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/lit/ - Literature

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667160 No.667160 [Reply] [Original]

Finally got a Kindle, the 1st book I'm reading is the God Delusion, WHATS NEXT?

Pic Related, its my new fucking kindle

>> No.667172


>> No.667181

holy fuck, are those books in Kindle's format? .mobi or someshit like that?

>> No.667188

I'm a poorfag. Can't afford a Kindle, and kind of don't want it. I have all these physical books I bought that I haven't read yet, but I can't get a free digital copy of them, so why bother right now?

>> No.667189

I've got books on my shelf from the turn of the 20th century. Let's see your new toy remain relevant 100 years from now. Think of all the books you could have bought for what you paid for that piece of shit.

>> No.667195

Brace for Dawkins/Atheist v Creationist shit storm.

>> No.667198

i actually downloaded a ebook pack of about 665 books, feeling good man

>> No.667206

I'm actually already an atheist so i'm reading this book just to troll christians better, i'm gonna read fountainhead by ayn rand next cuz i heard some guy on /lit/ say it was good

>> No.667260

troll detected...

>> No.667275
File: 24 KB, 500x500, kindle2_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be wary of the giant book packs. Some are great with table of contents. Some do not. How on earth someone can expect me to read the entire works of Shakespeare in alphabetical order is beyond me.
Look at the reviews for the classic books- all are cheap but some are formatted poorly.
Oh and get calibre at http://calibre-ebook.com/ which has the awesome ability to pull entire newspapers and magazines from their respective websites and put it on your kindle through a usb connection. The functionality is called Fetch News. Works awesomely.

>> No.667282

Kindles are ruining books! You can’t smell a kindle can you? I think somebody needs to read Fahrenheit 451 to learn about the importance of books.....

>> No.667288

I don't think that's the message of Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.667314

My, how deductive of you.

>> No.667330

it was more suttle but it was in there....

>> No.667333


I'm pretty sure it is.

>> No.667348

Sure, books are important, but I doubt Bradbury has anything against digital copies of books.
I'm pretty sure the message was not that the physical shell of books are important, but that the actual information within them is important.
I'm sure the sequel will involve the firemen rubbing magnets all over a bunch of e-readers.

>> No.667351
File: 85 KB, 800x510, Horse-Buggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automobiles are the death of driving.

All the hubbub we've heard about these horseless-buggies, and not a single person talks about what matters: the buggies themselves. Do people really think they need a thousand horses in their engines so they can save some time? You can't drive that fast, and if you do drive that fast I doubt you're able to comprehend it. Buggies are more than getting around on the same level as bicycles (which is what the majority of you treat them as). I know this is hard for you to understand. Buggies are the most reliable transportation we will ever have. We're all searching for good transportation; that buggy he will come back to again and again, that buggy that you can spend your entire life driving. It's funny when I see people list their favorite destinations and they list pages-worth of places, as if it quantity is all that matters. These people are more shallow than people than people who never leave home. At least people who never leave home know that the less number of favorite destinations you have, the better. You can't have two favorite desitnations, in the end. You're going to have to decide which is the best among them. So, what good is a horseless buggy? To save room in your stable? There are boarding stables for that. To visit friends anywhere in the world? Again, there are post offices and telegraph stations all over the world to send messages to your friend from. To waste your time? Yeah, I guess it's good for that. You could save your money and buy yourself a silly new electric telephone, which is as good an investment.