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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 480x360, Based Johnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6676759 No.6676759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Conrad, Joseph. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Certainly inferior to Hemingway and Wells. Intolerable souvenir-shop style, romanticist clichés. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile. Romantic in the large sense. Slightly bogus.

>Finnegans Wake. A formless and dull mass of phony folklore, a cold pudding of a book. Conventional and drab, redeemed from utter insipidity only by infrequent snatches of heavenly intonations. Detest it. A cancerous growth of fancy word-tissue hardly redeems the dreadful joviality of the folklore and the easy, too easy, allegory. Indifferent to it, as to all regional literature written in dialect. A tragic failure and a frightful bore.

>Tolstoy, Leo. A favorite between the ages of 10 and 15. Read complete works between 14 and 15. Nobody takes his utilitarian moralism seriously.

>> No.6676764

haha that guy is such a joke (nabokov, i mean)

>> No.6676794

But there are John Green quotes anon.

>> No.6676994

Every quote I read from this fucker makes me hate him more and more. What have you written that even compares to Tolstoy or Joyce? Fucking Lolita? He's like an annoying little dog nipping at lions' ankles.

>> No.6677004

It's alright he'll be completely forgotten in 50 years, even now he's mostly read by teenagers because they think it's gonna be shocking.

>> No.6677029

you know the quotes are from Nabokov right?

>> No.6677032

Unless he also thinks Josh Green wrote Lolita, I'm pretty sure he knows those are Nabokov quotes.

>> No.6677040

Wait... These are Nabokov quotes?

>> No.6677066

>romanticism is bad
>the entirety of the female population doesn't peak when they're very young (13-15)
Fuck off Nabokov.

>> No.6677074


>Finnegans Wake ... conventional

The fuck?

>> No.6677083

Wow John Green is really well read. It really shows in his writing too.

>> No.6677085

You can't take the things Nabokov said about other authors and their books too seriously. He intentionally said ultra-pretentious and contrary things just to piss people off.

>> No.6677099
File: 150 KB, 491x367, ya lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where nobody—not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms—had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge (as well as for comfort, reassurance, and other infantile needs). Today the least educated of my children knows much more about the natural order than any of the founders of religion.

>> No.6677104

Nabokov really was a cunt, wasn't he?

>> No.6677141

>Finnegans Wake

>> No.6677151

And wrote ultra-pretentious and contrary books just to piss people off.

>> No.6677166

>not knowing these are nabokov quotes
welcum to /lit/e readins

>> No.6677170

>Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile

>> No.6677186

>Certainly inferior to Hemingway
Nabokov confirmed patrician