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6680857 No.6680857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why would God create Satan?

He obviously has knowledge of the future as shown through the book of revelations.

>> No.6680860


I always thought it was an incentive for humans to be moral

>> No.6680865

>Why would God create Satan?

To blame shit on.

>> No.6680868

I always thought it was so Satan could be a scapegoat for the shitty stuff that God does.

>> No.6680883

I'm pretty sure the modern understanding of "Satan" is very far off from the original intention of the character.

>> No.6680885

He can see into the future, it's just the human conception of time is backwards, what we call "the past" is actually "the future".
We can all see into the future to varying degrees, God is simply the best at it.

>> No.6680892

Because He can.

>> No.6680893
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>God is good and holy
>That's why he created the most evil being in existence despite knowing it'd end up being evil.
>God loves all mankind.
>That's why he's sending a bunch of them to hell.

>> No.6680899

1) Because God loves Satan, (that's pretty much the reason he creates anything), and 2) for the sake of the good Satan would bring about unintentionally.

>> No.6680902

satan is just god in disguise
being good all the time is too boring

>> No.6680907

>omg backwards is forwards and forwards is backwards and future is varying degrees god is so great hurr durr i have no evidence im autistic someone please put me out of my misery.

>> No.6680914

>hurr durr wugga wugga ding dong

Get back to Reddit kiddo

>> No.6680917
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>Questioning God
I'll see you morons in hell (from heaven)

thinking you can understand the motivations of the omnipotent? why are fedoras so fucking arrogant and ignorant?

>> No.6680922

>Oh look it's someone who said something I don't like, I should reply to them.
>Hmm, I know. I'll tell them to go back to reddit or /pol.

>> No.6680936

Read a book about it and spare us your teenage musings.

>> No.6680964

>makes a world where children are raped and die of preventable disease
>gets butthurt when someone asks why

christfags btfo

>> No.6680987

>things I don't like happen
>ergo there is no God
are you trolling or do you actually believe this?

>> No.6681004

This world is as perfect as it can be, sans the actions of the Men in it who He gave free will.

>> No.6681048

>babbys first hermeneutics

>> No.6681054

Imagine reading Milton without the terrible jokes. That's why.

>> No.6681069

>caring about non-issues

>> No.6681425

What book should I read?

>> No.6681430

Well, I personally dont believe in his existence, it is more of a postchristian myth based on pagan superstitions.
but suppose he exists, it is usually explained in this way
Angels are free beings therefore capable of sinning, as angels dont posses bodies they are only capable of intellectual sins like pride.
God created Satan not as an evil being but as a free being who then chose to become evil

>> No.6681440

try a wiki article

>> No.6681516


Because, anon, the bible is fiction. Those are stories, they are not real.

>> No.6681556

Same reason you made this thread - for fun

>> No.6681570

And if God is omniscient, as he explicitly is stated to be, then he would know the exact choices Satan would make, and exactly what would happen. Therefore all of time is hypothetically predetermined by God, therefore any "free" choice we make is predetermined, therefore the choice is not free

>> No.6681582


But how about the evil Satan brings about intentionally? What about the hosts of sinners who end up in hell?

>> No.6681595


>things happen that cause tremendous suffering without human causation whatsoever
>"K, God does things which aren't nice."
>"He's still the supremely benign entity that is painted in the NT tho, like for no reason guise."

>> No.6681604


Yeah, and even the free choice of God is known beforehand therefore it is predetermined, therefore God is a slave to his own condition, as is the universe he created.

>> No.6681611

You must be pretty special for an omnipotent deity to subscribe to you ethical and moral values and determinations.

Read Job and City of God you dumb fuck. If you've already read them ask an older boy to explain them to you because you clearly didn't understand them.

>> No.6681621


If you ever use that argument against the omnipotence paradox I posted, ever, you will suffer in misery for at least a decade.

>> No.6681622


What ethical and moral value is there in dying of malaria or getting crushed by a fallen building in an earthquake?

And don't get me started on determinism.

>> No.6681625
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>mfw God #reks Job at the end of that book

>> No.6681626


>taking a story written by a bunch of Jews in the desert 2000 years ago literally


>> No.6681628


I'm not using it as an argument against, but rather as a supporting evidence against the axioms.

Also why would you wish a decade of misery on anyone?

>> No.6681630
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A question I've always wondered is, why is it much easier to believe in God, rather than Satan. When a pastor starts spewing off about fire, brimstone, devil, satan and all that shit... I roll my eyes. Is there any denomination that doesn't believe in hell and satan crap? Cause I think that would be my group.

>> No.6681639

>2000 years ago
It's more than that, though

>> No.6681641

>Read Job and City of God you dumb fuck. If you've already read them ask an older boy to explain them to you because you clearly didn't understand them.
I've quoted the part of my original post you didn't respond to and probably didn't read. all of this has been covered in the aforementioned books hundreds of years ago. Please don't apply your human understanding of evil to the omniscient infinity.

>> No.6681643


It's not a wish.

It's a spell.

>> No.6681651
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Edgelords always seem to think that we are living in the logical conclusion of civilization. If you asked God, he might tell you that we're only at the beginning.

You don't know how God's story is going to end, so why are you so assdevastated about His plans? Just live your life the way Christ taught. It is impossible to go wrong that way. It's like Buddhism except phenomenally less self-centered and faggoty.

>> No.6681656


>> No.6681694

Is the quote in this thread? If so, can you link to it because I can't find it.

>don't apply your human understanding of evil to the omniscient infinity.

But then, how can you have a conception of sin and virtue? Rely solely on the Scripture? Or the Church?

>> No.6681697

> Implying Christianity is a valid Abrahamic faith
> Implying anything in the New Testament beyond the gospels isn't pure heresy

>> No.6681700


Okay, let me rephrase that, why would you spell a decade of misery on anyone?

>> No.6681707
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Sin either hurts you or it hurts somebody else (or both). It's not like Jesus and his disciples made it up for a cheeky bant.

>> No.6681719

its >>6681611
Sin and virtue are ethical standards held to human behavior/existence. It doesn't apply to God's nature. The christian faith is primarily a personal religion so you cannot rely on the Church, rather you can base your ethics of the message and themes of the Gospels. Ideally you will come to embody Love and follow His direction.

>> No.6681727
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Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell Protestant scum

>> No.6681731

Because it would be boring as shit otherwise and Satan is the guy who livens up the party even though he brings the cops every time

>> No.6681733

God says we're at the end, and we should be expecting the apocalypse soon™

>> No.6681738

Literally nope. All Jesus ever told you is that you will not know the day nor the hour. If you think you do, you sure as shit are wrong.

>> No.6681762

Hell of a lazy writing trick tbh.

Sneaky doe.

>> No.6681765
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>he saith -- who is testifying these things -- `Yes, I come quickly!' Amen! Yes, be coming, Lord Jesus!
Revelations 22:20

>Verily I say to you, there are certain of those standing here who shall not taste of death till they may see the Son of Man coming in his reign.
Matthew 16:28


>> No.6681768


But what about heresy for example? Clearly, from historical (and probably most contemporary) perspectives, it is a sin to adhere to heresy.

Let's say one adheres to heresy on his own, and keeps his beliefs to himself, he's only causing harm to himself on the predicament that the nature of his belief goes somehow against salvation. But, except for that line of reasoning, how does the act of heresy by itself cause hurt? Don't we get circular reasoning, that essentially goes 'it is sin because it is sin'. And you may say that it is sin because it alienates one from God, but is there really room for alienation if we can't apply "human understanding of evil to the omniscient infinity"?

>> No.6681777

"Soon" with quotation marks is right.

You should have known better than to take literally someone who operates in orders of eternity.

All heretical belief systems are inherently unfulfilling because they are made up by men. It's not the kind of hurt that you feel in a day, but rather over the course of your lifetime.

>> No.6681782

I'm pretty sure Satan was an angel that fucked up

>> No.6681783

>You should have known better than to take literally
>Literally nope.
Sort yourself out.

>> No.6681787


>made up by men
Made up by men who believe they are in the communion with the divine. How is that rationally different from your mainstream christian standpoint?

>> No.6681797

Heresy was persecuted by political parties in organized religion. To claim they were christians in the vein of Jesus would be an error. The Church only fought for christian uniformity after elements of it were corrupted by secular ambitious cabals.

Read Augustine's City of God to learn more about the relation between the secular and the religious.

>> No.6681820


Well, historically, the Church (Roman Catholic) played as much ballgame with the 'ambitious political cabals' as any institution. Just look at some of the papal schisms - what else was it about but the strive for codification of secular power?

>> No.6681825

God got jelly of Lucifer and turned him into a demon, put him in eternal prison and made him a scapegoat for all the evils of the world

Meanwhile God attention whores and makes people his worship slaves for all eternity

pretty fucked up tbh

>> No.6681831
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the actions of human individuals do not dispel the dogma of Our Lord.

>> No.6681838


>> No.6681843


And which dogma would that be?

>> No.6681847


>> No.6681855


Which Christianity?

Surely you're not implying that all of Christianity is the dogma of Christ.

>> No.6681862

There is only one true Christianity which can not be limited to a sect or institution.

>> No.6681877

We've got a protestant over here

>> No.6681879


But then, aren't all the sects and institutions arbitrary, and at times even malicious? Isn't maybe the Church as an institution of this world flawed, and maybe outrighly dangerous, and isn't then the relationship with Christ the question and only the question of an individual?

>> No.6681884

Man created Satan--Hell, too.

Boogiemen for adults.

>> No.6681889

It depends on the specifics for each of those but possibly yes.

I wouldn't define myself that way but if you would like to categorize me go ahead. I think I am similar to Peter of Bruys.

>> No.6681906


Then how do you distinguish between heresy and the 'true faith'? What is there to grasp on to? Isn't even this distinction arbitrary?

Is not the act of putting faith into Crhist really about putting the faith in Him eventually bestowing the salvific relationship with Himself upon all people, no matter how sinful or ignorant they might seem at this particular time?

>> No.6681926

Determining heresy seems to me judging another man's relationship with God. I have no right to declare something Heresy. I think there are 2 principles of Christian Faith. Love and follow God's direction. I try to adhere to them as best I can but it is a personal Jesus I relate to.
>bestowing the salvific relationship with Himself upon all people, no matter how sinful or ignorant they might seem at this particular time?
This aligns with many of his teachings.

I have to go to bed now.

>> No.6681939


Every evil Satan brings about intentionally, brings about a justifying good unintentionally.

Sinners who end up in Hell were created for the same reason: because God loves them, and judges it worth allowing their free-willed self-ruin in order to have them be, and because, vile though their sins are, the goods they unintentionally bring about will help perfect the goods this creation was made to realise.

>> No.6681943

>like Buddhism except phenomenally less self-centered

lol do you know anything at all about Buddhism

>> No.6681977


That's all very nice, but still if you're willing to accept that view, it leaves immense number of conscious beings to experience suffering for eternity. So it's the salvation of few offset by the suffering of many, all perpertrated by the love of God, huh?

And what free will really is there? I assume that according to your view, some people can be saved by experiencing God directly. To give an example, you have a sinner who is lucky enough to experience Christ and repent (and therefore save his soul) and another sinner, who is not so lucky and ends up in hell for eternity. How did God decide which of these people do experience the Christ directly and which do not? And what free will is there, when your salvation depends by extended reasoning on the random whim of God?

>> No.6682009
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If God exists and is truly perfect, he must have the power of reason.
Humans are endowed with the gift of reason, perhaps by God.
If God wants us to act in a certain way, why does He not merely explain why rather than telling humans a bunch of vague anecdotes and expecting us to care? Why would God not appeal to our shared power of reason?
>b-but His plan is unknowable by mortals
Why did He not create a species that could understand, instead of billions of deaf-mute pawns?

>> No.6682013
File: 51 KB, 500x543, Trolling+christfag+well+this+dick+nugget+just+raged+at+http+funnyjunkcom+channel+atheism+unfortunately+true+axytgnk+194+194+and+i_12f326_3700128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be God
>create universe where every living thing is engaged in a perpetual struggle for resources
>muh free will

>> No.6682018

there's a ton of answers, depending on who you ask, cuz religion is kind of a clusterfuck

i think the jews saw satan more as a prosecutor to test you instead of an actual, evil being

>> No.6682029

>inv4 some pleb will probably respond to this with muh Book of Job and muh tests

>> No.6682032

Why do atheists subscribe to christian morality but reject Christian God?

>> No.6682047

why do some?

probably it's just convenient

do u even feuerbach

>> No.6682054

>why is it much easier to believe in God, rather than Satan

My guess is personal wish fulfillment. I imagine philosophy majors in college roll their eyes at stories of 8 dollars an hour at Starbucks and debts becoming due, yet listen quite attentively to stories of people becoming consulted and even renowned thinkers.

I'm not sure why you think the idea of God and Heaven has so much more credence than the Devil and Hell. They are both fabrications of which you can actually chart the idea's evolution and vague origins--neither of which are actually even represented in the Old Testament.

It's like Christians who claim loudly that the Mormons believe some zany shit. Yeah, the Mormons do, but virgin David Copperfield is totally normal and not weird. Right.

>> No.6682061

He create Lucifer and he created free will, Lucifer chose his fate.
Once again, don't project your teenage utopian morality onto a perfect, absolute, transcendental being, because you are literally objectively wrong.

>> No.6682086

Perhaps in recognizing that god, having created such misery for human souls, while not permitting humans in his law to inflicting suffering on other souls atheists recognize the hypocrisy of god with which they stop belief in it, because it is also supposedly perfect, for surely a hypocrite is not perfect.

>> No.6682093


>throwing around empty ad hominem
Boy, what a great way to prove your point!

>> No.6682096
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>> No.6682097

See: >>6682061
I don't think you know what ad hominem is.

>> No.6682106


>teenage utopian morality
>doesn't give any arguments
How is this not an ad hominem?

>> No.6682109

I would have probably posted this about 10 years ago. Word-for-word.

>> No.6682110
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>We have to thank god for our lives, food, praise the lord etc
>count our blessings every day
>god lets clifford olsen murder and rape a dozen kids
>Oh god's morality is just different and we can't know it!

Very convenient.

>> No.6682112
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lel wondering why we live in a universe with the potentiality for such horrific suffering is just teenage edginess now. never go full retard

>> No.6682115

>I'm above a perfect being!
>A perfect being must answer to MY feelings!

>> No.6682122

i dont think a perfect being needs u defending him on a malaysian image board

if you cant empathize with suffering ur a pretty shit christian hth

>> No.6682127

>ur bad becuz i said so

>> No.6682128

Why is being a utopian a bad thing?

>> No.6682130


A perfect being wouldn't let olsen and men like him run about raping kids. There is no conceivable morality in heaven or earth where that is alright.

But that's all academic because god doesn't exist. It's just a myth.

>> No.6682136

A perfect being would create whatever they want. Faggot.
Westboro is right. God hates you.

>> No.6682137

The Bible preaches empathy

>> No.6682142

>god must do this because of my feelings!

>> No.6682144

Bible is a book.

>> No.6682151

then he wouldn't be a perfect being because he would not morally perfect.

holy shit how fucking thick are you blokes

>> No.6682153
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I think you're confusing omnipotence with perfection fagatron

>> No.6682155

im so high right know, that i understand you

why dont we kill the nestle ceo, or jp morgan or google or whatever, just to be confident

>> No.6682161


So you wouldn't feel bad if your kid got raped? You would be like, "oh jeez, I guess god works in mysterious ways"

>> No.6682162


>> No.6682167

Why are you reverting to such petty arguments?

>> No.6682169

Maybe morality is bullshit.

Not really. A perfect being would do whatever it wants to do. It doesn't have to be omnipotent. Are you retarded or just can't read?

>> No.6682171

stop posting at strawmen in ur head faggot.

>> No.6682172

thats obvious
in a model you put things in a bigger relation to understand them easier

>> No.6682174

you're fucking retarded if you think anyone here is talking about whether or not a perfect being can do what it wants to do.

we're talking about the supposedly loving christian god.

>> No.6682176

Stop being 12 y/o guys. I would kill and rape if there were no concequences. Nobody would stop me. If God exists he loves what he did here. Everything is good. Even our pain. He loves our suffering. He is perfect. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

>> No.6682180

God loves everything he does.

>> No.6682181

Said the one making a myriad of logical fallacies, including strawman.

Listen here, you are arguing that your feelings are above a perfect deity.
If God says the acts in 120 Days of Sodom are moral, then they're moral you damn idiot.
Why? Because God is absolute, perfect, and transcendental, he defines what is good and evil.

You are objectively wrong.

>> No.6682182

Can these threads stop? Please?

>> No.6682183

If you're Christian you simply have to accept that at least one, and probably almost all, conscious beings were created to live for a short time and then suffer eternal torment, and that their suffering leads to a greater good than otherwise. Since God is omniscient, and is the first cause of everything, your decisions only appear free to you, but in reality are completely predetermined - you have only the "free will experience".

Fortunately, as Christians, we are among the elect.

>> No.6682191


Stockholm syndrome, much?

>> No.6682197

No, it's called not being a child by claiming you are above an absolute being.

>> No.6682199
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>if God says 120 days of sodom are moral, then they're moral
>120 days of sodom
>120 days of sodom

>> No.6682209


You can't prove god exists let alone prove he's an absolute being.

You christians are out of your minds.

>> No.6682215


So if God commanded you to commit suicide, you would go and buy the first good piece of rope you could find?

>> No.6682227


Okay, so trying to make sense of the world without resulting to void irrationality is in your opinion childishness? In that case yes, I'm being a child and I hope I will be as long as it takes.

Have your God who is somehow absolute, unknowable, beyond morals and who benedicts suffering, and yet somehow loves you.

>> No.6682237

He doesn't love me. Do you even know what Westboro is about? Damn. God hates everyone.

>> No.6682248


Why does anyone need to praise him then? The only rational thing would be to start an all out war against such an entity

>> No.6682272


>> No.6682285


Why not? He hates me and wants to destroy me, I'm just standing up for myself

>> No.6682290

Go ahead. I don't care.

>> No.6682294

this is not a satisfactory answer. The bible is very explicit in Satan's existence as an actual character and cause (the serpent, the rebel) - the question in the OP stands.

>> No.6682308

Someone has to do the dirty work. I want to see suffering but I don't want to be blamed for it. So I made this guy be the one responsible for it. "You deserve to be punished."

>> No.6682389

Because to for there to be good distinct from God's overwhelming presence there *has* to be evil. I know it's a cliche but it's true. Satan is the manifestation of this principle.

>> No.6682441

>Create Evil just so you've got something to be preferable to

Damn man, why is God such a needy beta?

>> No.6682453

Satan represents the unbeliever, someone for whom faith alone is insufficient to believe in God or Jesus as his son.
That's why Satan taunts Jesus and asks him to throw himself down from the temple, for proof of his divinity.
Jesus refuses, implying that there is no proof and you just need to do without it.

Pretty simple, really.

>> No.6682467

Satan is a very reasonable guy.

>> No.6682471


>> No.6682482
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Alternately, gnosticism, depending on your interpretation. VERY much depending on your interpretation.

>> No.6682528


It's the existence of all, which is perpetrated by the love of God. God loves everyone for their own sake, even the damned.

Damnation, the Second Death, is what God allows us to do to ourselves, out of love for the kind of thing we are: it is the natural outcome of a human life lived apart from the love of God, the exact worth of our finite achievements as weighed against a never-ending existence. That good which we derive directly from God, and which we cannot by our own power extinguish, i.e., our everlasting existence as rational beings, God unfailingly maintains, even for the damned. If there is anything that mitigates the horror of damnation, it would be this: that despite the very worst man can do to himself, God's love and grace remains to him.

> assume that according to your view, some people can be saved by experiencing God directly.

Depends what you mean by "directly." Few are saved, in my opinion, by intrinsically supernatural means. Even what most people call their private supernatural experience is not supernatural in the strict sense, as beyond the power of natural things to produce.

But God works through the natural, as is his habit, to bring people to himself by all kinds of means. He redeems by means of contact with his church, by means of the ordinary witness of individuals, by means of innumerable non-discursive factors, and ultimately by means of the freedom his power enables. Even reason plays its role- though from experience I think few enough people are free from moral evil or possess a strong enough intellect to arrive at faith purely by this route. Undergirding this natural witness, of course, is supernatural activity- the renewing work of the Holy Spirit.

Those who do benefit from the grace God has given us, God has decided to redeem out of his undeserved love, and for no other reason. For those who do not benefit from grace, do not benefit because they have lived lives out of right relation with God- God couldn't decide to save the unwilling if he wanted. There are none willing whom he has not given the means sufficient for salvation. The question in the case of the unwilling is why God creates the unwilling, and it seems to me that in this is amply answered by the fact that, for all their flaws, he loves them anyway.

>> No.6682536

it doesn't matter why. what matters is that the existence of satan and sin directly plays into god's plan. and surely god, who knows all the events, knows that satan would be defeated. the way god exists is in a state where satan has been defeated and doesn't exist. this 'paradox' is slowly being worked out in our temporal human world. it's still a part of the development of the kingdom of heaven, not a past event. the new testament story and the biography of jesus is ongoing

>> No.6682669
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Fucking kek'd so loud at this for some reason

>> No.6682681

Satan, like all angels, also have free will. This should be obvious.

>> No.6682687

>God's omnipotence doesn't allow him to remove evil and be all loving

>> No.6682693

>Satan, like all angels, also have free will. This should be obvious.
God is omnipotent and not bound by time. This should be obvious.

>> No.6682694


If God is indeed God and he can indeed see the future, then why are you implying that the creation of Satan was a bad thing or a mistake?

If he is indeed God then he is the creator of all things, and so must necessarily have created both good and evil.

If he can see the future, and yet has created Satan, then obviously he knew the outcome, and so Satan likely fills a necessary purpose neither you or I are aware of.

>> No.6682695

That is obvious and irrelevant. What are you getting at?

>> No.6682716

That an angel having this so-called free will doesn't prevent God from knowing it's 'future' actions.

>> No.6682726

Totally, but the same can be said of humanity. What's the issue here?
The capacity for sin is a necessary evil to allow the good to exist. Otherwise, love is mechanical and not love at all.

>> No.6682736
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>Why would God create Satan?

Out of boredom. Sin is the only interesting and entertaining thing about our miserable species. God would be bored to tears if everyone was a good little Christian and obeyed the bible, so he invented evil, and poverty, and cruelty, and hate, as a means of personal entertainment. Personally, I think he has a strong sadistic streak, and was probably masturbating furiously to Auschwitz, the Khmer Rouge, The Rwandan Genocide, etc...

>> No.6682741

>all powerful god can't remove boredom without resorting to psychopathy

>> No.6682743

>Out of boredom.
Impossible as God is perfect and thus by virtue of that has no needs

>> No.6682755

He's not that powerful. It took him a week to make everything. An all powerful God could have created everything instantly.

And he is bored. He is eternal and infinite, but still has to be some form of aware consciousness. He existed for an infinite amount of time before creating our universe. Why would he have bothered at all if he wasn't bored? He then created a perfect Eden, but mysteriously placed a forbidden tree and allowed Satan in as a talking snake, and let everything bad and evil to snowball down from there. He's just bored with his 'life' and wants an end to it. He sent himself/his son down as a test run and we successfully killed him, and he knows that in another few million years we will be advanced enough to actually kill God.

He could have created the perfect good without evil, but that would have been a boring feedback cycle. Our misery and suffering; the rapes, genocides, tortures, and poverty are all brief interim entertainment for him until we can evolve enough to slay him.

>> No.6682913


>An all powerful God could have created everything instantly.
Why would he, though? God wants things to exist not only as means to an end, but an end in itself. Why does an eternal being need to be in any rush to get anywhere?

>Why would he have bothered at all if he wasn't bored?

Just because you only act from boredom and necessity, doesn't mean God does. God is prior to all other being, hence in himself is free from everything else. So, he cannot be compelled by necessity.

God also acts from pure altruistic love. Since he has no needs or wants in himself, the only wants he could will to fulfil are those of his creatures.

>we will be advanced enough to actually kill God

Someone's been playing too much vidya.

>> No.6682969

Pistis ain't shit but hoes and tricks,
get on them knees and suck that dick

>> No.6682996

I really like that chair design, op

I think it takes a higher understanding to realize why evil is. I like neo-platonic philosophy.

>> No.6683008

the universe is deterministic; god knows everything but he can't do anything to prevent it. he had to create satan and then banish him and then pretend free will is a thing

>> No.6683741

>teenage utopian morality
So first my morality is Christian, and now my morality is teenage utopian? Do you realize what you just called yourself?

>> No.6683744

Actually it must. That's what perfection means.

>> No.6683746

>The bible is very explicit in Satan's existence as an actual character and cause (the serpent, the rebel
nigga which bible u been reading? dante and milton aint no bible hahaha

>> No.6683755

No it isn't. Humanity can't comprehend the omniscient

>> No.6683863

Point out where satan is in the bible and I'll answer your question

>> No.6683895

Oh shut the fuck up, that's such a cop out and you know it.
>People are pointin out logical inconsistencies in my religion.

>> No.6683923

the bible

>> No.6683937
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>> No.6683958

the bible isn't written by one person. it's different concepts that are somewhat alike but not consistent. even in the pentateuch there's big differences in what god "is", what he wants, how man was created etc

>> No.6683971
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First, you have to realize the difference between God and The Lord/Yahweh
And also the nature of Heaven

In Job, Satan asks, I think, The Lord to take all that Job has in his hand and consume it. The Lord says ok, and Satan takes all Job has in his hand
>satan asks the lord to do a bad thing
>lord agrees and satan does it

So Satan is the 'bad' side of The Lord
When you realize that Heaven is the mental plane, it puts it more into context

>> No.6683977

Satan is a representative of the absolute freedom of the will. He could have chosen to obey God, but he didn't.

Now, you might say that, since God knows the future, this means he allows people to ruin their lives and their eternities.

You would be right! That's the cruel razor edge of free will. Even when God knows you're going to end up miserable, he's still going to let you make your choices. This is, in fact, an expression of his love. Contrary to Hitchens' polemics, God isn't a tyrant. Free will is freedom to fall into evil. God knows what you're going to do, but lets you do it anyway.

Jesus even talks about this in all his parables where he throws people out into the darkness. Not everybody gets to be saved, yo.

>> No.6683981

has no basis in material analysis

>> No.6683984

What is are the differences in the Torah

>> No.6683990

God, moreso even than Satan, is an absolute expression of free will

And He is a tyrant (see Babel)
Think about it

>> No.6683996

People like you should be fucking crucified. I didn't say Satan wasn't "an actual character", and the little degradation of your sentence after that, "and cause (the serpent, the rebel)" has no connection to anything, nor does it even mean anything. And the nature of the bible and its construction/editing over time precludes it from being "explicit" about anything. Certainly not about whether the "Satan" of Job was the serpent of Genesis.

>> No.6684016
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god is in some places anthropomorphised, in others he's shown as 'intangible' something that can't be seen or clearly conceptualised.

there's two versions of the creation story, one in which man and woman are created at the same time, the other in which it's man -> animals -> woman (from man)

there's lots more. i recommend the oxford annotated bible, see pic related. you can find the pdf somewhere online, i used to have it, but i can't find it, the lib.gen.rus mirror is offline