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/lit/ - Literature

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6673891 No.6673891 [Reply] [Original]

>born to a hard-working but stupid family
>parents used to fight everyday
>they never finished college
>shithole in right in the middle of fucking South America
>our family hadn't any kind of reading habits
>they never studied anything
>I acquired lazy habits
>even today I have difficulty studying and reading

That feel when I wasn't born to a family of university philosophy professors like DFW was and no one has ever read Moby Dick to me at night when I was 6.

>> No.6673908

I'm lazy and my parents both have degrees, I've also always read a lot, still lazy.
Stop making up excuses for your failures

>> No.6673915

not your blog, fuck off cunt

>> No.6673918

I probably wasn't clear enough in my post.

I don't mean to say my parents have the fault of me being a lazy cunt. It's all my fault. All I say is if I had had DFW's lucky I'd probably be in a better position.

>> No.6673933

but you can say that about anything
>if i was born rich
>if I was born royalty
>if I was born smarter
It kinda loses meaning, you have to play with the cards you're dealt

>> No.6673936

Aany people are born with similar luck and don't achieve the same

>> No.6673941

DFW had luck but not talent. Class isn't everything.

>> No.6673949

Do you live in hot Paraguay?

>> No.6673955

>not talent
yeah, show us your prose anon, bet you're way better

>> No.6673958

muh, if you dont like it do better

>> No.6673966

If you were born into a family of philosophy professors then philosophy would more than likely be a hated subject.

>> No.6673972

I live in hotter Brazil.

>> No.6673982

>not gaining some unity to your life in relation to literature by recuperating philosophy and poetry and fiction as the ground on which to fight class war

I'm in the same situation as you are (except in America and with immigrant parents) but I don't find any difficulty doing my work because it's actually has an intensive velocity towards something other than simply wanting to be well read or learned.

>> No.6674047

Thanks for sharing with us that you're degenerate scum living in the back arse of nowhere, have a great day!

>> No.6674998

"laziness" is socially constructed bullshit imo. "hard-working" people would have been considered psychotic for most of human history

>> No.6675021

>not writing prole lit

>> No.6675797

Yeah look how well it worked out for DFW, he hung himself from a rafter.

>> No.6677189

I like Max Ernst.

>> No.6677396

Never too late to start, OP. Just read a little bit more every day, get in the habit.

>> No.6677426

>you have to play with the cards you're dealt
No fuck off and fuck you

>> No.6677432

>simply wanting to be well read or learned.
>reading or learning for any other reason
Fuck off retard

>> No.6677438

Lucky bastard

>> No.6677565

I come from a South American fucking shithole too, both my parents didn't even bother getting into college, none of them read, none of them really think about anything that happens around them, yet I still don't give two fucks about it, don't go around blaming your parents and environment, your problems with studying and reading are only caused by you. It's your choice to overcome that and stop being a pleb
Quit lurking 4chan and read a book.

>> No.6677642

Are you insane or just ignorant?

>> No.6677690

he's somewhat right tbh.

>> No.6677822

the history of idle ness is quite nice