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/lit/ - Literature

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6679497 No.6679497 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that you like that /lit/ considers uter chronic cancerous pleb tier

It's a John Green book but I'm afraid o say which it is

>> No.6679511

>/lit/ considers
/lit/ is not a hivemind.
>cancerous pleb tier
>utter chronic

>> No.6679537

most Vonnegut is good (except Breakfast of Champions, which sucks)
the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series are both fine, Hunger Games is even decently well written
Guns Germs and Steel is pretty good if underwhelming
Toni Morrison's entire corpus is better written than most of the stuff people here like

>> No.6679542

It's Looking for Alaska isn't it

>> No.6679561

Just fuck off now

>> No.6679597

breakfast of champions is great, you fiend

>> No.6679714

Cities of the plains

>> No.6679727 [DELETED] 


I'm reading this right now; on page 25. What did you like about it? Apart from the chapter where he describes the red ants vs the black ants, I find Walden to be a snooze.

>> No.6679732 [DELETED] 

>on page 25


>> No.6679735


I'm reading this right now; on page 205. What did you like about it? Apart from the chapter where he describes the war between the red ants and the black ants, I find Walden to be a snooze.

The "silly loon" was good too.

>> No.6679736

I could never figure out what /lit/'s stance is on Hemingway.

I find that he is extremely skillful at writing and his books felt very well constructed.

>> No.6679739 [DELETED] 
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Clearly, I meant to type page 205.

>> No.6679745

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.6679765
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I see a lot of Nabokov hate on lit.

>> No.6679776

/lit/ loves Lolita, and I never see Nabokov hate.

>> No.6679795

I was given the Hunger Games set as a gift because it was 50p and I'm afraid of touching it; is it really that good?

>> No.6679800

First book: 4/10
Second book: 2.3/10
Third book: 2/10

>> No.6679802

It would serve better for starting a housefire.

>> No.6679806
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>he doesn't like breakfast of champions

>> No.6679807

Will Self in general. My favourite novel is "My Idea of Fun".

>> No.6679810

My favorite author. He'll come back into fashion on here once people finally get tired of the "Nabokov is a hack" meme.

>> No.6679814

Vonnegut is total garbage.

>> No.6679953

This guy >>6679800 has it about right. It's a kids' version of 1984 or Brave New World (and it's appparently ripped off of some Japanese book or movie I haven't seen/read?) but the worldbuilding is pretty good and the prose is totally decent (like I said, better than Rowling). It's hardly a masterpiece but it's fun and you can read all three in a week. The third one really goes off the rails though.

>> No.6680970


>> No.6680999

>some Japanese book or movie I haven't seen/read
Battle Royale


>> No.6681035

A lot of people claim it ripped off Battle Royale. For a plot summary:
Government sends random class of highscoolers to a deserted island and tells them all to kill eachother with an assortment of wacky weapons (from paper fans to machine guns), survivor gets a prize and is allowed to leave the island alive. That's the movie version of it, dunno if there's much difference with the book.

>> No.6681041


one thing tho, i saw that bloom wrote a preface to one of his books. was wondering if anyone knew what bloom thought about vonnegut

>> No.6681234
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/lit/ hates genre fiction (despite providing not a single useful argument as to why), but I have enjoyed books by Asimov, Herbert, Brunner, Zelazny, and several other well-known sci-fi authors.