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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 288 KB, 821x1200, 1432423249521-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6671751 No.6671751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't the New Testament taught in Elementary and High-school anymore? It's the #1 literary canon for the civilized world, not just prose but morals/philosophy/salvation etc.

I don't get why we have to read nihilistic works like Catcher in the Rye or Brave New World yet we ignore the Gospels that actually teach us about the world

>> No.6671764
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i want the fundies to go

>> No.6671772

back to your containment website fedora

My AP english teacher had a unit on Luke after the exam, best part of the class.

>> No.6671776

You're full of shit OP, we read Gilgamesh, Beowulf and the Bible at my high school

>> No.6671780


public school will always be a joke. send your kid to catholic school and give him a classical education.

>> No.6671785

Hahaha HAHAHHA the NT isn't as good as the OT. Jesus is not a compelling character. Give me a Jacob, give me an Abraham, give me Moses, give me Daniel. All better stories than the Jesus story.

>> No.6671786
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>can't answer the question
>gets triggered

>> No.6671790
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oy vey

>> No.6671791


also this, Luke is fine but it's nothing compared to Job or Revelation. Hell, even Genesis blows anything in the NT out of the water.

>> No.6671800
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Nope, m8.

>> No.6671804

sorry, am atheist

but also satan working for god(a la Job, and, more questionably, all of the old testament) is much more coherent and interesting than some sort of rebellion against god by angels which is just incoherent.

Jews: 1
Christians: 0

>> No.6671810


the OT has inferior prose and morals
despite having more funny comic-relief stories.

>> No.6671813

Because it's a topic that is incredibly divisive. Even religious people freak out over how certain texts are interpreted and would just get butthurt if the teacher wasn't from the 'right' denomination.

>> No.6671821

They should teach both, since the OT is a preamble and preparation for the NT and prophecies Jesus coming

>> No.6671822
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>the OT has inferior prose

>> No.6671824


morals, absolutely. the prose depends on which version you read. I think the Douay-Rheims and King James have some fantastic prose, but many of these translations are written for readers with a 3rd grade intellect.

>> No.6671825

>inferior morals

give me 1 example ill blow u the fuck out m888

>> No.6671830

he 'works' for god in that he is involved in his plan but he will always be the enemy, to be defeated by the beginning of the next life

>> No.6671833

>not promoting ecumenism through teaching students to review and research the literature and come to conclusions

>> No.6671834

The OT is also a complete text in itself. That's like saying the Iliad is just a preamble to the Aeneid.

>> No.6671844
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yes you're the definition of one.

>> No.6671849


>prophesies jesus coming

... debatable

>> No.6671857
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>The OT is also a complete text in itself.

ehh, it's a footnote to the NT

>> No.6671897
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>> No.6671983
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Christian anime is fine
Islamic anime is haram

>> No.6672013

>Why don't public high schools teach children about Christian salvation?

Can this christposting meme be over yet?

>> No.6672017


>christian anime

is this real? I've always thought there should be an animated Joan d'Arc movie.

>> No.6672020
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Kek. This is a Catholic board.

>> No.6672022


and yet science class is taught without ever even explaining the basic axioms it works from.

>> No.6672028
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Because no government with any conscience ought to fund religious indoctrination.


>> No.6672036


how is teaching science any less indoctrination? not even Christian, but this argument is silly because it undermines the very idea of education.

>> No.6672043

>caring about different Christian denominations
Funny, the Mohammedans don't particularly care if you're a Protestant or a Catholic when they're beheading you as infidels.

Deal with the real enemy, then you can bicker about the Pope.

>> No.6672049



>> No.6672068

I'm sorry, are you saying that there is literally no distinction between education and indoctrination? That public school and Scientology pretty much do the same thing?

>> No.6672072
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Well,thre is a game and references in some animus too.

>> No.6672084
File: 252 KB, 1165x900, big benin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respond to this significant post that I made

>> No.6672088
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There's also this game featuring King Arthur that got turned into an anime

>> No.6672129

Because Christians objected to it.

>> No.6672133
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>find Christ Chan very cute

i-i-i am conflicted.

>> No.6672156

just scroll through anime shit until you find another one that isn't a redditchan meme

>> No.6672157
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Fugging memes

>> No.6672175
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>> No.6672191
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f-f-fuck the conquistadores! thats way.

>> No.6672199


there is a distinction, but youth education is by definition indoctrination.

>> No.6672234

Indicrination means to teach a subject based on belief as fact. Science that they teach in schools at least are not based on beliefs. Indicrination is teaching on faith. Education should be learning by facts.

>> No.6672247


well then the humanities would be hard to teach, history would be hard to teach, etc

lots of people disagree on what the facts are

>> No.6672248

there are no facts about this world of mists

>> No.6672260

True. But history pales in importance and potential detrimentally to a child's (and society's) life. It's like the difference between letting your kid drink half a glass of wine at dinner and handing him a six pack for breakfast, wouldnt you say?

>> No.6672270
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Not sure what you mean. I think our children should be raised well, with good morals and values so a healthy diet of Christianity is preferable

you can't force them to believe it, but you should expose them to it and educate them

>> No.6672276

Get a room faggot. Bend over for Big Papa. He wants to cream pie your boypussy.

>> No.6672278

no, the Pali Canon is what we should base civilization on

>> No.6672287
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>Hindu scriptures

>> No.6672298

Are you the same non-Christfag I've been talking to? Impersonating is a sin Anon.

>> No.6672309

More like pic related please.

>> No.6672311

go back to redditchan, avatar user
this use of images is highly frowned upon in this region
also, why haven't you been clarifying who you were quoting in your posts throughout the thread?

>> No.6672322

Go to /pol/. There's a huge circlejerk about her.

>> No.6672333
File: 1.97 MB, 360x360, 1433196187885.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol that fedora in the background

How do I become Christian I want access to these dank memes

>> No.6672335

I actually looked....
Let me stay I read books okay.

>> No.6672337
File: 51 KB, 499x499, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Christianity is nihilistic.

>> No.6672338

try redditchan's /christian/, that's where the meme comes from

>> No.6672353


don't be stupid. I'm only trying to say that teaching a subject (whether it be science of Christianity) is only acceptable when you begin by teaching the fundamental axioms (AKA "unfalsifiable evidence") that the corresponding field is based on.

>> No.6672371


for instance, science class can only be a taught if you accept that causality is necessarily the case, which has yet to be proven.

>> No.6672380

christ chan rule 34 when

>> No.6672391


And then you have the problem of induction on top of that.

>> No.6672406


oh yeah for sure, I was just trying to get the basics across.

>> No.6672413
File: 92 KB, 829x589, 2e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There already is.

Anyway, where do I find qt's like Christ-chan IRL? My local churches are full of either ugly hoes or hypocrites.

>> No.6672419


Science LITERALLY is only observation and correlation

No causation is needed

>> No.6672428
File: 458 KB, 1500x1500, 1433124151122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anywhere...just find a qt with a good heart
girls are easy to convert
just show them dank christian memes

>> No.6672434

>just find a qt with a good heart

Of course, you had to be trollin.

>> No.6672438
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>> No.6672439

Pray and one will appear instantly. Trust me, it works.

>> No.6672451
File: 431 KB, 1066x996, 1388270400097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cute, devout Christian girls are just a myth

This is truly a horrible empty existence.

>> No.6672460

yeah this. causation isn't necessary, it just really really really seems like what's going on.

>> No.6672470


what? if causation isn't necessary then it's completely irrational to believe in correlation.