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/lit/ - Literature

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6672938 No.6672938 [Reply] [Original]

It's a Brienne chapter....

>> No.6672944 [DELETED] 

It's a reddit thread....

>> No.6673000
File: 412 KB, 500x3901, 1371200874149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6673018


>> No.6673026

those covers are so awful

>> No.6673053

>Skillibustus Von Peligameerymon sworded the scary elf dragon with his flibbin flobbin sword from the granticatctulactulactormactortracor mountains cavern of eternal doom of doomy doom penguin who is know as peguinulorustovulouskintillia the grandesque from piffen poffen dwarven elfmines of dragons and a spooky wizard named menageariontonmongy..
Fuck that shit.
Who writes like this post 1950?
Seriously what the fuck.

>> No.6673058

you tried

>> No.6673061

Tried what?
Go read Harry Potter or Twilight you goon.

>> No.6673069

Brienne's chapters in AFFC and Reek's chapters in ADWD are clearly the ones with the most literary worth. No, they're not paced well relative to the rest of the series, but it's very clear that they display Martin's best writing.

>> No.6673071

I liked Brienne's chapters

>> No.6673309

Cersei chapters are the worst by far. Brienne at least gets to meet some interesting people.

Reek chapters are awesome. Martin should have collected them into a novella, like he did for the Daenerys chapters in Game. I'm sure it could have won some kind of award.

>> No.6673437

I cringed a bit, but its bait so its ok

>> No.6673491

>Reek chapters are awesome. Martin should have collected them into a novella, like he did for the Daenerys chapters in Game. I'm sure it could have won some kind of award.

I agree. He did that for the Dany chapters in Storm too, as well as the Ironborn chapters in AFFC.

I think the reason he didn't do it for ADWD is that Reek's chapters intertwined too much with Asha's and Bran's? Not sure.

>> No.6673548
File: 285 KB, 660x440, CHM-audiobooks[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for a torrent for the audio book for game of thrones.
i want one where the reader doesn't act the voices of the characters. he just reads them.
any tips?

>> No.6674656

This is the most thirteen-year-old post I've ever seen on /lit/

>> No.6674686

You mean three-and-ten year old? :^)

>> No.6674746

Sure, why not?

>> No.6674762

Lucas: younglings
GRRR: Children of puberty


>> No.6675020

You: incoherence

Go back to /tv/

>> No.6675118

If ASOIAF is so shit then what's /lit/'s goto epic fantasy series?

Bonus points for not saying Tolkein

>> No.6675131

Its any chapter...

>> No.6675157

Book of the Bew Bun

>> No.6675186
File: 144 KB, 647x1000, 1430879640150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read the books but I like her on the show cuz Gwendoline Christie is an amazonian qt

>> No.6675187


>> No.6675205
File: 71 KB, 672x476, a clash of kings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like the tone of the art. It's much more formal and courtly than what the HBO show presents.

>> No.6675206

George RR Martin is the Shakespeare of our generation

>> No.6675209

Have you ever read an ASOIAF book? It's really not that sort of fantasy.

>> No.6675219

Brienne and Jaime probably have the most patrician chapters of the series. Unless you're some kind of illiterate child, you should realize how well-written they are, especially compared to the more action-filled chapters.

>> No.6675227

the /lit/ hivemind generally hates all fantasy

ASOIAF is particularly reviled because many authors consider it to be the closest to big-L Literature.

>> No.6675499

Are you fucking kidding me? Brienne chapters were the best after Tyrion and Jamie's. And the worst, in my opinion, were Daenerys and Greyjoys (Victarion, Theon, you name it).

>> No.6675512

dune is alright, or at least it was when I read it as a kid

>> No.6676706

I think the DwD Davos chapters are some of the best. The North Remembers, Lord Davos.