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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 500x500, Vidya5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
667864 No.667864 [Reply] [Original]

So im sure you guys see these threads all the time.

Anyway my book idea is about the gods known to man from zeus to baron samedi(sp). What happens is that these gods clash with gods from a different galaxy with a different race of aliens that worship their own gods.

It's basicly a war that humankind(and alien kind) has no knowledge of, but wars are being fought between gods on a modern battlefield so to speak. Lesser gods that aren't prayed to as much like odin are essentially the soldiers in the war, while dudes like god are the generals. Throughout time this war rages between 2 seperate planets with 2 seperate beliefs and both of these religions die overtime.

First kicker is The gods rely on people to worship them(big surprise I know).

Second kicker is that overtime both races of humans(and aliens) end up meeting eachother and co-exist peacefully.

Haven't quite thought of the ending yet, but maybe you guys know a book like this.

If not, get writing, its a good idea IMO. And maybe 20 years down the line I'll start writing it.

What does /lit/ think?

>> No.667868

i'm going to steal it and publish it before you.
Also, don't make the aliens from a different galaxy. The Milky Way is gigantic. Just do a different solar system.

>> No.667867

Also my english isn't that good, so sorry if I messed up anywhere.

>> No.667870
File: 70 KB, 677x335, trollmaximum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 years down the line

best troll in the history of /lit/, right here.

>> No.667878

I think it's an excellent idea for a novel or movie and was about to say you wouldn't be able to pull it off until i read the part about your english not being so good. If you're not gonna commit to writing shit with ideas like that in your native language then anyone who's about to steal it should get your e-mail address and at least give you credit for the idea.

>> No.667886

OP here, im just happy having ideas that float around my brain, I really enjoy what I do right now(chef) but my mom and dad always said I had a super creative mind. As I said to that guy who said I was trolling, maybe when I retire i'll start writing.

>> No.667891
File: 17 KB, 483x400, epictrollguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As I said to that guy who said I was trolling

>> No.667901
File: 41 KB, 491x508, etg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said to that guy who said I was trolling

>> No.667903
File: 80 KB, 729x694, etg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said to that guy who said I was trolling

>> No.667910
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>> No.667915


Why is this crap so hard to understand? I just want to post my views on literature but you all post that coolface.

I know that 4chan is a silly board to post ideas but this is a legitimant thing that would work in novel, at least in my view.

Please just give your honest opinions and not this coolface crap.

>> No.667919

It sounds like it could work if you do it right. I'd probably read that story if it was written well.

>> No.667927


It is a great idea and i'd read it if it was well written too, don't mind the retard posting the troll face.

>> No.667933
File: 89 KB, 1081x805, etg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.667944


As I am trying to say. I can't write this book right now, I work often(50 winter, 70 summer[hours]), but I'd really like if this book was written by an author that could speak english right. Its fine for me to talk on a keyboard in simple phrases like this, but to get into actual serious diologue I'd feel like an inept russian trying to peel a pear(thats funny where I used to live).

I have many ideas on books, all of them are pretty good in my mind, but I just need to learn the proper language that entices readers that english authors can do.

>> No.667971


I think he thinks you are me.

>> No.667975

i am going to steal your idea and write a book just like that

>> No.667988


Thats ok with me, I rather have someone write it then not being able to. I could write it but no one would read it where I live, and I know you guys would do a better job.

>> No.668036
File: 14 KB, 331x429, alarm clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fine I was kidding the entire fucking time, im a god damn American, I speak perfect english. Its a great fucking book idea and you lit niggers cant deny it, because you're too busy sucking shakespheres dick.

What a bunch of niggers you turned out to be.

>> No.668056


Calm down dude. Its not "great" its "acceptable".

I dont want to presume but my ideas are better. Sorry.

>> No.668058

you seem mad

>> No.668083



>> No.668091

I remember a series of young adult books where a group of teens woke up one day in some alternate world where every mythological god was real and had worshipers and that sort of thing.
It was pretty gruesome at times, I read a few books by I can't remember the name. When they went to sleep in the real world they woke up in the religious world and vice versa. They could carry stuff between worlds and I remember some characters bringing technology and attracting certain gods attention.

Anyone remember this?

>> No.668103


Its that one that was banned from schools because it had 2 bros banging random chicks and fighting wars with ironfoot.

Also there were 2 women, and one demonic woman that one day came through his bathtub.

>> No.668114



>> No.668123



Twilight before twilight.

>> No.668142

Thank you, it was driving me mad.

By the animorph bitch too.

>> No.668146
File: 134 KB, 560x599, 560px-Gaiman-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds familiar

>> No.668157

His name is gaiman?