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File: 31 KB, 350x498, Jesus-Christ-christianity-19953068-350-498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6671382 No.6671382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You have ten seconds to explain why the current decline of Western civilization isn't due to the fall of Christianity

Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.6671389

>western civilization begins to decline immediately after obama is elected


>> No.6671394

Christianity hasn't fallen, and western society isn't devolving and isn't falling any faster than it has in the past. Christianity was never utilized during the 'height' of western civilization, authoritarian doctrine contrary to actual scripture was.

>> No.6671419
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The decline started with this cult's introduction, and the uneasy gains only on account of secularism.

>> No.6671762
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because Christianity existed for 2000 years and created "western civlization"

it's only until very recently that we've become politically "enlightened" (degenerate-progressive-liberal)

>> No.6671775

>immediately after obama
>implying it wasn't in decline since the end of the 50's

srsly nigga?

>> No.6671784

>created "western civilization"
Paganism did that, bud.

>> No.6671788
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>Sandnigger religion created western civilization

>> No.6671789

Wrong, the seeds of the progressive decline were planted during the French Revolution

>> No.6671794

What decline you are talking about?

>> No.6671796

I agree, but the effects did not kick in till later

>> No.6671798

>implying the French Revolution didn't just put into practice degenerate Enlightenment ideals

>> No.6671799
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>any year

>> No.6671802
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very disappointing replies

>> No.6671814

Saying Christianity created Western Civilization is a complete lie.

>> No.6671818
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>implying christianityisn't an effeminate religion that promotes slave morality


>> No.6671827
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Show me the Western civilization that developed without being primarily Christian and having Christian values/theology as a driving force behind it's families and communities for the last 2000 years

where is the Secular Western Civilization you imagine existed?

>> No.6671836

>You have ten seconds to explain why the current decline of Western civilization isn't due to the fall of Christianity

I can't
the two are mutually connected.
The less Christian we are, the more degenerate and selfish we become

>> No.6671840

The Greeks, Pre-Constantine Rome, various Persian dynasties.
They weren't secular, but they certainly weren't Christian.

>> No.6671847

Tengrism is Christianity without any of the slave morality.

>> No.6671850


>greeks and romans

the West didn't develop under Paganism, it developed under Christianity for the last 2000 years. you missed the point

>> No.6671865

You're right, I misread your statement, but the west existed and developed before Christianity.

>> No.6671866

the decline of western civilization has everything to do with the power held by christendom -- that is to say the fallible, man-made constructions that claim a monopoly on christ. pharisees, saducees, catholicism, eastern orthodoxy, protestantism, are all part of the same problem. they are corruptible institutions of human culture filled with empty god-less rituals. the bible tells us that we need to lead a recovery of christianity in the face of these fallen institutions. we need to restore the church, the called-out ones, the corporate body of christ on earth. we need to seek christ and only christ, because only he can grant us salvation.

>> No.6671875

amen! i am a slave to christ! i am his bride! hallelujah!

>> No.6671878
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>> No.6671880

>pagan Rome
Totally not the foundation of the west in any way shape or form.

>> No.6671891


it's both, we got some stuff from Greeks, but Christianity is our predominant history and culture for the longest time

>> No.6671906

Nothing points to it being necessary. Another foundation could have easily taken it's place, and without Christianity it's arguable Islam wouldn't have emerged either.

>> No.6671932

i can't, because there is no decline

>> No.6671938

>Another foundation could have easily taken it's place

we don't know what's necessary or what would've happened. We're talking about what did happen and what is the case. lol

>> No.6671941


see >>6671762

>> No.6671946

It's about time for a new religious prophet to emerge.

>> No.6671957

>Rome is kill
>Islam infects and destroys the entire Levant, north Africa, former Farsi land and the peninsula
>west advances for hundreds of years with secular nationalism
Your point?

>> No.6671974

>>west advances for hundreds of years with secular nationalism

ya cause the Arabs advanced so far under Islam, they went to space and figured out evolution and explored new continents and oh wait they didn't do any of that shit

we don't know what would've happened, so don't make up shit. But just by looking at Islamic history we can see it's not as conducive to "civilization" as Christianity

>> No.6671978

>Islam infects and destroys
Wrong, the fall of the Ottoman Empire sent the Arab world into the pit they are in now.

>> No.6671981

correlation does not imply causation.

>> No.6671984

what is there to see?

you can arbitrarily divide things up by means of west and east, but there is no reason to just stop at two, or four, or to consider two of the four to be parts of the former two, or for there to be four thousand

western civilization is a meaningless term and the only decline i sense is the belief in such a thing

>> No.6671992
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>western civilization is a meaningless term

>> No.6671997

>what would've happened
I described what did happen, are you even following your own conversation. Even before nationalism the age of sail and imperialism was a massive economic boon that allowed the west to invalidate domination of the silk road

Arab world only advanced through conquest and control of the silk road, the systematic destruction of other cultures and the reliance on a toxic ideaology as I said is the problem.

>> No.6672010

at least make this worth my time or i'll be going now

>> No.6672014
File: 533 KB, 1192x697, shitposting infographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look mom I can make infographics too

>> No.6672045
File: 27 KB, 853x543, wbYZBDQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. The decline of Western civilization is due to the values of liberal capitalism and increasing strength in the former second and third world.

>> No.6672052

/leftypol/ isn't very feminist

it's actually very infamous for it's brocialism and anti-sjw tendencies

>> No.6672534

>Arab world only advanced through conquest and control of the silk road, the systematic destruction of other cultures and the reliance on a toxic ideaology as I said is the problem.

that applies to almost every culture in the world

>> No.6672538


>> No.6672558

The great civilisations of Europe are simply nearing the end of their life-cycles.

The abandonment of religion is a symptom, not a cause.

>> No.6672589

You have ten seconds to explain why the current fall of Christianity isn't due to the decline of Western civilization.
Pro-tip: you can't

>> No.6672869

Being religious doesn't necessarily make you more of a moral person.

>> No.6672950

What makes you think Western civilization is falling in the frist place? You sound like those doomsayers with the 'back in my day' attiude

If you are going to reply that Islam is taking over Europe
>implying Christianity wasn't a kike/sandnigger religion that swept through and converted pagan europe, assimilated its culture, philosophy etc etc

Hearing european christian bitch about islam is hilarious

>> No.6672962

>doesn't understand how burden of proof works
Not surprised.

>> No.6672968

Haha leftys getting BTFO in this thread /pol/bros; can't you liberals just accept jesus?

>> No.6672971

Romans were pagan for most of their history you stupid fuck.

>> No.6673021


It doesn't matter, he was talking about the West as it is now and what led to that, i.e. the last two thousand years of Christian influence.

>> No.6673028

ebun post bro

>> No.6673033


>> No.6673060

That's fucking degeneracy tho; can't you handle how hard-core the crusades were you limp wrist lefty

>> No.6673068

>tfw I don't know if you are joking, bating or being serious

>> No.6673077

I'm being serious. I've nothing against Buddhism (don't agree with all the pacifism tho) but it's the mixing of religion that pisses me off, religions should stick to themselves and not pander to 'diversity'