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File: 4 KB, 319x302, bible[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6672351 No.6672351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the funniest book you've ever read?

bible for me, couldn't stop smirking the whole way through

>> No.6672355
File: 1.49 MB, 230x172, LjQ8nDY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6672358

christbait threads go on >>>/b/

>> No.6672366


>> No.6672373

nice reddit meme
really makes me and my r/books friends feel welcome

>> No.6672377

Thanks, that's why I atheistpost. I like to make my fellow redditors feel welcome ;)

>> No.6672383

the bible is a funny book when it comes down to it tbh

please stay on topic

>> No.6672389

be sure when you post your funny reaction images, you don't replace the imgur filename, that's the best part

>> No.6672396

*tips fedora*

>> No.6672495

Hi samefag
You know what the funniest book i ever read was? The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins!
Seriously you atheist are the most hypocritical people ive ever seen. You never see christians shitpost on the internet. Show some respect and keep that shit to yourself. Show me 100% absolute proof that god doesnt exist

>> No.6672503

>You never see christians shitpost on the internet.
well this must be a darn miracle or sumting

>> No.6672505

this was all me btw ;)

>> No.6672508

>Ignores post becuase he doesnt have any better comeback

>> No.6672512
File: 55 KB, 352x473, 1432726872151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If OP said any practically any other religious text no one would bat an eye. Christians confirmed for having skins as thin as SJW's. Pluck your eyes if it causes so much wrath just because someone doesn't hold your religion any higher than others, or just rant about your persecution on your tumblr blog.

>> No.6672513

No it wasnt bitch. Quit trying to make yourself look better. You look like an absolute idiot. Becasue theres 6 posters and 12 replys
This is my original post

>> No.6672517

Samefag still
Dude we can see your the same poster

>> No.6672520
File: 252 KB, 1165x900, big benin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore THIS

>> No.6672525
File: 84 KB, 1236x578, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can, this is my second reply in this thread. Feel free to say I shopped this or fucked with the code, your claim of samefagging is as equally unprovable as the concept of a god.

>> No.6672526

this >>6672377 wasn't me, stupid christian

>> No.6672527

amazing how christfags can deny what's right in their faces.

and then they expect others to believe their silly stories

my my

>> No.6672539

>bait thread
>19 replies
>8 posters
Goddammit /lit/

>> No.6672541

goddamit, this is supposed to be a funny books thread but you redditors have turned it into a fedora tipping thread

>> No.6672545

Atheisms vogue. Its just some stupid shit that teens who watch AmazingAtheist or see some commenter on youtube say "gods not real" believe in. They cant think for themselves. Gods based on faith of course its gonna be blind. But they cant prove that he doesnt exist, so they are doin the shit there basically against

>> No.6672551

all m3 btw ;))

>> No.6672552


>> No.6672553

Atheism is as old as religion itself tbh.

It is the shadow cast by it; the two only make sense in each other's context.

>> No.6672563

could you imagine if everyone was an atheist?

what a beautiful world we would live in today

>> No.6672565

can you imagine if MY DICK was up YOUR ASS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.6672575

no. pics?

>> No.6672580

If christianity never existed then there would be a low morality. Think if atheism never existed, this thread wouldnt be here and we'd be singin songs'n shit in church. There would be less divorce rates because we'll know its wrong. Everybody would be happy

>> No.6672582

>then there would be a low morality
hmmm no

>> No.6672594

if atheism never existed why would anyone ever conduct any scientific inquiry? you would just chalk it up to muh miracles and live in a mud hut

>> No.6672599

Theres a difference between science and religion. Just cause you like science doesnt mean there isnt a god seriously how fuckin dumb are you

>> No.6672600

shut up
if jesus never existed nothing else would
things exist
therefore christianity is true

>> No.6672608

>christian calling others dumb

>> No.6672609

oh yeah, and after we die skydaddy will even out all the rough patches he sewed into life rite? totally makes up for all the abused choir boys. enjoy being cucked by your church superiors idiot

>> No.6672612

Are you the same fag trying to impersonate a christian. Things existed before jesus
Dont believe this guy

>> No.6672615

i know this thread is b8, but scientific inquiry started because monks wanted to know the truth of God's creation, the muslims took the more occasionalist approach

>> No.6672621

kek, that's why they imprisoned Galileo

>> No.6672628

You have some kind of rose coloured impression of Christianity, which clearly wasn't the case in medieval Europe, where it started off essentially just being about politics. Let me also mention "witch" burnings, disease as a result of being unsanitary (because washing and touching yourself is evil, obviously), religious wars, corruption in the church, etc. Being religious doesn't necessarily make you a more moral person,especially in the car off Christianity.

>> No.6672629

what do you know about Galileo? not much, right?

>> No.6672632

just stop lad, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.6672644

>having basic knowledge about stuff is embarrassing yourself
b8 r8 8/8

>> No.6672648

you're not helping your case much lad

>> No.6672651

galileo was just some old retard who called the Holy Virgin a whore during Mass
when the priests asked him if he could repeat that, he started concocting some nonsense about great fiery balls spinning in space
he was later locked up for his own safety
later, scientists invented the idea that he was a great heroic research martyr and everyone believed them

>> No.6672656

Linger longer. This board is plagued by Cathies.

>> No.6672664

>"witch" burnings
not middle ages, started in early modern Europe
>disease as a result of being unsanitary (because washing and touching yourself is evil, obviously)
oh please
>religious wars
you mean christians fending off muslim invasions?
>corruption in the church
which wasnt tolerated

>> No.6672678

This is the honest truth, wow.

>> No.6672680

>Contrary to the way the affair is usually depicted, the real sticking point was the fact that the scientific objections to heliocentrism at the time were still powerful enough to prevent its acceptance. Cardinal Bellarmine made it clear to Galileo in 1616 that if those scientific objections could be overcome then scripture could and would be reinterpreted. But while the objections still stood, the Church, understandably, was hardly going to overturn several centuries of exegesis for the sake of a flawed theory. Galileo agreed to only teach heliocentrism as a theoretical calculating device, then promptly turned around and, in typical style, taught it as fact. Thus his prosecution by the Inquistion in 1633.

but whatever, your b8 is showing

>> No.6672689

My bad, I got the wrong time period, I guess that justifies it. And yes of course, just fending off Muslim invasions, which is why Russia had to be converted

>> No.6672695

Power always corrupts

>> No.6672696

no, russia had to be converted so they don't go to heck

>> No.6672702

So they didn't go to heck? Please explain this.

>> No.6672706

just fuck off back to reddit you stupid faggot

>...to check unbridled spirits, [the Holy Council] decrees that no one relying on his own judgement shall, in matters of faith and morals pertaining to the edification of Christian doctrine, distorting the Scriptures in accordance with his own conceptions, presume to interpret them contrary to that sense which the holy mother Church... has held or holds...


>> No.6672715

>scientific objections to heliocentrism at the time were still powerful enough to prevent its acceptance.
Is there a list of these?

>> No.6672716

You might want to talk to a bishop, this is a very sensitive theological matter

>> No.6672719

no u
idk, perhaps check the work of other contemporaries

>> No.6672728

That doesn't make for a very good argument.

>> No.6672775

theology is literally entirely argument from authority, what else did you expect

>> No.6672795

You didn't really explain why Christianity benefited Russia. Killing a chunk of the population that rejected conversion hardly seems like a moral thing to do. Maybe it had to do with politics, since it makes it easier to group and control masses. They were doing fine without it.

>> No.6672812

i'm not that christfag, i'm commiserating

>> No.6672841

That's a shame, I was genuinely curious about what he would say.