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6670226 No.6670226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/ where do you fall on the political compass? And favorite political author? This is where I got

>> No.6670235

>not knowing how to take a screenshot

>> No.6670239

Im not good with technology, sorry

>> No.6670240

I'm pretty much the mirror image of you, just being one space into the "left" side

Does anyone have any recommendations that aren't pleb-tier?

>> No.6670243
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>> No.6670248

Just a few years ago I was as far down and left into the green field as you could go. Today I'm slowly pushing further into the blue field.

Thanks 4chan.

>> No.6670252

I'm the opposite. After seeing /pol/ I think I've become more left libertarian

>> No.6670254

There's a fucking button right on your keyboard for it.

Come on grandma!

>> No.6670255

if you're not in the far left bottom corner and also an observant Catholic Marxist, get off /lit/

>> No.6670258
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>> No.6670261
File: 72 KB, 728x643, political test 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6670272

How do I take this

>> No.6670303
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Presently Carl Schmitt, but I'm also highly influenced by Burke and Oakeshott and, being an Englishman, a certain kind of comfortable nihilistic liberalism will always be in my DNA.

>> No.6670305

mein neger

but also these tests have a tendency to pull one to the left just by the way the questions are worded

>> No.6670312
File: 21 KB, 493x443, Literally Hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these questions are completely fucking retarded and irrelevant. Even the ones that aren't are obviously biased to favour leftist stances.

>When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things

Can someone tell me how the fuck this question is supposed to signify if someone is left or right?

>> No.6670316

tory who's dissatisfied with the current tory party spotted

>> No.6670319

i thought this board was full of communists? all you fucks are right wing extremists
how fucking embarrasing

>> No.6670322

presumably it's correlated to some stance, or who knows

>> No.6670328
File: 3.32 MB, 1544x1080, enoch was right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a Tory and I never have been. I'm a Kipper.

>> No.6670334

Fun fact: that question was written by the Frankfurt School for their 'fascist tendencies' test.

>> No.6670335


>> No.6670340

>1 seat

>> No.6670346

Is this really how childish those people are? Jesus.

Test confirmed for leftist shilling.

>> No.6670351
File: 10 KB, 426x379, muh_gommunism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might be a communist

>> No.6670352

This is how childish rightists are? How predictable :^)

>> No.6670353

To me, it indicates a clearer authoritarian/libertarian distinction that a left/right one.
If you are the sort to "to keep busy with more cheerful things", then you might be a libertarian.

>> No.6670362

Watch it. Once Cameron lies to the entire nation in the 2017 pretenderendum, UKIP will go SNP-tier all over England and Wales.

>> No.6670365
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>> No.6670366

I think it's the opposite, someone who is authoritarian will try to put dissenting thoughts out of their mind, while a libertarian would continue with that avenue of thought as they believe in their right to express themselves.

>> No.6670368

To be fair, they wrote their questionnaire post-WW2 when Fascism hate hit critical mass. But yes, as much as I like reading the Frankfurt School, why anyone still uses their questions that come from a heavily pro-Marxist, anti-authoritarian stance is beyond me.

i'm a leftist btw ;)

>> No.6670369

I'd say it's more the opposite to be honest

>> No.6670372

lmao please tell me that's some vaporwave album cover somewhere

also you're not supposed to admit you're a 'kippa on a chinese image board

>> No.6670376

No, the question was explicitly designed to detect proto-fascist tendencies. Affirming it will move you up-and-to-the-right considering these compasses include Fascism as far-right.

>> No.6670378
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this is the most /lit/ position

>> No.6670379

No you just answered positively to the idea of free money being thrown at stuff which is understandable.

>> No.6670380
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Antonio Gramsci

OP who's your favorite political author?

>> No.6670388
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Idk what this even means

>> No.6670392

I thought that a libertarian would be less concerned with what others are doing and would focus on primarily on themselves, whereas an authoritarian would take offence to the actions of another person and have them punished

>> No.6670395
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I actually tried to be a bit more conservative this time but I got the same result I always do. Oh well, shit questions etc.

The closest I've read to a political author would have to be the guy who wrote my econ textbook, Greg Mankiw

>> No.6670398

It's a silly question because no one would openly admit that it's better to ignore your problems until they go away. Completely retarded way of finding out if someone has an "authoritarian personality" or not.

>> No.6670400

You're a Stalinist m8.

>> No.6670404

Uh oh, that's a twist I never saw coming

>> No.6670412

OP here, Rousseau

>> No.6670421


>> No.6670425

Hmmm... nice!

>> No.6670431
File: 1.20 MB, 3012x1369, completepoltest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did way to many tests...

Fav writer is Foucault.

PS.: >>>/pol/

>> No.6670448
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On a scale of accurate to very accurate, how accurate is this?

>> No.6670452

Ideology at its purest, my got...

>> No.6670454

the political compass one is at least general. annoying when they're so US-centric.

though that libertarian purity one has side by side "is medicare too expensive" and "should we privatize the post office"


>> No.6670463

the person I know who's most bottom left is a professor of nuclear physics so I dunno

>> No.6670464

Most of the tests are shit.
I was seriously thinking about creating my own, but I don't know how to code shit, and I actually found a great test, but it doesn't work (and probably won't ever): http://c4ss.org/quiz

>> No.6670471

kek, I'm a legit Zionist who classifies mid-way between a productive citizen and a skinhead.

>> No.6670475
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>> No.6670488
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You are free to swing your fist wherever it may go, as long as it doesn't reach my nose, in which case, I will retaliate in similar fashion.

>> No.6670493
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Generally I fall into the "activism" box. Whatever that means.

>> No.6670505

This chart is terrible.

>> No.6670514

It as many other "home-brewed" charts were made by /pol/, I think that explains a lot.

>> No.6670517
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>You are free to swing your fist wherever it may go, as long as it doesn't reach my nose, in which case, I will retaliate in similar fashion.
pic related

>> No.6670518

Where is virtual anarchism? I want social, political and financial interactions to move almost completely into the virtual space.

>> No.6670522

>libertarian socialism

Literally two completely opposing ideologies, this chart is completely retarded.

>> No.6670527

social libertarian and fiscal socialism

>> No.6670528
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>being a dirty american
git a brain moran

>> No.6670529
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>> No.6670530

are all of these on the same site? would be interested in some of these

>> No.6670536
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>> No.6670541
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No most of them have links under them.
The one that gives you name of your ideology is http://www.politicaltest.net/
And the shitty octagon on the right is my own creation.

>> No.6670546

Where is this test

>> No.6670549

Yes funny hat meem

>> No.6670551


>> No.6670554

>Those in a typical modern society who are the wealthiest are also likely to be the most creative, gifted, dynamic, and achievement-oriented.

these questions are good

>> No.6670555
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>all the authoritarian/libertarian questions are about gays and abortion
Kek, Mao could get libertarian so long as he wasn't a pro-life homophobe.

>> No.6670558
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Left and Right are spooks

>> No.6670567
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>> No.6670578
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And I usually tend to oppose to left-wing ideas.
I was as conservative as I tend to be, though I mostly see myself as middle-right on the spectrum, or "conservatism". My oppositions to the most poignant left wing ideas are mostly neutral/positive, since I don't see trouble with gay marriage or legalization of abortion though it is regularized decently, and the only trouble I have with marijuana is that I don't like it myself. The thing is that I tend to have communist/feminist/pro-pot left wing retarded extremists.

>> No.6670588

I tend to hate*

>> No.6670592
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well, here's my result

>> No.6670595


>> No.6670599


>> No.6670601
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Catholic Marxist here, favorite writer is Pynchon.

>> No.6670603

I got the same thing

>> No.6670607

>So /lit/ where do you fall on the political compass?
Bottom-left corner
>And favorite political author?

>> No.6670610

You know what

Catholic Marxism actually sounds believable, considering that priests essentially live in the same way.

>> No.6670611

spic spotted

>> No.6670615

>Catholic Marxist
This is a contradiction.

>> No.6670626

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the theology of liberation.

>> No.6670629
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Atheist Liberal coming through!

>> No.6670642
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>tfw no one likes or hates you

My favorite political writer is Zizek

I vote Republican because I don't care about social issues and just want low taxes

If there were a low tax+reduce military while fixing education/health party I would vote for it

>> No.6670654

Look up liberation theology

If Christianity were actually followed it would be pretty Marxist, but it had to be modified to get the approval of the ruling class in Rome, hence its modern authoritarian structure

>> No.6670658
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>> No.6670664

>on the left

>> No.6670675

French, actually. Let me guess: you live in Jersey?

>> No.6670688
File: 162 KB, 630x419, Wall-St-bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a stooge for the temple of Ba'al, so not accurate.

You're a "progressing-liberal" who's gone farther socialist. I don't use the term liberal anymore. Read up on anarchism, you'll like it.

>> No.6670697

ewwww, no cmon, Frankie's gross. There are so many better gays to compare me to.

I... I believe you

>> No.6670725
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Communist Party member since i was 14

>> No.6670738
File: 30 KB, 590x497, politicsthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to break up the circlejerk in this echochamber

>> No.6670761

spotted the cancer

>> No.6670765
File: 15 KB, 1189x186, you are - political compass self.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

>> No.6670770

Because everyone knows fascists, monarchists, and reactionaries love to have their views challenged, unlike those evil liberals.

>> No.6670827

But that would be a bad thing, Muck.

>> No.6670843
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iunno, Gaddis?

>> No.6670869

post yours butters, what are you afraid of?

>> No.6670879

I'm the one posting on a libtard board you cuck

>> No.6670883
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It means you are sane.

>> No.6670903

The term 'liberal' and the ideology of libertarian comes from Adam Smith's book the wealth of nations.

The picture you also posted is a guy who supported individual ownership and a free market economy, almost the opposite of socialism.

Dumb ass.

>> No.6670911

Neither of those are opposites. Social libertarian is someone who is a libertarian on purely civil issues not fiscal. Fiscal socialism is being a socialist purely in a fiscal sense and not subscribing to the civil structure of socialism.

Those are not examples like libertarian socialism. Try again.

>> No.6670930
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This test is bunk. Apparently, I am a leftist despite basically answering several of the questions with a nationalist and traditionalist response. I guess being skeptical of corporations and caring about the environment is enough to makes one a leftist.

>> No.6670933
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Thomas Paine

>> No.6670938

Boy I sure do love politics threads. Someone tell me about politics, what is your opinions on the political system in our current political climate? Politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics politics.

>> No.6670943

I agree, however, also, politic,s

>> No.6671000
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>> No.6671017
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>> No.6671156
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Not afraid. Being one of the only named and with such a history I didn't think it necessary.

>> No.6671262
File: 17 KB, 480x400, chart (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist ("Stalinist"). The only people I've seen get on the red have been fascist.

Shit, I'm the most authoritarian leftist I know irl, and I've NEVER gotten into the red.

>> No.6671268

the only correct answer ITT

>> No.6671282

>Thinks there's a correct answer to this
>Blue field

>> No.6671330

how can actual Stalinists/Hoxhaists/whatever you want to call them exist.

like I shouldn't be surprised because Nazis exist and stuff, and people much more insane than you are all over this site, but I guess I want to believe that leftists have some basic idea of progress and decency and it just overloads my brain that anyone genuinely thinks Stalin did nothing wrong

>> No.6671375

I'm also a stalinist and I've never got into the red either...

>> No.6671377
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A little left of Hitler, apparently.

>> No.6671406
File: 51 KB, 604x483, stalin the janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a country where almost every leftist is a Maoist. Though I sympathize, I'm not a Hoxhaist. And I don't believe that 'Stalin did nothing wrong'.

My anti-revisionism comes from a disdain towards Trotskyist and Left-communist arrogance, a distrust for liberalism and anarchism (same difference imo), a dislike for the Soviet Union (they supported the dictator Marcos causing their Moscow-oriented puppet Party to disarm in face of repression), and a fetish for the totalitarian (I like Stalin the same reason Zizek has a picture of Stalin in his house). I'm also a nationalist, and I wholeheartingly agree with Stalin over the national question.

>> No.6671432
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>> No.6671463

>Taking all these facebook/myspace tier 'what kind of '...' are you' quizzes

Everyone knows the point of these quizzes is to reinforce your self-delusions and brag about them to everyone, they don't actually assess anything.

>> No.6671491

so which is the fascist answer, yes or no?

>> No.6671502


Affirming it leads you closer to the Fascist (or as Adorno and his buddies called it, the F scale) result.