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/lit/ - Literature

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6678044 No.6678044 [Reply] [Original]

Studying an antiquated writing genre is detrimental to your writing capability and applauding it even worse. Taking up these styles whether by habit or instinct will bruise a potential innate pomo style crisp out of the contemporary ignorant, yet classy generation. You will never truly fathom a time of language you were not born into are limiting your ability.


>> No.6678053
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Nigga, you can't even write.

>> No.6678081

No, because a big part of pomo is the use of various ideas from previous writings and combining them with contemporary styles and/or alternative senior styles.

Why can't he write? And is that you're writing? Because that's shit and I could write better than that when I was fifteen.

>> No.6678101

>college is a gigantic mouthful of bullshit fed to you by communists who want nothing less than total destruction of your culture


>> No.6678102


Nah man, future style can come from any source. you mainly need to put in the hours

>> No.6678118
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cringing hard

>> No.6678129

are you american?

>> No.6678139

Total bullshit

Without reading good books you'll never know how to write well.

Also, the first paragraph of >>6678081

>> No.6678149

Of course he's American plebian.
His writing is also shit, further reason to believe he's American.

>> No.6678161

OP here. I didn't say not reading at all, I said reading too much of an outdated style could perhaps hamper with your own style and cause you to habituate older, more unoriginal styles. If something is unoriginal, it's practically useless.

>> No.6678173

Hey, you stupid modernist, stop with this bullshit.

>> No.6678174


filename kek

>> No.6678177

Good look having a shitty, unoriginal and mimicked writing style.

>> No.6678184
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>> No.6678195

I actually agree that reading old shit can be very unhelpful especially, if like lots of the young writers on /lit/, that is all you read. It's very bizarre to want to be a writer in 2015 but to not read anything written since 2000 under some assumption that your time is too important to risk finding something original or relevant.

I don't think it is lethal though. You can always make a conscious effort to not sound 100 years old and start reading newer stuff which I think most people inevitably do when they transition into adulthood and especially if they want to be writers.

I think the bigger danger is reading only 'high' literary fiction which is all about the writer jerking off. People get a bit too wrapped up in prose and forget that with fiction they are storytellers. In so many of the posts of crit threads and in other amateur writing I've read the problem is that there is no story. That's not to say that literary fiction doesn't deal in stories - it does. People just have a habit of reading the psychology and poetry and ignoring the tracks the whole thing runs on.

>> No.6678200


This anon is right, what you're describing is more in line with modernism than post modernism.

>> No.6678202

You're like one of those terrible amateur musicians who complain that learning music theory will hamper their creativity.

>> No.6678206


You're like a rock band that listens to nothing but Chuck Berry.

>> No.6678213

truly epic OP :^)

>> No.6678219

OP again. Writers on here is a prime example and that's what gave me the idea, 19 year old's posting absolute shit from 200 years ago which no matter how good it is will always seem pretentious not to mention it is probably not good at all. It will get them nowhere.

>> No.6678228

>It will get them nowhere.
How will complaining about what someone else does on a taiwanese coloring board get you anywhere?

>> No.6678231

Everything is unoriginal and everything is practically useless. Those're 2 (two) of the key precepts of postmodernism.

>> No.6678242

Not OP but that's probably true. Do you know of any classically trained pianists that made it big today apart from Nils Frahm? And Nils was trained by a pianist as big as mozart and still basically said 'fuck you classical music and fuck your autistic overly pompous audience', went all out electronic and now makes some of the sickest music in history. Yes he has combined an old and new style together but if he had stuck purely with classical he would have gotten nowhere at all.

>> No.6678250

Palahniuk your books are shit stop it

>> No.6678262

You don't know what music theory is. It's not the same as being classically trained.

>> No.6678264

You are the work of a true retard.

>> No.6678267


>it will get them nowhere.

Where're you trying to go bb, didn't you hear the author died and has been dead for a while now?

>> No.6678283

>thinks studying writing form=adopting writing form

Gotta know the rules so you know how to break 'em. How else could you keep track of what has and hasn't been done? how could you keep your pomo style as fresh and daring as possible? Why would you limit yourself to your own temporality by writing in the contemporary vernacular, and not transcend the distinctions of movement, genre or form?

>> No.6678288

What this guy says >>6678262
Jaz players, who are known for their extensive harmonic knowledge and ability to improvise, can only function the way they do because of their profound understanding of the music they're playing. What people like OP are advocating is like saying knowing that red and blue make purple will instantly hamper your creative spirits as a painter, while instead it will help you come to an understanding of what the medium you're studying is comprised of.

Classical players not making it "big" is an entirely different discussion that goes more into what music is popular nowadays and the expectations of the audience. But I won't go into that in this thread.

>> No.6678292

Check this out for Sherlock Holmesery.


are the same guy. I know this because he only agreed with >>6678081 on the first sentence he wrote and not the other part because the other part is saying his writing is shit. He also thinks a sentence is a paragraph because he's American, therefore likely retarded. He's ALSO the only guy on /lit who uses the word bullshit.

>> No.6678298

That's bullshit.

>> No.6678318

Most obvious and pathetic samefaggery I have ever witnessed, typical degenerate hipster studying music in uni who rides around on an old fashioned bicycle wearing glasses with no lens just to feel sophisticated. Being classically trained and practising music theory employ the exact same example I declared.

>> No.6678326

Confirmed for same person.

>> No.6678331

>make bait-tier OP
>complain and whine when people tell you you're an idiot
>be OP

>> No.6678394


What? Where? What are you doing?

>> No.6678454

nothing wrong with this thread

>> No.6678458

There wasn't but now that it's still going there is something wrong with it. /thread

>> No.6678478

I don't even know what you're saying, OP

>> No.6678557

"That's great, kid. Now go get me my fries."

-generation x