up with sociocultural evolution? sucks so much to be a monkey.

>> No.6682368

What do you even mean by "pragmatism"?

I have my own thoughts on pragmatism but I doubt our ideas of what it is even intersect because you seem uneducated

>> No.6682369

This reminds me very much about when Nietzsche talked about "unpleasantness" in debater types.

Almost as if you can believe anything, and even argue for it with other; but the type of person who, without realizing it, makes things an an "le fite me debate" are truly insufferable for everyone.

I think its true, as you say, that a mature person develops their own unique view and would acknowledge them in others. Its only someone truly stunted who thinks they are the only unique person.

also makes me think of that Aristotle(?) quote, 'its the mark of a strong mind if someone can entertain an idea without accepting it'(paraphrased).
My god this is so true; if you see people who walk around unable to entertain other ideas, its like they walk around in a constant crisis feeling as if they are under ontological attack from every direction.
Its almost comical how they overreact or misinterpret discussion.

>> No.6682386

>you seem uneducated
lol why the fuck do you expect me to respond seriously after you throw in a random, uncalled for insult?

>> No.6682390


when you think how retarded you were at 16 then realize that in the past some kings were 16.
jesus fucking Christ, giving a teenager total control.

How did we ever make it this far.

reminder 300 years ago people were still attacking castles

>> No.6682398

People are still attacking castles.

>> No.6683447

I'd hardly call being over 30 plain sailing, 40-50 is when suicide rates are stupidly high.

>> No.6683475

consider that when you're young you have idealized notions of how the world works.

and you get angsty and uppity because you're finding out that the world isn't perfect and doesn't work like that. you think you've figured something special out. you get angsty when all the older people who have moved passed that years ago seem like they don't care.

your maturity will come as you develop a sense of your real relationship to the world and accepting that things aren't perfect nor fair. we try for it but reality is rarely it.

>> No.6683511

Do you like underground politics and media?

>> No.6683633

whoever labels such feelings under a stupid umbrella term such as " edgy " or angst obviously hasnt even faced the thing in themselves and are effectively gelded

Theres nothing wrong with acknowledging that society is genrally fucked up and most people are uttet idiots, but of course you can still make a living and enjoy yourself too