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6676449 No.6676449 [Reply] [Original]

So in lieu of Sir Christopher Lee's death it got me wondering. Does Sauron have a physical form?

>> No.6676655

tolkien said he did outside of the text and gollum mentions seeing his hand with the severed fingers, though he could just be exaggerating

>> No.6676938


>> No.6676968

I haven't read the silmarillion but didnt it sayin the LOTR appendix it said he lost his body in numenor or something like that. Maybe he pulled a Gandalf?

>> No.6676986

in lieu of Sir Mister Lee's death it can be extrapolated insomuchas Tolkien has spoken a la per interview and apocryphal material that Sauron does in fact have a defacto physical body per se.

>> No.6677119

much verily

>> No.6677281

Why is it that every time Eru had to directly intervene with the mortal world, it had something to do with Sauron? What's so special about Sauron?

>> No.6677292

"He gives 0 fucks and isn't afraid to fuck."

That is a supposed note from tolkien

>> No.6677382


He lost his handsome/beautiful form in the Fall of Numenor. He still had his Dark Lord form.

>> No.6677409

Because while Morgoth had raw strength (both himself and later in his massive army) Sauron relied more on witchcraft, technology, and clever planning. Guess which of those Tolkien considers more dangerous

>> No.6677437

>in lieu of
Do you mean
>in light of
Or do you mean
>instead of

>> No.6677460

/tv/ plebs are flocking here

>> No.6677463
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>in lieu of

>> No.6677464


I think the ring is kind of like a phylactery that needs to be worn by its creator at all times or its creator will cease to have a physical form. If Sauron got the ring back, then I guess he would retake a physical form but, this is probably just bullshit since I read LotR and the Silmarillion years ago.

>> No.6677470

Well, if that's how they talk, they can fuck right off.

>> No.6677473

what in the lieu are you talking about?

>> No.6677475

In lieu of discussing Christopher Lee's death, let us discuss the corporeality of Sauron.

>> No.6677477
File: 13 KB, 400x300, Jane Black STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677478

>in lieu

this better become a meme

>> No.6677481

in lieu of this post, i agree

>> No.6677490

Sadly I have heard this irl.
It is a capital offense.

>> No.6677491
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I've only through the wiki, but I think he can't have a form, or effectively project himself onto middle earth, without the ring. He put a lot of himself into the ring apparently

>> No.6677497

In lieu of stopping, I shall continue.

>> No.6677606

In lieu of Mr Lee's death I've been thinking about watching the LOTR films. Are they any good

>> No.6677614

Apart from some nitpicking, they're pretty much on par with reading the books, unless you consider them literary masterpieces for some ungodly reason.